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Chapter 1: Nard Cock

It was an early morning at the Scranton Dundler-Mifflin branch. Everyone filed into the office as usual. But Andy wasn't in at his usual time. He hadn't called in sick either. It was well past the clock when he finally did come in too. He had a big grin on his face and a bouquet of roses in his hands.

Jim and Pam were already standing up with big grins on their faces when Andy did come in. The little couple couldn't be dressed more differently. Jim was in his standard dress shirt and pants. But Pam had on a red blazer with a slutty little short skirt clinging to her ass and showed so much of her shapely legs in black stockings. That attire of hers had been Jim's idea, he wanted Pam to really bring Andy hard up just to shut him down at the last minute. She didn't say anything but she was a little uncomfortable at that proposal, yet she also liked her man asking her to dress sexy too. So she went along with it.

Michael also came out. “Mr. Bernard. You're late,” he said.

“Sorry Michael, but Nard Dog was on a mission in the name of love,” Andy said. He gave the bouquet to Pam and she held up her hands to her face and sighed adoringly at the sight of it.

“Love, you say?” Michael said. “I'll have you know I don't frown on office relationships in the slightest!”

“You got that right...” Stanley droned to himself out of earshot.

“But if your little kinky activities are interfering with the process of work, then I will not have it!”

“Sorry Michael,” Andy said. “But this wasn't a kinky activity. This was what I like to call Operation Seduction.” His smile widened, he was doing his best to look as smug and cocky as possible.

“And you've succeeded!” Pam said with a smile. Then she batted her eyes and said, “My hero.”

Erin on the other hand was rolling her eyes the whole time.

“Heroes are not people anyone should look up to,” Dwight said, still sitting at his desk. He took Andy's woman and he was intent on ruining his happiness too. “They are good and brave people, ripped apart at the seams through the course of their trials and tribulations. Then at the end of it when they are at their lowest, do they receive the honors they deserve? No. Instead, they are taken advantage of at their lowest moments when what they deserve is kindness and compassion, then they are finally tossed in the trash like they don't even matter. People like seeing the glory moments of a hero's life. They don't like to see the downfall, the hard times, and the pain.”

“Okay, so I don't even know what's supposed to mean, but I just don't care,” Andy said, still smiling. “I'm feeling like a king!”

“I hail you, Your Majesty,” Jim said, stepping closer to Andy, bowing before him and putting his hand over his chest in a mock salute. “Truly you are an example of what we as human beings should all strive to be.”

Andy just looked between Jim and Pam. They were both smiling at him. He didn't suspect for a second that anything was wrong. Instead he just bared his teeth in that goofy grin of his. “Excellent!”

“I'll tell you what's excellent,” Creed said. “This one time back when I was at a music festival and...”

“Enough you crazy old man!” Michael said. “Creed, we don't need you ruining this happy moment with your perverse escapades from back in the day.”

“Yeah, so can we get back to work people?” Toby said. “It's nice to have some fun once in a while, but I think we're all getting out of hand here.”

Michael held his arms straight out like he was a robot with his hands open up and facing the floor. “Oh my god, I'm Toby, look at me,” he said in an exaggerated and flat voice while walking without using his knees. “I have to ruin everybody's fun because I'm such a miserable sad sack of a human being that never amounted to anything.”

“Michael I know you like making me uncomfortable but...”

Michael just looked right at Toby, and opened his mouth wide as possible, letting out an irritating screeching sound right in his face.

Ryan put a hand on Michael's shoulder and he stopped. “That's enough now guys,” he said. “Come on Michael, I know you like having your fun, but we should all strive to be more professional in the workplace. Otherwise we'll never get anything done.”

“What he said!” Michael said, pointing at Ryan. “See? That's how you control an office when it's getting out of hand.”

“That's what I was saying...” Toby started.

“Back to work!”

They settled down after that. Before he sat down, Jim clapped Andy's shoulder and said, “Your Majesty, I for one wish you and your new lady love happiness and jubilation.”

“Why thank you Jim!” Andy said. He looked back at Pam, who was still smiling at him as sweetly as could be. He went back to his desk and let out a sigh of victory. After Angela cheated on him with Dwight, he never felt better. And Erin was still going out with Gabe. He looked right over at the ginger woman and gave her that smile, and she just looked at him blankly. He didn't take any notice of it, he was just proud to have something to lord over her.

An hour later, Jim and Pam were breaking together. “He actually bought it,” Jim said, barely able to contain his laughter.

“I know, he's so gullible!” Pam said.

“How long do you want to string him along?” Jim finally said after he stopped laughing.

“I don't know. How do you want to let him down?”

Jim flashed her an evil grin. “Hard. I want to see the king after his ego is deflated. He'll crack open like Humpty Dumpty.”

Pam pouted. “Jim, that's mean!”

“Hey you wanted to go along with this thing. How else did you think it would end up?”

