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Eivor had been hiding when it happened. Despite accidentally killing one of the raiders of her home, war was all too brutal and new to her. One of Kjotve the Cruel's soldiers had taken her mother Rosta, holding a blade to her neck. Her father Varin was alone before Kjotve. The fighting had stopped as if some trick of Odin.

“Now it's my turn to offer you a deal, slave-whore,” said Kjotve. “Accept your fate, and die a coward, here before your people...and I will spare the rest.”

“If I give my life, will you spare my clan?” said Varin.

“No, no Varin! No Varin!” said Rosta, still struggling against the Wolf warrior behind her.

“You have my word,” said Kjotve.

Yet as Varin looked around the site, he saw that Kjotve's men had stopped fighting. Even as his wife Rosta was being held by one of the conqueror's men, there was no small amount of fire still burning in her eyes. There were still soldiers of his own to fight this invasion. And he still had his axe in his hand and his helmet on his head.

“No,” Varin said, turning to face his enemy. “No, for as long as I live, I fight for my people!”

“A worthy answer!” Kjotve said. “You would be vain indeed to think you offering your life could ever slate the bloodlust of Kjotve the Cruel. And a coward's head is no trophy!”

Kjotve roared and raised his great axe to strike. The weapon was easily big enough that it would require most other men to wield it with two hands yet such was his power that he could easily wield it with one. Varin repelled it with his own crash. He was not knocked to his knees and the blow held when their weapons clanged together. Yet he felt the impact of the hit in his sword arm. If he was simply on a hunt or any other raid, his arm would have been knocked aside had he not been fueled by the power of devotion burning in his spirit.

To even the odds, Varin pushed back aside Kjotve with his torso and shoved him a ways away. He had to do it, such was the gap between their strength. He breathed hard, staring his foe into his eyes, and his enemy looked right back.

Around them, the fighting had resumed. Rosta had bit deep into her assailant's hand before she pushed him back and taking her weapon, vanquished him. Her axe in hand, she happily joined the fray, ready to fight for her clan to the death. Yet as the battle raged, none dared interfere in the duel between Kjotve and Varin. The Cruel's ferocity was respected and feared from his own people, and they knew that even if they helped their warlord, he would only take their heads for interfering in what he saw as a clean victory. And such was Varin's severity in those moments that even his own people feared whether they would be seen as friend or foe.

He landed on a blow on Kjotve's breastplate that shattered the metal. He looked down, shocked and amused for several moments. As much as he loved warmongering, he had become used to the savagery, it even bored him at times. He would have taken no small amount of pleasure in beheading Varin had he fell for the ruse and watched with glee as his warriors made sure the Raven clan would feed the ravens this night. Yet as he looked Varin in the eyes again, he saw no coward that would ever fall for any common tricks, but a raging berserker that made his blood run cold in a way that it hadn't for some time.

Kjotve smiled and bared his teeth. It had been too long since he felt such a sensation in the heat of battle. It reminded him of why he fought and why he lived. He needed no sage's promise of Valhalla in the afterlife, he was happy to live right here.

Varin came at him again, swinging his axe with such speed and accuracy that Kjotve was forced to draw his other axe, unlike his current weapon, a one handed armament. He parried every blow, yet deep down he feared the Raven warchief would gain break his guard and cleave off his head. The only joy that came close to what he was feeling now was at the birth of his son Gorm, and that fatherly delight would be tainted as his scion would come to disappoint him in so many ways.

But he was not called Kjotve the Cruel for nothing. The fear, the exhiliration, it all fed his already awesome power, and he came back at Varin with a viciousness he hadn't displayed on the battlefield in ages. His grunts were like that of the legendary Fenrir, and such was his speed and power that his arms swinging his weapons made him more like a tornado than a man. If any others were to interfere in the duel now, they would surely be hacked to pieces of meat and metal. It was only because of Varin's power in those moments too from a reason completely antithetical to the Wolf clan's jarl bloodlust but no less potent, that he did not suffer the same fate as a lesser man.

Kjotve's smaller axe was knocked out of his hand. If he had reached for it, it would have been the end of him as Varin would have cleft his head from his torso and the reputation of the Cruel would be nothing compared to a father's love for his family and a leader's dedication to his clan. But as he gripped his great axe with both hands, already casually wielding it with one hand before, now he was able to wield such a weapon with the full extent of his power.

In their next strike, they closed the gap between each other. Their weapons were pressed together, and their faces were so close they could taste each other's breath. The warriors of Raven and Wolf clan alike had stopped their individual fighting to watch how this bout would end. As Kjotve pressed on, Varin's legs began to give way but he did not relent, never looking away from his enemy's glare. His bared teeth snarling were so that he looked more of a wolf than any of the invading warriors from that same clan.

Kjotve turned his weapon so that his axe hooked the blade of Varin's weapon and caught it. In a single fluid motion, he spun around with such speed that the axe was knocked clean out of the Raven jarl's hands. The weapon flung out of his hands so fast that his hands were still shaking from surprise. And before Varin could even recognize what just happened, Kjotve pulled back his great axe then cleft his head off in one clean strike.

His head rolled onto the ground in it's helmet, leaving a blood trail behind on the dirt, and then it felt out of the helmet, rolling a short distance before it stopped entirely. Kjotve grinned at the sight of it, baring his teeth. He held up his axe and roared in victory.

Yet whatever triumph that filled his brutish heart at the sight of the slain Raven jarl was nothing compared to the fire that burned inside Varin's fellow warriors. Their fighting spirit was far from a flame doused under a deluge and instead they rallied back to the fight. Kjotve grimaced as he witnessed it, and something resembling terror stirred inside of him.

Rosta was the first to take up arms. Her war cry was so bloodcurdling that the Wolf warrior behind her was stunned for several moments, enough to shake herself free. She took her axe and lodged it in his face, not enough to kill him. As he was left in shock taking barely account of his situation as he bled out from his head, she swung again, the killing blow being a testament to her rage as well as her mercy.

Eivor was still hiding from the chaos, but her mother's war cry incited something inside of her too. The young girl took the axe of the man her mother killed and was ready to fight with the rest of the warriors. Already having taken her first kill this night, she was ready for more.

“Run Eivor!” she said. “If we all fall here, you must be the one survivor to continue our legacy!”


For as loving as Eivor's mother could be, the alarm on Rosta's face quickly turned to ferocity. The young girl was frozen for a moment in fear, her mother's visage just as terrifying as everything else as what was transpiring around her. “No! You must escape. This is no place for a child. Run!”

Rosta gave her a final kiss on the forehead, enough to soothe her doubts. It might be the last time she would ever see her daughter. Yet it did nothing to keep her from seeing both as a loving matriarch and a terrible battle-maiden.

Sigurd rode in on a horse not too far behind and took young Eivor onto the saddle before she could respond.

“Go Sigurd!” Rosta said. The prince nodded, and he rode off.

They rode away from their home into the snowy wastes beyond. They hadn't gotten far before flaming arrows from Wolf warriors were launched in their direction. Though their home wasn't that far behind, already they felt like they were leaving behind everything they had known. The chaos threatening to catch up with them didn't help things.

And there was yet more chaos. The horse slipped on an icy ledge, throwing off both Sigurd and Eivor. The prince was fortunate enough, but she took the brunt of it, tumbling down a hill and off a cliff face onto an icy floor below.

Eivor looked up at the emerald aurora borealis shimmering in the night sky. They might as well have been curtains of another world, yet the beauty did nothing to warm her bones or calm her heart. A tricky invitation from Helheim, not the bridge of Bifrost. The noise of the battle was gone. There was only the cold darkness now, and the sound of her breaths to keep her company.

She must have hit her head pretty hard, because she just saw the horse was down here with her. Against the cliff lined with icicles thick and long enough to rival stalactites and stalagtites, the beast struggled to get up. As it did so, perhaps it would have been better off not doing that. The icy floor broke and shattered under it, and raging against nature, it sank into the freezing waters below.

She was stunned, hearing it's last cries. The crack at the spot of the steed's demise spread to where Eivor was. She looked back and saw her axe a few feet away from her. Unable to walk, she crawled as fast as she could for the weapon. It might as well have been another part of her. In these wilds unarmed, she might as well have been naked.

And there were so many predators. A wolf in the distance ran towards her and snatched up her arm before she could seize it. Somehow she fought it off, throwing it back, but what strength the child had was nothing compared to this beast, and it locked it's jaws on her throat. All she could do was scream.

In another world, Odin's crows would have saved this child from death. Yet here and now it was not to be. As the beast of prey prepared to snuff out Eivor's life, she was saved by another wolf.

Eivor was aware of another greater presence besides her and the hunter. It hacked away at the beast, until finally it's jaws hung limply at her throat. She threw it off to look at her savior.

That other Wolf was none other than Kjotve the Cruel. The terrible solitude of the cold wastes in this night was as warm as a fireplace compared to his fierce visage. His eyes alone seemed like they were laughing at her and with his teeth bared in a wild grin, it chilled her to to the bone to gaze back up at him.

He reached down for her just as she seized the weapon and struck him in the ankle. He felt it but he showed no reaction. His hand seized her by the scruff of her shirt and he held her up.

“Murderer! You killed my father! Murderer!”

“The prince had escaped my grasp, but I never thought Varin's whelp would survive this far.”

She didn't hear it, and swung her weapon at his face. Her rage was so great that it could cut to the muscle of any lesser man, but it only barely nicked him. The Wolf jarl dropped his great axe to wipe the blood off his face and he licked it off his thumb.

“Twice the warrior your father was already. Come on now!” he said, slinging her over his shoulder and picking his great axe up again. “Your mother will be so happy to see you.”

He walked off the icy floor to the surrounding wastes and back up the hill. The young girl struggled against him the whole time. But that stopped when she heard her mother's voice.

“Eivor! You're alive!”

“I bring you a peace offering,” Kjotve said, putting her down. Eivor looked up at her mother. “I underestimated your ability woman.”

“They call you Kjotve the Cruel, but you're not particularly bright, are you? We're called Ravens for a reason. And we have tasted much wolf meat this night.”

Eivor looked around her. There were still plenty of Raven warriors around just as they were fighters from the Wolf clan. Sigurd was there too. He could have looked better but he was alive.

“Indeed, I underestimated your people,” said Kjotve. “And I am not so cruel as to throw more of my men into a losing battle.”

“It would have been vain of my husband to let himself be killed and spare his people, but you are not so vain as that?”

He chuckled. “Here I am offering a truce, and you wish to make a flyt of it. Or are you still hungry and yearn to feast upon us, carrion bitch?”

Rosta glared at him. Even the presence of her daughter alive and her clan intact could not still the fires of war in her heart. It was King Styrbjorn stepping forward between them that changed everything.

