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Chapter 3: A Sith Bitch Fucks Jabba the Hutt

Time passed and life went back to normal for Bella. All the while she covered up any evidence of her being linked her child's existence. She had gotten so good at it that before she knew it, was esteemed with the honor of being recognized as a Jedi Knight. From there, she had progressed from a knight to a Jedi Master. Even as a sentinel who kept away from the typical trappings of the temple, she was well respected within the ranks while her master was commended for his fine tutelage. No one would have ever thought this woman had snuck off for some roundabout fun back when she was younger.

After that pregnancy her body underwent numerous changes. Her form had become more elegant and lean, graceful, her breasts and butt filled out with her stomach still flat. Coupled with her height, she looked more like a socialite than a Jedi. In the coming days, that aspect would serve her well.

So it was that her daughter was force-sensitive. Like many before her and Bella herself, that child was discovered by the Jedi Order from the prestigious Regan family of nobles and brought to the temple. The instant she saw her again, she realized it was her daughter. There more than a passing resemblance between the two, but her daughter's hair was a bit lighter than her mother's raven locks owing to the genetics of her blonde haired father. Even if the two didn't have similar features of dark hair, she instantly recognized her signature in the force. And she had high hopes for her daughter Aly.

Bella took Aly as her padawan. The other Jedi liked to joke about how much they looked alike.  She exposed her child to the force at a young age, wanting to inculcate her in the Jedi way and teach her everything she knew. But like many before her, the girl found herself impatient and frustrated with the peaceful methods told to her. It wasn't long before she got a taste of the dark side. Finding that way far easier, she slowly began to reject everything her mother tried to impart upon her. It came so easy in such troubled times.

Then Order 66 happened. All over the galaxy the Jedi were butchered by the clone troopers. It was only thanks to her status as a Jedi Sentinel, vagabonds of the galaxy, that Bella and her daughter went undiscovered. They evaded the initial purges and made sure to keep their heads low. They watched in horror as Palpatine delivered his address on the new order. They were outlaws now.

And yet there was hope. They heard the news of the Death Star's destruction. The empire was not so formidable as it seemed. The two hugged each other in triumph. Aly had long wanted to take the fight to them, to surrender to the dark side, and yet her mother always warned against it, telling her that if they did that, they could very well become like Vader. Now she believed her mother and her master.

As they were in hiding out in a tavern ready to join the resistance, it was surrounded by stormtroopers. They hadn't made any moves, but the two of them sensed their presence long before they made a move. The two looked at each other, realizing what that meant.

Then they opened fire. The blaster fire blew down the walls and shattered the windows. The two drew their weapons, Aly's still using the same weapon she did as a padawan, a blue lightsaber blade. Together they deflected the blaster fire in quick precision, bouncing back every bit of blaster fire they could. The two of them smiled as the heat died down.

Then they felt a great and terrible presence in the force. Calling it dark was an understatement, it was a toxic seething brew of wretchedness and misery. Yet it was also overpowering, their bodies felt like they would break under the pressure and they could not think from all the primordial emotions of fear and unease. And then they heard that familiar raspy breathing.

Two figures emerged from the smoke and rubble around them. There was no denying the first was Vader. The other patrons had long fled the scene, leaving only the two of them with him. Alongside him was a bald young man, not only was his skin pale but his eyes shone bloodred with the full intensity of the dark side, an oddity even amongst their kind. Yet his face was oddly vacant, it seemed he had no other purpose than to be an executioner. This Dark Apprentice, the one successful clone of the dead Jedi Galen Marek, was an assassin first and foremost.

“So two Jedi,” Vader said. “Make your peace with your lives. You cannot escape your destiny.”

“Wasn't planning to,” Aly said, sporting a cocky smile in spite of her situation. She looked at her mother. “Let's take him head on!”

The Dark Apprentice drew his lightsaber and ignited the red blade. “Try. I will see you dead at the feet of my master.”

“This could be bad,” Bella said.

“We have to fight!” Aly said. “There's no other choice!”

“Amusing,” Vader said. “I will see you broken. And then you will disappear, forgotten by this galaxy as much as my late master is.”

