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Chapter 7: Motherfucking Xizor

Bella was speechless at Oola's presence. She quickly broke away from Savan. She had never felt more guilty than she did now. She could only feel the ghost of attraction she did before.

“Oola, I...”

Bella could not find the words. Not in the state she was in. The look of betrayal on Oola's face was heartbreaking, and she looked away from her in shame. Savan simply smiled and looked down, seeing that her robes had been a little torn up, the underside of her breasts showing to all those present and it would have been easy for anyone to snake their hands up and envelop them fully. Her clothes were fine enough that any average person living across the galaxy would look at them in awe and see them as a very nice gift for a loved one, but such was the opulence of the two survivors of House Sizhran that they considered the clothes they came to this den to be disposable and not worth merit compared to the rest of their wardrobe. Coming here at all in such regalia was both a way of saying they were better than everyone else as well as showing how much they just didn't care.

“So this is the one that opened you up,” Xizor said. “You have good taste Miss Jedi.”

“And she's not good enough to appreciate it,” Savan said. She licked her lips, savoring Bella's spit in her mouth, then went on over to the Twi'lek and cupped her face. Oola jumped back, all her attention was on the Falleen woman. She couldn't begin to understand why, she felt no anger at this one for stealing away her Jedi lover and savior, and before she even realized it all her thoughts were revolving around her, wanting her and fantasizing about her.

Savan knew it too. Seizing the moment of opportunity, she pulled the young girl by her naked shoulders right into a kiss. Oola jolted up with surprise at first but that was soon burned away by sheer lust, and her body melted into her captor's grip. She returned Savan's touches before she even realized it, cupping her exposed breasts and making no movement to resist the clawed hands reaching down her bottoms and fondling her bare ass, digging her claws into her skin.

Bella watched in lust and jealousy. Seeing Oola getting into it, submitting to a powerful chemical she could never begin to understand was heartbreaking, and there were small juices running down the Twi'lek girl's thighs. If nothing else was at stake, she would have ignited the lightsaber on her person and rescued her. But she couldn't. That Jedi restraint did nothing to blunt the perverted gnawings once again blooming in her body.

She was so lost in watching it and her own confused feelings that she didn't even feel sense Xizor approaching her from behind. Not physically and not in the force. But when one of his large hands lay upon her shoulder, her awareness returned to her. Without turning herself around, she looked back at him. By now his skin was crimson, and knowing what that meant, her own lust answered in return, she couldn't even find the energy to be displeased.

“I do apologize for my lovely niece's rudeness.” The tall man cupped her chin and smoothly ran his thumb over her soft lips and she made to speak and instead only a low whisper came out. “Allow me to make it up to you.”

Her thoughts were burned away by his pheromones. She closed her eyes before their lips met and opened her mouth to let his tongue slip inside of her mouth. The wild feelings of burning lust were so comforting just like before, but now it had been so long since she felt a man's touch. Bella reached her arms behind her to wrap around Xizor's neck, caressing his spinal neck ridges.

He was far more aggressive than Savan. He reached under her little top and found her enormous breasts, his large hands were perfectly suited to fully envelop their large size just the way she liked. He kneaded them sensually with his palms and used his nails to graze her skin with the perfect amount of pressure. She apparently was getting off on it bad because her kisses became more aggressive and wanton, making muffled moans and moving her hips back and forth while a glistening wetness leaked from within her bottoms down to her inner thighs. The only thing in this exclusive suite were the two couples passionately sucking face with each other.

Bella could feel his hardness in his robes on her rump. Her own twat burned for him in response, she had no regrets about being with Oola but it had been so long since she had known a man's touch. She remembered seeing Leia fucking him, and now she could understand why the princess had given herself to him so easily. A forbidden craving had set all her rational thought to the flame and now she could think of the moment of their joining growing closer with every passing second. No troublesome thoughts of the empire or the Sith. Just this delicious moment.

Xizor momentarily broke the kiss and looking into Bella’s eyes said, “You kiss just like your daughter did,” before he brushed his lips up on her again.

