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With the defeat of Harkon at the hands of the Dragonborn and the Dawnguard, the menace of the vampires in Castle Volkihar had been put to an end. Isran had been happy beyond measure. The ancient creature and his brood were no small threat to Skyrim. All the defenseless living who would ordinarily have been their prey, could now find reason to peacefully rest under the moon.

Though nobody could have guessed that the fiend's daughter Serana would be of help in vanquishing him. The Dragonborn had found her by chance at Dimhollow Crypt on their first mission for the Dawnguard, and after slaying the vampire nest there, by chance showed her mercy even knowing what she was. And after escorting her to Castle Volkihar, home to the ancient evil Harkon, they thought that would be the last they would see of her.

Yet she would turn on her father. Isran had been slow to trust her, but when the news of Harkon's death reached his ears, he knew that she had more than proven her worth. Nor was he disappointed to hear that she had turned on her own kind and her own kin. In that moment he could only see her as a friend.

But it was only momentary. The Dawnguard's mission was to hunt vampires and she was still a creature of the night. And Harkon's clan was not the only nest of the undead.

From what they knew, it was only a small faction, they might as well have been renegades. But what gave Isran cause for concern were reports that these vampires had learned how to breed on their own. That was all that was known, but for what little information it was, that was reason enough to take it seriously.

“I'll go this one alone,” Isran said. “If there are more, they may strike our home or neighboring villages. If and when that happens, the Dawnguard will be needed.”

“Let me come along,” Serana said. “I know how vampires think.”

He had to fight a scowl creeping onto his face. Alone with her, it felt like the perfect opportunity to spring a trap. When previously offered the cure for her vampirism, she refused. Old hatreds died hard.

The whole of the Dawnguard were present for this meeting. They felt that crushing silence in those moments between the two of them. “Sir, you don't have to...” Agmaer started.

“I told you boy, we're not an army,” Isran said. “And if anyone should go, it should be me. Both to take care of these vermin and to make sure our dear friend is as loyal as she says she is.”

They left first thing next morning. Serana knew Isran was doing it to spite her, the bright sunlight hurt as much as it always did. Alone with him and the day's harsh glare bearing into her, she kept her cowl over her head more than ever.

“Did you have a reason for keeping this information from us?” Isran said to Serana.

“I don't know anything about these vampires,” she said right back to him. “Not that that would help. For all the people who wanted my father dead, there was plenty more backstabbing and conspiring amongst the different servants.”

“Backstabbing indeed.”

“What, you're accusing me? After everything?”

“The threat clearly didn't die with your father. Now's your chance to prove me wrong.”


Following the directions their scouts gave them, it wasn't long until they were at the nest. They hadn't known what to expect, between Redwater Den, Dimhollow Crypt, and Castle Volkihar, vampires were just as diverse in their haunts as the living were. But they hadn't expected a place that looked like an ordinary town either.

Still, both sensed that something was off about the place as soon as they got there. There was still daylight out when they got there, but dusk was soon setting in, and before long the vampires were out and about in the streets. Serana knew more than a few of them from Castle Volkihar, outcasts from Harkon's ranks but vile nonetheless, and that cleared up the rest of her doubt.

The two set out to work at once. The initial commotion from the fighting woke up the rest of the vampires, and soon they were pouring out of the homes, both ready to take the Dawnguard's leader as well as eliminate their sworn enemy Serana. Due to her connection to Harkon as well as her role in killing her father, they put extra attention on her. It was for that reason that Isran fought tooth and nail to keep her safe.

And that battle dynamic saved their lives. While he had been intending to defend her, these vampires were vicious, and if not for her power, they would have easily overwhelmed Isran alone. When the last of the creatures in the streets was done, Isran grabbed one of the survivors by the throat.

“Where are you brewing the concoction you creatures use to breed?”

“As if I will ever tell you!” the creature said. It snarled at him. Isran jumped back just as the fiend was ready to spit in his face. By now the sun had set and the dark night was strong. Only the full moon lit up the area. In the darkness, Serana's amber eyes, terrible and beautiful as the finest gold, shone with cold ferocity.

“I can smell it,” Serana said. “And I can already feel dark desires I once thought long forgotten.”

“If you have a mind to breed with your fellow undead I'll be more than happy to send you to meet your father,” Isran said.

“I'm stronger than it,” she said. “Let's just destroy it and be done with it.”

