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What do you think about the idea of having my own discord channel for Patreon? Would you use it and do you see any merit to such a thing?

Patreon keeps spamming me with "hey you know we have discord option now why don't you have a channel yet hmm HMM? why don't you ; )))) " and a couple other people have also asked about it but I've been quite reluctant because I don't ...know what to use it for. That said it could be useful for leaving feedback and if you guys want me to write about something.

So yeah, good idea or not?



Feline Fallacy

Kinda just seems like one more extra thing to update when you could easily just leave us a comment post like this on your normal feed... But that being said I am not familiar with it as an operator and haven't seen it add much extra functionality to a fan base. 🤗 So unless someone has a really specific reason to use it, just seems kinda superfluous.

Haris Pilton

Do it. All of us fans can talk with each other! ;3


It sounds like fun! I imagine it would be most useful for more brainstorming/feedback since making a Patreon post for a little thing feels so formal.

Nenohi Dayo

Honestly I wanted to suggest to you some kind of discord extension where we all could discuss upcoming wips or even fan polls and such. Whether it's for public or private use I'd totally be down. 👌👌

Bunny Cut



Yeah that's how I've felt, but there are a lot of people who seem to like the concept and I'm willing to do the extra work if it makes people happy.


If it's Patreon only it could be fun.


Yeah I think that's one of the uses for it. Giving ideas and discussin them.


Yeah that's kinda the point, and I'd probably make it 5$ tier only to avoid spam and shit.

Roi Hartmann

In theory I have nothing against it. I just wonder do you have time to keep it up. Even if it was just for $5+ tier there would probably be dozens of users and that may (possibly) mean more moderation in that case.


I might get some friends to moderate, and I'd try keep my involvement in anything between users at minimum.

Jared Hammaker

Gaming? Gaming! (to be honest, that's all I use discord for, so feel free to ignore me)

Geb Baserr

Unless you can share screen and sketch live, I don't see much of a use for it. Maybe Q&A?


Streams are for that, but I have trouble doing them with my schedule nowdays. I can still post wips and whatever


Id be so down for this!!!!

Some Aigis

I'm already active in the Discords of a few other artists, and I think it's enjoyable to talk to them and other fans. I'd be up for whatever you wanted it to be.


I'm totally on board with a little Discord community. Dunno how much real USE it'd have, to be honest, but it could be fun.


Well this logo is amazing. However with my experience in other artist's discords is that it's just a spamfest of loads of random people talking about random stuff and doesn't feel like a special place with the character of the artist at all. It doesn't feel very personal!


It could be a good or a bad thing, with how big your fanbase and patreon is in general, you'd need a good moderation team, and channel design/layout it also a thing to consider, and whether or not you even want voice chat to be touched, or just do without it entirely. Roles will be important as well, who can post where/etc. Voice chat is extremely hard to moderate as there aren't logs of it, you have to rely on 'well he said this and xx and xxx heard him say it too!" And while I do agree with Phat94 that it can just be talked about random stuff, I don't neccesarily think that's a bad thing, it all depends on what you have time for and what you want to put up with and what exactly you want to use it for.


I'm not too sure. I mean, I'd love to talk to you but if too many folks join it might just be a stressful, cluttered mess. Maybe put it up for a trial run and if it doesn't work out the way -you- seem fit, you could perhaps purge it? I myself run a pretty big community, if you'd like any help setting it up or moderating it, I'd be on board!


I would strictly use it to shitpost with more dumb edits like Sandy in sunglasses, telling Tina about how her actions lack a certain monetary value.


I'd like to meet other fans in a easy fashion.


It'd be a good idea I think, if only so there is somewhere for fans to chat and hang out together


It's a double edged-sword in regards to this. In one hand it'd be nice speaking with other people in the same boat, but at the same time the same people could potentially be malicious and or trolls if given the power to do so. Mind you I know that's what the moderators are for, so yeah. On the other hand too, due to the ability to make different channels on it, you could make even tier lists on there that would make it easier to communicate to the pledgers, whilst keeping it professional(us, lol). People need to understand that even if it's for social intent and a positive note, basically behaving would be top priority so in the end, it would be a 'good' thing for both parties. c:


I'm down! It's nice to be able to chat with the artist, or even just enjoy memes and progress (and messing around) with their art before posting it. :)


I think it's a good idea. DA and Patreon aren't really social platforms so you can't really have a good conversation with people. (I'm Emeffy on DA, btw)


I wouldn’t mind


Good enough idea in theory, the real question is: Would *you* use it?


sounds pretty nice


Please do. I need more dank memes