“Enough!” he said. “Too much blood has been spilt. Leave us Kjotve.”

“A wise man,” said the Wolf jarl. “I see the fear of iron in your eyes little man, but for once, the coward's wisdom is true.” The king's face colored but he said nothing. Kjotve looked right back at Rosta. “I can smell the heat of your blood woman. So pure with rage, it makes my mouth water. Any longer and I don't think I would have been able to calm the snarling of my lip. The taste of her on my fangs...” He bellowed loudly and cackled before he turned around made a whooping sound. Every Raven there was waiting for a trap, yet he turned and left. All of his men followed him with no hesitation.

When the last of the Wolf clan had disappeared over the snowy horizon, Rosta immediately got down on her knees and hugged Eivor intensely. As good as her mother's embrace felt, she started wriggling to get free, it was starting to hurt. Yet Rosta did not care. Even as her people fought to the end, her husband's death weighed on her mind, and as her daughter rode off into the darkness, she thought she would never see her again. Now with her daughter alive and her clan intact, she could never be happier.

“Thank Odin, Eivor! I feared that you too had...”

“I'm sorry Eivor,” Sigurd said, stepping forth. “It was my fault that...”

“No Sigurd, the blame is not yours!” Rosta said, looking up at him. “We should count ourselves lucky. Hel's shadow could have fallen over us tonight.”

“Yet our people now wander to Valhalla with glory,” said King Styrbjorn. “Come, let us return. We need much time to talk and to grieve.”


Rosta had become the de facto leader of the Raven clan. King Styrbjorn was still king and present to watch over his people and approve all the decisions being made, but it had become apparent to all that his power was greatly diminished. Rosta led the raids and Rosta was at all the important meetings. And the wise king's knowledge of temperance and moderation lacked the energy of any true jarl.

Nine years later, there was a new conflict not that between Raven and Wolf. Now the Skogarmaor, outcasts and criminals, besieged homes and villages with ruthless tactics and brutal efficiency. And they never attacked real warriors, they went after children and farmers, only to retreat as soon as true drengr tested in battle showed their faces.

When they first attacked the Raven clan, they were quickly identified as Wolf drengr. Kjotve's retreat on that fateful night had been strategic and well advised, yet it was not long before the conflict resumed. Their tactics had become more refined and subtle, nothing at all like the open barbarity they were used to before. He had come to respect Rosta's clan, for what little that was worth. He was that much more determined to defeat her people once and for all.

And the first warriors of the Skogarmaor they encountered bore Wolf markings. The ones that survived were interrogated as brutally as they deserved on information. But then one of them laughed.

“Don't call us members of the Wolf clan! We will never bow our head down to Kjotve. They're prey, just like you Ravens.”

Words easily dismissed as fancy. But the next raid, they found people with Raven markings fighting alongside them. Their faces were well known, vicious criminals that were shown mercy through exile. Now Rosta and her king had come to regret such compassion.

The wanton appetites of these vermin made Kjotve the Cruel look merciful. They were not slavers and they had no intention of creating their own nation. It was lucky that they would kill their prey and be done with it. But all too often they would leave them alive, dismembered and maimed. They broke body and spirit and enjoyed doing so. In time, their clans could not call themselves warriors at all.

It was in such trying times the Raven and Wolf clan met again. Though not on the theater of war but in the mead hall. Rosta in her fury would never have done such a thing, but even her reputation with her people could not sway King Styrbjorn's word. They had become a wounded people, and right now, the cautious road was what they needed.

Under the pink dusk sky, Rosta held a meeting to forge an alliance with people who were once their sworn enemy. It was such a testament to their desperation they would have preferred the killing fields laid with their people decorated in iron to their current crisis. Such trying times forged such strange alliances.

Every Raven drengr there was wearing armor. They had not forgotten their history with the Wolf clan, and they would not kneel under their boot to vanquish this new enemy. Especially not with the reputation of one jarl who terrorized their clan so much in the past.

That jarl still lived. Kjotve the Cruel, and in this time of diplomacy, his presence and reputation were no less menacing. His people too had suffered gravely at the hands of the Skogarmaor. It would have been one thing if they had died honorable deaths, and yet for those warriors that did clash and win victory, there was no glory to calm the wails of their people in these troubled times. It was enough that even his cold heart could only embrace them and weep together. Even the bounty granted to him as the Axe in the Order of the Ancients could only go so far. The morale of his people were troubled and these days he feared one of them might take his head more than any of his enemies.

As they sat at opposing tables, it astonished Rosta that she felt no fear gazing into Kjotve's eyes. She had the privilege of hunting down several Skogarmaor that threatened the life of her king and child earlier that day and sent them to Helheim's cold embrace. The heat of battle was still strong in her veins, and Kjotve the Cruel gave her many feelings, but none resembling terror or hate. And as she studied him closer, despite the smile branded on his face, he looked tired.

The Wolf drengr also wore armor to this meeting. They were just on edge as the Ravens.

Kjotve was the first to speak. “Well met Rosta,” he said. “To what honor do I owe you inviting us into your hallowed home?”

The use of her name from his lips was both welcomed on her part and felt strange. She opened this meeting for an alliance, and any past grudges would have to be forgotten. Her husband's death even in an honorable duel at his hands was nothing compared to the savagery of her new enemy. Yet her heart still warned her about becoming too friendly with this man.

She had not invited him here, but he was here now and as much as she hated to admit it, there was an opportunity. “I think you know,” she said.

“The Skogarmaor. You must have invited me here seeking to grovel at my feet or worse just to survive! A slaver's life is greater than the children and old who have seen their blades. Yet we did not come here to fight. The Wolf clan has need of carrion birds flying freely to feast upon their corpses and make sure they never rise again.”

“Then why did you not make this alliance sooner?”

“I would ask you the same thing. You gave our clan a worthy battle that night so many winters ago. I presume it was the coward's wisdom that prevailed in seeking the axe of Kjotve the Cruel, and not a warrior's valor,” he said, looking right at King Styrbjorn.

“You are correct,” he said unwavering. Even his judicious nature had become heated by events of late. “Will you agree to this proposal? An alliance between Raven and Wolf?”

The hall went silent. He closed his eyes and drank deeply from his cup. It seemed the entire world waited to hear Kjotve the Cruel's next words. Rosta's fire had also been doused. No matter what she may think of the man's character, there was no doubt to his fighting ability. She and Eivor had both witnessed his power, and in the back of their minds, both could only think that the Wolf clan right now fared far better than the Raven because of him alone.

He downed it all, and set down his cup before he sighed deeply. “The warriors of the Wolf clan are now your friends and allies. Let us rain death upon the enemies that would hurt our people!” He raised the cup and cried out.

Both Raven and Wolf roared. These were less cheers in a tavern than the cries of victory upon the battlefield. Rosta and Eivor's hearts too were moved by this spectacle. Even on their best days, it had been so long since they felt like warriors. As their people embraced Kjotve's clan like brothers and sisters in arms with no history of spilt blood behind them, everyone had put aside their weapons and armor and they were no exception.

They looked at him, not forgetting who he was. Though they hated it, in their hearts and minds, they could not see him as an enemy anymore. That's how desperate they had become against this new enemy. Yet they would not fraternize with him willingly.

He looked back right at them. Without his weapons, his smile didn't seem menacing, it even seemed warm. They couldn't think of Varin's death, they were simply glad to finally have an edge in crushing the vermin that had plagued them for so long. He chuckled to himself and looked away.

As the sun sunk past the horizon and nightfall set in, the festivities were still underway. The Ravens had kept their talons in check and the Wolves had not taken any bites that were not asked for, whether it was the feast prepared for them or the delicious Raven meat to be found. And there was no small number of Ravens willing to give themselves to these hunters. Anyone watching the scene would not have thought for an instant these people were once enemies.

It was now that Kjotve personally approached Rosta and Eivor, still close to each other. It didn't take him to recognize Eivor, now all grown up. More than the similarity of the facial features to the child he saved a decade ago, it was her eyes. The same fire that moved a child to attack him was still there.

He was glad they were alive. The sight of Varin's wife and daughter pleased his hungry eyes. Rosta was still as fetching as ever despite her martial reputation, but it was Eivor that surprised him. Her beauty was as terrible as her eyes, a thing for men and women to covet as it was enough to strike terror into her foes. And those tattoos she wore both served to mask the scar on her neck as well as prove her pride to her clan.

Despite joining with his people, the mother and daughter were still ambivalent on the matter of him. They had to be familiar with him, and they were relieved to have his axe fighting at their side. But they could not forget the man that he was.

They didn't know how to respond in the Wolf jarl's presence so suddenly, and for an instant in these better times thought he was only playing at being friendly. They had seen him with an axe for so long they didn't know how to respond to him so close wearing only common clothes and no armor with only a tankard of mead in his hands. Then he laughed.

“I never thought a woman with such iron could be so wise,” he said.

“Iron means nothing unless it is guided by a hand with honor,” Rosta said.

“Indeed! I never thought I would have cause to run from an enemy. Let alone save the life of a Raven chick whose wings looked near frozen over. It is fortunate you both live. Or maybe my axe has grown rusty. Perhaps these Skogarmaor are not the foe I thought they were.”

“You're bolder than I thought to say that,” Eivor said.

“And so she speaks! I would think the two of you would have made for my head now but...”

“Thank you Kjotve,” Rosta said.

“We are allies, not friends. I thought the two of you at least would feel that way.”

“But I must offer my thanks nonetheless. I never thought there would be a foe to make us like kin.”

“So you're not angry about how I claimed Varin's head?” He had agreed to this alliance in all earnestness, yet it was not enough to dim the candor within him that burned alight even when he was with friends and it would be a hard thing for his gimlet's eye to look upon them as allies.

“I will never forget my husband. But he died a hero's death and we need warriors now.”

“Then your thanks is welcomed.”

“I thank you too,” Eivor said. “For saving my life.”

He could not gauge the truth of their words. They both had so much reason to lie. “I wonder what would have happened if your mother had not driven me to that act of compassion. Would you still need the Wolf standing before you to save you from that wolf? Or would you have taken that axe and driven it off yourself?” He bared his teeth at the both of them in a vicious smile before he simmered it down to a simpler smirk. It made a man like him looked warm.

He wasn't the only one feeling warm either. Rosta hadn't looked away from him, that exchange hadn't left her afraid in the slightest. Neither had Eivor.

“Do you still have that mark?” Eivor said.

“I have so many marks, I don't know which one you mean.” Eivor tapped her cheek. He instantly remembered. “You mean the one you gave me little one?”

“Yes, that's right.”