They both stepped into the fray. But for all of their street smarts and trafficking with seedy types to remain hidden, it was nothing compared to the power of the men before them. The bald one was quick and accurate, engaging in quick and focused bladework between the art like dancing of Makashi and the natural viciousness of Juyo that knocked them both back. It was only the two of them working together that kept them alive against his flurry of strikes.

Then Vader stepped forward. This creature more machine than man called the rubble of the structure around them into a swirling tornado around them. There really did seem like there was no escape now.

“If this is their power, then we don't stand a chance,” Bella said. “Aly there's always something I wanted to tell you. I am...”

“No, there's always a way!” Aly said. Diving deep into her emotions, she contested with Vader for control of the wreckage around them. It seemed to slow down. “Master, you must escape!”

Bella was almost crying now. “No, I won't leave you! I can't! We must face him together!”

“We'll both die if you don't!” Then she did something that surprised Bella. Aly grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. It was a mind blowing soul kiss, her tongue deep in her mouth. Even with that rogue so long ago, she hadn't had something like this. In the heat of that moment, she could not feel any shame either. When she stopped, Aly was weeping. “I've loved you master and I always will! I will do anything for you!” She closed her eyes and then they burned with the intensity of the dark side. Bella almost gasped. “And you must run!” Taking control of that power further, she threw Bella out of the storm and to safety.

Bella was ready to run back in. But then that wreckage collapsed all around them. Her heart almost stopped right there. She fell to her knees, sobbing. All she could think was that it was all over. She should have died there.

Even as her heart sank, she felt something diminish in the force. It was not her daughter's presence. But it was enveloped in the dark side. Nor had the penumbra of wickedness vanished. Instead, it had only grown. She heard Vader's breath for several seconds. Then it was all gone.

She knew what had happened. Her daughter had survived. But she had given up her soul in the process. She had embraced the dark side and was Vader's creature now.

But Bella Rose was determined. As she woke up one morning in a rundown apartment on the criminal world of Bogden, she quickly showered off. Looking at her naked form in the mirror, she wondered if her daughter looked something like when she was younger. She on the other hand was much changed. Her once muscular form had given way to a more svelte and graceful looking form with long dark hair that fell past her shoulders, her bust and derriere were still curvy and jiggly enough to rival any Twi'lek dancer in a Coruscanti nightclub and even under her conservative robes, people could still acute see the shape of her natural gifts. And even though she was a bit older than when she had made that decision to fool around long ago as a padawan, she still looked beautiful as ever. The ways of the force had kept her young so much that she easily passed for a woman several decades younger. It still embarrassed by some of the boys and even the girls that would try and pick her up when out on the streets. Yet there was no denying the wisdom and maturity in her eyes now.

Drying herself off, she got dressed in her tan robes, the typical attire of a Jedi. As a padawan she had dressed in such humble clothes and even now as a Master she was just as modest. Despite dressed in such modest clothes, even being so baggy and far from revealing, people could still see the slight shapes of her derriere and chest underneath. Even the most ardent and thoughtful of citizens on more civilized worlds wondered what she looked like naked and here on Bogden, the bounty hunters and corrupt imperial officers looking for a good time would often make passings remarks and some got a little greedier than that. Yet when they cornered her thinking an easy mark, she would draw her golden blade and leave them forgotten memories in this era of cruelty.

Nor was her appearance merely a thing to fantasize about. During the Clone Wars, her fierce beauty was enough to give pause to the worst criminals on the Outer Rim, and so many corrupt politicians that she investigated during the course of career, normally searching for a quip at having their unsavory activities exposed, could not find the words to speak that toxic mix of anger and fear which meant they could never have or shackle this gorgeous woman of considerable power. To have them shake in her presence and still remain free in a time where being a Jedi meant certain death, she felt no fear in venturing to the galaxy at large to save her daughter.

Yet nothing could prepare her for the journey that awaited her. As she scoured her list off criminal contacts still making a living in imperial prisons and those secret allies she had made in her progression as a Jedi Sentinel on the lam, she did eventually find a trail where her wayward daughter had gone. But she didn't like it.