She led the way and he followed. Walking the streets, she was at a big building that resembled a brewery. There was a strange pink mist in the air, emitted by the chimneys and filters from the roof.

For a moment she just stood there. Unlike Isran, she felt it's power acutely. More than just desire, there was a tender longing in her chest and a ravenous appetite to see these needs met with anyone nearby.

He touched her shoulder and she suddenly looked at him. The Dawnguard commander's visage was clear in the moonlight but she felt no fear, only an affection for the man who watched her back in their last fight. And his ferocity seemed like something made to protect her, nothing quite as terrible as her father.

“Let's go,” he said. She nodded.

They kicked open the door. They were met by a large room like a tavern lit with lanterns but nothing so inviting as that. Already the vampires inside were alerted to their presence but neither of them cared. Despite the aphrodisiac swimming in her body, Serana fought with a frenzy, tearing them limb from limb. It was something that Isran appreciated too, and all his doubts about her were cast to the wind.

When it was over, they walked to the back of the area. Despite the building being a tavern, the back was nothing so innocent. It was an alchemic laboratory that only the finest of necromancers and warlocks could appreciate. There was very small light from candlelight inside. Through the windows the moon shone, casting the area in a pale aura. And there were vials of pink fluid connected to a filtration system outside.

Isran remembered her reaction when they both approached the building. “To think if we had arrived here later, we would have likely found those creatures fucking like rabbits.”

Serana didn't answer, she was too busy being distracted by the fluid. There was a small bit of steam from the machinery in the room connected to the beakers and glasses holding the vampires' brew, and the smell of the potion was stronger than ever. There was a pleasant heat in her chest, her nipples were hardening under her clothes and her vagina was hot. And her breath quickened. But she wouldn't let that show to him. “Right,” she said.

Isran drew his warhammer and smashed the beakers with reckless abandon. There were several shelves up above which would take a ladder to reach, but he didn't intend to waste time. He was going to cause enough chaos to break it all without any real effort.

The lab was filled with sounds of broken glass and his grunts. Yet in his haste, he had not been paying attention to his surroundings. On one of the upper shelves, one of the vials of the fluid fell over and the brew spilled onto his face from above.

He barely noticed it and he quickly wiped his face to get the stuff off him. But it was not fast enough and some of it got in his eyes and in his mouth. There was another spillage from up above and as he already wiping his face, a bigger dose of that all came right down onto his lips.

A good bit couldn't help but get into his mouth. He tried spitting it out but by that point it was too late. Coupled with the previous spill, he had swallowed too much.

When he was finished wiping off his face, his whole body was in a heat. It wasn't just his shame at having got the substance in his mouth, he felt a strange fluttering in his heart and a hardness in his pants.

He suddenly looked up at Serana. There were drops of the vampires' potion from the wrecked shelves spilling onto her head, onto her face. The woman had been staring at him the whole time and now he found it hard to ignore her gaze. Despite his prejudice against vampires, he always knew she was fetching compared to the other undead and that had not been enough to curb his suspicion towards her. But now all he could think was how foolish he could have ever been to distrust the woman who had helped him defeat her father and end a great source of the undead menace.

Serana herself saw the look in his eyes. It had been difficult enough stifling the newfound desires from the vampires' draught, but this close to it had stoked her libido to a newfound level. She could only sit back and watch Isran go in his rampage because all she could think about was sex. And when their eyes met in that moment, she knew there was a mutual longing between them.

Isran threw his warhammer aside and rushed at her. Grabbing her by the hips, he charged her onto the nearest table free of broken glassware and pushed her down. He pulled down her hood to see her beautiful visage and grabbing her head under her dark mane of hair, they started making out.

Their tongues hungrily scoured each other's mouths. More than any thirst for blood, the only thing on Serana's mind was giving herself completely to the Dawnguard commander. He was holding her down totally on the table. As they were hungrily sucking his face, his tongue tasted her fangs more than a few times, but he didn't care. A part of him in the back of his mind thought it felt so wrong but that only spurred on his newfound sexual appetites.

As he was holding her down, he was grinding up against her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and her hands had begun undoing the front buckles on his armor. He broke the kiss to help her and as he was doing so, she latched her mouth onto his neck. As he was getting his armor undone, she was hungrily kissing his neck and grazing her fangs across his skin. Nothing so deep as a true vampire's kiss but nothing gentle either. Yet his mind was not paralyzed by any doubt, and the instant the front of his armor was open, he got up and pushed her head back. He took the mail off the rest of his torso before he threw it to the floor.

