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Chapter 1: A Family Affair

It was a fine morning in Los Santos. Things could be better for Michael after losing his boat to a bunch of thieves thanks to the dimwitted cunning of his only son Jimmy. He had been disappointed in him for so many reasons, and as much as he hated his habit of beating off, getting high, and playing video games, usually at the same time, right now he had wished he was only doing that. But he knew things could be worse. He still had his home. And his old life of robbing banks, stores, and any place under the sun that wasn't locked up and nailed down to make a living was long behind him.

He got dressed up, looking mighty fine in a suit. Nobody would have guessed he was once upon a time a hood that nobody dared to mess with. Amanda had already got out of the bed before he woke up, she was in the kitchen drinking coffee only wearing a white bathrobe. He wanted to see all that was under it, the two hadn't fucked in a long time. But she didn't even say good morning to him. He knew if he even tried bringing up the subject that things would go south fast. So he was grateful for these moments that past for pleasantness.

“I'm gonna be out a bit,” he said. “Gonna go to the movies. I know I'm too old to be watching something like Neurotic Toys, but hey, I have nothing better to do right?”

She heard the pointed remark in that last sentence but ignored it. “Alright, sure,” she said. She didn't believe a word of it, if he was going to see any movies, she knew they'd likely be adult movies. More likely he was headed down to the Vanilla Unicorn to get a lap dance from a stripper. Or even worse just pick up some whore in his car and raw dog it like animals. Probably wouldn't even clean up after he was done.

He sensed the disdain and suspicion in her voice but didn't push it any further. He'd had this same conversation with her before and he knew how it would always end up. He just turned around and left, taking his black Obey Tailgater through the fancy gates of his home and headed out.

It was still early in the morning, the sun was just peeking out from over the mountains of Vinewood and the sky was flooded over with pink. Just as Michael was leaving, Franklin Clinton was headed on the way to see him. As they were both headed in opposite directions, Michael had just turned off the road at the same time Frank had turned onto the road leading to his home. By that point, Michael's car was out of view, and Franklin had turned into the driveway.

He didn't see Michael's car, but at the same time, had seen multiple cars in his driveway before and didn't know which belonged to who. So to him, everything seemed fine. He got out and knocked on the door.

To his surprise, Amanda opened up. She was still wearing her morning robes, and nothing else underneath. Nothing was revealed to his eyes, but it was still a shock seeing a high class white woman this early in the morning in that getup Franklin looked away awkwardly, trying not to be distracted by seeing her in so little.

“Excuse me, is Michael home?” Franklin said.

“No, you just missed him,” she said. “He said he was heading out to see some movie, Sex Toys or something...”

“Oh really?” Franklin said. “I'll check in later.” He turned to leave.

“Hey, weren't you the one who helped save Jimmy?”

He swung back around. “Yeah sure. That was me. Sorry we lost your boat.”

“Oh it's no problem,” she said, looking him up and down. She had scheduled her tennis coach to come over later so they could fuck, but as she looked at the fine young man before him, she had a better idea. “You know what, I never did properly thank you for rescuing him.”

“Hey it's aight. Guess he doing fine right now huh.”

“He sure is...” she said, her voice trailing off. Right now even this early, Jimmy had his door closed and was beating off to the pleasure of killing some scrubs in Righteous Slaughter. Sometimes he had the volume turned on so loud that you couldn't even hear anything. With his room right next to hers, that was perfect.

“I know Michael gave you something for that heroic deed, but I think I should properly compensate you,” she said. Michael hadn't done that exactly, just gave him some money to fix Amanda's car after it konked out on the highway while they were chasing the thieves who stole his boat, but out of a job after smashing into Simeon's dealership and back to repping in the hood, Frank wasn't going to turn this offer down either.

