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Chapter 4: The Empress

The next morning, Minato was feeling better than ever. He was at the Gekkoukan High campus gates so high on life that he barely noticed a presence coming up behind him. The person tapped his shoulder and he didn't even respond. Irritated, they grabbed him and moved him so they were looking face to face.

It was Mitsuru. He was so distracted by her beauty that he didn't even notice her glaring at him, arms crossed. Those last three nights had him thinking she was going to take him right there too. After Aigis' series of epic hummers, he wouldn't have minded that at all.

“I know what you've been up to,” she said.

“What I've been up to?” he said.

“Don't try to play me the fool. I heard Tabeka and Yamagishi's voices. Heard your door opening and closing up. I know what you've been doing.”

Minato thought to ask how she even knew it was his door. He figured she'd give him lip for even denying it or she'd reveal she had some deduction skills he couldn't begin to guess. Then again, he remembered all those secret cameras he had found. If he was able to find out, then no doubt she could find out too.

But he didn't ask her how she knew. Instead he smiled and just said, “Jealous?”

Her face colored and her beautiful features twisted with irritation. But he could still see that look in her eyes which reflected the truth of his words. Not helping the seriousness of the situation was him getting an eyeful of Fuuka and Yukari in his peripheral vision, who were looking at him and giggling. His attention was stolen by Mitsuru getting closer and looking him right in the eyes. “If that's the attitude you want to take with me, then I'll make sure you live to regret it. I was thinking of letting you off easy. But now? Tonight, I'll personally bear witness to the sight of you shaking all over. I will deliver unto you an execution legends could only dream of!”

Then she was off. He heard stories of Mitsuru's infamous executions, but he still had no idea what they were. He found Akihiko in the classroom and asked him. Sanada just shuddered and said in a hushed whisper, “When it is all over, we will be best friends afterwards.”

“How's that?”

“Because up until this point, I am the first and only person she has ever performed an execution on.”

“Wow. That bad, huh?” Mitsuru glared back at them. Akihiko stopped talking, and she turned her head. Akihiko looked at Minato again. “She made me swear not to tell anything about it, or she'd do it to me again.”

“Oh wow.”

“But that's the thing,” he said just as quietly. “She said she was just practicing with me. She said the next time she does it, she'll be doing it differently.” He clapped Minato's shoulder. “I hope you're able to pass this test with flying colors!” he said loudly.

“That's right, the test!” Ms. Toriumi announced. “We still have much material to review! Now then, let's get started!”


As soon as the school day was done, Minato made for the dorms. He hoped that Supervillain Lock he ordered had arrived. It had only been a day since he bought it, but Tanaka's loot had a habit of arriving sooner than expected. He didn't know if it would even work, but he was determined on avoiding Mitsuru's wrath.

It hadn't. He huffed and immediately left the dorms, fearing that she would be back any second. He went around town and did anything that would keep him away from the rest of SEES. His Arcana grew leaps and bounds that day, he couldn't believe how much he was getting done. It was almost like he was speedrunning and glitching out in real life. But none of these considerations did anything to keep the inevitable from happening.

That night, everyone acted like nothing was wrong. Mitsuru seemed happiest the most of all. She didn't shoot him any glances that reminded him of his appointed date. But she did talk about how they all needed to revise battle tactics for the upcoming future. Then she smiled and said, “For what is coming tonight, I will deliver unto my foe a most vicious execution.”

Minato almost jumped in his skin. Mitsuru didn't look at him but he knew she was talking about him. Akihiko knew it too. It was getting late around that time, and Junpei honestly thought he meant they were going to Tartarus. She just laughed and walked away.

“I don't think I've ever seen Mitsuru laugh like that,” Akihiko said. He clapped Minato's shoulder. “Good luck.”


That night, Minato kept the door locked. He was up for a good several hours anticipating the worst, but when nothing happened, he drifted off without a care in the world. Maybe she had a change of heart, he thought to himself.