His dark muscular body exposed before her, she licked her lips hungrily. Her fangs were not for show and she had tasted a faint sliver of his blood during that hickey she gave him. Just as she was beholding him with unashamed lust so did he see her now.

She latched her mouth onto his built pecs and abs, tasting him, hungering for him. Her hands reached to the back of her breastplate and she undid it as fast as she could.  Not quick enough to stave the desires of the Dawnguard leader. Isran grabbed her head plunged back at her, their mouths were locked in a frenzied kiss. He reached behind her to the buckles on her armor and helped her get it undone. Their hands frequently interminged and got in the way of each other, that's how distracted and horny they were.

When it was finally off, she pushed him back and tossed it aside onto the floor. Now that she was wearing that much less, he could see the shape of her breasts under her tunic. Not wasting anymore time, he boldly pulled down the front of her shirt so her alabaster breasts were exposed before him. It had been the first time he had seen a vampire's tits, and she didn't disappoint. Despite her status as an undead, they were just as pliant as any member of the living. And her nipples were a cream shaped color like her lips, just a faint shade darker than the rest of her pale skin.

He buried his head into her bosom. She tasted just as good as a living woman too. He knew that her kind were bloodsucking undead, but there was no chill on her body, just a steadily growing heat. He didn't know whether it was simply her natural arousal or an effect of the vampiric aphrodisiac but he didn't care. He kept sucking between her tits with wild abandon.

Serana moaned loudly like a demon. He had reached behind her under her tunic, feeling all over her back before he firmly grabbed onto her ass. Just like her tits, her donk was full and luscious. As he was going to town on her chest, she reached down and grabbed his belt.

Serana undid it with a surprisingly quick speed, that's how needy she was in those moments. Off it went and she quickly pulled his pants down, leaving only his undershorts protecting his manhood from her affections. She reached down and massaged his boner fast, barely protected from her hands. Isran stopped sucking her tits to grunt from how good it felt. Her ivory neck was exposed to him and he started necking with her.

Even in her state of lust she had been careful not to bite too hard into his neck. But Isran had no such compulsions, and he bit and sucked on her neck as he pleased. He could have sworn that he broke the skin a bit and tasted her blood but he didn't care.

Still holding her ass, he pushed her down so that her back was on the table. His greedy hands undid her belt as she had his and pulled her pants down until they were down at her ankles. The only thing keeping her pants from being taken off completely were her boots.

They both had to stop so she could get them off. They were grinning at each other wildly, they had forgotten all about their mutual history of distrust. When she undid the straps on her boots, he grabbed onto them and pulled them off fast before he pulled her crumpled up pants off her feet and threw them away.

They were both so exposed before each other, human and vampire. Never did he ever think that he would be doing this in his lifetime. There was a gnawing doubt in his head, wondering if she planned this scheme all along, but he didn't care about that at all right now.

He pulled off his undershorts revealing his dark and erect manhood. Serana almost gasped at the sight of it. Then surprising them both, she pushed him back.

But it was no resistance. Instead she wanted to tempt him. She grabbed onto one of her tits, fondling one of her pointy nipples, fantasizing about feeling that thing inside of her. With her other hand she lifted up the hem of her tunic, revealing her pale vagina before him. Just like a living woman's snatch, the lips were plump and wet with arousal.

He ran to the table and got onto it with her in a 69 position. Grabbing her hips and positioning his head at her snatch so that his cock was also right by her face, he got his first taste of vampire pussy. She was tight and wet to his satisfaction, and her smell was sublime. Nothing unpleasant at all, it was a taste like no other.

Isran's cunnilingus was driving Serana crazy. At the same time, she was staring at his hard penis, only inches away from her face. She could smell it's heat in her nose, it was a sweeter scent than the ecstasy of a blood feast. Coupled with his tongue thrashing deep in her cunt, all she was wanted to do was get a taste of him.

She took his cock into her mouth as deep as possible. Just as she expected he was red hot on her tongue. For a holy man, his dick had a naughty and lewd taste, and she started bobbing her head back and forth on his member. With so much blood engorged in his erect member, it was stirring all of her instincts as a vampire by sucking him off, it was like she was feeding on him.