“I don't know. Maybe a sweet and simple little breakup? Or I can say that another man has stolen my heart.”

“You mean me?”

Pam smiled at him and opened her eyes a little wider as if she was incredulous at the thought. “No. Stanley.”

“Oh yeah, he'll definitely back off after that one.”

“Right, so it's decided!”

“Yeah, so you go ahead and tell me when you're gonna go through with that. Right now, I'm gonna go get something to eat. I'm so hungry!”

“I just ate. But I'll text you when the time is right to spring the trap.”

Yet that little lunch break would get the better of him. Not too long after Jim left, Andy joined her. He was still high on life, smiling at her.

“So, how's my lovely lady doing?” he said. “She thinking about her Nard King?”

Pam had to fight the laughter in her throat. “Of course! But I think we should talk about something first.”

“Yeah?” he said. Pam sensed his smile starting to fade just a bit. She started to feel just a little bit guilty. After getting him high on their little prank, she began to realize just how mean it would be to actually drop him right now. And the guy seemed to have no luck with the ladies. So she decided to deviate from the orignal plan she concocted with Jim.

She motioned her eyes at one of the side rooms. He understood and followed her inside before she locked the door behind them and closed the blinds. Andy already liked where this setup was going.

“I was thinking we should make it official,” she said, looking right into his eyes and licking her lips. She grabbed onto his crotch. Andy's smile faded as his breath caught up in his throat. “Does my king like his royal treatment?”

“Yes! Yes!” he said raspily. His breath was caught in his throat from Pam's sexual aggression, so he could barely speak.

“Good. Then let me give him the treatment he so richly deserves.” She slowly unzipped his fly. The tension for Andy was so bad that he heard every clasp unclipping as she looked him deeply in the eyes. She edged her face closer to his and breathed deeply in his face like a true seductress and when she got the fly all the way down, she darted her hands inside the fold of his underwear and grabbed his bare member underneath.

Andy jumped up feeling her soft hands on his dick. She giggled to herself, stroking him like with a practiced and fast intensity, then just as he was really getting into it, snatched her hand back without any warning. For an instant he looked like a little boy who had his candy taken away. Only for Pam to start rubbing her bare thigh in those stockings right up on his bulge. He was hyperventilating now, gritting his teeth in that same manner he always did. She was smiling lewdly to herself, both from owning him like that as well as playing the part of a vixen so well. Sex with Jim was great, but for once it was great to have other guys find her irresistible.

Pam was still looking at him and he looked scared and horny at the same time. Exactly like a little boy who knew exactly what he wanted but was too afraid to ask for it. She edged her face closer to his again and he leaned his face in closer for a kiss. But then she swiftly got down on her knees and slowly unzipped his fly. Even in his boxer shorts she could tell that penis was harder than ever. He was anticipating the moment so much that he felt her sweet breath on his pecker as if he was naked. Pam to her credit didn't really like Andy anymore now than she already did. But she wanted to let him off easy from her and Jim's little prank. And breaking the news to him after sucking him off like a whore would definitely allow him to take it smooth.

Pam reached inside of his undershorts again and directly seized his member. This time she was a bit stunned, feeling just how much bigger and hotter he had gotten since the last time she grabbed him. She was planning on only giving him a pity blowjob. But she was surprised by what a big pecker he actually had right now. She was starting to wonder if sucking him off would be as easy as she thought it was going to be. She was so shocked too that for several moments she just held onto his member instead of stroking it and bring it out in the open.

Andy couldn't take it anymore. Pam's touch was great, but he was ready to get some real action. He started jerking his hips back and forth, both as a show of sexual initiative as well as an uncontrollable reaction from how bad he was feeling it. He reached his hand down the hem of his undershorts to find his prick and get it out, and with her hand still clutching it, the two of them were in an impromptu contest for control of his unit before he finally got it away from her. His boner popped out, hitting Pam straight in the face. She was surprised, not just by getting whacked in her face by a penis, but also how big it was. For several minutes, she stared at it. It wasn't the biggest dick she had ever seen, but she knew she'd have to put a lot more effort into this blowjob now.

“Does my fair lady appreciate her king's manhood?” Andy said. He tried to sound confident but with how horny he was and in the heat of the moment, he just sounded rushed and goofy and nothing like the Nard King he wanted to be.

Pam actually blushed. For once she actually felt a bit out of her depth. She started to imagine how nice it would be to do a whole lot of other things with this penis besides suck it. But she wouldn't admit that to Andy right now.

“Why...why yes I do...” Pam said, actually a bit flummoxed. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Despite the little bit of apprehension she was feeling right now, she was still intent on getting this done and over with.

She grabbed onto the shaft again though her grip was a little shakier now. She was thinking to herself how she would suck him off. Just as Andy's dick was bigger than she expected, it was also a lot hotter than she expected too. Though his size had surprised her a bit, his heat took her completely off guard. The instant she grabbed it, she was paralyzed from the sensation hot prick right on the palm of her hand. Her grip on it was trembling even as her hand still held the shaft.