Franklin stepped inside and shut the door behind him. He hadn't gotten a good look at this house before seeing as he just wanted to remain unseen and get Jimmy's ride back for Simeon. But he didn't have much time to admire to here either, as he followed her up where she led him to her room. Stepping inside, Franklin looked around in wonder. He only wished he could live this good.

He didn't notice the smile on Amanda's face that whole time. So she took him by surprise when she lunged at him and started kissing him. Franklin was so shocked that he didn't know how to respond. Though her lips locked with his didn't prepare him for her hand grabbing at his crotch, fondling his member. Before he even knew it, she was yanking his zipper down and got a better grip of his meat, barely protected from her hands in his boxer shorts.

He pulled away from her. “Mrs. DeSanta!”

“Amanda.” She was still holding his junk and he made no efforts to stop her.

“I mean Amanda! I mean...we shouldn't be doing this!”

“Oh so you think these are all dried up?” she said, pulling open her robe to reveal her breasts before him. He stared at her chest for a bit longer than he intended to, they weren't nearly as bad as she said and he loved the sight of them, but then he caught himself and quickly looked away. He hadn't had a woman willingly offer her titties before him in a long time.

Then he remembered the first time meeting Michael. Having a gun to your head was a hell of a first impression. As much as he did want to do this, Michael almost killed him just for doing a repo job. If he found Franklin fucking his wife, he was sure he would do it this time. And that's if he didn't decide to give him an ass beating before.

She was still holding him there, and the instant she had showed him her naked chest, he had gotten a bit harder just like that. The instant he turned his face away from her bare chest, she teased his genitals with her fingers, it was driving him crazy, and he didn't want her to stop. She had an evil grin on her face.

“You like this, don't you?” she said, feeling him getting harder on her hands.

“But um...” He slapped his forehead, he needed to find an excuse to get out of this, but her hand on his crotch was so good. “But what if Michael come back home?”

“He just left. He said he was going to the movies. He'll be out for a long while.”

“Oh...oh wow.”

“Besides he told me about how you broke into our home. You wouldn't want me to scream would you? Have the whole neighborhood going crazy about the big bad home intruder?”

He swallowed nervously. This woman didn't have the cold steely look that Michael did, but despite that, they were all too much alike. And then he remembered how he did cost Franklin his job with Simeon.

“How long did you want to do this for?” Franklin said, suddenly grabbing her bare breasts and caressing them. Unlike before, his touches were far more aggressive, he pushed them around, before he even slapped one of them.

Amanda grinned, his sudden change in attitude and touching her like that was exactly what she wanted. His big hands were easily able to grab onto the whole of each breast, and as he stroked them, he felt her nipples stiffening to peak arousal under his palms in seconds. He could tell they were fake, they were big and perfectly round all over, but given her excited expression, she was still enjoying it just plenty. “Just until you cum inside me,” she said, licking her lips seductively.

He had a feeling she wanted a lot more than that. “Oh shit. Don't wear me out okay?”

“Don't worry loverboy. I'll be nice.” Still holding his penis, she took one of his hands down to the folds of her robe near her crotch and brought it inside. Even before his fingers reached her pubic mound, he could feel the heat radiating from her vagina.

They started kissing again. As they were making out, he jammed one of his fingers inside of her pussy. She was tight and wet as he would have wanted already. His fingering her like that didn't distract her one bit. She was still sticking her tongue right back in his mouth, still jerking him off, and he could only love it.

Nor did he mind it when she got down on her knees. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his boxer shorts. His wang sprung out, but she had an idea it could get a lot harder. She looked down at the erect member with a greedy light in her eyes and licked all over it. His dick got bigger on her tongue as she did so. Exactly what she wanted.

Franklin's penis was so long and thick now that Amanda couldn't hold in a squeal of happiness. He was overjoyed too, all he could think about was sex and he knew this woman would be more than eager to provide. For several seconds she rubbed his prick all over her face. He just moaned deeply, he wanted her to start sucking him off but right now it was nice to have her just worshipping his cock like that.