Isran grunted from her wet mouth on his penis but didn't slow down the rate of his clamdiving one bit. As he continued eating that pussy, he saw her clitoris getting erect with arousal. He moved his lips to the sensitive nub and started sucking on it.

Even with his penis in her mouth stimulating her human and vampiric instincts, that move caught her off guard. She had to stop blowing him to moan loudly. It had been so long since anyone had touched her there and the vampires' brew had awakened so many sensations she hadn't felt in so long. All the while, she still smelled the heat of his penis and had the hot aftertaste in her mouth.

Though unable to suck him off as vigorously as before, she was still hellbent on tasting his genitals again. She licked up the underside of his shaft slowly, absorbing his flavor on her tongue. Then she looked at his nuts. The sack was so swollen with arousal that it looked like one big nut. She could only look at it for so long before she lost control.

Serana took Isran's nuts into her mouth. She suckled on them fast, staining his balls with her saliva. The taste of them, the thickness in her mouth, it was too much for her. That didn't stop her from suckling all over them and moaning even time she wrapped her mouth over the testicles.

Isran intensified his cunnilingus. He moved his tongue up and down, deep into her vaginal cleft and up onto the clit, over and over again. Even though it was worse than ever for Serana, that only aided her in her desire to get him off. She stroked his shaft while she sucked on his nuts before she took the whole shaft into her mouth again.

No longer taken aback by the sweet sensations he was giving her, she enthusiastically bobbed her head up and down his pecker again. His shaft, his cock head, he was harder and hotter than ever before, and she was eager to taste him as much as possible.

Not that he lasted very long. He grunted as he was eating her out before his penis tensed up and spasmed inside of her mouth. An eruption of cum spilled inside of her, flooding all over the roof of her mouth and on her tongue. She swallowed all of it as best she could before there was another nut. As she was working to swallow his jizz, she hadn't taken his member out of her mouth once, that's how intense the rush of semen was.

Finally it got to be too much for her and she took the prick out of her mouth. Still cumming, it sprayed his whitness over her already pale face. She licked her lips as much she could, the taste of his cum was just as succulent as his penis.

Though her reverie was cut short. Already in a heightened state of desire, Isran's tongue hit inside of her labia just right. Unable to take it anymore, she came, screaming out loud as much as she could.

Serana was completely wracked by that orgasm, she was shaking on the table with him. She was murmuring softly and a small puddle of spit had pooled out of her hips. Realizing just how weak she was with him just then, Isran dipped one of his big fingers into her cleft. She uttered a high pitched squeak from his digit poking inside of her.

He didn't need to hear that to know just how good he was messing her up. She was even tighter now than when he was munching down on her, and her whole body was twitching in front of him. Least of all her vagina, still plump and almost vibrating in that moment from him fingering her right after that orgasm she just had. Her juices were leaking all over him probing her, and she was feeling so good that she didn't even had the strength to scream anymore.

He put another of his fingers inside of her before he moved his head back to her clit. Still erect and sticking out for him to taste. The moment he licked at it again, her whole body jerked uncontrollably. He felt her tightening on his fingers for an instant too.

Knowing exactly what he wanted to do, he kept fingering while he resumed eating her clit. She couldn't do much but take it, though his dick still looked as appetizing as ever. She played with her tits again, squeezing her nipples in between her fingers, as she started rubbing her face on his penis, still just as hard as before. She wrapped her breasts around the shaft, wanting to give it back to him somehow. It was all she could respond to him the way he was working her then.

She sighed suddenly as she felt herself on the verge of another orgasm. She started jerking her hips, giving him just the signal he needed, and he penetrated his fingers inside of her harder and faster than ever. She yelped in another state of climax.

Having had his fun with her, he got up and studied the vampire, lost in her throes of ecstasy. Her eyes were softly lidded in her state of pleasure and there was even a bit of a pink blush on her cheeks. There was nothing to suggest she was now or ever a being of great power and the daughter and slayer of the wicked Lord Harkon.

He walked over to her head and put her penis at her face. Without thinking, she rolled over so she could wrap her breasts around the shaft again took the cock head into her mouth. Now that he wasn't wrecking her vagina, she was far better able to give it right back to him. Nor were there any other thoughts in her head besides sucking his penis.

Isran closed his eyes and sighed contentedly to himself. Her mind motivated by nothing other than sex, she moved her head up and down his cock with her tits wrapped around his organ just like before. But now she was skillfully using her tongue, wrapping it all over the shaft and head each time she went down on him. And best of all was that she moved her mouth down more and more with each movement, taking more of the massive shaft into her oral embrace.