“Take a closer look and see for yourself,” he said, leaning forward and putting his face right to Eivor's. Despite his intimidating glower being right in her eyes, she did not flinch. That close to him, she could see every tiny mark and nick on his skin. But it also allowed him to see the mark on her neck where another wolf had so very nearly ended her life as well. In that moment neither of them backed away.

Rosta smiled at her daughter's boldness. She sternly grabbed Kjotve by his shoulder. He slowly looked up at her, and she moved him so his torso was standing upright again. Not once did he avert his gaze from hers, and soon he had forgotten all about Eivor's bravery in talking to him like that.

“So is that it then?” he said. “The past is the past?”

“That's right,” Eivor said.

“Yes,” Rosta said. “There are enough dark tidings these days.”

“Words are words,” Kjotve said. “There are people who speak with such flowery tones they can convince you that shit smells as good as morning flowers. But it's only in battle that such things are proven.” If that was a challenge, Rosta and Eivor didn't answer it with blows.

“And you seem no small stranger to flyting yourself,” Rosta said.

Kjotve chuckled. He never fancied himself a man more of barbed words than of war, but these were strange times he was living in. Never did he think his people would be sharing mead with an enemy clan. And with their shared history of open conflict suddenly put to rest, flyting would serve as an outlet to relieve all the awkward tensions between them.

“Our shared enemy has given me cause to say many words these days,” he said. He beat a fist to his heart. “But I assure you my metal has never been stronger!”

“Metal. So Kjotve the Cruel truly is as heartless as they say.”

“My heart is protected by the strongest armor you will ever find.” He knelt down on one knee before her. “And I would offer it to you in such trying times.”

Neither Rosta or Eivor knew how to respond. They were left unguarded by his great skill at flyting and how he humbled himself before them. And he remained there with his head bowed.

Without another word, Rosta left, and Eivor followed her. Intrigued, he rose and accompanied them. Leaving the mead hall, Rosta returned to her home. The whole time he looked at the huts and surrounding area. The last time he had been here was as a conqueror. He took another drink of his mead.

He followed her inside her home. By now, they were so far away from the great hall that the noise from the general party seemed as though it had quieted down to nothing, yet in truth at the scene itself it had only grown louder than ever. He didn't know what she was planning, but he wasn't disappointed when she poured a drink of mead in her own tankard and refilled his. If ever there was a proving time for alliances, this was it.

“A toast to new bonds,” Rosta said.

“And a toast to victory,” Kjotve said. They both downed the drinks. Even someone as hard hearted as him felt a little apprehension in that action, knowing very well she could have poisoned him. It was not the first time he had dealt with such attempts on his life, he was known as Kjotve the Cruel even to his own people and more than a few had wanted him dead. For this woman at this time it was a challenge of his fortitude to accept her drink. But as time passed and he suffered no ill effects, what little worry a man like him could feel changed to relief.

Though he wasn't the only one feeling good. Dinner always filled Rosta's stomach and heart. But a celebratory feast after the thrill of battle filled her body and soul with a primal thrill of which physical needs were part of, and this time was no exception. Eivor too had recognized it in her mother, even when she was a child she was aware of that part of her parents' love for each other and knew the telltale signs then and certainly now. The last man to have satisfied Rosta's urges was Varin. He was also the last man she had welcomed into these same walls.

Kjotve the Cruel was used to such women himself. He had known plenty of them in his clan, had bedded several and even wed one. So he could recognize it in Rosta just as well. What passed for flyting in the mead hall had not done it, but just like Eivor, he could read it in her expression. He was truly fit to be a jarl in the Wolf clan, he was a vengeful predator but just as his reputation as a killer belied his skill in flyting, so much lesser known was how he could sniff out the scent of one's spirit.

Though right now he didn't need any sixth sense. The whole time he had seen Rosta's nipples hardening under her shirt. But even if she hadn't been getting aroused, he would not have been able to keep his eyes off her. Her large breasts were heaving with every breath, and he admired the sight of it.

And the lovely visage of Eivor didn't disappoint either. The little girl he had saved so long ago upon the ice had grown up so well. She had something of her father's strong features even though she had only come onto the cusp of adulthood. Yet she was no less beautiful because of it. He knew that her mother was forged in war several times over, but even in such times that could make Helheim look like paradise, he could tell this girl still no stranger to the battlefield was not nearly the drengr her mother was.

He had a great metal in his pants he was aching to stab her with.

He had also observed that there was one great bed and a smaller one. He had not seen any men by her side or talking to her in any familiar terms at the mead hall. So this was where Rosta and Varin spent time in each other's arms.

Rosta herself took no heed of his desiring a closer presence with her or her daughter. It was enough to build trust with him. It would do no good to feast with the Wolf clan only for them to taken a liking to the smell of Raven meat and become prey all over again. She only had politics in mind right now.

Yet it in part because of her nervousness that her body was feeling hotter than ever. As she had never let any man into her home or bed since Varin, it was a change to have a man here. Let alone one from an enemy clan, and certainly not under circumstances like these. She hated herself for the craving in her pussy, yet all her shame only made her want his touch so much more. And despite how she wanted to feel, she couldn't deny it had been so long since she felt at peace like this.

“Let us have a game of orlog,” Rosta said, eager to take her mind off her strange feelings. She looked around. “If I can find it.” She started looking around, under and over the shelves and under her bed.

Kjotve felt a rare stirring of compassion. “Allow me,” he said, and moved to assist her. As he went over to her, he took her by surprise so much that she jumped back. When she did so, her arm knocked into his, and the tankard of mead he was holding flew out of his hand. The alcohol sprayed all over her, staining her face and shirt with drink.

That was the least of her problems. She had jumped so much she almost tripped and fell over her own feet. Luckily Kjotve caught her. It was an awkward moment for the both of them. Not least because in his hurry to keep her from falling, he had grabbed hold of her ass. And the sight of her breasts through her mead soaked shirt was very appetizing.

She had not failed to catch onto the situation she was in. “The dice aren't in my shirt or down there either,” Rosta said.

“Then let me check again for your sake,” he said, squeezing hard onto her ass. A moan escaped her lips against her will. She was already feeling humiliated, but for her attraction to be known to him now could only lead to bad things.

And that's exactly what happened. He dove his face onto hers as her lips were still parted, sticking his tongue into her mouth. The shock of him kissing her left her frozen for several moments, she couldn't respond at all. Not that that stopped him, he tasted her mouth thoroughly to his heart's content. Worst of all was that her Rosta's surprise didn't stop the flame he was stoking in her body from this lewd act.

Without thinking, she kissed him back. It wasn't a conscious decision, she just did it automatically, submitting to her strange desires. As he had scoured her mouth with no hesitation and enjoyed her taste, she lashed her tongue inside of his. All the while their tongues coiled and wrapped around each other.

It felt so good to embrace this need, strange and perverse though it was. She moaned softly with each sweet second. And he had not let her go, touching her rump as only a man like him possibly could.  His touches were far more aggressive than Varin's though no less sweeter because of it.

Eivor could only watch spellbound. At once she felt confusion and anger spring up inside of her, to see this man take her mother so. But when she saw Rosta return his advances, she felt a tingling inside her body. She knew it wasn't right, but then again this meeting had already taken so many surprising turns.

Yet Kjotve's taste of that fire inside him had blunted his nose to Eivor's own spirit. The girl marched up to them and pushed him back.The instant the kiss was broken, Rosta caught herself and immediately turned away from him. Her face was beet red not unlike that of a little girl. She looked to her daughter for support, but Eivor didn't know what to say. Though he was silent and a guest, Kjotve was clearly in command here.

He had to fight the urge to gloat. Even as he was neglecting his moniker of cruel, he reigned supreme here. And what a place to rule. Two beautiful women at his mercy in the house of a slain foe.

“Enough,” Eivor said. “We asked for your support as friends not as your slave-whores! And...” she said, drawing a blade, “if you don't leave now I'll be sure to leave plenty more marks besides.”

“Is that so?” Kjotve said. He looked between the both of them. Eivor's defiance had sparked a similar strength inside of Rosta and now she was glaring at him, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I saved your life, I offer you my services in friendship, and this is how you repay me?”

“Iron for iron. After we finish the Skogarmaor, we'll probably be at each other's throats again anyway.”

“It doesn't have to be that way.” He licked his lips, savoring the taste of Rosta in his mouth. He knew if he tried anything so brazen, the girl might actually take something other than his life. But there were other ways to have his fun. “I want to see a show of love between these two Ravens.”

“You have that already,” Eivor said, pointing the blade right at his throat. “I will...”

“Kiss your mother like you love her.” His lips curled into an evil grin. “Kiss your mother like I kissed her.”

“No. And if you don't leave right now I will...”

“Iron for iron you said? And I said things don't have to be that way. We are already sworn to an alliance against a common foe. Do this for me and I swear to you I will never raid your clan again.”

“I don't believe it!”

“Wait,” Rosta said. “That's all you want?”

“Yes. I am cruel but I am also reasonable.”

“Two things that are the complete opposites of each other,” Eivor said. “Your word means as much as the screams in Helheim.”

“And right now you are even crueler than me. To treat someone so who has been so good to you twice now!”

“Fine,” Rosta said. “I'll do it.”

Eivor looked at her harshly. “You can't be serious.”

“Let's just let it over with.”

Eivor looked hard at her mother's face. She had resigned herself to it. Though Rosta was ready to do this for her clan, she was also motivated by something perverted affecting her thinking far more than she would like to admit. It had been so long since a man had touched her, even if it was this man, and as shameful as it was, she enjoyed that kiss she shared with him. And in her soul, she wanted to wash out his foul taste with somebody she cared about.

“Fine,” Eivor said. She didn't even know how to begin. She was plenty tested in battle, but she had only shared a few chance kisses with boys and girls before just for fun. But something as intimate as this was completely new to her.

Rosta made the first move. She closed her eyes and slowly brushed her lips against Eivor's, and her daughter responded with just as innocent kisses in genuine compassion and understanding for her mother. Rosta continued like that and Eivor kept up the same pace. She started to feel a bit relieved, if this was all it was then it would be okay. That didn't change either of them feeling of the man's eyes leering at her.

Kjotve grunted loudly. Eivor could see him in her peripheral vision and ignored him, she was intent on defying him, but Rosta took the meaning. She licked her daughter's lips. When she didn't return that lick of her tongue, Rosta kept doing it. Eventually Eivor relented and briefly stuck her tongue out against her mother's in the hopes that she would stop. Alas, it only gave her permission to stick her tongue in her daughter's mouth. Eivor tried not to reward this action by keeping her tongue as still as possible, hoping Rosta would get the hint and stop. But she continued, probing her tongue inside her daughter's mouth as much as possible.