The last known source of her activity was with Jabba the Hutt. Even in the nadir of the Galactic Republic long before Palpatine would reshape it into the corrupt tyranny that terrorized so many worlds and people, Jabba had long found a place for himself in the criminal underworld. Just as the Confederacy of Independent Systems had blossomed and grown thanks to so many senators and bankers who knew how to hide their tracks, so had this Hutt come to make a name for himself. In this imperial age, his power was stronger than ever. His name had become infamous with the more seedy aspects of the criminal underworld, and she only ever remembered seeing him on Tattooine that fateful day she met with her beloved smuggler once more. But she had no idea she would ever have to pay a visit to him personally.

She took a flight to Tattooine. The desert planet was still a member of the Galactic Empire. Yet that meant little for worlds on the Outer Rim. Lawlessness was still very much the norm that scared even the worst of stormtroopers. Fortunately she was a Jedi Master, trained in combat and how to use the force. No matter how hardened the criminals were, she would always be one step ahead of them.

When she arrived on Tattooine, she got glances from more than a few unsavory types. They were smiling, leering with their mouths hanging open, and some were even touching themselves at the sight of her. Her old twi'lek master was not with her and she was not seeking a handsome rogue that still made her heart flutter everytime she thought of him. Whatever brief nostalgia she felt was gone at what a different reason she had for coming to this world. She just flashed the hilt of her lightsaber at them, and even the most bold of them showed alarm. Like her, the hilt of the weapon was elegant, it looked like silver so much that nobody would think it was made of iron and the surface was so finely crafted that it almost looked like liquid with several bands of colored durasteel meant to look like the finest of sapphires and rubies. Some of the rogues weren't so put off however and so she would flash the golden blade of her weapon, the trademark of any Jedi Sentinel. That calmed them down.

She had already arranged a flight to Jabba's palace with some Twi'lek smugglers. On the surface they were clearly the same types that had greeted her as soon as she made planetfall, she knew what kind of world this was. But they were also clearly well behaved, only in it for the credits and caring about nothing else. They'd do the job.

Bella felt a strange tingling of lust in her body. She was usually away from the typical temples so she had interacted with all sorts of types beyond the usual Jedi and dignitaries. But the twi'lek men she was with now reminded her of her old master and more importantly, the father of her child. Rough with just the right amount of wrong. This dangerous place could warm something in her far more than the safe confines of the monasteries most Jedi were known to inhabit. Still, she was more level-headed and kept her feelings in check.

When they arrived, they waited for her outside as per their contract. The stronghold itself was nothing so dignified as to be called a palace. It was tall and sturdy and stood out here in the middle of the desert, with various criminals and mercenaries surrounding the perimeter. But even they would not be so foolish as to tangle with someone in the clear trappings of a Jedi Master.

She rapped her fists hard on the front gate. A slot in the door opened up and a surveillance droid looked out to see her. It scanned her, read her over, then retreated right back from where it came. The gate opened and she stepped inside.

Even if she didn't have the force, she would feel eyes watching her from every little corner. The whole den was teeming with all manner of unsavory life. But with her abilities as a Jedi aiding her, she could feel their signature, detect precisely where they were. She kept her hand on her lightsaber hilt.

Finally she was before Jabba. Even if he weren't so large and overtly disgusting, she could feel the sleaze emanating from his form. Growing up in the sheltered and safe confines of the Jedi Palace had not been enough to keep her from running into the seedy underbelly of Coruscant. But that was nothing compared to this creature.

“I am here to find my lost padawan and take her home,” she said in a mix of Basic and rough Huttese. In her unique career, she had learned many things outside the safe Jedi cloister that most of her fellows did not. “I heard she was last here in your humble abode.”

The Hutt only laughed. She could feel how fake that cackle was, sickness and inability radiated from his voice and the rumors she had heard of Jabba's illness were true, he had nothing to be so proud of. Yet his power did not lie in his putrid form but in the same place as the various senators and bankers that operated behind the scenes in the republic. She also expected there to be plenty of traps waiting to be sprung in every corner of the structure.