“You gonna stare at it all day or will you give your king the proper respect he deserves?” Those proud words were again undone by the weird voice he made.

She simply nodded. He sounded goofy to her ears but she was distracted by something else at that moment. She leaned forward and gave the head that first awkward lick. The tip of his penis was just as hot on her tongue as the shaft was on her hand and for several moments she wondered how she would properly fellate something so big to start with. Let alone do anything else with this dick.

Pam licked the head again, slower and more deliberate this time. As she did so, she made sure to lick all over the sensitive tip, wanting to get a feel for it. She was surprised and a little intimidated by his dick. It was twitching right on her tongue while licking over it.

She looked up at Andy. He was looking down at her with that same cocky smile. She never really felt much of an attraction for him before, but his confidence coupled with the lewd situation she was in sparked a bolt right in her pussy.

She felt nervous but also more eager than ever. So she leaned forward and took the whole shaft in her mouth. It was a bit much to adjust to sucking someone else's dick other than Jim's, but as she went down on him, she found herself becoming more open-minded. She closed her eyes and slowly moved her head back forth on his meat.

The way she was bobbing her head was just to make herself more comfortable in her fellatio. But for Andy, it was the best. After Angela cheated on him and Erin left him, he never thought he'd be scoring with a babe like Pam Beesly. He couldn't wait to brag to Jim about how he had his girl. It had been too long since he felt like he was on top of the mountain.

Pam was also getting herself more comfortable too. It had been so long since she sucked another man's dick, and the heat in her head flowed down to the rest of her body all the way to her twat. She wanted to see how long he could last.

Not much longer apparently. Andy's arrogant grin faded fast. Pam had picked up the pace with her blowjob, going as far as she could before moving her lips right back to the crown of his cock head. Her fellatio along with him getting so happy that Pam of all people was sucking him off was breaking him down and he grabbed the back of her head to keep himself steady and fuck her mouth right back. He was making weak little moans, wanting to keep it as quiet as he could.

But the instant he came, he grabbed her head and shoved his dick as far as he could inside her. Without thinking, he let out a single loud groan, shooting his cum all the way to the back of her mouth. Pam moaned from the force of his penis in her mouth all the way and the semen shooting down her throat. She had done this sort of thing with Jim a lot lately so she was able to swallow his jizz very easily. But she was still surprised that a guy like Andy could shoot so much cum at once.

When Pam was done, she took the penis out of her mouth. There was a long slimy trail of jizz between her mouth and Andy's dick, and as she moved her head back, the strand of cum started dripping down. She had to quickly catch it so it wouldn't get on her clothes, she intended to keep this incident a one time thing and secret from the rest of the office. She figured that right now, Andy was in the dopey state of mind that he could be let off easy.

As Pam caught that long sliver of Andy's cum on her hand, she spent several seconds licking it off her hand and her fingers. All the while, he sighed in sweet relief, it had been so long since he'd known a woman's touch and Pam didn't disappoint. When he looked down at her, her eyes were closed and she was still cleaning her hands of all his spooge. To him, she looked like a beautiful angel to admire.

“Pam...” he said longingly.

She looked up at him, still eating his cum. He couldn't find the words to say anything to her. She could also sense the desperation in his voice. She hoped she'd be able to let him off easy.

“So Andy, this has been great but I just wanted to do this the one time.”

“Okay...?” he said. Even as he was savoring that nut, those words hurt him. His voice sounded heartbroken too and she was trying to find the right thing to say to let him off easy.

Pam had thought for sure him busting out like that would kill his rational thought. But instead it had only make him want it more than ever. She had to think of an escape plan, fast. “Yeah, but don't worry. Now you can really rub this one in Dwight's and Gabe's faces!”

“Oh yeah, sure!” he said. He couldn't exactly do that and she knew it, and that's because nobody would believe him. But if that would get him out of here and cheer him up, then she'd be okay with it.

Pam cleaned up the last bit of cum on her lips. He turned around to go outside without even pulling his pants back up. She actually had to stop him and grab his shoulder. He turned around to look back at her and he was already getting excited.

“Did you have second thoughts about your Nard King?”

“No stupid, look.” She pointed out through the window to the rest of the office and then looked down at his dick just hanging out. He looked at her, not quite getting it. So she tucked Andy's penis back in and zipped up his pants.

“Oh, I get it!” he said. He tried to give her another smile, both just realizing the humor in the situation as well as to try and come off as a ladykiller so she'd have him for real. But it just came off as awkward.

He got up and left the office. Pam was just ready to join him, when she suddenly heard, “Nard Dog is a champion!” She hoped he wouldn't let this incident get to his head. She put a breath mint in her mouth and quietly went out the door, hoping things would blow over fast.


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