Aly! The thought pierced her mind and she quickly pushed him back. Xizor's smug grin changed to a look of shock as he beheld her resisting him, but then he quickly changed his expression back to that same smile to assert his dominance over her once more.

Oola was still under Savan's control. Bella went on over to them and broke them up, pushing the Falleen noblewoman away from the dancer. Oola stumbled around weakly like she had just been shaken free from a daze, then looked back up at Bella. Her confused face turned to one of anger at looking into the face of someone she felt had betrayed her and being denied that embrace with Savan. She was speaking incoherently in Twi’leki when Bella waved her hand in a mind trick and just said, “Listen.”

It was solely meant to calm her down. Oola’s emotions were still in a wild storm but then as she looked at her girlfriend, it just occurred to her how strange the situation was. The desire had not evaporated from her yet but whatever prominence it held was being swept away from her realization at just how bizarre everything had been.

At that time the two Falleen nobles had also regrouped with each other. They looked at their two would-be thralls with amusement and at that point they were returning their glances. Bella was holding onto Oola to protect her, but otherwise took no action against the other two. She still knew what was at stake and no matter how much she tried to will it away, her body still burned where Xizor had touched her.

“Do you understand the basic tongue little girl?” Savan said to Oola. She nodded. “Then let me put things in perspective. Your beloved Jedi is seeking out her daughter. Jabba knows where she is.”

“But she is heavily guarded,” Xizor said. He looked right into Bella’s eyes, knowing he had her attention. “She is at Vader’s side now. Whether it is performing secret operations for him or at his side learning Sith doctrine, she is his apt pupil. And right now, I can tell you exactly where she is. Where she’s been for nearly a week now.” He stopped, wanting the Jedi to hear his next words perfectly. “It’s Vader’s castle on Bast.”

“That's it?” Bella said. “Fine.”

“You’ll die before you step foot in there. Wherever Vader goes, he is under strict protection. And that’s all the more true for his personal abode. There are stormtroopers wherever he goes.”

“Stormtroopers are nothing compared to a Jedi Master.”

“A few of the Emperor’s Royal Guard are with him too.” He smirked, knowing why he was being protected by those red soldiers. Palpatine had not sent them for Vader’s safety so much as to act as his eyes and ears on watching his apprentice.

She was nonplussed. “Nothing I haven’t handled before.”

“Vader himself is there too. You might make some progress. But you’ll be dead before you reach your goal. And your beloved daughter will see your body, and with her hope shattered, her journey as a Sith will be complete.”

“Then what can you actually do for me?”

“I can bring her here. I have connections in the empire. You can have your long awaited reunion.”

“All we ask is for something in return,” Savan said.

Oola looked at Bella, now fully understanding the lengths she was willing to go to.

“Now that you’re both here, things are going to be a little different,” Xizor said. “My lovely niece will have the first bite of you both. And I’ll eat my desserts. Then I will arrange things and you will see your daughter once again.”

“Alright,”she said.

“You don’t have to…” Bella started.

“No, you came here for a reason. You didn’t come here for me. You protected me so many times. So please…”

Looking into the girl’s eyes, Bella knew there was nothing she could say to dissuade her. She looked back at Xizor. “Okay,” she said.

“Excellent,” Xizor said, his cruel smile lighting up his handsome features into a malicious visage.

“Don’t be so morose my pretties,” Savan said to her prospective lovers. “You liked it plenty before. I can make you love it before the day is done.”

“Big talk,” Bella said.

“I wonder though. When we're done with you, who will you be thinking about more?” She glanced back at Xizor who by now was sitting down, watching the scene that would play out.

Bella didn't have a comeback for that one. She had broken free of the pheromone induced trances of both of them, but the warmth of Xizor's hands caressing her bare breasts had not left her flesh and she still ached to have him inside of her. Looking at Savan, she only felt anger, for letting this woman get under her skin and trying to steal her lover away from her. In tandem with the cravings she still felt, it inflamed her that much more.

The Falleen noblewoman walked on over to the both of them. “Let's add another conditional to this tryst,” she said. “If I leave you on the floor shivering first, I get to take this one with me,” she said, looking at Oola.