He suddenly felt really good in his crotch. He had scattered thoughts about the previous two nights with Yukari and Fuuka taking him. He couldn't forget about Aigis either. He wasn't thinking about Mitsuru one bit.

Then he finally woke up. He saw Mitsuru at the foot of his bed, having wrapped her tits around his shaft. As was expected for a woman of her class, she was wearing a fine robe which was low cut enough to reveal her cleavage while being elegant enough in any other situation to make people want to fall to their knees and worship her in equal measure. Her makeup and hair were perfectly done and her bloodred lipstick shone perfectly in the moonlight. She was looking up at him with a smile.

“Wake up,” she whispered to him as sweetly as possible. It worried him a bit hearing that tone of voice coming from her. It was sweet and seductive, a sultry tone that under any other circumstances would have been driving him crazy. But now he just felt a cold shiver go right up his spine.

Even as she was currently tit fucking him.

“M-Mitsuru...why...?” She was working him really good. She was high class in all the ways that mattered, including knowing how to use that rack. She blew all over the tender skin of his dick while continuing to move her tits up and down. She made a sweet humming noise while doing so, she really did look like a gentle and loving maiden, and he found himself falling so hard for her. He lay his head back on the pillow and sighed happily.

“Enjoy it while you can,” she said, before kissing his cock head, leaving her lips there for several seconds until she felt his dick get bigger from such loving treatment, leaving a big imprint from her lipstick on it. “I'll give you a taste of heaven before I send you to hell.”

Those words should have terrified him. But instead he was harder than ever. He couldn't control that reaction in his penis tensing up. Grinning, Mitsuru gave a very slow lick up from the underside of his shaft all the way to the head before she started kissing all over it again. When she was done, she smiled at her handiwork seeing his dick covered in her lip prints.

“How did you even get in here...” he said absent mindedly.

“I have the keys to all the rooms,” she said. “I don't usually use them uninvited but...” She sniffed his penis. “You've earned a special treatment.”

He didn't even bother finding the words. He just rested his head and melted into it.

The sight of him so relaxed pleased her. He had long ago put away any fearful thoughts involving his execution and happily submitted to her loving treatments. She did intend to punish him alright. But pain wasn't the only stimulant that would drive someone crazy.

She had been going down on him slow, only steadily picking up speed. But she suddenly escalated things, moving her tits faster than ever and slobbering all over his boner like a bitch. Minato threw his whole body back, the sudden acceleration was driving him crazy and he was quickly on the cusp of an orgasm.

Ready to finish him off, Mitsuru took his whole pecker into mouth until her lips were all the way at the base of his shaft. He was already that close to busting a nut but then she ever so slightly grazed her teeth on his flesh. Unable to take it anymore, he grunted loud, blowing all of his load right into her mouth. She kept herself in that position for several seconds, sucking out every drop of his cum like a pro. He just lay there in total bliss, forgetting any notions of danger or worry that had occupied him that whole day.

When she moved her head back up, she had swallowed his jizz completely. Not a single drop oozed out her lips. She smiled, savoring both the taste of his cum and the sight of him so wracked in pleasure. But she was far from finished with him.

She flipped him over so that he was laying on his stomach. He barely felt it, only registering the change in his perception. Barely felt her finely manicured hands grabbing the hem of his underwear and fully pulling it down too. He didn't think too much on it.

But then he felt those same hands spreading apart his ass cheeks, massaging him. It felt so nice, her skin was so soft, almost smooth like velvet. He had just climaxed but he was getting hard again on the mattress already.

Those fingers didn't stop there either, they actually pushed into his anus. He thought it would be painful, but instead they smoothly slipped right inside. He felt no small amount of alarm at first, but then all that fear went away as she continued massaging him in there. Her slender feminine fingers found their way inside and carefully worked his insides. This execution just kept getting better and better.

Akihiko was just practice, he thought smugly. I'm getting the real treatment.