Under the weight of Kjotve's gaze and the assault of her mother's tongue, she relented and returned her mother's kisses. Their tongues wrapping around and in each other's mouths, Eivor closed her eyes and refused to look at her mother in this shameful state. In this mutual embrace, Rosta held onto her daughter's shoulders. Eivor on the other hand was simply occupied in meeting the Wolf jarl's demand.

Yet as they continued, it just occurred to her that this kiss she was sharing with her mother was her first real one. Despite the circumstances she was in, she couldn't have asked for a better partner. She held Rosta by the waist as if they really were lovers.

With Rosta being so affectionate at Eivor in this encounter in every way, she likewise responded to that touch. She moved her body against her daughter's,. But Rosta's breasts were so large that she barely had to move that far before her knockers were right up against Eivor's flatter chest.

She almost jumped the instant her mother's chest was up against hers. She could feel her mother's nipples on her chest almost as if they were both naked, Rosta's caps were that erect and pointy. Her shirt was still wet where the mead spilled too, and Eivor felt the skin of her mother's teats on her own chest. A heat formed in both their chests as they continued making out. And much to Eivor's chagrin, there was a small wetness forming in her pussy.

It was unfortunate that Eivor had closed her eyes. Had they remained open, she would have seen Kjotve slowly undressing. He had far more in mind than simply humiliating these two with this act. That kiss he had shared with Rosta had gotten him hard from the start, but watching the mother and daughter making out like this ignited a familiar wickedness inside his heart. It had been too long since he felt that evil pleasure of domination, and he was ready to act on it again as he had so many times in the past.

He kept watching the two go at it while he was getting himself naked. Neither of them took any notice of him, they were completely locked with each other body and mind. Their bodies right up against each other, the sounds of their mouths slurping together, it was a delicious feast for his eyes. As he approached them, the two were softly moaning together, it was like they had forgotten why they were doing it or who was still in the room with them. And when he saw Eivor set her blade down, no doubt thanks to the serenity in her heart quelling all her rage, he knew it was the opportunity to strike.

When he was right next to them, he put his hands on both of their shoulders. They stopped kissing each other to look right back at him. Their was a thin line of spit between their mouths. Their faces were flushed from all that smooching, they looked ashamed and helpless as if they just realized what they'd done. Hardly befitting of drengr.

“Did you get a taste of me on your mother's tongue girl?” Eivor didn't know how to respond, she felt like a small child about to me punished. “Then perhaps I should give it to you directly!”

Just as fast as he had taken Rosta, he grabbed Eivor's neck and locked his face right onto hers. Before she had a chance to react, his tongue was right inside of her mouth now. He was far more vicious with her than he was with her mother, barely giving her a chance to react. His tongue was so rapacious inside her mouth that she returned his kisses just to keep herself from being overwhelmed by him. He chuckled to himself through it all and reached his hand up her shirt.

His paws had found her mounds in no time at all. Her breasts weren't as large as her mother's, but they were still surprisingly plump for a drengr woman. And while her nipples weren't fully erect yet, he felt them steadily hardening on his massive palms.

Then he suddenly stopped. Not letting her go of her teats, he took Rosta again before she had the chance to respond. As he was sucking face with Rosta with the same speed and intensity he used with Eivor, he firmly pressed his hands on her daughter's breasts. The blade was still right by her side, but she was distracted from not only her nipples now hardening to full arousal but also having her first real kiss with a man being done with this man in particular. And just like before, Rosta was not a passive actor in her embrace.

As he and Rosta were making out again, he still vigorously rubbed Eivor's tits. Despite the obvious roughness associated with a man of his reputation, he was being surprisingly gentle with her. The pressure from his palms on the surrounding area of her tits was just right, and he was tweaking her erect nipples between his fingers with each push.

Eivor looked away from the two of them and looked down. She saw her weapon and knew she should have reached for that blade she had threatened him with earlier with no hesitation. She knew what sort of man Kjotve was. But after that intimate kiss with her mother, with him, and seeing Rosta and him go at it again while she was skillfully handling her chest, it felt wonderful in spite of the perversity of the situation. She had never been so confused and felt so good at the same time.

He suddenly snapped away from Rosta and let go of Eivor's chest. He grinned at the both of them, triumphantly baring his teeth. The taste of both them in his mouth and their lovely selves completely at his mercy, it was all too good.

“Fine, we've done what you've wanted,” Eivor said. “Just please...”

“I can leave right now, and nothing more will happen. But are you sure that's what you want to happen?” He took Rosta into another fast kiss before he stopped, too soon for her liking. “I think you have much more important things in mind than mere alliances right now.” He took Eivor's hand that had been holding a blade as soon as he entered, and put it on his penis. He didn't let go of her wrist either, he wanted the girl to feel his member, it's size and heat, all over her hands. “This must be the first real dick you've ever seen. And you,” he said, looking at Rosta, “I know it must have been so long since you've had such a thing. Get a feel for yourself!” he said, yanking one of her hands onto his dick.

Eivor didn't know how to handle Kjotve's dick from the start. It wasn't just how impressive it was, but it was also the dick of the man who slew her father. But none of these considerations did anything to dampen the desire she felt the instant her palms touched the member. It was a hell of a dick, long and thick enough befitting his size. Eivor was certainly not thinking of unmanning him then.

Yet for Rosta, his words had stung her heart. Ever since Varin's death, she had refused offers from all the other men of the clan, drengr and farmer alike. It didn't feel right and she felt like she would be moving on too soon, even as her daughter was now a grown woman. But Kjotve had always stirred such passionate feelings though none quite like this. And making an alliance with him and after so many heated embraces with him and now his presence completely naked before her had only made her feel more confused.

As both women were in awe of his dick on their hands, he took Eivor into another kiss. The heat of passion was stronger inside of her now and with her mouth still demolished by the last kiss she shared with him, she made out with him both to keep up with his tongue, just as brutal as before, and to unconsciously satisfy a lewd desire she still didn't quite understand. The suddenness of this encounter didn't leave her much time to think so her hand was still holding his massive prick.

Just like Eivor had watched her mother tonguing out with the Wolf jarl, now Rosta was left speechless at the scene happening before her. She didn't let go of his penis, she was so distracted by the heat and thickness of it on her hand in addition to the spectacle before her. Whatever confusion she had was slowly swept away as she was overwhelming by the hot lust she felt.

Kjotve was putting all on his attention on Eivor. He snaked his hand over her shoulder and down her shirt again, squeezing one of her breasts. At first it felt so wrong doing all of this, but the sheer intensity and newness of the experience overwhelmed her. But after awhile she wasn't kissing him back to keep up with him anymore so much as she was doing it because it felt good. So many new sensations overwhelming her at once, it was all she wanted to do just then.

The girl finally pushed him back. She looked away from him, embarrassed and ashamed. She had shoved him away so hard that her hand wasn't holding his dick anymore. Not that it made it any easier for her to cope with what she had just done or the heat of passion burning deep in her body.

Ignoring Eivor's half hearted rejection he turned right back to Rosta. Before she had a chance to react, he pulled her into another deep kiss. His big hands reached up her shirt, kneading her sensitive hooters, still damp with mead. Her large nipples were puckered, a sign of the dark lusts stirring inside her body, and her tongue responded to his unconsciously. Just like with Eivor, something in her wanted to stop but between how good it felt and his almost violent intensity, she could do nothing else but respond to his amorous advances.

In the midst of their sucking face, she had not let go of his penis. She was so horny that she didn't even think to, it's heat on her hands and how big it was, it was just another weapon of the man currently assaulting her mouth and chest. Deep in her body, she longed to have it inside of her.

Eivor simply watched. She was feeling so many emotions at once that she was both perplexed and confused. Despite having pushed Kjotve away, her body still raged with a primal and unsatisfied desire. The sight of her mother and this vile man filled her at once with revulsion but it was a small thing compared to the sexual appetite his wild touches had spiked inside of her. And seeing him now, she couldn't help but want him again.

He parted his lips from Rosta's with a loud smack. She turned away from him, and by chance locked eyes with her daughter. They stared at each other for a long time, unsure of what to feel or even say to each other.

That silent exchanged hadn't escaped Kjotve. Before they had a chance to react, he grabbed the back of each their necks and pushed their faces together. Their lips were locked again. Under the influence of such a domineering man and after everything that happened already, they opened their mouths to each other immediately. With his grip still firmly holding them together, their tongues hungrily flicked against each other and scoured their mouths.

As they continued doing so, the perverted and depraved nature of the situation got them that much hotter under their clothes. They knew it was wrong, but even without Kjotve's input, the sweet kissing felt so tender and intimate. The two of them started moaning softly and Eivor even reached under Rosta's tunic to feel her well endowed bust. Even though her daughter was hardly dainty and effeminate, her hands were so soft and small compared to those of the man here who had roughly been mauling them before. And her touch was so awkward and clumsy that Rosta couldn't help but be touched.

By now, Kjotve had let go of the both of them. Despite that, neither of them noticed, that's how into it they were. He grinned to himself at the sight of it. The two of them snogging each other like that, feeling each other up. Even though he lived up to every bit of his vicious reputation and wanted to take them both, like before he was content at that moment to simply observe. He had enjoyed sucking face with the both of them, feeling their hands on his penis, but right now, he was getting really hard and horny seeing them go at it.

But in spite of how sweet this moment between the two of them was, Eivor's sloppy handling of her mother's breasts was starting to get to her. She wanted to show her daughter how it was done. Rosta reached under Eivor's shirt, and her hands found her daughter's small breasts. She slowly caressed Eivor's teats, slowly flicking her nipples with her fingers with just the right amount of pressure, teasing her sensitive tits.

It was all getting to be a bit much for Eivor. Her kisses became weaker, but that didn't stop Rosta's lustful advance one bit. She slowly increased the pressure on her daughter's breasts, and took the nipples in between her fingers. Realizing just how sensitive she was there, she tweaked onto the nipples hard before she gently brushed them for several seconds and then tweaked onto them rougher once more. Eivor had to stop kissing Rosta to moan from how good it all felt. That didn't stop her mother and she moved her lips to her daughter's cheek, giving her small wet kisses all over the side of her face down to her neck.

Still holding onto Rosta's breasts, Eivor tilted her head upwards and closed her eyes. She wasn't even trying to pleasure her mother through her tits anymore, she just held onto them for the intimacy of their embrace. Her head was swimming with pleasant and perverted thoughts, all she could think was that despite something like this with her mother was so wrong, it had never felt so right. All the while Rosta was still fondling her tits just right.

Wanting to return her affections, she started moving her hands on her mother's tits like Rosta was doing to her. The drengr matriarch was hummed to herself at Eivor's newfound skill and enthusiasm as she continued sucking on her daughter's neck. As good as Kjotve's hands had felt on her tits, she couldn't entirely trust someone like him not to get rough. But Eivor was doing it just right, and both of their hands on each other's chests, they unified in their mutual desires for each other.