Those words sent a shiver up the spines of both Bella and Oola. Bella couldn't respond both from surprise as well as how much that statement turned her on. They had regained themselves but even after had still felt the effects of those pheromones and so close to the beguiling woman, they still wanted her terribly even next to each other. All the more when she lifted up the front of her robes to reveal her tits as if she was just another dancer in Jabba's employ herself.

The two of them gazed at her breasts for just a moment, stunned as they were. Then they stopped, and looked back into her eyes. She was smiling at still being able to captivate them like that.

“And if I make you cum first, she stays with me,” Bella said.

Savan showed no reaction. The fun is just beginning, she thought to herself. “On the other hand, if you win dear Jedi, I wonder if you two doing it will be the same after you've had a taste of me.”

“On the contrary,” Bella said. “I'll be the best fuck you've ever had and you won't be able to think about anything else afterwards.”

Xizor smiled hearing that. And his grin widened as he saw the Jedi boldly yank her top down, revealing her full breasts. After feeling them up, he longed to suck on them. But good things came to those who waited.

But things were plenty interesting now. Bella moved herself against Savan, her naked tits spreading out over the other woman's chest. She pushed the Falleen woman until her back was up against the wall. Bella aggressively moved her chest on her, her hard nipples roughly moving on Savan's told just how much she was under the effect of those pheromones now more than ever and she embraced her lusts, intending to dominate this woman and make her regret ever crossing her. Bella didn't have any pheromones of her own, but she could tell by the hard caps moving right up on her own that her rival was getting off it plenty.

Savan was no slouch herself. She was ready to win this contest, both for the prize of taking the Twi'lek girl with her as well as punishing this insolent Jedi woman. She was getting her body worked, but Bella was so much more exposed in that little dancer's outfit, and everytime she moved up on Savan, those pheromones she exuded rubbed right up on her bare skin. Stepping things up a notch, she felt all over her nearly naked body as if she were some horny boy, gently raking her claws on her skin just like she had before, knowing it would send shivers up her spine. And as she did that, she naughtily snuck a hand down her little bottom.

Bella shrieked feeling those hands directly on her pussy which by now was soaking. At first Savan only grabbed the outer labia, clutching onto it hard while she teased the perineum with her claws. Not letting go of her cunt, Savan pulled her down so that they fell on the floor with her under the Jedi woman. She made slow delicate motions with her fingers, gently prodding inside her vulva.

Bella was losing it. Unable to take it anymore she dry humped Savan hard, it just felt so good. Her nipples were raw and she craved to feel those slender fingers inside of her pussy even as she knew it would mean that she'd never see Oola again. But she didn't care, she couldn't think, she was going to cum soon and all rational thought had been scattered to the wind. She knew it would feel so amazing.

Savan grinned. The Twi'lek girl would be hers. And she knew she'd love the face of defeat on Bella's face. But then just as she was ready to touch Bella's clit and end this bout once and for all, Oola sat right on top of her face.

Savan was so stunned that she couldn't move. Oola had taken off her bottom in the meantime and rubbed her bare pussy hard all over Savan's face. Bella regained her composure in that brief time, and stopped grinding up with the woman under her. She looked up at Oola, who was smiling at her tenderly. She didn't need the force for Bella to understand what she meant.

Her body still on fire, Bella slipped her hand under Savan's robes. The Falleen woman tried to keep her hand out but she wasn't having it and it wasn't long until she found that pussy, just as wet as hers. She didn't waste time in teasing her and stuck her fingers deep inside her.

Savan's whole body jerked up. With a wet pussy riding right on her mouth, she had no choice but to eat it, her tongue lapping hard inside Oola's cunt. Desperate to regain her advantage, she started playing with Bella's clit.

She could feel the nub hard and quivering inside the hood. Bella bit her lip to keep her shriek of pleasure quiet. She Bella closed her eyes and connected with the force. It was a supreme act of willpower, those pheromones hadn't stopped and Savan had begun to poke her fingers inside her vagina. Remaining resolute, Bella focused the force into her hands and stirred her fingers deep inside her rival's pussy. Channeling her psychic power through her hands, it was like she was fucking Savan's twat with all the intensity of a giant dick.