Then she took her tits and wrapped them around his dick. Plenty aroused to start with, he loved the feeling of her big tits around his member. And she knew how to use them too.

The first time she squeezed his shaft with her teats, he had to throw his head back and grunt. He had been titty fucked before, but she was doing it so hard that it almost became painful before she stopped. Then she kissed the head of his penis like she was proud of it before she squeezed him again.

This time he was a little more ready. He moaned a bit, loving just how badly she was working him. He looked down at her, and the greedy smirk she had on her face almost made him blush. She had adjusted the strength on which she was using her breasts too, sometimes going really gentle, and at other times squeezing her tits as tightly as she could on his shaft like before. It didn't take too long for her to find a pace to it, torturing him and tantalizing him at the same time.

Franklin could only love it. She was working his penis so good that after awhile he started to like it when she got rough with him. Everytime Amanda switched between her gentle and strong messages, she gave the cock head a kiss. And those kisses started off small like a caring mother kissing her favorite child goodnight, but eventually she got more aggressive, wrapping her wet lips around his skin each time and finally using a bit of her tongue as she smooched all over his dick in between those titty hugs.

He grabbed onto her head, digging his fingers into her hair. He wasn't at the verge of climax yet, but it had been so long since he felt a woman give his dick this kind of attention and care. Amanda didn't bother looking back up at him again, she knew she was getting to him, and that was enough. So she decided to step things up a notch and took his penis right in her mouth.

Franklin was suddenly taken aback. Not by her deciding to suck him off as opposed to her technique. He had some good blowjobs in his life, Tanisha was like an angel, going slow onto the member before taking the head in her mouth focusing solely on that while Tonya even before she got kicked on the habit was aggressive, not giving him an inch and taking it as much of his cock in her mouth everytime. But Amanda knew how to really please him just right, it felt like she was inhaling his penis to the point she might suck out his soul, and then she would stop the ferocity of her sucking. Not that she was ever gentle either, she wiggled her head back and forth so that his big dick was rubbing against the web membranes of her inner cheeks at all times before she really started bobbing her head again.

Frank now did have to grab the back of her head to keep himself steady. He hardly felt like he was going to collapse, but she wasn't just sucking him good, she was sucking him like something out of a boy's fantasy, and together with his shaft still wrapped in the confines of her breasts, he felt powerless despite him standing and she being on her knees. Yet she only took that as a signal to keep on blowing him with full force.

His cock was tensing up at full arousal in her mouth. With how big it was, she slowed down the pace of her fellatio both to make it easier for her to go down on him as well as still maintaining her vigor in bringing him down. In addition being good at sucking dick, she was no stranger to sucking off guys that weren't her husband either, and was able to adjust the kind of fellatio she was giving at any moment. So she started putting more emphasis on her tongue gliding along the underside of Franklin's prick, each time she went back and forth down his shaft as far as possible before she went back up to get some air. With her experience she was easily able to ignore the gag reflex on her tongue and pleasure him as much as he liked.

Franklin had started jerking his hips uncontrollably. Already plenty into it ever since Amanda came onto him from the beginning, he was ready for whatever happened next. And the dark thrill inside of him that was still eager to get back at Michael was pushing him to come sooner than he realized.

He grunted his teeth to hold in the scream that he barely kept in check as his cock tensed up and spurt a thick load of goo down Amanda's throat. She grabbed at the base of the shaft to keep him under control as she back her head up to the shaft, allowing her to more easily swallow every subsequent load of cum that was shooting out of the opening of his penis. And as she worked to get it all inside her, she was still inadvertently using her lips on the very sensitive head of his penis.

When he was finished, she took the cock out of her mouth. Though she had made sure to suck down all of his cum, when she gave the shaft just the slightest squeeze, a little bit of semen oozed out of the opening. She slowly licked the head again, not just to get that jizz in her mouth but also to please him just like before.

