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Curious to hear what you guys think. Try to be honest with yourself and if you like many of them equally try to pick one that you couldn't do without.

It is very interesting to see how this turns out as I actually have no idea how this is going to turn out.



For me, the weight gain itself is my favorite aspect. Whether it's a thin girl getting fat, fatty becoming obese, or anywhere in between. Which means that feeding is not necessary, it could be magic or science causing the gain. It's the pleasure of seeing clothes get outgrown, diets ruined, scales broken. That's the appeal.




Honestly, I like weight gain, but on the side of unintentional. Like at the beginning of BWS and NLB, the protagonists we're embarrassed/ashamed of gaining weight, but it seemed inevitable for them to do so. I'd like more of that shame/embarrassment

Geb Baserr

I like the weight gain, the outgrowing of clothes. How hunger slowly overtakes a person as they continue to eat more even though they are worried about their gain. Eventually they stop trying to hold back and give in to their body's demands. Maybe feeding it too much, almost sadistic towards their body. Eventually get turned on or have other people turned on by them. These kind of themes


Interesting, if you had only the wg but none of the things that kinda come with it (like for example the psychological impact of breaking diets as you mentioned), like if it was just a girl getting bigger without consequences would that still be the most important one for you?

Geb Baserr

Supernaturally fast and to the point weight gain or stuffing is nice too


I am not sure I understand the psychological one right. Like, when I see a classic weight gain progression, it is both the physical and psychological changes that matter, if it makes any sense. It's all so intricated that classifying it like in the poll seems kinda artificial to me


Yeah this is my favorite flavor of wg too, the problem is that if a person stays that way for the entire comic then they will likely not want their fat being touched so it starts getting abusive really easily.


I like weight gain and I'm not against it. But i definitely prefer stuffing. Seeing your favorite waifus overeating and stuffing there belly full of food. Getting a tummy ache after and hearing the moans of there voice and digestion of there round full belly


Weight gain is definitely a plus cause soft squishy bellies, but it'd be nice to see a change 🙂


Usually weight gain comes with most of these, but the point of the poll was that which of the aspects would you prefer to focus on. Like, for me the psychological parts of weight gain are more important than the physical gain itself, so the amount of gain doesn't have to be constant or even that big, but for someone who finds the gain itself important they'd need a bigger gain.


Weight gain for me. Growth and transformation is my trade and aside from making the final outcome look cute, I like to think of all the feelings (arousal, embarrassment, etc) that go into the growth process.


I voted for weight gain but I wouldn't say that's my #1 desire. I'm most interested lesbian phats! Not enough chubby yuri content out there. That's my biggest fetish, I like the weight gain but I'm a sucker for anything with fats and girl love. I'm not as interested in the other details if it has those two things together. I could be missing the nature of the poll though? If the "fat people having sex" option had specified (lesbians only) I probably would have voted that way.


Self doubt and internal conflict is what MAKE fat stuff and gluttony for me. It's why your comics are such a treat, you're basically the only one that really does it :D

Steve Pig

You drive a hard bargain, kippy


I voted for Psychological, but my true personal ''main focus'' wasn't in the list. For me, the thing I can't go without is all about the ''Physical aspects of Fats'', like the few stuck scenes you managed to include over time (big thanks <3), and other everyday struggles caused by fatness and gaining (like tight clothes, poor fitness, etc.).


I think I prefer the psychological aspect the most. My fantasy is basically someone caught between their desires and decency. All the better if their own inner conflict turns them on. Being let into their fantasy and teasing them about their desires is tops, especially if you get to partake in their indulgence. E.g. I would love to push kip until she got fired if she was into it, and if she was okay with me taking care of her or getting another job. I would take many jobs to make her as big as she wants :3 but I would also be perfectly content if she decided enough was enough and stopped gaining to keep her job. That being said, I'll go for anything on that list. Not crazy about fat guys, but as long as there at least one plump cutie in the mix I'm all in.

artwork appreciator

i dont really have much of an opinion on any one topic in your comics. i just like round tummies. wg/stuffing is fine (to a reasonable point) and the psychological stuff is interesting as long as everyones happy in the end, but i mainly read for the story and the bellies. kinda vanilla when i think about it.

