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Yomi stop eating beansprouts gawd you are so fat look at yourself Pledge reward! (heavily modified from the original stream drawing)




I wonder what kind of deviant would ever request something like this. Oh wait it was me wasn't it?


yomisaurus has evolved into a new life-form of softness


YES THE ORIGINAL QUOTE THIS IS MY NEW FAVOURITE SENRAN FATS Is this the biggest girl you've ever drawn?


All your drawings are so perfect. You draw the best fats Kip!


I think this is the biggest girl that Kip has made a girl in her drawings, this Yomi is sooooooo huge and her face is adorable


Bless this amount of fats, for it is many. We are not worthy!


If your numbers start dropping off after this, it's because you've inadvertently killed your supporters with dangerous levels of chub. The only thing keeping me going is my will to see you draw more turbofats. This is an incredible step up from that first Sakuya you drew waaaay back. I've always wondered how you'd handle a chubbier face and it looks really good. I'm also in love with that arm chub, but now it's making me yearn for a follow up of your Maou picture.


Wow a huge girl !! I like it, do it some more :p Can you do one with a huge pear shape and a smaller belly? :p


I'm slightly concerned that this will drive some people off and or invite unwanted attention, we actually discussed this with RaZor. But so far most people seem to like and I'm very happy about that~


No we are all born worthy of fats. Let us rejoice in this lardy gift from the heavens.


cool, I would love to see an even bigger girl if possible. great work Kip.