Eivor opened up her eyes to see Kjotve looking down at her with a feral grin. Before she could react, he pulled her face to his for another vicious tongue tangling kiss. Far more turned on now, she felt no compulsion in returning his kisses with just as much enthusiasm as he was giving it to her. Their tongues scoured each other's mouths, and between Rosta's touches all over her and his hungry mouth, she was completely at their mercy.

Rosta just then noticed that the Wolf jarl had taken her daughter again. She stopped kissing her neck to see Eivor sucking face with Kjotve. Incensed at that intimate encounter being interrupted with her daughter, Rosta regained a bit of her old fire and put her hand on his shoulder, separating them. He stopped kissing Eivor, who by now was completely dazed from all those sexual touches and looked right at Rosta.

“I want you to truly return your mother's affections,” he said, not looking at Eivor. Rosta was going to say something, but he lunged at her this time. Rosta's hands left Eivor's chest as she grabbed onto Kjotve's shoulders to try and push him back. But he was intent, and had no intention of stopping.

For several moments, Eivor touched herself watching them go at it. Without even thinking, she reached a hand up her shirt and touched her breasts while another darted down her pants. Her nipple was still hard poking up with arousal and her vagina was hot and wet. And Kjotve's invitation was filling her head with naughty fantasies.

Eivor followed his instructions perfectly. She reached her hands under Rosta's tunic and found her mother's ample breasts again. Just like she had been doing before, she fondled the large tits. Just as Rosta's tits were larger, so were her nipples. The surrounding area, the texture, she had already felt it on her hands before but as her mother was currently in a heated embrace with Kjotve, the caps were so much harder and hotter now. And the more she massaged her chest, the more turned on she was getting.

In between these affections from someone she trusted and her mouth locked with someone as vicious as Kjotve, Rosta couldn't help but moan from it all. She felt Eivor lean her head in further and started kissing her neck, just as she had done to her daughter earlier. Far more into it now, she hungrily kissed all over her mother's throat, she was filled with a lewd desire to dominate and outdo her in these pleasures of the flesh.

Happy that Eivor had obeyed him and Rosta was at his mercy, he suddenly broke the kiss. The drengr matriarch was so into it that she was kissing air for a few moments before she realized that he had stopped. Eivor had not realized this, and for Rosta, having Kjotve see her like this was so embarrassing that she had to push her away. The young Raven looked up at him alongside her mother.

He licked inside of his mouth for a bit. The taste of them fresh on his tongue and looking so weak before his power and their bodies filled him with a glee very much like the joy of conquest. He intended to do so many more things with them before the night was up.

He grabbed the back of their necks and pushed them down. They slumped to their knees without a word from him. Just so their faces were right at his penis.

Still looking down at them, he nodded. He didn't even need to say anything for them to understood what he meant. They both looked at his meat. Big and hard, they could feel the heat of it on their faces and they could smell it's lewd deep in their nostrils. They had both already felt it on their hands, they knew how it felt. But they couldn't begin to imagine how it would taste.

Despite understanding what he wanted, they were both taking a little too long for his tastes. “You both are looking at it like you're seeing a gift from the gods themselves,” he said. “Are you afraid of it?” Right now he was looking at Eivor, but he knew that Rosta had been deprived of a man's company for far too long. “Or perhaps, you've forgotten what a real cock feels like?” Those words were definitely meant more for Rosta.

Neither of them knew how to respond. He threw his head back and bellowed loudly in triumph to have them both at his mercy so. He happily grabbed both their heads and rubbed his penis across their cheeks, their noses and their lips. The heat of it on their faces was stronger than either of them could have ever expected even though they had both already felt it with their hands, and he was being so aggressive with it too. They weren't so much shocked by his blatant sexual advances, not after everything he did already, but having him roughly rub his pecker across their faces was still another thing entirely.

He stopped sooner than either of them expected, letting both of them go. But that beating with his cock had been enough. Long enough for him to lord himself over them and short enough to keep their tempers from flaring. And strong enough to muddle their minds with the heat of sex.

They both stared at it again. In any other situation they would have been disgusted with that wanton sexual advance. But after everything they had done already, all they could do was feel it's thick texture and heat, fresh on their faces after he had rubbed it on them so and that wasn't even counting the heat currently radiating from it. Both of them stared at it.

Eivor took initiative this time. She slowly leaned forward and licked the shaft. The heat of his cock, the thickness of it, she had felt it earlier on her hands but touching him like that was nothing compared to tasting him. Even though she had only licked the shaft, her whole mouth was filled with a perverted energy.

She had to stop at first, she hadn't expected it to be so powerful. Her pussy was stung by a wave of pleasure, it was like a thrill of sexual electricity went right from her tongue all the way down to her cunt. So hot and wet down there, all she could think was how good something this thick would feel inside of her burning together in sexual ecstasy. It was the first time she had ever tasted a man like this, but she never thought that she'd be breaking her fellatio cherry with this man.

She closed her eyes and kept licking the shaft, less to get off Kjotve now than for her own pleasure. Her head was filled with mind numbing heat, no longer even thinking about sex with him, but just melting into the erotic sensations burning through her whole body right now. The sweetness in her chest and her pussy was immeasurable, she just wanted to feel it for as long as possible.

Kjotve was about to say something, he had definitely had better blowjobs in his life before. At the same time, he enjoyed the look on Eivor's face. This girl was definitely a virgin, and he knew she was enjoying it. His most sensitive part naked before her, if she was going to fight back now would definitely be the time to do it. Yet she didn't, instead slurping up and down his shaft.

And he wasn't disappointed at what happened next either. The whole time, Rosta had been watching her daughter awkwardly lick at Kjotve's penis. The sight of it had gotten her hornier than expected. Despite that, in the back of her mind, this was the man who had killed her husband and would have killed the rest of her clan no problem if they hadn't fought back so valiantly ten years ago.

But...It had been so long since she had been with a man before. The passion in her body was raging. And the pragmatic side of her which wanted her to see reason could only tell her that if she didn't do what he wanted, it might threaten the alliance with his clan that she so desperately needed. Yet at that point it was merely an excuse for her to give into her passions.

So she leaned forward and took the cock head in her mouth. At that moment, Kjotve had to stifle the grunt that almost escaped him. Immediately, Rosta went to work sucking the top of his member fast. The way she was going at it was like she was licking a fruit. Her lips suckled on the crown of his penis each time she went down and her tongue flicked at the opening of his dick.

All the while, Eivor had become a little more adventurous with her fellatio. She licked all over the shaft, up and down and around. It was twitching on her tongue, and even though this was her first time doing anything with a real dick, she knew that her slurping and sucking was going to make him erupt sooner or later.

She moved her mouth down to his testicles. They were so swollen with lust that they looked like one giant nut as opposed to the two of them. She gently prodded them at first with her fingers, and she was surprised how pliant and thick they were at the same time. She moved her mouth to his nuts and took her first lick of his balls. Hot and full just like the shaft of his penis, this time she took them wholly into her mouth.

Eivor was astonished just then. At first she almost felt like his nuts were choking her even though they obviously anywhere near her throat. More than the sensation of having a man's testicles in her mouth for the first time, it was the heat and size of his scrotum. Both were impressive all on their own to start with, but coupled together, it was taking her a bit mentally and physically to adjust.

Not that she minded one bit. All her restraint was gone, and now all the pleasure of this encounter put together with the newness of the situation was opening her mind to wanting it more than ever. She found a rhythm to the way she was sucking his balls and slowly became more and more comfortable with the full sack in her mouth.

She closed her eyes and nodded her head up and down as she licked his nuts. She knew some of the villagers had done this on the regular and her friends would often gossip about the right ways to give head, but sucking dick was a whole different thing than sucking balls. As Eivor had accommodated to this new position, in addition to the raw desire she felt, a pleasant heat had filled up her whole body. More than the rampant lust inside her was a peaceful sensation she didn't quite understand. It was both her taking part in a role like this for the first time as well as finding out how much she liked it.

That gave Rosta more room to go down on him. She started bobbing her head up and down the shaft of his dick while still making sure to suck on the cock head. With how big and hot Kjotve's cock was coupled with the speed of her fellatio, it was like his dick was fucking her brain.

At the same time, she was more experienced than her daughter and it showed. She was easily able to go down nearly the whole length of his shaft from the start, and she had a good pace in her mind to go on from the start. It was a comfort for her, but Kjotve himself was enjoying it plenty as well.

Despite not having a man in so long, she and Varin had made love to each other every day, for as long as possible. So sucking off Kjotve's dick was like stepping into an old pair of shoes she hadn't worn in a long time. Yet his penis was nowhere near as big as the one in her mouth right now and she had to find a tempo to it. Just as she was bobbing her head fast onto the meaty phallus in her mouth, she would suddenly slow her pace, which worked well for her sake as well as his. Then she would change her pace again as soon as she had gotten comfortable again.

Kjotve had his teeth bared in a savage grin the whole time. The sight of these two on their knees, working his genitals like champs. If there was a time for them to turn on him, now would be it. He was naked and had his most vulnerable spot exposed to them. Yet here they were, going down on him, their faces never looked more at peace. Nor was he disappointed to hear them start to moan. He knew Eivor was probably still unknown to men, but he wondered how long Rosta had been untouched. In any other scenario, even if she had been bound as a slave in his ships, she would never have done this. Yet the brutality of their new enemy and her political pragmatism in addition to breaking bread with her husband's killer had opened her mind to so many new possibilities.

He had not been so picky with his women in the near decade he took Varin's life. Yet even his prowess with women had not acclimated him to an experience like this one. As Eivor had noticed his shaft tensing with pleasure earlier, she opened her eyes to see that it was bigger and red with arousal than ever. She stopped for a moment, admiring her mother still dutifully sucking off the Wolf drengr's penis. Despite just sucking his balls seconds ago, she was still astonished at the sight before her. Then she heard him grunt from above her.

She looked right up at him. His face grimacing as he was hit with pangs of pleausre was an unfamiliar look, he had been equal parts grave and jocular, but never like this. Then he grabbed the back of Rosta's head and shoved her down onto his shaft as far as possible before he nutted deep in her mouth. After he shot the first blasts of his cum down her throat, he pushed her head off his penis and pointed the still hard member right at Eivor's face.

Her whole vision was filled with Kjotve's giant cock head. Before she had a chance to react, another round of jizz erupted from his penis all over her face. She blinked hard, still stunned at what had just happened, barely feeling the hot cum dripping down her cheeks and her chin. That didn't prepare her for a continuing spray of his semen all over her beautiful features, and after that, he pointed his dick right at her head. He shot several last loads of cum all through her blonde hair, before his dick was spent for this orgasm.