He jerked his hips again the moment he came. Already used to him jizzing inside of her mouth, she simply dove her head as far down as she could go, taking it all in. She patiently lay her head there, taking in his loads of cum and made sure to swallow every drop. His semen still tasted so good and she played with her nipples the whole time.

Though he had just cum twice, he was still hard and horny. That's how strong the elixir the vampires were brewing here was. And as she felt him get stiff in her mouth again, she took the member out to get a good look at it.

She resituated herself so that she was lying on her back. Spreading her legs, she grabbed under her knees so that the underside of her luscious thighs was visible to him. Isran had already been plenty stimulated from the vampire sex juice and everything Serana had done to him, but the sight of her offering herself to him like that, to copulate with her for real was just too much.

He suddenly regained his mental clarity. He found himself totally ready for what he was about to do. More than the effects of the drug messing with his head and all his pent up feelings about this woman, he was now curious to see what it would be like to fuck a vampire.

Without wasting anymore time he plunged his cock inside of her. His penis was so big that it went all the way to the end of her vagina and pleasantly stretched against her tight insides. And he didn't stop either, thrusting inside of her with no mercy.

Under him, Serana was getting it so rough that her ass was hitting on the table every time he pumped inside of her. She had already been humping him right back the moment he thrust inside of her. But his thrusts were so strong that she had to give it back to him just because her butt was hitting on the wooden surface under it.

His large hands found her breasts and grabbed strongly onto them. With every grope of her chest, he felt her tightening on his naked penis. The vampire threw her head back in pleasure with every second, he was so good.

She reached down to her clitoris. After getting eaten twice by Isran and now in a state of delirious pleasure, the nub was more sensitive than ever. She grabbed onto one of her tits with the other hand. But just then, she wasn't just aiding herself in her own pleasure, the sensations were driving Isran to his limit too. He grabbed onto her thighs and pulled her so his penis was further lodged inside of her. They both grunted hard, now fucking each other at a frantic pace.

Unable to take it anymore, he pushed himself all the way to the end and came. She screamed so loudly from the exquisite pleasure of his spasming dick releasing loads of gushing cum deep inside of her chamber and to her womb that his ears started to ring a bit. Not that he cared, he kept pumping inside of her all the while her vagina spasmed on his dick in her own orgasm. They both kept hitting back at each other even then in a state of primal need.

When he was finished, he pulled out of her. There was still semen oozing out of the opening of his penis and across the shaft of his dark cock, and there was the clear residue of her vampire girl juices mixed in with his cum. Her legs were spread a bit bow legged as she moaned in the post orgasmic ecstasy of that experience.

He took her hand and helped her up. He assaulted her mouth with vicious kisses and she was so lost and her legs so wobbly that she could barely return his affections. She had to sit down on her knees from the euphoria filling her body so potent that she felt like she was going to explode.

But he was still hard up. He adjusted her so that she was on all fours. Grabbing her hips, he plunged his cock inside of her again. A low grunt escaped her lips from the suddenness of his cock inside of her twat while she was still melting in sexual bliss. He felt her pleasure too, even though she just came she was still plenty tight and his own cum still inside of her along with her own juices squished wonderfully on his penis.

It took her awhile to start fucking him back. But it wasn't from discomfort, it was simply feeling the pleasure he was giving her on top of the orgasmic bliss he had just driven her to. Already considerably horny and open-minded after everything so far, she started hitting back at him. This time on all fours, her big ass hit right back up against his hips with every one of their movements.

He smiled at it with a ferocity he had only felt in the heat of battle. Despite being ready for plenty more after already fucking her, the strength of her ass on his hips from her first thrust surprised him. She looked back at him with an evil smile. She was biting her lip from the pleasure, there was a mischievous glee in her yellow eyes under the moonlight shining in, and the way she was using her fangs was just too cute.

That just made him go at it even more. There was no ill will between them, they just wanted to see who could fuck each other harder and faster. Despite how badly they were raw dogging with each other, they both still had enough stamina left to last a good long while with each other.

Isran lowered his head and licked up the small of her back to her shoulders. He savored the sweet taste of her skin as they were going at it. He pushed past a lock of her dark hair with his face and found her earlobe. He took the sensitive piece of skin into his mouth and started sucking on it.

