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I'm back everyone! To those of you that follow my twitter you might already know, but if you don't I was in Japan for 2 weeks meeting up with fellow fatty-artists.

Sorry I didn't make a post or anything about this, I felt like I was able to recharge better and focus on getting a break this way. I will post all the arts we did here so you'll at least get something out of the whole thing.

Our group consisted of Me, Bamboo-ale, Jeetdoh, PrinceMatchacakes, Dr-Black-Jack and a couple other people. We met with Kukuru, Squarewave, Akiragata, Saladtaste and many other amazing japanese artists! We had an amazing time sharing this cultural exchange and creating relationships together for future projects. And we did quite a bit of art together!

I will get back to normal schedule now with weekly updates of NLB and other rewards. So there will be lotsa stuff coming up soon~




that's rly cool!


Ehmahgerd, so many fatties!! I didn't even realize there was a community of such artists, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Being such a "niche" thing probably makes for a tightly-knit, cohesive community.

Geb Baserr

That's awesome, rip Kato I I'd hoped he would have transitioned to enty and non-hardcore stuff by now. There's a whole community now which is great.


Wow, this is great Kip! You got a deserved break, and at the same time, we're gonna be blessed with so much fatty content from this trip! Already looked at some of the art you posted on Twitter and it's fantastic.

Some Aigis

That's cool, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, and I'm excited to see what comes of it in the future.


Sounds like an amazing trip :D