Naval warfare

Seeing a thin girl gain weight and be ashamed of it is too good. The outgrown clothes is also my favorite as well


Kind of a mixture of Stuffing and Weight Gain, because the seeing a full round belly is extremely arousing, then weight gain is a byproduct of it. Then the stuffed tummy will be bigger and rounder as the weight increases🤷‍♂️


To me, weight gain is almost a 'get out of jail free card'. I explained my reasoning on dA, but I'll just mention here that stuffing can, and will be versatile in this endeavor. A gateway drug, only this drug is a copious amount of food. ♪


Definitely psychological, although for me there is a fine line between enjoying humiliation (clothes outgrown, can‘t control oneself) and getting depressed by your favorite character slowly getting despirited and/or immobilized. I like Sydney as a character a lot since she also enjoys it and so far has kept a lot of her agency. I think it would actually be sad if she got so fat that she was immobilized and had to be taken care of by Tina, but that‘s just me.


Honestly Kip, all of the above lol we just like your work. Keep it up!

Viro Veteruscy

Honestly, all of these can work. Just depends on how the story and characters are structured around it and not make it feel unnatural and something the characters would actually do and not feel out of character.


For me dawg, I gotta go with stuffing.


In particular, it's really about the gluttony for me.


I'm just a fan of the cute chubby grils. That usually involves most of the above. As some others have said, really, the story is what makes it the best. Love you Kip, ♡


try hypnosis /mind control to make characters stuff themselves and then while under the spell force feed others . try doing it in a work setting and /or an isolated secret lair.


I feel like that is the the closest option for you, no reason not to choose that! I wonder how you feel when people bitch about my comic having lesbians and not enough hetero stuff lol.


Glad to hear that! It's really what makes the stuff for me too and no one seems to be doing it, hence why I started drawing comics in the first place.


I was considering making that an option, I feel like I should have now.


Heh that's completely okay, I actually prefer that to going into extremes.

Hugh Mungus

the digestive system is my fetish, so I really like when the girls eat tons more food than necessary just because they want to (stuffing/gluttony). My favorite is when their stomach is making a ton of noise with other people around, and they dont even care because they're just focused on eating. burps are real good too, along with a shot of them actually swallowing their food (I've seen a couple of these from you recently kip, good job!!). and I prefer when they stuff with meats instead of plants. big belly that it just really fat: i sleep big belly because it is full of food: real shit that's not to suggest that I find the fats unattractive, because they are definitely hot. they're like a badge of how much this person has eaten in the past. But it isn't my primary focus. If given the choice between an average weight girl who has just eaten 10 pounds of food vs. a fat girl who has eaten a standard meal, I will pick the one who has eaten more every time. I know I have a highly unusual view of the fats compared to everybody else here, so I hope this was interesting to read 💕


Stuffing and belly play. WG is mostly a side effect of repetitive overeating, but is not strictly a requisite component of stuffing, and I have real aesthetic limits on WG outside of pure fantasy (also, stuffing not a requisite of WG). Forced feeding is also kind of... it's hot but it's evil and I'm not really into the denigration side of things. Psychological bits eg the effects of weight on clothing, lifestyle, etc. Maybe some exhibitionism, but again not the humiliation aspect so much.


Are people really voting for weight gain? Come on man, that's a given. Pretty much every one of these options has that even if it's not the focus. It's like if someone asks what kind of icecream you want and you go "just stick some milk in the freezer for me." Force-feeding is the hottest though, because I love that powerplay. The psychological aspects are also fun, and belly-play/fat-based-foreplay is way hotter than plain old intercourse, fite me IRL if you disagree.


I have the same tastes. If the story starts out and they're already fat it's like "what's the point?" I really like the contrast between the before and the after and you don't really get that when they already start out large. It also lends itself to the psychological aspect better, because a thin girl who suddenly has her appetite shift into overdrive is going to react to it better. Maybe she loves it, can't stop playing with her stomach when its so taut and full, maybe she's trying all sorts of exercises and remedies to lose weight and failing, but it's going to make much more impact than it will if she's already big. Plus stomach distention is far more noticeable on a slender frame.