She still held onto his prick and started jerking him off to get him ramrod stiff again, eager for more than just a blowjob. But just then, the door opened. They both jumped, expecting to see Michael. But instead it was Tracey, wearing only a pink nightie. Unlike Amanda who was still plenty covered up, Tracey's robe was completely see through and Franklin could see all of her save her tits and pussy since she was wearing lingerie underneath.

Tracey was just as shocked as they were. She hadn't expected to see her mother fucking another guy this early in the morning. And while she knew about just how rocky her parents' marriage had become, she never expected it to be a guy around her age this time.

“Tracey, get outta here!” Amanda said. “Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?”

“Excuse me, hello?” Tracey said. “I could hear you all the way through the walls! I thought it was Jimmy beating off on your blankets and instead I find you...” She just shook her head. “Rrrr! God, you are just so embarrassing!”

“Uh, hi...” Franklin said, not sure what to make of this situation.

“Sure, hi guy that my mom is fucking. Listen mom, I know you're bored, but can you keep it down? A girl needs her beauty sleep! I'm young and beautiful, I don't want to look all dried up like you do. I'll be twenty-five in three years, and then all my good looks will start to go right down the drain! Have some sympathy!” Her voice was so shrill and ditzy that Amanda had to fight off the temptation to tell to shut up at the top of her lungs.

“Tracey for the love of...” Amanda started.

“Hey listen, Amanda, this has been great but...” Franklin started.

“Oh no, I'm not finished with you yet. There's still a lot more we have to do.”

“Well can you try and keep it down?” Tracey said.

“Your moms and I wasn't gonna be too much longer,” Franklin said. He let out a loud whoop. “That was one of the best nuts I done ever had. I don't know how much longer I can hold out.”

“Well if it'll get you out faster, let me help,” Tracey said, boldly advancing inside and shutting the door behind her. “If I make you cum too, you'll go right?”

“I uh, I don't know...” Franklin said, scratching the back of his head.

“Tracey, keep your hands to yourself, this one was mine!” Amanda said.

“Oh no.” Tracey smiled a little to herself. “I think I'm liking the look of this one.” She walked right on over to him and kissed him right on the lips. Just like with Amanda he was stunned by her sexual exuberance as she fully shoved her tongue in his mouth. Despite Amanda's aggression, she had a sort of refined technique to what she was doing. But Tracey on the other hand was wild and chaotic, and he didn't know how to react at all.

That just prompted Amanda to stand up and shove Tracey back.

“Oh man,” Franklin said. After Tanisha being so flaky with him, it was nice having two white women fighting over him like this. He held his hands up like he was a mediator. “Listen ladies if it'll make everything better, I can do you both okay?”

“Fine by me. I can't wait to feel that big penis in my pussy!” Tracey said.

“No way young lady, you are not getting pregnant!” Amanda said.

“Mom I'm twenty-two, I'm not a little kid anymore!”

“And you are living under my roof! I saw that dick first! I decide how it's gonna get fucked!”

“God, you are such a tyrannical Hitler!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Amanda looked at Franklin. “Get on that bed, studmuffin.”

“Yes ma'am!” he said, and lay down on the bed. Amanda took her robes off, and Franklin smiled at her naked body. He didn't know if she had work done, but he thought she looked hot. Nor did he mind when she sat her bare bum down, welcoming his penis into her snatch. She sighed contentedly at his meat plumping within her tight snatch. It didn't take her long to start going up and down his dick at a steady rate, bouncing up and down on top of him.

Tracey crossed her arms. She was already angry at her mother for telling her off, but as she watched him pumping inside of her while she rode him like a bitch in heat, she was started to get hot and bothered. And she knew a guy like him could work her sweet spot in other ways too.

Without warning, she took her robes off like her mother and climbed on top of the bed. Amanda showed some faint alarm at Tracey's initiative, but none less so than when she planted her snatch right on Franklin's face. She moved her hips fast, slapping her youthful tight ass all over his face as her naked pussy rocked his mouth.