“Yes your little padawan was indeed here,” Jabba said in his perfect Huttese. She was not fluent in the creature's tongue, but she had frequented enough of the criminal underworld when she was younger to know enough of it. She had seen and heard other criminals and smugglers speaking it to their criminal masters, and began to pick it up. The republic was in the decline even when she was young and fresh, and as a Jedi Sentinel she had seen so many things that nobody on the council would ever want to hear. “She left only yesterday. And a mighty fine one she is. I see you two are so very much alike,” and then he licked his lips. She knew of Jabba's reputation in the criminal underworld and exactly what that meant. But knowing her daughter's father like she did made it even worse. Her body stirred as she remembered his touch, it was so long ago but it might as well have been yesterday. Even from someone like this slug who was the complete opposite of him, that same persona tickled something curious in her.

“Where is she now?”

“Perhaps you should see what she was up to while staying in my good care.” He started laughing again and looked at Bib Fortuna. The pale seedy Twi'lek was a great deal easier on the eyes than Jabba could ever be, but she knew that he was every bit a schemer and vicious as his master.

Though what she saw next quickly took her breath away. Bib Fortuna brought out a holovid and held it up. The Jedi Master's eyes widened.

It was her daughter, Aly. It had been so long since she saw her. But she might as well have wished she never saw her again.

Bella knew it was her daughter and wayward Padawan not only by their shared resemblance but also because of the birth mark right below her left ass cheek. She had a free smile of wild abandon on her face, it was something this mother herself had seen on the faces of the dark siders she fought in battle. Despite knowing of her daughter's departure from the Jedi, it saddened her to see that sadistic grin on her face.

But that was not the only reason she balled her hand into a fist. Aly was not clad in the dark robes of the Sith and their acolytes. Instead she was wearing nothing but the outfits of one of Jabba's dancers, baring her whole body save her breasts and behind to all those present. She did not appear to be debased by performing in such a way at all, instead she was taking glee in it. The pride of her smile was only matched by an almost menacing confidence in her eyes.

Despite how mortifying it was for Bella to see her daughter like that, she was still glad to see that she was at least alive. The Clone Wars could be vicious on the best of days, and even force users like them had much to be fearful of. That gave her some hope.

And it also brought a bit of a smile to her face to see her daughter looking so beautiful too. She looked so very much like her mother did when she was that age seeking out cheap thrills. Aly wasn't quite as buff as her mother was at that age but she was still fine and toned all over. It was her lower body which was especially pronounced, with thick legs and a bouncy and tight little ass. As much as Bella hated to admit it, it was more of a dancer's body than her own body which looked more amazonian in nature.

Aly danced well too, much to the amusement of the spectators gathered. Once the show was over, she bowed to them and blew them kisses. But Bella couldn't anticipate what would happen next.

She willingly climbed on top of Jabba the Hutt. The creature chuckled and stuck out his tongue on her, giving her a long lick over her exposed body and up to her face. She gave out a sultry laugh and stuck out her tongue, mashing it up against his. His greedy slimy hands felt all over her exposed body, like she was a thing, and Aly held him closer like she was in love. Bella shuddered watching it. She couldn't believe her daughter had stooped to this level.

Jabba laughed, both in the recording and before her. Bella gasped when she saw a certain protrusion move up from the lower mass of Jabba's body. Even a creature like this had a penis. What's more, Aly did not recoil at it, instead she moved aside the thin fabric of her thong baring her naked vagina and lowered herself down. She sighed sweetly as she did so, and even with the flap in the way, she could tell that it was slowly going inside of her daughter.

Then Aly vibrantly moved her hips up and down on top of the penis inside of her. The Hutt groaned everytime that hot wet vagina humped that alien cock. Despite the two of them being so different physiologically, their loins were perfectly suited for each other. That small and tight human vagina perfectly welcomed the Hutt's much larger genitals.