I think the people who voted for weight gain are suggesting there's still ROOM to gain. A lot of these options sort of 'level out' the weight or don't increase it?


I went with weight gain because for me it's more about the journey than the destination. The first 15 lbs or so are my favorite, along with the causes and effects of them. If I had a second choice though, I'd be all about the psychological aspects. Not really into suffering as much as just basic observations and slice of life kind of realizations. "Huh, I don't remember these jeans being so tight. Oh yeah, I guess my diet's been pretty bad lately." instead of "OMG how can I be fat? My life is over!"


It was hard for me to decide. Weight gain is my top love. But stuffing is important too, nothing wrong with a plump belly full of food, since it's a sign of enjoyment and satisfaction, but the nicest thing is seeing where it all ends up on the body. And belly/fat play was my second choice because I love the enjoyment of the consequences, loving everything you've done, just makes me smile. I love the psychological aspects but humiliation will pretty much never be my thing which is why it wasn't in consideration for me. If separated from all the other more positive ones then I'd be more torn on my decision. Like, I enjoy enjoyment. Some denial or reluctance is cute and fun, not noticing the gains can be fun too, but I love some downright hedonism. I enjoy someone enjoying getting big. But I wouldn't want you to change a thing you don't want to, I like the work you make and no one else really does what you do. The relationships and ongoing stories and conflicts and the style of stuffing you do is sort of what makes your stuff stand out. That and of course your cute distinct art style.


I hope you see my comment. It is not just a choice, it is an advice too. I want to explain an amazing part of gaining and for that I collect all of my english knowledge. ^^ With one word: COMPARISON! It is near to psychological aspects, but it is never specifically mentioned from you. When you compare the previous with the current one. If you use phrases of this aspect, every dialog can be much more "spicy". Every chubby girl is sexier (and looks fatter) if sie is sompared with something skinny. This is the basic idea, I show some example. 1. Tight clotes: Comparison with herself. "I was so skinny, but this clothes fit nomore." 2. Act as a skinny: Fat has affect on behavior. If somebody acts and says things, which is fit to a popular attractive girl. It is a "hidden comparison". Wearing croptop and saying "I am sexy and I know it" with a big fat belly. 3. Together with a skinny: Two person, one is fat, one is not. They can analize one of them is how much bigger. Seeing, touching, measuering, and everything speaking out. The skinny girl is NEEDED to show how skinny could be, how small is the healthy body and where starts the fat. 4. Remembering: Other person compare the fat one. "I don't remembered you have a so big butt." "I remember we used to have enough place in the bed for both of us, but now you need all place." I hope you can use this aspect. I love your work so much, but honestly humiliation in the dialogs is a bit too much, Sandy and Tina use almost the same phrases. My choose is not a whole comic. I just want to read sometimes this kind of sentences, so the dialogs can be more variant and sexier. Two examples what I MISSED: For example when Sydney was first time at Sandy, Sandy didn't compare themselfes, her thin body is perfect to put Sydney the on the spot of big difference. Page 176: Tina coud remember how small was Syd's butt compared to the current one. ... ect These were my thoughts on the subject. I hope my letter reaches you and you can use something from them and I hope I didn't write too stupid things. Your work is incredible! I love your drawing, and if it would be better, it would be more statisfying than any dream! ❤


I've done comparisons a lot before (especially with Grace), it's not something that fits every dialogue. It only works when there's a character doing it on purpose.


I like all of these. But all of them revolve around weight gain. That's why if I can only choose one, I'll choose the central theme.

Steve Pig

I'm a simple man Just gimme something big to chew


I feel like many people thought this way, I shouldn't have included wg as an option at all.


Definitely weight gain


I guess i'm in the majority


force feeding :)

Don Fluffles

both stuffing AND force feeding. It's all about the over-eating for me. I like my women a little chubby, sure. A little weight gain as a sign of over-indulgence is hot. But it's all about filling that belly and making it big and rawnd, being a sinful little glutton who gets sexual pleasure out of pushing the limits and just wants more more more. Sydney's hot, but she'd be just as hot at half the size, as long as she still stuffed herself / was stuffed. I'd love it if Tina started out trying to stuff Sydney but Sydney turned it around on her and started force-feeding Tina. haaawt