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Good news! Patreon has decided not to go with their planned revamp with pledges!

They are looking for "other options" to fund the third party fees, but for now, the system will stay the same.

If you don't know what this is about then ignore and move on, things will stay the same.

If you were aware of this however, then know that this is extremely good news. The backlash from the community was massive and everyone was hating on the new system. Even I had a nightmare one night where the change would end up with half of my patrons suddenly leaving... I mean I doubt that would have actually happened but still, I was really stressing about it. It's a load off my shoulders. The current system isn't perfect, but it's not the atrocity that would have been the new one.

You can read about it here.



Jared Hammaker

Yay for that, was waiting to see how it played out. Though you would've got my money regardless :p

Shelby Decker

Man, today seems to be filled with good news. :D


Even if it went through I wasn't going to change anything on my behalf. Supporting you is top priority and no matter what I wasn't going to change that. The only thing that'd stop me like the past was financial instability. But I'm personally glad like you said it didn't go through, god what an absolute trainwreck that would've been. But yeah I was aware of it, I seen a few posts regarding how it'd affect the income of both parties, especially on the artists and creators end of the deal, and it was hindering more than helping. Fear not though Kip, subside those nightmares, the only nightmare you should ever have is if the food ran out. Anywho, to a brighter, more rotund future!


Well that's good!

Some Aigis

I'm glad that Patreon actually listened to it's users, that's refreshing. Just know that I'd follow you wherever you choose to post.

Geb Baserr

I thought it was strange you didn't post about it initially, this is great news though.


I didn't want to encourage mass hysteria, and I was also hoping they would listen to the feedback which they did. If I had made a post about the changes I might have lost pledgers for no reason.


Overall I trust Patreon as a company a lot more than your average hollow corporate drone. They have surprisingly good customer service and they actually listen to their users and their desires a lot.


Oh god, when i saw the Good news, i just immideatly read it in professor Putricide's voice *Good news everyone*


Monthlies like you didn't concern me, it was the two creators I support who do per update and drop multiple times a month...


Thanks, I know most people wouldn't mind but it would still suck to squeeze the money out of pledgers while barely affecting my income. I'm glad they decided to cancel it.


Yeah I know it wouldn't have affected my kind of business that much, but still there was basically nothing positive in it for anyone involved.