As Aly was riding Jabba, the Hutt hungrily slurped all over her body. Bella had hoped her daughter would show disgust at that shameless display. But instead she giggled and laughed like a little girl and even took off her top, relishing in the feeling of Jabba's long slimy tongue all over her breasts. Those cheers in that recording grew even more raucous, plenty of cheers and whistles. Bella shuddered at the thought of these men fondling themselves to seeing her daughter debase herself like that.

Aly was happily moaning as she rode Jabba. She must have really been giving it to the Hutt as well, the gangster's moans had turned from his typical dark laughter to jerky and weird cries. But even as Jabba was getting it so bad, there was no shortage of menace in his voice. He was clearly getting off on this encounter, his slimy hands running all over the young woman's nubile form.

Then Jabba made a sound Bella hoped she'd never have to hear in her entire life. It was loud and sinister and undeniably an orgasm. That roar of ecstasy was followed by her daughter's own helpless scream of delight. Bella couldn't believe she just witnessed her own daughter sharing a mutual climax with this creature. As she relished in that mutual climax, the Hutt's semen oozed out of her pussy and onto the penis still lodged inside her as they shared a degenerate kiss with each other, her pussy tongue on his big licker.

The recording shut off. Bella couldn't believe what she just saw. Jabba was no force-sensitive but he could read her expression perfectly and sensed the horror in it. It only prompted him to cackle. The other men in the palace cackled too.

“Why?” Bella finally said. “Why would she...” It was bad enough dealing with her daughter's fall to the dark side. But she had never imagined her flesh and blood would stoop this low.

“She wanted information to help her new masters.”

“Vader and the Emperor,” Bella hissed.

“If you were able to find me, you know how much slips through the cracks in official channels.”  Jabba leaned further. “I know things that you probably don't know either little miss Jedi. Like where your beloved daughter is.”

“Or you can tell me right now and there won't be any trouble,” Bella said, brandishing the golden blade of her lightsaber. The other gangsters surrounding her drew their pistols.

Jabba wasn't afraid at all and even made motions with his hands for them to stand down. “You're just like your daughter was when she arrived here. But her sword was red instead of gold. Even someone as hot-headed as her could recognize that all my knowledge lives and dies with me. Make your move.”

Bella looked about her. The thugs hanging about were still pointing their weapons at her in spite of their boss' order. She was more than adept in combat and deflecting blaster strikes, she had done it in practice as a padawan and had survived more than her fair share of ordeals in her travels as a sentinel as well as the skirmishes she had survived in the Clone Wars, and she had lost count of how many vicious rogues had found her secret identity in this time, only to carry it to their graves. But she was resolute on finding Aly.

Not turning off her lightsaber she looked right back at Jabba. “What do you want?”

“Your daughter knew how to prove herself to me. And I can already tell that you are so like her in many ways. Now prove yourself to me, Jedi.”

“You want me to become one of your girls?” she said with disbelief.

“You want to see your daughter again, don't you? I know where she is.”

There was a long silence before she finally said, “Yes.”

“Good. Then you will become one of my girls.”

“Fine,” she said. “How long do I have to do this?”

The Hutt started laughing again. He hadn't given it any thought really, he was too amused with this proud Jedi Master's bold defiance before him. Her daughter was just like her when she graced him with her presence, that recording of her sowing her wild oats with this kingpin was nothing like how she was when she first arrived here. That one was far more vicious from the beginning, drawing her red lightsaber, and even then she ended up doing that with him. The thoughts of shaping her mother like clay in his hands filled his twisted mind with glee. It was accompanied by a thought on just how these Jedi and Sith were so very alike.

Then he remembered the timeline he set on having Aly dance for him in exchange for the information she sought out. Someone like him never let go of his girls and he would punish them for their insolence at the soonest opportunity. But he was not blind to the talents of these Jedi and Sith either. It would only be Luke Skywalker's insolence in daring to challenge Jabba that had him sent to the rancor.

“A week. No more. No less.”

Her face did not waver. “Then I'll hold you to your word.”

Jabba suddenly laughed, not intimidated one bit by her determination. She felt every bit of condescension and arrogance in that thick voice as if an aircraft thruster was blowing right in her ears. “Good. I will watch how long your willpower holds out.”

