Christmas Collab Background (Patreon)
Here's the background for the christmas collab! Traditional one for the real christmas feel.
I included some silhouettes to show how character placement would roughly go. There's space at the back and lots of space at the front, so keep the scale in mind when you draw. Likely try drawing a bit smaller than the silhouettes shown, but it doesn't matter much as I will scale them up and down as required.
Also some characters standing close to the front may not have their feet visible but it's advised to draw the whole character anyway in case I have to position them differently. Also if you want your character to interact with something please state so beforehand!
Download the BG if you wanna try fitting your characters to the color scheme. For the final picture I'll add ambient lighting to fit all the characters to the picture better so don't worry about that too much!
The sooner you have your character the better, but let's try to get it done by deadline of wednesday 19th, one week from now. You can post a link to your drawing here or you can send me a message.
Happy drawing to everyone who took part!