Serana cried out pleasantly from his gentle affections. In the midst of all their fucking, all of her nerve endings were far more sensitive than usual. Isran started out using his lips, sucking delicately on the earlobe despite ramming her so hard. That didn't last long though, and he started running his teeth along it, biting her skin. All the while he kept plowing into her.

He ran his lips down her cheek and found her lips. They started hungrily kissing each other again. Their sucking face, the constant nonstop thrusting between the two of them, they were completely lost in pleasure and solely focused on fucking each other as hard and fast as possible.

Serana came first this time. She snapped her head back and yelled out loud for another orgasm. Despite Isran's potent virility and rampant libido at that time, the vampire's vagina clenching onto his penis didn't spike him to an orgasm. Instead he slowed down the rate of his fucking so he could enjoy the feeling of her vagina massaging his prick as much as possible. As he was sighing to himself in pleasure, he looked down at her. She was still moaning deeply even as he felt her climax start to subside.

He suddenly picked up the pace of his fucking. Already in the state of post orgasmic ecstasy, her vagina was that much more sensitive against his fat prick slamming inside of her sensitive pussy. She had to grab onto the edge of the table to keep herself steady from him speeding up inside of her. At first she could barely cry out, his penis hitting inside of her vagina was so sudden and rough that her moans were hoarse.

But that didn't last long. The pressure got to be too much and all of a sudden she was moaning louder than ever. He felt her increased pleasure on his penis too and he grunted like a beast with his prey.

When he came again, his penis released another torrent of his goo inside of her needy cunt. Serana was so horny that all she could do was utter a single high pitched cry before she came from the feeling of his hot semen flowing deep inside her. Her body was trembling all over from the excitement, having two strong orgasms in quick succession. She had to lay her head down on the table, all she could do was take it.

When he pulled out of her there was a long strail of cum between their genitals. His penis was covered in their mutual love juices. It was easily one of the most potent orgasms he ever had in his entire life. Naked and unarmed with one of the creatures he had come here to hunt, if she were to turn on him now, he would have been completely at peace at her bloodlust.

He lay down on the table opposite her. Despite the ambrosia still coursing through his body and his blood, even a man of his stature was getting tuckered out from all that fucking. His vision was swimming and his ears were ringing in a blissful delirium.

Unlike him, the beautiful creature laying next to him was not so spent. Just as well fucked as he was, with each orgasm she had, the brew specfically tailored to her kind sung stronger and stronger in her blood. Far from her sex drive being diminished now, she was more insatiable than ever.

She rose herself up and grabbed his dick. While the effects of the aphrodisiac weren't as strong on the living as opposed to the undead, from all their fornication tonight it still had plenty of an effect on him. It was designed more for females of the species like Serana both for pleasure and for function, as the nest here had planned to capture living men and drug them with the substance so that they would be rock hard enough for the vampire women here who were to prey on them. She wasn't disappointed in his penis still rising up despite all the sex they just had.

He still didn't raise himself up from his position. That wasn't enough to keep her from taking him now. Positioning herself up, she raised her hips up above his erect cock. Her predatory instincts were strong now and seeing how weary he was, she decided to wake him up.

She lowered her face to his neck and slowly and silently grazed her fangs on Isran's neck. It was had just enough pressure that it sent a jolt through his whole body, waking him up. She moved her head back up so their faces were only inches from each other. Her yellow eyes cruelly bore into his. She was in such a predatory state of mind that if that slow tease with her teeth hadn't made him jump the way he did, she very likely would have fed on him and made him one of the living dead.

But now that she had his attention, she was ready for another round. In contrast to her overt aggression earlier, she lowered herself onto his fat member slowly. The feeling of her tight wetness on his penis again was revitalizing him. Eager to punish her for daring to threaten him with undeath just then, Isran grabbed her hips and viciously slammed her down all the way onto his cock.

Even as horny as she was, that move took her by surprise. He held her there for several seconds as he thrust into her repeatedly, she couldn't do anything else but take it. Serana suddenly screamed loudly from his dick pistoning repeatedly pistoning inside her back and forth. He ruthlessly pummeled inside of her before he finally let her go.