He looked at Bib Fortuna. The pale man understood his master's command implicitly and nodded. Then he looked right at her.

Bella knew of Bib Fortuna and what kind of person he was. Even when she was a mere Padawan decades ago seeking out the father of her child on Tattooine for more good times, Jabba's majordomo was at the forefront, present in all of the Hutt's operations, even when legendary Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and current Sith Lord Darth Vader, as much of an upstart throughout his life as he was as a child slave, was podracing for his freedom. This crime lord was nothing like her master, a Twi'lek possessing nothing resembling such a sordid history.

Though she imagined that his reputation did nothing to harm his standing on this desert world. On a planet like Tattooine, he was probably something like a superstar. By Twi'lek standards, he was attractive simply because of the thickness of his lekku. Not to mention in the fine clothes he was wearing, he must have looked elegant compared to the average person on Tattooine.

She knew the way he was looking at her too. His eyes were wide open and he was smiling, revealing his pointed teeth. He looked like a predator, and in any other setting, if she was anyone else than a Jedi with all the martial connotations that status held, there would be no question of what he would be trying to do with her. With what she was agreeing to do, even with all her mastery in the force and armed with her lightsaber, she felt at a loss on how to react.

“Take your clothes off Master Jedi,” he said in his slithery voice. “We have a proper dancing outfit just for you.” He clapped. One of the Gamorrean guards nearby brought him a small two piece bikini. He held it up at her, staring right into her eyes the whole time.

Bella stared back at him blankly. His lecherous intentions and base nature were exposed for her to see. She tried to ignore him and looked at the small little two piece undergarment instead. There was something about it that distracted her, she couldn't figure out why. Then it hit her like a thump to the head.

It was the same getup her daughter had been wearing. Even someone like him bereft of the force must have picked up on her realization too, because he slowly nodded his head the instant that she picked up on it. As much as she knew what kind of person he was, that knowledge did nothing to prevent her from getting wet without even realizing it.

It must be a bit of perversion from seeing Aly dance like that, to actually see her do that sort of thing with Jabba, she thought to herself. I could never feel for someone like this man. She looked back at Jabba. A bit of a smile had formed at the corners of the Hutt's wide mouth. This creature in all of his appetites and perversions must have enjoyed playing that video of her only daughter far more as he relived those moments of sheer depraved lusts. He was probably enjoying the thoughts of what he wanted to do with her mother as well.

She moved to Bib Fortuna with a speed and precision that shocked the Twi'lek gangster for a bit. She was inches away from him and looked right into his eyes. She snatched the small outfit from his hands before he realized it and shoved him. He was so shocked both from the motion itself as well as how strong she pushed him that he was stumbling back on his feet and almost fell right down on his ass. She didn't look at him and instead kept her gaze focused on Jabba.

Several of the nearby Gamorrean guards started up with their axes at the ready. She looked behind her and realized there were probably several bounty hunters hiding in the wings of this den of thievves. She immediately drew her lightsaber and ignited the blue blade. The Hutt's smile hadn't diminished in the slightest.

They stared into each other's eyes for several tense moments. Jabba's eyes flicked to the thugs behind her and he slowly shook his head. There was only the briefest of sounds but Bella knew they were calming themselves down. Then he looked at the Gamorreans and he said, “No,” in a loud Huttese grunt. They immediately lowered their axes and stood to attention.

“What do you intend for me to do?” Bella said in clear Basic this time. “Beyond dance around and look pretty for your gang of degenerates.” Using that language was as much about her asserting herself here as it was to throw off the Hutt when kowtowing to him using her broken Huttese earlier.

She knew Jabba could understand it perfectly too. Even without knowing about the recent scandal with Ziro the Hutt and how much the various clans had played a role in the Clone Wars, her own long standing connections to the criminal underworld had informed her of this Hutt's knowledge of that particular tongue. She wondered what would happen next.

The Hutt laughed. He moved his face forward and said,“You. Will. Do. As. Your. Daughter. Did,” in perfect Huttese, enunciating every syllable of the words he spoke as slowly as possible, as if he were talking to a child.