“You two made a mess,” he said. “How about you be good and clean it up.” Despite having just came, his member was far from flaccid, and there was still a good deal of cum oozing from the opening of his penis.

Rosta was still working to swallow the warm semen in her mouth. At the same time, she was still distracted seeing her daughter covered in the same cum that was deep in her mouth. Her lack of clarity only left her mesmerized, no less so when Eivor leaned her head forward first this time and licked up a stream of cum running down the shaft of Kjotve's penis. The young one didn't stop there, she kept on licking up and down the shaft until her mouth was right at the head of his cock.

Without even thinking, Eivor closed her eyes and took the whole head into her mouth. There was still a good deal of jizz still locked in Kjotve's penis, and it leaked into her oral cavity as she first went down on him. Just as swallowing his nuts had been a new experience for her, so was sucking dick, and her fellatio technique was nowhere near as skilled as her mother's. At first she had bobbed her head back and forth really fast, but it started to get to her and she had to take the penis right out of her mouth to breathe and take it all in.

To what little credit there was owed to him, he was merciful right now. He let her catch her breaths, but he also made it clear what he wanted when he pushed his penis up against her face again. Understanding him, she took the penis back in her mouth. She fellated solely his cock head at first, hoping to get a feel for it before she went down deeper on the shaft. It wasn't as uncomfortable for her like before, but she still was unused to the feeling of such a big and hot member in her mouth, and had no idea how her mother had managed to be so good at it before. She didn't want to disapoint right now.

Alas her inexperience reared itself forward and she had to take the penis out of her mouth again. But still determined to take part in this encounter and not outdone by her mother, she started sucking and kissing all over the shaft. At the same time she was using her lips on the penis, she would take her tongue out and give big long licks where she had smacked all over the skin of the penis. Before she knew it, she felt him hardening again.

Rosta suddenly looked up at Kjotve to see him looking down right at her. He gently tapped his balls. She looked at her daughter again, and she realized the moment for hesitation was long past.

She took the scrotum into her mouth. Kjotve sighed hard right then. Eivor had been pretty good at sucking his nuts earlier, but Rosta was something else. She was moving her head side to side, wagging her tongue all over each individual nut before moving to the other one. All the while she was gently grazing both of his testicles with her teeth as she sucked them with her luscious lips. Before she knew it, she felt the nuts swelling in her mouth, just like they had been in her daughter's mouth.

As Eivor was slurping on the penis in front of her, she felt him tensing up again. She opened her eyes to look at how bigger his penis was. It was hardening up plenty, but her sight was caught by something else right then. Namely that his cock head was throbbing. She knew she couldn't give as good fellatio as her mother and hadn't improved in the short time she hadn't been sucking him off just now. But unskilled as she was in pleasuring men, she knew instinctually that he was sensitive there.

She extended her tongue to the rim of the head. She felt him jerk noticeably this time. Encouraged by that reaction, she moved her tongue there several times, over and over again. She had been planning on wrapping his tongue around the rest of the rim of the head, but she needn't have bothered. He was so excited from her licking him there that he grabbed her head roughly. Knowing what was going to happen, she opened her mouth again and he jammed his prick inside of her mouth.

Kjotve's started thrusting hard inside of Eivor's mouth. She had no choice but to endure it, he was that close to a climax, and he had no intention of stopping. It was rough for Rosta too, his balls were hitting hard inside of her oral cavity, and whatever technique she had was long gone as it was all she could to do endure the fat sack bouncing around on her tongue. But neither of them tried fighting, they were too far into it now and their minds were simply focused on bringing him to climax.

He threw his head back and grunted loudly at his second nut. A powerful load of semen rushed deep into Eivor's mouth and down her throat. It wasn't the first time she had tasted Kjotve's hot cum, but it was the first time a guy had ever nutted in her mouth. She almost gagged at first from the semen flooding inside of her but before she could react, another load filled up her mouth. She took the penis out of her mouth on her own this time, and just like he had with her, he pointed his penis right at Rosta, and shot out the rest of his cum for that session all over her face.

Rosta closed her eyes so none of the jizz would get in there. It was a strong nut, his cum ran all over her face, her nose, her mouth, and she licked her lips without even thinking. All the while his semen rained down her face, and she simply basked in it. When he was done, she opened her eyes again.

He had to take it all in himself. He had come here earnestly seeking an alliance but he had no idea the meeting would proceed like this. If they had a mind to resist him, they could have easily taken him out and after that showing against their invasion almost a decade ago, he didn't know how the fight would have fared. But they were too far gone to think of anything other than sex, their ability to think and concentrate was limited by his pure sexual domination over them.

Eivor and Rosta looked at each other. Seeing each of their faces covered in his semen, it finally registered just how far they had gone with a man like this one. But that realization didn't dampen the sexual pleasure burning inside either of them at all.

He saw the light of awareness in their eyes too. “You look so beautiful,” he said to neither of them in particular. “You must have wanted it really bad.” He started stroking his member again. The desire in Eivor was that strong that she didn't care how wrong it was, she wanted to know how his penis would feel inside of her.

Rosta sensed it without a word. Determined to keep this to herself and spare her daughter anymore humiliation, Rosta got up on her feet first and grabbed the shaft. Kjotve smiled, their eyes locked and on level with each other. She slowly worked to get her shirt off, both embarrassed from everything she had done and from having him seeing her naked body. It wasn't the idea of him seeing her nude but more because he might see just how aroused she had been from servicing him without a word.

When her shirt first came off, he licked his lips at the sight of her knockers. He had felt them before, knew they were big, but seeing them for the first time was just another fine happening on a wonderful night like this one. Before she had a chance to work on her pants, he landed his hands right on them.

She was no stranger to having had her tits touched this night, but having them right in front of him and in such a state of undress was new. He greedily massaged them, feeling her nipples hard on his palms, knowing her breasts exhibited before him was just another naughty stirring she would have to deal with.

Then he stopped. She looked up at him disappointed.

“Don't stop what you were doing and I won't stop,” he said. She looked down bashfully before putting her hands on her pants. True to his word, he started caressing her tits again.

As she was pulling them down past her crotch, he looked at her vagina bare before him. Her pubic hair was soaked with her juices and her inner thighs were damp with wetness. To reward her for being so aroused, he suddenly pinched on her hard nipples for several seconds. Rosta had to cry out loudly, being dominated like that sent a strong jolt of pleasure right down to her cunt before he stopped.

He let go of her tits. Rosta's breath hitched from his sudden denial. She hurriedly took her pants off and threw them to the side.

Kjotve smiled at her naked before him. It wasn't just that he was able to coax her into doing such a thing, it was the sight of her. She was strong and muscular all over as any drengr would be, but she was also a feast for the eyes.

He lunged forward and shoved his tongue in her mouth again. He greedily scoured every surface of her oral chamber, tasting the faint residue of his semen on her tongue. Nor was she shy this time, and every last bit of hesitation in her mind was gone as she kissed him back as eagerly as he was giving it to her. Just as before, his hands clamped to her large breasts. No longer afraid of repressing his true nature with her, he could be as rough and raw with her as he wanted to be.

And he had far more things in mind to do with her breasts. He was already a great deal taller than her. So it was no problem for him to push down on her shoulders only slightly and jam his cock right in between her tits. Despite having jizzed on both her and her daughter already, the thrill of fucking her tits in such a way was getting randier and hornier than ever.

Rosta too was finding herself becoming more open minded. Before he even said anything, she moved her chest up and down to faciliate his arousal. Aside from the perverse and kinky situation before her, it was the feeling of the hot meat in between her tits. She could only stare at it, and after he had roughly manhandled her breasts, her chest was more aroused than ever. The feeling of his big hands were nothing compared to the throbbing member. Everytime she went back and forth on the big forth poking through her cleavage was as good for her as it was for him.

Eivor was spellbound by the sight before her. She reached a hand down her pants and another clutched one of her breasts under her shirt. As her mother and Kjotve went at it, she went to town on herself, fingering her wet pussy and pinching her nipple. Far away from the loud gathering in the mead hall, there were only the sounds of this man and her mother in their display of carnal lust.

Rosta looked right up at Kjotve as she continued tit fucking him. He looked right back down at her. Her eyes were clear with a quiet intensity, and he almost forgot his pleasure. Despite her working him the way she was, they both realized that his most sensitive part was right in her grasp. That only prompted him to look right back at her, there was an unspoken contest between the two of them and he dared not look away.

But he was not intimidated in the slightest. As she massaged his cock with her teats, she started slowing down the rate she was using her breasts. Kjotve let out a small hiss of pleasure at her denying him like that. He bared his teeth at her but she kept the same delayed pace she was using.

She gave a slow long lick up his shaft to the cock head. He grit his teeth to keep his stoic face from faltering. That didn't make him feel it any less, and Rosta herself sensed him wavering a bit. Thinking on all the ways she brought Varin to an orgasm, she licked around the crown of his organ, intending to break him right now.

Kjotve wasn't near climax again, but in another minute if he didn't do something to stop her, he would be. In a sudden fluid motion, he pulled his penis out of her cleavage and pulled her up again by her arm. Then he flipped Rosta behind so that she was looking right at Eivor. He put his hand on the small of her back to bend her over before he grabbed her hips again. He rubbed his penis in between her ass cheeks, enjoying the feeling of her hot vagina radiating onto his cock. He felt a little bit of moisture from her perineum too. It wasn't nearly as amazing as the sensation of her tit fucking him, but he had something better in mind right then and there.

In those moments, both mother and daughter got a good look at each other. In such states of depravity, for a moment they both thought to say something. Their mouths opened, they were ready to speak.

He saw it too. He also saw Eivor's hands and knew exactly what she had been doing just then. He wanted to give her one hell of a good show.

Kjotve rammed his penis right into Rosta. Her voice erupted from her throat in a loud moan. She had wanted to say something to Eivor but that was forgotten right then and there. He kept pistoning his penis back and forth inside of her, and it was all she could do to cry out from him fucking her.

It wasn't just that he was suddenly fucking her that broke her composure. It wasn't just that she hadn't had a man in so long or that it was this man in particular who was pounding his massive prick inside of her wet twat over and over. It was all of these things, and for awhile her mind couldn't even being to take it all in.

Her body on the other hand was plenty responsive. Every single time he pushed his penis to the end of her cunt, it sent a strong rush of ecstasy straight from her genitals all the way through her spine and up to her brain. Without even realizing it she hit her ass right up against his hips, only focusing on giving it right back to him. She couldn't concentrate on anything other than the giant cock hammering inside of her again and again.