Savan broke first. She started grinding up against Bella this time, needing that release. Bella slowly touched her but soon picked up the pace. The pheromones were still driving her and Oola crazy especially with her playing with both of their cunts, but with both of them on top of the alien temptress, they looked up at each other and smiled, knowing they had taken the upper hand. Especially when Savan suddenly jerked up in an unmistakable state of orgasm.

Now that Bella knew she had won, she could abandon all pretense. She resumed dry humping Savan and submitted herself to that amazing hand still playing with her pussy. Both women were furiously grinding up against each other and fingering each other's cunts. Bella came shortly after but didn't stop touching her, she intended to make her pay for ever trying to take Oola away from her.

Eventually Oola squeaked from an orgasm. That tongue was still licking inside her even as she came right on top of Savan's face and she had to get off her, the rapture made her feel like she was going to break. Getting a better look at Savan's face now, Bella could see her calm Falleen demeanor was all but shattered. She leaned forward and the two engaged in a lurid makeout session, she could taste her lover's pussy juices still fresh on her face and in her mouth. The two stopped fingering each other and nastily mashed their cunts together while still hungrily sucking face, totally devoted to sexual bliss and pleasure.

Xizor was smiling very much at that point. He knew his niece could be passionate when she wanted to be, but now she was acting like a wild animal. It was bringing something out of him too.

He looked over at Oola. The young girl was lying on her side with her back to him and shamelessly fingering herself, no doubt from getting eaten so good as well as watching the two women go at it. It would be terribly cruel to sit there by himself and not grant her the satisfaction she craved. Finally standing up he unsheathed his penis from his robes and approached her.

As Oola was going to town on herself, Xizor grabbed her hips and set her up so that she was on all fours. She was so surprised that she could barely even react. She looked back and saw his rock hard penis, he was sitting up on his knees, and then he rammed her dick straight inside her.

She cried out loudly from his hot dick stab all the way inside her. His width pressed open her vaginal walls to levels of sweetness she didn't know was possible and then he was moving. She could do nothing but move along with him both from the intensity of his fucking and now good he felt.

Bella and Savan were still lezzing out, the rest of the galaxy long abandoned to them when the former heard her girlfriend crying out in sweet ecstasy. She looked up to see Oola on all fours getting rammed by Xizor. She snapped up in alarm and would have rushed to her aid, but the sight of seeing her girlfriend getting her freak on with Savan pushed her to another nervous orgasm.

She let out a shameful grunt of release. She looked back at Oola, wanting to communicate somehow to say she was sorry for letting this happen to her. They shared glances for several seconds. But the Twi'lek was moaning so loud and even though her face was helpless, there was no doubt that she was getting it good. Then Oola willingly turned away from Bella and threw her head back, her mouth opening in what was undeniably release. She remember how Xizor had touched her, made her want it so easily, and now she knew that Oola could do nothing but enjoy it.

The same was true for her as well. Savan regained the advantage and stirred her hands in that pussy faster and faster, and soon Bella was shrieking as loudly as Oola was. She hadn’t stopped giving it right back to the woman under her, but she was still distracted by Xizor and her girlfriend going at it. It was getting her so horny.

Then Xizor pressed himself in all the way, releasing all his cum deep inside Oola’s pussy. Already wailing from getting fucked by him, she screamed in her second climax from being railed so hard, loud enough for the other patrons of Jabba’s palace a noisy place in and of itself, to hear her. The orgasm was so intense that she weakly fell onto her front. He pulled his dick out, a long strand of cum between their genitals.

“You liked seeing my uncle fuck her, didn’t you?” Savan said, licking Bella’s cheek, who still had her face turned to watch it.

“Shut up,” Bella said, ignoring her as best she could. But they were still humping their naked bodies all over each other.

Xizor was far from satisfied. Wanting more, he stood up and scooped Bella into his arms so that he was holding her up and then shoved his cock inside of her. Already in a heightened state of pleasure, she moaned weakly from feeling him inside of her. It had been so long since she had known a man’s touch in the heights of lust and ecstasy, she was vulnerable to Savan, but powerless against Xizor.