“I won't do that with you...” she started.

“Your daughter was not merely a dancer for my amusement. She also cleaned out the trash that came in here.” He laughed louder and deeper than ever. “In the old days, the Jedi benefitted greatly from my connections. But I help those who help me. She was not Darth Vader. She did not engage in any act to deceive me. She did exactly as I needed. And so I have helped her.”

He waited for her next answer. This woman's fire was an intriguing thing. Her wayward daughter wasn't much different both when she arrived as well as when she slowly decided to work under him, and as much as he liked beautiful women, he also recognized how dangerous these force users could be if left unchecked. It was her child's pragmatism in doing as he needed which kept him from feeding her to his rancor. Right now her continued belligerence was making the prospect of feeding her to his pet as entertaining a prospect as having her body in his grubby hands.

“Fine,” she said. “It's just underworld politics, right? You gangsters are all the same. If it helps the republic, then so be it.”

Jabba was about to say something to remind her of her place when she looked back down at Bib Fortuna. Her face was stern, but she slowly began taking off her robes. The seedy Twi'lek's face was blank this time. Even as she was disrobing for him, with her standing over him and clearly the dominant party in this exchange, he could not find his earlier arrogance.

The whole palace was a bit more silent than usual too. She didn't know if it was because of her earlier threats to Bib Fortuna and Jabba himself, them gawking at her body, or both. The ones in the back got a good look at her back, smooth and erotic with the perfect span and length to suggest how strong she really was, her long dark hair cascading over her well defined shoulders making her look like a moon goddess come to visit this desolate and sandy world. The ones in front on the other hand saw her fine breasts come into view. After actually having a child, her mammaries had become a bit heavier than usual and as the years passed they only got bigger thanks to her natural genetics, and yet she was as slender and gorgeous as ever. All the men there couldn't believe what a delicious upper body she had, her beauty was almost statuesque.

When she lowered her robes further, there were definitely a few hoots now. Her lower body was just as superb as her daughter's backside. There was still a definite difference between the two of them, even now after her pregnancy, Bella's butt was a little more firm and toned compared to her daughter's jiggly little bubble butt, but her hips would always be curvy and well wounded. That didn't keep all the onlookers from gazing longingly at just how well defined she was. As her robes lowered to her ankles, they marveled at the look of her legs too, thick thighs and calves.

Even in that state of humiliation she was feeling a bit sassy. She looked back at them. “Enjoying the show boys? Hope so, because this is strictly a look but don't touch scenario. Any of you idiots move your hands the wrong way and...” She quickly pulled her lightsaber to her hands with the force and she turned around to look at them and ignited the golden blade. “I'll take your heads off. Of course I'll decide which head that will be, won't I?”

The men in back shut up immediately. That didn't keep them from smirking to themselves. Whether it was her bold defiance or her massive rack bared before them, they had plenty to enjoy. Jabba and Bib Fortuna were also plenty happy. They had already gotten a good look at her ample bosom, but now they were getting an eyeful of that fine muscular backside and tight little ass. Despite her humiliating the Twi'lek earlier, his earlier seedy grin returned to his face, and Jabba licked his lips hungrily at the sight of her.

The Hutt chuckled. It was a roar of dominance as much as it was a laugh. She looked back at him, her lightsaber still lit up. In spite of her outward attitude, virtually daring him to do something, he did not say anything. Then she shut off the weapon. But not before she held her hand out and grabbed Bib Fortuna's throat with the force.

The Twi'lek grabbed at his neck, struggling for air. Everyone there was alarmed, even Jabba and he was about to signal his Gamorrean guards to take action. Then she let him go. As he was taking in his air again, she strode right on over to him and snatched the dancer's garment right out of his hands. Then she slipped it on.

Feeling a bit arrogant, she twirled herself around for all the spectators present. Everyone there got a good look at her ass cheeks spilling through the thong, and her already impressive rack boosted up by the tiny little bra. Her long dark hair flung as she spun and then it came to rest back upon herself.

Then she looked right at Jabba with an amused grin on her face. “So. When do we get started?”


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