Eivor also couldn't do anything but watch. So many emotions were rushing through her head that she couldn't find the mind to even debase herself as she watched her mother get fucked by this man. That didn't prevent her from getting wet at the sight of it.

Yet it didn't take long for Rosta's mind to snap back to attention. But even then, the realization of what was happening to her was quickly pushed aside by just how good it felt to be doing this right now. No longer thinking of how morally correct this act was or whether or not she should be doing it, she started hitting back against him harder than ever, she needed to feel him inside of her.

Kjotve smiled at Rosta's newfound enthusiasm. He had already been hammering his penis inside of her hard but he was astonished the moment he felt her slam back against him before he could fuck her right back. Not that it diminished her strength either, it was one hell of a strong thrust and he grunted with a lecherous grin from how good it felt. With both of them locked in this wanton act of lewd pleasure, he started fucking her right back.

As they kept going at it, he leaned forward and licked up and down her back. They were both so united in their desires that he reached both his hands over to her chest and found her large tits swinging back and forth with every thrust. He felt her vagina tighten on his penis a little bit the moment his paws found her teats and he was very pleased when he felt her nipples on his palms, hotter and harder than ever.

The two of them looked less like people and more like two beasts going at it. Just like Rosta, Eivor eventually regained her composure and thought to say something. But it was all so shocking that she could only stand there and watch. And as she kept watching the lewd scene in front of her, she became that much more aroused.

Kjotve pushed Rosta forward, though not enough to be off his penis, and spanked one of her ass cheeks like she was a thing that he owned. He grabbed her hips again so hard that she couldn't move. Then he started fucking her again harder than ever, the pleasure and intensity of his prick inside of her was so strong that she would have collapsed onto her stomach if not for him holding her. Her moans were louder and more desperate than ever.

For Rosta, the inability to fuck him right back was building up so much aggression. She tried moving back against him but his strength was just as great as it was when he had tangled with her husband, and in all bouts of the flesh, his power did not disappoint. But there was no discomfort on her part, right then and there she just wanted to slam her hips against his to faciliate her own pleasure. Eager to do anything to make it feel better, she grabbed onto her tits. She pushed her stiff nipples deep into the areolas, the ecstasy was unbearable and she needed more.

The moment his grip slackened for an instant on her hips, she moved back up against him and fast. He was stunned again at just how much she was fucking him back, and for several moments, he threw his head back and closed his eyes in sweet satisfaction, eager to feel her on his penis like that. After how he kept her from actively fucking him, she had so much pent up lust and was going at it like crazy. He looked down at her ass again, enjoying the sight of her plump ass jiggling with every moment.

Yet that sexual vigor was even pushing him to his limits. He felt on the pang of an orgasm, and even after getting sucked off by both Eivor and Rosta, he knew this nut was going to feel better and be stronger than ever. He grabbed her hips and resumed the fuckfest he started with her earlier. Rosta was crying out louder than ever, and he wanted her to make her feel the next few moments stronger than ever.

Just as she shoved her ass up against him, he grabbed her hips again and started pounding inside of her faster and harder than ever. She was caught off guard not only by the sudden strength of his thrusts, but by how close she was to an orgasm herself. Even with his hands still tight around her hips, she found the strength to move herself back against him, that's how much she wanted this. They were both humping each other, eager for the inevitable climax to come.

He thrust himself all the way to the end of her twat and came. Rosta cried out shrilly like some unholy valkyrie at his penis bursting against the tightness of her vaginal folds and erupting loads of piping hot semen deep inside of her. Already in the throes of an orgasm, her ecstasy was only magnified from his cum soaking her channel. And the whole time, he kept slamming his dick inside of her wet embrace.

Rosta's voice had turned into a shaky utterance of groans and grunts in the midst of him still fucking her during that mutual climax. Her vagina was drenched in his thick cum and as it spasmed, it swallowed every jet of it that it could deep inside of her womb. Kjotve didn't say a word himself but that's only because he was too focused on still fucking her as hard and as fast as possible. Even as he was losing control, he could only pant raggedly from all the power he was spending to fuck this woman raw.

When he was finished, he pulled out and uncharacteristically for him, sighed faintly. A small smile was on his face betraying nothing of the triumph in his heart from this victory. He finally let go of Rosta and she fell to the ground on her stomach, moaning incoherently. Her face was flushed and sweaty and Kjotve's cum was pouring out of her snatch.

For several moments he looked at her in that state. In the firelight he could see her breathing raggedly from all the fucking. The sweat covering her body outlined every muscle on her naked body and in particular her lovely legs and full ass were a delectable sight. Even after he had given her one hell of a pounding, he wanted to fondle her and use his mouth to clean up every bit of perspiration off her skin.

Yet after all that, he was far from satisfied. Still in the mind for more, he knew that in her current state, Rosta would not be up for another round for some time. Yet she was not the only other person here with him.

He looked at Eivor, who had been watching him with her mother the whole time. He knew what she had been doing to herself, but after having fucked her mother like a bitch in heat, he had a mind to give her something far more than that. He briefly thought of what Rosta might have done to him had she managed to bring him to climax through her tits, his sexual appetite would have sated. But after having showered her cunt with his seed, he was feeling like a young boy with his first time. And though what he was going to do with Eivor would give her more opportunity than ever to eviscerate him in that spot, his libido had devoured his sanity.

He boldly advanced to her, and taking her by the neck, pulled her into a deep kiss. His other hand darted right to her crotch through her pants. She moaned from his wanton aggression, his big fingers were easily able to find the folds of her vagina through the thin protection of her clothes, and even though she wasn't naked, he could tell her body type just from the sight of her. So it was easy for him to find her snatch.

Eivor hung limp in his hands. Her mind had been arrested from him focusing solely on her, but his rapacious nature with her and Rosta still stirred so many erotic feelings in her body. And unable to think properly, there was no hesitation as she kissed him back.

He pulled away from her to see her looking weak. She was looking right back into his eyes, and in the faint fire light, he could see her mouth wet with his spit. But he was both surprised and pleased when she lunged at him this time. No longer a passive participant, her tongue easily wrapped around his, exploring his mouth with just as much vigor as he had been doing to hers. As he was still fingering her, she started jerking her hips forward, lost in her own need.

Eivor's whole body tensed up for an instant, and her movements became weak for several seconds. He could feel her vaginal lips tightening on his hands, and he chuckled to himself feeling her climax on his fingers. Not that he stopped touching her down there one bit. Yet now he moved his grasp to her clitoris, rubbing the enlarged nub with his thumb before he took it in between his fingers and stroked it.

She had to break the kiss then from how good it all felt. Her head snapped back and she bit her lips, wailing from her throat all the while. He slowed down his movements on her clit just a bit, intending to please her and tease her at once. She started jerking her hips again uncontrollably, the lust fomenting in her body was that bad.

Rosta weakly looked up at the two of them. Her mind and body were still reeling from that intense orgasm she had shared with Kjotve. And after everything, the sight of her daughter sharing a moment didn't alarm her at all.

Instead she jammed a hand into her cum soaked hole and shamelessly fondled herself. Not looking away from the two of them going at it, she grabbed one of her tits with the other hand and pinched hard onto the nipple. Yet it didn't feel nearly as good as she had hoped, especially not after the session of mind blowing sex she just had. With such a large bosom already, she reached it up to her mouth and started sucking it, first biting onto her nipple with her teeth and then sucking it with her tongue and wet lips. If any of the other Raven clan had seen her then, they wouldn't have recognized her. She looked more like some cum stained whore than the jarl of their clan.

Eivor could only let out a grunt when she came through her clit. The force of that climax coupled with how much she had been jerking her hips made her legs wobbly, she felt like she was going to fall on her knees. But Kjotve looked down at her. Even though he wasn't staring at her any harder than normal and she herself had fought plenty of times by now, she was in such a state of mind that his glower looked far more menacing than usual and he kept herself upright because she felt it was an unspecified command from him despite how weak she felt right then and there.

He took his hand out of her cunt. Even in that faint light he could see the remnants of her hymen on his fingers. He tenderly rubbed them on Eivor's lips before he shoved them fully in her mouth. Despite such a brutal and unapologetically domineering move on his part, she sucked and licked them clean without any complaint.

He took one of her hands and moved it to his hard penis. Not surprised one bit, she kept on sucking his fingers while she took the initiative this time and started jacking him off. She didn't appear bothered in the slightest from having to do both these things at the same time. Just as Rosta right then looked more like some harlot after he had fucked her, so too did Eivor look like no virgin at all doing this for the first time.

While Kjotve himself knew that this girl could be doing better, he was also not disappointed with her performance. The taste of her hymen on her own tongue didn't displease her and after having sucked him off earlier, it was easy for her to get used to licking his fingers, big though they were. And despite this being the first time she was jacking off a dick, she quickly managed a pattern to it. Now that she was wholly at his mercy, he dared not interrupt her. To his wicked eyes, this was a truly tender moment.

He took his fingers out of her mouth. He smiled as he looked them over, she had licked him completely clean. Even as they locked eyes again, she was still jerking him off.

Still not looking away from her, Kjotve jammed his hand down her pants and fingered her pussy again. After being fingered to two orgasms, she was particularly sensitive there and she moaned loudly again. He continued doing that for several wonderful seconds before he stopped and grabbed the hem of her pants and roughly pulled them down to her knees.

He had stopped fingering Eivor far too soon for her liking. The way she looked up at him, he could tell how helpless she was and how much she needed it again. He lifted under the hem of her shirt and pulled it up. Eivor stopped yanking on his penis to hold her arms up and he took the rest of the shirt off and tossed it aside. He grabbed her neck with just enough pressure to dominate her without hurting her.

He grabbed under her one of her thighs and pulled her leg up. Feeling under her gam he felt up a bit farther to her rump. He snickered to himself. Just as Rosta had an amazing rack, so too did Eivor have a curvaceous booty, tight and plump in equal measure. He let go of her throat and grabbed the other cheek with that hand. For several minutes he fondled her ass, squeezing it to his heart's content.

Eivor looked away out of embarassment. Despite this being such a lewd situation, a giddy smile formed on her face. After all his blatantly chauvinistic behavior with her, he was taking the time to simply admire and fondle her body. She knew what kind of man he was, she had seen his viciousness before in battle and knew he was doing this to her and her mother purely for his own pleasure, taking advantage of the tenuous alliance they had made here. But after everything she had done so far and in light of the two strong orgasms she just had, her mind was muddled.

Nor was the situation helped by him being the first man that had ever coveted her ass in such a way. Whatever his intentions were, he was her first, and he had made this experience as pleasurable as she could have wanted. For that reason alone, she couldn't find the willpower to break away from him.

