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After a good night of fondling guts




Aw hey her stud came with her! Good for her.


ZOMG the awkward gay sweeties...


credits roll


Fina looks preggers lol and Sydney keeps growing!😍😍😍


Oh God Sydney's big gut hanging out over her pants is so freaking sexy- she's just the perfect lil' watermelon :)

Steve Pig

Sara, you giant thirdwheeler, dont you realize you're the only one who has'nt attained LOVE YET??? ;______;


I'll wait to regain her fat...✨


Oh damn, Fina really does- I have a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE pregnancy fetish so I absolutely adore that


This page really cemented for me how this comic, sexy and fetish it may be, also has me caring for and understanding your characters. I remember when you put Dinner with Sister on hiatus for this despite its popularity in the FA community. I think that might've been a little scary to switch gears but it really paid off. It's a lot of work to build a story in this medium and bring it to a place where characters are human and likable, especially when there's pressure to over objectify, simplify and cater to your audience. Congratulations. If you aren't already, you should be super proud of this.


It's a bit of a mixed feel for me. Obviously there are people who like NoLunch characters but it's not really doing well for "mainstream" appeal which has a lot to do with the kind of characters I wanted to create. All of the girls are on purpose made to look quite ordinary and not too quirky or anything. I wanted to create a group that wasn't your standard anime tsundere and ara-ara and genki baka stereotype. I think this kind of thing doesn't get explored enough, but it's also shown me why. Familiarity is such a strong thing for people that they need to have that hook to even give anything a chance. So while this has been a personal success on some levels I understand that it cannot be as popular as when doing something that people want and expect.


I'm surprised the dude stuck around. Now we just need Sara x Sandy


We love NLB and can't wait for even more


my long shot hope is the dude ends up breaking tina's heart even worse, redoubling her descent into slovenly depression.


thats a twisted way of looking at it, but mildly understandable. Personally, I don't want any more harm to come to the chubs ;P