She didn't need to say anything for him to understand exactly what he needed to do. He grabbed on top of her thighs to keep her steady. Not that his strength was enough to hold her still, she was so hot and horny that she kept on excitedly humping him. Despite that, he was still able to keep her vagina right on his face. That was all he needed to lick inside of her.

Tracey threw her head back and cried out from Franklin's cunnilingus. At first she felt light headed and free. She had filmed porno in her parents' house before, but never in front of her mother.

And not the same time as her mother either. As Tracey was getting eaten out, Amanda was still riding his penis. Having to fuck them both at the same time was distracting to her at first, but she felt the rate of him pounding inside of her start to slow down a bit. He was still maintaining a steady rate of hitting inside of her, but it wasn't enough for her. At first she started grinding on top of him faster to try and generate some spicy friction to make her feel better. And she was enjoying it, but Franklin still kept on fucking her at the same pace.

She looked at Tracey, still riding Franklin's face. It was definitely enough for her daughter, but not enough for Amanda. Desperate for more stimulation, she pulled Tracey by the shoulders and pulled her into a deep kiss.

Tracey was so shocked even in that state of ecstasy from her cunt being eaten out by Franklin that she started slapping up against Amanda's shoulders. But her mother showed her no mercy, digging her tongue inside of her daughter's mouth as hard as possible. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Tracey was still squirming from having a tongue in each of her mouths.

In that state of carnal domination, Amanda wasn't even concentrating on Franklin's dick anymore. Right now she just wanted to mess up her daughter as much as possible for interrupting her fuckfest with her husband's new friend. Getting more than a bit irritated at Tracey actually hitting her, she put both of her hands on her tits and tweaked her nipples. That got her to stop right quick. Satisfied at making her daughter behave, Amanda broke away from her with a loud pop and licked her lips. She started fucking Franklin back harder and faster than ever,

Even someone as adventurous as Tracey was a little dumbfounded. Her eyes were lidded and her face had none of her trademark attitude, and all the while Franklin was still eating her pussy. As Amanda was riding that cock with wanton enthusiasm, the tongue digging inside her pussy felt better than ever. She suddenly heard Jimmy on the other end of the wall.

“Oh yeah, take it you dirty slut!” he said after just killing someone at Righteous Slaughter. Tracey suddenly snapped her head up and looked back, thinking he was talking to her.

“Shut the fuck up you pathetic little virgin!” she screamed through the wall in one of her typical loud and shrill screams. She was so angry that her voice almost cracked at the last word. Jimmy heard it through the walls, and that shut him up fast.

Amanda wasn't so stunned hearing that, she heard the two of them fighting all the time, but Franklin sure was. It was enough to loosen his grip on her. Having gotten that out of her system, Tracey started riding his face with an energetic gusto. Actually feeling a little afraid of the two beautiful women on top of him, Frank resumed his male duties, pumping inside of Amanda and eating out Tracey faster than ever.

And they both loved it. Amanda dominating her daughter for that moment and Tracey regaining her poise shattered the last of their restraint and they started hollering out loud. They didn't think at all about that their son was in the other room or that Michael could come back home at any minute.  Despite being complete sluts and used to this sort of thing, they were feeling it stronger than ever, well on the pangs to an orgasm.

As they were moaning from being fucked by Franklin, they both locked eyes again in a sudden moment. Remembering that sudden embrace out of nowhere, Tracey pounced on her mother this time. But Amanda was that needy to get off that she only gave it right back to her daughter. They were both so eager to cum and wanted to punish each other that they really got into it, licking deeply in each other's mouths. With how close they were while sucking face, their big tits rubbed up all over each other.