The whole time her leg had been lifted up in the air. But as Kjotve had been fondling her, she had inadvertently wrapped it around his waist without even realizing it. Whatever bearing she had as a drengr earlier had been slowly slipping away earlier, but now it was completely gone.

Putting both of his hands under her legs, he lifted her up so her cunt was right on top of his face. Her butt rested on his shoulders and her calves hung over his shoulderblades, but she was so much smaller than him already that right now she looked like a small child with her father. Eivor squealed the moment his tongue dove into her cleft. His fingers had been big and they relentlessly stirred her pussy, but their force was nothing compared to the energy of his tongue wriggling around inside of her. Nor was his tongue as rough as his fingers either. With his face in between her thighs, he was in heaven and he happily ate out her vagina to his heart's content.

She had to grab onto his head for support. He was eating out her pussy so good that she twisted her fingers into his hair. He knew she had been a maiden the instant he saw her shattered hymen on his fingers, but he knew there were others ways for women to have had men. Yet from the way she was holding onto him, he knew that he was her first in all things.

She threw her head back and screamed. She hadn't climaxed just yet, but it was more from how skilled he was at cunnilingus. A tongue inside of her twat was such a new sensation that she couldn't help but be rendered powerless.

Yet he knew she did cum when he felt her squeeze her thighs around his face that much harder. A lesser man would have struggled to breathe but he simply kept focused on the task before him. He could feel her twat squirming a bit on his tongue, and her taste and smell became that much more pronounced.

He moved his mouth to her clit. The swollen nub was already twitching a bit as her vagina had just climaxed, and he knew now was the time to strike. He pummeled it with his tongue, not showing any mercy while completely ignoring the rest of her vagina. Already helpless in the throes of ecstasy, her torso fell over his head. Despite all the strength she was using to cling to him, she still felt like she was going to fall off at any moment.

Not that that would happen anytime soon. The drengr writhing in pleasure was moving wildly across his built stature, but he had moved his hands from under her bum to on top of her thighs. Firmly holding onto her, he continued munching down on her clit. Eventually she lost all of her strength and fell over backwards so her torso had fallen down onto his chest.

It only took him several seconds to readjust her cunt to his mouth as he resumed his cunnilingus. Still holding onto her thighs, he pulled her up and dove his tongue right back inside of her snatch. Her torso hanging down didn't keep her from flailing around across his broad chest. In the awkward position she was in, she had to grab hold of his hips to keep herself steady while he still went to town on her. While it was a boon that kept her more comfortable, it didn't help her when he made her cum through her clit.

In a rare act of mercy, he knelt down and set her down on the ground. Her expression was blank and she couldn't think straight, her vision clouded by starburst. But he didn't need to be a mind reader to know he messed her up good. The girl was shaking, her face was flushed, and uncontrollable tears of joy were pouring down her cheek from having had her twat eaten so good.

So she barely took in Kjotve taking hold of her arm and pulling her up. She was unable to properly take account of her situation, all she could feel was pleasure rushing throughout her whole body and all she knew was that she being made to stand up by a man and she wanted to feel even better than she already was. Just like before he grabbed her ass. That act had been for his pleasure but she was so jittery that his strong grip did help her steady up a bit.

He knelt down a little again and looked her right in the eyes. Half-lidded, barely recognizing him, that was fine. He put his other arm under her vagina and moved his great bicep right to her cunt. At first he rubbed it hard under her vagina, but slowed down to tease her.

Eivor on the other hand took the signal loud and clear. She started moving her hips to faciliate her own arousal, desperate at that point for any kind of stimulation. As she did so, she got a better footing after all that clamdiving and wasn't as wobbly anymore. His arm was stained in her pussy juice.

Then he retracted it away from her. The young drengr glared at him, now fully cognizant of her situation. That look in her eyes, there was anger and desperation in so many shades. He knew now that he could do whatever he wanted with her.

Taking that as the signal he needed, Kjotve pulled her forward so that her vagina wrapped onto his penis like a hot and wet sheath for his weapon. Eivor cried out loudly. Though she was technically no longer a virgin, it was still the first time she had felt a cock inside of her. It was one hell of a penis to have inside her too, Rosta had been fucked before so as big as it was, she was used to it. But Eivor, with the initial jolt of pleasure from his cock inside of her, she had to take several moments to get used to it.

He could tell she was unused to this sort of treatment too. Despite his brutish moniker, for once he was inclined to show mercy, and slowly moved his penis back and forth inside of her. It was a great boon to Eivor since she had forgotten a great deal of her pleasure from before at the discomfort of his prick in her cunt for the first time.

Yet it didn't take long for her to adjust either. It was a strange feeling at first having him lodged firmly inside of her. But she was already aroused plenty to start with and now that he was slowly easing himself inside of her, she found her body quickly adjusting to the act. The tightness of her vagina on his thick cock were slowly causing a satisfying friction in her canal and she gradually became wetter on his penis with every movement.

A low howl escaped her lips before she started picking up the pace herself. It was a new thing for her not only from having a cock inside of her but also having to use her hips in such a way. But more than the novelty of the situation, it was the almost electric pleasure filling up her whole body that made it so easy for her to start fucking his giant penis right back. It wasn't long until she was using her hips as a normal rate, moaning every time her wet vagina slid across his massive penis.

Kjotve's smile lit up his mug ear to ear. Despite Eivor's newfound enthusiasm, her face betrayed just how much she was being wrecked by his penis. Intending to reward her for her taking part in this act, he started hitting her back. At first she was put off by his sudden momentum but that didn't diminish just how much her juicy twat was constricting on his prick. And she never stopped trying to move back against him either.

Eventually what little discomfort there was for her was drowned out by just how good it felt. The pleasure burning inside her was slow to bloom, but when it finally became regular, she couldn't stop hitting back against him. Unlike before, she humped him at a regular speed, not as fast as him, but not what one would call slow either.

Rosta came when she finally saw the two of them going at it like that. She breathed a sigh of relief at having that lewd desire sated. But when she looked at the hand she used to stir her cunt covered in all of his cum, she was reminded of how badly he had fucked her and how good it felt. If the vision of her daughter fucking him like a champ wasn't enough to get her horny all over again, then her remembering the moment he climaxed inside of her hole was.

Kjotve reached under both of Eivor's legs and pulled her up so that she was on his lap. Lost in pleasure, the girl unthinkingly wrapped both of her legs around his back and held onto his shoulders. He picked up the pace of his fucking and she hit back against him just as much. All she could do was utter a string of delerious moans from getting rammed like that, she needed it now.

For a brief moment, Eivor felt Rosta's gaze on her and looked back at her mother. They locked eyes with each other, and that glance was enough to silence the cries from the young girl's mouth. Kjotve pumped into her harder, wanting to break her down again, and yet that wasn't enough to break her momentary composure.

He had figured out by then that she must have been looking at her mother. That didn't stop her from humping him, from holding him, and she felt so good on him too. Intending to make it so much worse, he plunged his tongue right back into her mouth.

That did break her composure. It caught her off guard so much and he was so brutal that she did try breaking away from him at first. But he was ruthless, stirring his tongue all over in her mouth and together with the penis still hammering away in her juicy twat, she couldn't deny just how good it felt. Without even thinking she started kissing him back, at first to try to get him to relent, but only seconds in she started doing it earnestly.

As the two continued doing it, Eivor's legs had been flailing wildly around him. She could barely contain herself. He had messed her up bad before, but his penis was destroying her and just like when he was eating her out, she could only hold onto him so strong before her staying power gave out.

She had to break the kiss to breathe. At that moment her moans were loud and ragged. Though Kjotve was holding it in better, he was nearing his breaking point too. He had seen her react to his power in so many ways tonight so he already knew what would happen on what he decided to do next. But he wanted to feel it for himself.

He pulled her onto his cock as far as she would go and started pounding inside of her faster than ever. At his breaking point now, he slammed his penis as far as it would go and came to the end of her cunt. His nut was no less strong despite having came several times already, and he relished in the feeling of this victory.

Though his orgasm was nothing compared to hers. She regained all of her strength to scream, it sounded like a war cry on a raid rather than her being caught up in a debauched act of pleasure with her father's killer. His cum rushed through her vagina as it was massaging his hard penis rhythmically in a state of blissful climax and mixing her own fluids deep onto his penis, swallowing every last drop it could deep into her womb.

When he was finished cumming, the girl was still caught up in a state of climax. He sighed silently to himself as he melted in the sensation of her orgasm on his prick. He knew she was liking it plenty too from the way she was clinging to him, from how tight she was even then as it repeatedly vibrated and constricted on his cock. When she was finally done, he let her go.

He looked between the two of them. They were both lying on the ground with his jizz still pouring out of their cunts. There could never be a truer alliance. To have slain a husband and father, taken his woman and made them like it, he couldn't be happier. Such was the proof of his power.


Three months later, he had proven himself good to his word. They taught the Ravens their brutal tactics and together, drove every single one of them to iron. The Wolf clan had helped drive off the Skogarmaor.

Though at that point in time, that victory was the last thing on the minds of Rosta and Eivor. At that point in time they both noticed bumps on their stomachs. They both did their best to hide it from their comrades but they knew that sooner or later the issue would come up.

They went to Kjotve, whose territory was by now common ground to them. He had been sitting on his throne, relaxing as any jarl would see fit with so many foes now vanquished. Several of his soldiers were on standby. But he had been surprised to see the two of them come into his fortress.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” he said, his lips curling on one end at that last word. He had not forgotten that night he shared with them.

“This must be said in complete privacy,” Rosta said. Kjotve nodded and he dismissed his men. She shut the doors so that they were completely alone.

“I...” Eivor started.

“We're pregnant,” Rosta said.

“And?” he said.

“They're your kids!” Eivor spat out.

He seemed to consider this notion and leaned forward a bit. Even for someone like him, hearing that was a surprise.

“Show me.” They looked at each other nervously before they lifted up their tunics. His mouth opened a bit in surprise seeing the bulge in their stomachs. “How long have you two thought about that night?” he said.

“What?” Rosta said, dumbfounded.

“I know how women are during a time like this,” he said. He grabbed his crotch, his meat was already plumping up underneath his armor thinking about the prospect of having them again. “And until the time you two are ready to conceive, I will be more than happy to satisfy every need you have.”

Eivor gulped, blushing a bit. “R-really?” More than when her father died, she remembered the night the Wolf jarl took her, and a sweet tingling started practically itching in her vagina.

He burst out in laughter. He grabbed onto both of their shoulders. “Yes indeed! But don't worry. I will carry the secret of their parentage to Odin's gates.”

Rosta sighed to herself. “Alliances do make for strange bedfellows don't they?”

Kjotve chuckled as he undid his pants and took them again. It was good to be the jarl.


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