He barely noticed it when her fingers slid out of his anus. He was blissed out, all he could do was smile onto the pillow. But then those same hands gripped onto his hips a little harder than he expected, felt her nails sinking into his flesh. He looked back at her, could only see her face twisted into an evil smile.

“I warned you,” she growled at him. Then he felt something moving past his ass cheeks and into his anus. He quickly moved to get up but then he felt long and cold steel on the back of his neck. He knew it was her rapier.

I swear, what is it with the women of this dorm and bladed objects? he wondered to himself. Aigis was the only one who hadn't pulled something like that on him and she was a robot. He tried to move then realized that orgasm and the way she had fondled his anus had gotten him so good that his whole body felt inert. It was like she had shut off every muscle in his body save for the one on his crotch.

She put the sword away. Then grabbing his hips again, she inserted the strap on inside of him all the way. Far from being painful, instead it just helped relax every last bit of his body. The instant it reached the end of his anus, he was harder than ever too.

Then she started moving. He gasped from how smooth and sweet it was as she moved back and forth inside of him so slowly. The more she did it, moving that thing inside of his anal passageway, the better his whole body felt. He felt an extreme fire in his dick and balls, tensing up to the limit, while the rest of his body just felt like a thing he didn't need anymore. He had no idea this kind of thing would feel so good.

It was feeling so good that he actually bit into the pillow. Seeing him like that, Mitsuru sped things up. She tenderly massaged his back with her hands too, rubbing all over him like a king, before she raked his skin with his nails. She didn't stop pumping into him once.

When he came, his whole body nervously shook up. But it wasn't an active movement on his part, it was just an autonomous reaction from the sheer force of her loving treatment. It was easily the strongest orgasm he had not only this night but also so far in this weekly fuckfest that had started.

As she pulled out, he let out a long dull moan of sheer pleasure. Grinning to herself, Mitsuru took off the strap on and tossed it aside. Flipping Minato over, she ground her nails into his skin to test for a reaction before she took her sword. Slowly she made small little cuts on him with the blade, definitely there but so fine that nobody would have noticed unless they really paid attention to it. Minato himself barely even felt it, that's how much she had wrecked him.

But he did feel a certain something else. When she was done, she knelt lower and licked all over the small marks she had given him. This time she didn't take it slow, she sucked them like she was sucking from a straw. He was tender where she had cut him and her hungry wet mouth sucking on him so hard was the perfect mix of pain and pleasure. He felt so weak and powerless, and the best he'd ever felt in a long time.

Licking her lips, she climbed onto his chest. He was still panting and blazed out of his mind but she cupped his chin and turned his face to look up at her. She spread her robe to reveal her naked vagina. Minato expected to see her cleanly shaven, instead she had a thick bush of strawberry colored pubic hair. Just like the rest of her, it was finely trimmed, and damp with her juices.

“Eat,” she said huskily.

His arms felt limp he wanted to grab and covet her ass so badly. But his body would not cooperate. Realizing that herself, Mitsuru got a little closer so her cunt was right in his face. The smell was intoxicating. He couldn't resist her anymore.

He leaned his face forward with as much strength as he could muster and tasted her for the first time. Amazing... was all he could think. He licked inside of her as much as he could, her wet folds were tight on his tongue and her damp pubic hair brushed up against his face. The wedges of submission had been driven deep into his soul and he was determined to serve his new mistress as best he could.

He was getting hard again. But he didn't even entertain the thought of pleasuring himself or harbor any resentment for her not taking an active part in beating him off while he ate her. This time he was solely devoted to her.

She came a little earlier than either of them expected. His tongue had only just touched her clit when she sprayed a thick stream of hot fluid all over his face, his hair, his lips, everything. She grabbed his hair and roughly yanked onto it as she sunk deeply into her satisfaction.

Finally finished, she tied up her robe and taking her sword, left his room. She figured he might want to keep the strap on for future fun. She had awakened a whole new side of him and there was no going back.


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