And he fucked her exactly like she wanted. She had known plenty of men in her youth and she didn’t regret a single bit of it, but he was like none of them altogether. Helpless against his thrusts, she reached around his neck and held onto him weakly as he drilled her needy cunt.

Bella easily some of the biggest tits he had ever seen, he had played with them earlier, but right now he wanted to do something else with them entirely. He took one of them in his mouth, with the passion in him it was like he was practically eating it, and as he was devouring it, he felt her orgasm on his dick right then and there. Her orgasm on his penis bareback inside of her would have broken down most men and satisfied them in short order. But he had taken too many women in his century and a half long life to be affected by it, and he kept on plowing her.

Savan watched Bella holding onto him and helplessly fucking him right back with a smug grin on her face. The Jedi’s head was thrown back, her long dark hair splaying with every hump between the two of them as she took it. Oola also watched intently. Dipping a hand to her cum filled cunt, her mind was numbed over from the blazing ecstasy Xizor had filled her up with and she touched herself without a care in the world.

Unable to bear it anymore, Bella clung to him totally with as much strength as she should. Legs wrapped around his back, she was holding onto his neck, her breasts were rubbing right up against Xizor’s muscular chest, they were swapping spit with carnal abandon, and there was no doubt that they were totally devoted to each other in that embrace of lust and passion. He was nearing his climax.

Bella came on him again. That did break him, and his cock throbbed inside of her, releasing a load of goo that was easily as strong as the one he shot inside of Oola. She would have screamed if her voice wasn’t already so furious from their fucking, and she could only submit to what felt like several orgasms in a row as his jizz filled her right up.

He let her off him, and she fell onto the floor, his cum pouring out of her too, seemingly unaware of anything else that was happening, that's how badly he had messed her up. Far from satisfied, he climbed on top of her and jammed his prick in between her hooters. She wrapped them back around his member without a second's hesitation and rocked herself along with him, her breasts were on fire after Savan's treatment, and she needed so much more.

She was servicing him with as much passion as he was giving it to her. His dick was big enough that it was hitting up against her face with every thrust and she quickly opened her mouth to take him in. She wanted nothing more than to pleasure him totally.

That wild lust was reawakening something inside of her. To his surprise, she got up on her knees, forcing him to stand up and move back. That position pleased him, it gave her a better vantage point on sucking his dick and moving her breasts on his shaft at the same time. And he loved this view from above at seeing her suck him off.

She took his cock out of her mouth and looked right up at him. His grin was as smug as ever, but in the heat of that moment, his handsome exotic features made that condescending smile look so heartwarming to her. While she was lost in his stare, there was another one still eager for some fun.

Just as she was about to resume sucking her off, another pair of hands grabbed her head and turned her face. She barely recognized that she was looking at Savan's vagina, and then her face was right in the Falleen princess' cunt. Already being torn apart with lust, she ate her out no problem.

The two Falleen nobles looked at each other and smiled. Humans didn't have their species' unique pheromones to make these sorts of encounters extra special. But they were so easily broken at the first opportunity and could often prove to be the most passionate of lovers once exposed to their power. Even a Jedi Master was no match for them.

Bella pulled her face away and grunted when she had an orgasm through her tits. She bit her lip, unable to concentrate anymore, as her whole body was on fire. Savan took her face and moved it back inside her twat. The Jedi Master was still wracked with mindless lust, and in that state of instinct, only moved her chest down on him even harder while eating out the other woman, wanting to service her two paramours.

Savan came first, her vagina spasming right on Bella's face and releasing a torrent of juices. In that mind numbing state of addicted desire, she just closed her eyes this time and ate as much of her royal juices as she could, wanting it, needing it. That only prompted Xizor to ram her breasts even harder.

He cupped her head so that she was looking at him. Bella looked up at him in that almost childlike innocent state of first love even in the lewd situation she was in, and closing her eyes, resumed sucking him off while she was tit fucking him. Before he knew it, he came, shooting his spooge down her throat. It was such a strong torrent of cum that she had to move her head back, and he shot another load all over her face and in her hair.