He slowed down the speed of his fucks until he was finally immobile just as she sped up how fast she was humping him. Satisfied, he stopped fucking her completely as he put his hands behind his head and rested. His total inaction for this current fuck apparently didn't bother her one bit as she was humping him at a breakneck speed. She held onto his waist for support, that's how fast and rough she was riding him. He smiled at the sight of her breasts jiggling with every movement.

With how motionless he was being and how horny she was, she had to pull a few tricks to speed herself up to an orgasm. She started revolving her hips around in a circular motion. It was slower than the nonstop fucking she had just engaged in, but at the same time, it felt so much better. Everytime she rotated herself on his massive penis, it generated a satisfying friction in her cunt. Coupled with the way she was bobbing herself up and down every time, she couldn't help but moan in deep pleasure.

It was breaking Isran's stoic composure right there. His big cock was being worked this way and that as she humped him, it just felt too good. He had been planning to rest and let her do all the work, but as she fucked him so, the fire of lust burning inside him was so strong that he couldn't possibly want it anymore. Despite that, he wouldn't show any sign that he was breaking. Aside from a few grunts, he remained as calm as possible. It was the exact opposite of her demeanor, bouncing up and down and moaning loudly in the night.

As Serana was still gyrating herself on top of him, he suddenly felt at his limit. He grabbed her hips and started moving her around far more roughly than she had already been going. At the same time he started pumping into her again. Her voice caught in her throat from him suddenly pounding her again, and the most she could utter was a high pitched squeak. The same wasn't true for him, he had unleashed his feral nature and wasn't stopping.

Ripping his cock to the end of her vagina, Isran's cock suddenly tensed up and erupted another thick blast of semen. This time Serana did scream at the top of her lungs into the night. Already on the cusp of an orgasm, that explosion of cum inside of her pushed to a state far beyond a normal climax, and all she could do was collapse on top of him, shaking with beautiful ecstasy.

For several moments they were like that, melting into that mutual orgasm. He felt her hot breaths on his chest as her head lay on top of him. Her twat reverberating in a state of orgasm felt great on his penis and he kept cumming deep inside of her. And he was in the mood for more.

He pushed her off him and she lazily rolled on over to her back. He went to the other side of the table and pointed his dick at her face. She grabbed the phallus and took it into her mouth. But this time she darted one of her hands right to her vagina. With Isran's cum still oozing out of it, Serana shamelessly fondled herself, her body and mind still hot and horny as ever. Isran leaned down and reached a hand down to one of her tits. The more she sucked him off, the rougher he touched the teat. He loved the feeling of her hard nipple reacting to his touches, she was more sensitive than him right now even as she was blowing his whole cock, shaft and all.

Even after that orgasm, the night fed her nocturnal instincts, making her strong and active. And she wanted to keep him just as lewd as she was right now. She slowed down the rate of her fellatio, ensuring that she prolonged each time she went down on his penis. At the same time she decided to spice things up by using her teeth on his dick. With just enough pressure to avoid breaking the skin, she ran her fangs along the surface of his shaft and on the thick bulbous cock head.

As horny as Isran was then, he had been getting used to all the sex. But the moment he felt her teasing him like that, it felt new all over again. He grabbed the back of her head and sped up the pace himself, pumping deep into her mouth with his penis.

Unable to take it anymore he took his prick outside of her mouth. He knew how badly she wanted his dick and intended to give it to her. He pulled her up by one of her arms and kissed her again, tasting the lewd flavor of his penis on her tongue. Then he grabbed her by the hips and she took the hint, getting herself up. Still hard, he lifted her up so that she was facing him and put her onto his penis.

Now that the two of them were that close, they couldn't look away from each other. He reached his hands down to her ass for support and pumped inside of her again. Still horny despite the awkwardness of their situation, she started humping him again. He loved the feeling of her ass thumping and jiggling in his hands as her tight vagina moved up and his hard prick.

That close, he couldn't not notice her breasts jiggling right in his face. Her whole body was hot just like before and her nipples were tender with arousal. He shamelessly dove his face right on them, nothing at all as dignified as the leader of the Dawnguard but more like a common brigand with his prey. But she had no faults or complaints, she was under his power and getting rammed like crazy, and could only love it.

As he was rubbing his face all over her tits, more than their bouncy texture or the heat of her skin, he felt her hard nipples. Her breasts were also of a size that he could easily take one of them completely into his mouth and that's exactly what he did. Serana grabbed him by the back of his neck and clung to him like she needed him. She wrapped her legs around his back and bounced her ass on his dick harder than ever before. The feeling of his mouth on her teat, her snatch getting rammed, it was all too good, she couldn't take it. He felt her weakness too, in his mouth and on his dick. That didn't stop him at all.