Franklin had been faintly aware of the two of them going at it when Tracey slowed down the movement of her mound on his face yet he couldn't be sure. This time though he did know what they were doing. That didn't discourage him at all, he had lost count how many times he would be sleeping late at night when he was woken up all of a sudden by the sounds of Denise fucking some other guy, and he had gotten used to that. But unlike his dried up old aunt shouting nonsensical affirmations even at the moment of climax, this was definitely something he could enjoy.

The cock thundering inside of Amanda was driving her to her limit. She broke away from her daughter to moan louder than ever. She grabbed down on Franklin's sides to steady herself as she rode him harder than ever, ready to cum at any moment then. But Tracey grabbed hold of her mother's tits, twisting and pulling at her nipples to get back at her.

That finished off the last of Amanda's resistance and she howled out in an undeniable state of climax. Her vagina covered his penis in her orgasmic fluid as it pulled and milked at his member, breaking him too as he spurt his cum deep inside of her cunt. He kept on pumping inside of her, losing control of his hips in that state of mutual climax.

Now that she was done, he grabbed hold of Tracey's thighs with a renewed strength and ate her out harder than ever. He dashed his tongue deep inside of her and snapped it up at her clitoris every time he licked inside of her. More than the taste of her juices, he loved the sensation of her tightening up and just how swollen her sweet spot was on his tongue. Her pussy lips were shaking on his mouth, he was ready to make her cum just like her mama.

He pulled her harder onto his face and started sucking solely on the clit. Between yelling at her brother and all her moaning earlier, Tracey was losing it. Her voice had become as loud and shrill as it generally was at her worst, and she sounded like a bitch in heat, angry and horny all at once.

She pussy shook almost violently when she came. Her engorged clit squirted a dash of fluid all over Franklin's face in addition how his lower jaw was soaked with her pussy juice from all that clamdiving. Eventually her voice became a series of soft murmurs as she let herself simmer in her orgasm.

Frank himself was a little messed up from it all too. Even with Tracey's wet shuddering cunt still planted squarely on his face, he had a big grin and just licked up as much of her extract as possible. Amanda was also still on top of him and weakly moving her hips to suck in as much of his seed inside of her as possible.

When Amanda felt him getting a little softer inside of her pussy, she got up off of him. Seeing Tracey looking so disheveled, she lorded over her one final time by grabbing her by the shoulders and bringing her down so that her face was right on top of his penis. Without any verbal command, Tracey started licking all over his penis covered in his and her mother's love juices, from the shaft to the cock head, making sure to get it as clean as possible. She even dragged her mouth down to his damp ball sack and started licking all over them.

When she finished, she lay on her side opposite him with her head at his penis. For several minutes Franklin lay there. Then Amanda nudged him.

“Hey you should probably get out of here,” she said, shoving a piece of paper with her number on it at him. “My husband will be coming back soon and I don't think the cover story of us thanking you for saving Jimmy will keep him from kicking your ass.”

“Aight, I get it, I'll go,” Franklin said, a little irritated at suddenly being reminded of how he lost his job because of Michael's overt aggression, taking no notice of how she just gave him her number. But that got Tracey going too.

“Oh no, I still have a lot I want to do with him!” Tracey said. “Besides, dad's not the boss of me. I can fuck whoever I want.”

“Listen ladies, it's been great, but I just came here to talk to Michael and then y'all decided to...”

“Then get the hell out of here already!” Amanda said.

“Okay, okay!” he said, getting dressed and then leaving the room and going out through the window he came in not too long ago when he needed to repo Jimmy's car.

Just in time too because the front door opened. “Honey, I'm home!” came Michael's loud voice.

“Uh, so how are you going to explain this to dad anyway?” Tracey said, looking at the messed up bed.

“Oh I'll just say I found Jimmy masturbating in it.”

“Good call.”

Michael arrived back home a bit later. He didn't go to the Vanilla Unicorn and he didn't fuck any prostitutes. But when he saw his bed all messed up and heard the alibi, he burst into his son's room.




Love how this story turned out. Always nice to see a mother and daughter getting along.