Finally he took his dick out of her cleavage. She was still taking it in when he released one final load all over mane of dark hair. She barely noticed though, her body was shaking all over, and she was awkwardly trying to clean her face of his cum. Nor did she notice much when he wrapped her dark locks around his pecker and cleaned his dick off.

Immediately she and Oola got up on their knees and together licked all over his cock, covered with a mix of his cum and their love juices. He looked at Savan, who by now could only frown at now being left out of this whole thing. He found himself getting very hard again in short order as the two ladies licked him up and down, worshiping him with their mouths.

He had a mind to take this wayward Jedi Master back with him as another lover and share her alongside Leia. She was feeling much the same way at that point, her mind was eroded over, thinking nothing of her daughter or the empire, and all she could think about was sex with Xizor, knowing he could and would satisfy her again and again. But he was a man of honor as much as he was a criminal kingpin, and he intended to honor his bargain. He suddenly came again in what seemed like only seconds later, releasing a final spurt that went high up in the air and then landed down on their heads.

He finally began to soften a bit. If they kept going at it, he would have gotten hard again in no time. But he put his hands on their heads and they stopped. He looked at Bella, who in that state and with her unusually youthful looks for a woman in her forties thanks to the force slowing down her aging, looked more like any of the young girls taken in to have fun at Jabba’s palace.

“You have performed admirably for me. I will honor my part of the bargain. You will see your daughter tomorrow.”

Her face lit up, snapping out a bit of the mental fog he had put her under. “Thank you! Thank you so much...I…”

“And the girl?” Savan said, looking at Oola. That was enough to shock the both of them out of their good cheer. They remembered that little bet.

But Xizor waved her away. “You came first didn’t you my dear niece? That means that the girl stays here.” He chuckled, thinking it ironic that the prize of Oola she had set her eyes upon was the one person who won her freedom in the end.

“They cheated!” Savan said, flustered. “I would have had her and then she…” She looked at Oola.

“You did not agree to any formal rules,” Xizor said. “If you had, things would have gone differently.” Savan made to say something but then pouted and turned away, folding her arms. Xizor shrugged. “Don’t be like that my dear. When I return to Coruscant, I will be sure to have Guri attend to your needs. I can only begin to imagine what she is doing to Leia right now.” He looked affectionately at Bella and Oola. “Of course I am hungry for more. And I know you feel the same way. The day is young. Come.”

They went at it for hours. Each of the Falleen took turns with both ladies, and they also enjoyed having them both to themselves while the other watched. When they were finally done, the twin suns had begun to set. Xizor and Savan looked back at them, they were totally naked and lying on the floor, sweaty and covered in cum. They smiled at each other.

“Apologies, but as much as I’ve enjoyed this diversion, my lady love is waiting for me,” he said. “But I will remember you always.”

Bella and Oola were feeling more than a little jealous. They had no intention of actually going with Xizor. But they were so envious that there was someone he was devoted to and would be getting righteously from him day and night, and part of them wished he had taken them back to his palace. At that point Bella knew it wasn’t just his pheromones, the Falleen prince was a great lover and knew how to make any woman squirm in ways she didn’t know possible.

Xizor got his cock back inside his robes still totally intact. Savan with the front of her attire torn, did as best she could to cover herself up. Then they were gone.

Far from totally satisfied, Bella and Oola broke down to sucking face with each other. They wanted each other more than ever, they could taste Xizor’s cum on each other’s tongues. They were both moving furiously, rubbing their tits all over each other.

His jizz was still oozing out of their pussies. It didn’t take long for them to get in the sixty-nine position and start eating each other out. They could taste his fresh cum, they could taste each other, and altogether it was the hardest the two lovers ever went at it.

When they were finished, they fixed themselves up as best they could and stepped out of the exclusive room. The rest of the patrons and dancers alike had become a little distracted by the ruckus that came from there, and when the two had stepped out they just stared at the both of them. For their part, Bella and Oola barely noticed people staring at them. They were just holding hands, clearly knocked out. It was only Bella's martial reputation she had established for herself in the past few days that prevented any of the others there from taking them.


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