Soon he started focusing solely on the nipple. He used his lips on it, wrapping it completely around the stiff cap, knowing how sensitive she was there. As she was holding onto him, he felt her gripping on him so hard that her nails were scratching into his back. She got so tight on him that he couldn't be sure if she just came or not.

All that sex was starting to get to him too. He took the tit out of her mouth and looked right back at her. Her lips were red and heated, her cheeks flushed. Despite her eyes flashing golden in the dim light of the lab, she looked like a human woman in those moments. Such was the power of the potion the vampires were brewing and the passion of their lovemaking. In a rare moment of clarity, she looked right back at him. They leaned forward and shared a slow and tender kiss.

Just as they were smooching, they had also slowed the rate of their humps. Still holding her ass, Isran felt confident enough in her grip on him that he could run his hands all over her back and feel up her soft marble skin. He had never considered how good she would feel on his hands and in his arms.

The heat radiating her body from all their copulation had been a side effect of the aphrodisiac she had imbibed. She was still technically an undead, but her need to suck blood and power to turn other people into vampires was the only thing that marked her as something other than living. The only thing that would still have bothered her was the daylight, and even then the vampires were working to make sure that immunity to the sun was in their next batch of their brew. As it was an elixir to make their kind able to breed just like the living, it boosted their desires for sex to a level their kind was unused to until it overcame them completely. So naturally it also spiked the natural libido present even in serious people like the Dawnguard until it was unbearable and they had to sate those urges. Even if it was with a vampire. If these two had known anything about that, they would have made sure to be more careful.

But instead they were holding each other like they were in love. Their kisses were slow and tender at first, yet with his cock still lodged inside of her, it wasn't going to stay that way for long. He sped up the use of his hips, plowing her sensitive snatch with a reckless abandon, and soon they were slobbering all over her. It was something like love, it was definitely lust, and they were powerless to it.

He pushed her up against the wall. Still fucking deep inside of her, her ass was being hit against the wall behind her. They had to stop kissing to gaze into each other's eyes, curious to see how long the other could last against the onslaught of their wanton fucking.

This time, he broke. Grunting loud, his penis shot it's last dose of cum for the night. Serana held onto his shoulders and shivered in the feeling of another orgasm, familiar but no less potent. As he nutted inside of her, he slowed down the rate of his humping, and she was also lazily hitting back against him. Even the supernatural power of a vampire had it's limits.

Isran had to sit down on the floor and lay back. Serana also dismounted him and lay down. The both of them were exhausted, and their genitals were spent.

Finally she said, “Let's not...tell anyone we did this...”

“Right...” he said listlessly. He briefly regained some of his strength and said with more of his trademark composure. “The others would never look at me the same again.”


That didn't prevent things from happening. At first it was easy to keep up the secret of their liaison. The vampire nest had been exterminated and nothing was suspected between the two of them. And after proving herself to the Dawnguard twice, nobody suspected Serana anymore.

Yet as time went on, it turned out there were more unexpected consequences to that tryst than either of them suspected. She was in shock the first moment she looked down and saw her stomach getting bigger. She couldn't believe it at first, she must have been hallucinating, maybe it was just an aftereffect of being in the sun for too long.

But when it grew bigger, she knew. She had drank the vampires' sex potion and acted on it with Isran. Her child was their child.

It was only a little after she made this discovery that she found him alone while the other members of the Dawnguard were busy. He looked up at her and almost jumped. It wasn't her presence, they had managed to put the past behind them these last couple months, but the sight of her baby bump. He immediately knew what she needed to talk about.

“You can't be serious,” he said. “Is that...”

“Yes, it's our child,” she said. “When we...”

“I know.”

“Do you think the others will accept it?”

“They will have to,” he said. “Maybe not now. Maybe not tomorrow. But soon.”

They embraced, holding each other. He looked down at her stomach and felt it. He never imagined that he would have ever allied with one of these creatures, and when they fucked, it had broken down another one of his barriers. Yet even then never in his wildest dreams did he think he would father a child with a reluctant ally, let alone the daughter of one of his greatest enemies.

He looked up at her again. Her amber eyes never looked more beautiful to him then. Still holding each other, they shared another deep kiss.


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