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Hi, everyone! sorry for this long absent(again~)

First of all I want to ensure you that everyone will get the box on December 5 as schedule

then "Why's the delay" you ask? 

because I can't finish all the works before November 30 (but I'm sure that I can finish them all in a few days later)

So, No change about sending date for the box on Dec 5 but I just can't finish it before the end of this month. that's the reason ^^;


OK! now the explain section of what happen

To sum it all up, My house just lost a rooftop or to be precise... some of the tile was blow away by the storm 2 weeks ago (it's an after effect by an unknow freaking big aluminum plate brought by the storm crash landing on the rooftop)

I've to find a building contractor to repair it... and of cause I've to pause all the works at that time too T-T

But don't worry everything back to normal now after 1 week of repairing(it should have been finish faster if there's no rain...but sadly it's raining season in Thailand now)

And the second problems is... I decide to draw all 7 shade from Shadow garden instead of just Alpha(Yup! my bad habit of went out an extra miles kicked in again)... honestly it won't be a problems if I didn't have to deal with the rooftop though

And the last is... one of my work is time exclusive until Dec 4 so I can't post it until that day 

I'm really sorry for this inconvenience, Please forgive me T-T

PS. new subscribers can still request previous box after the billing process start (on November 30) as usual




Glad it was just the roof tiles and that no one was hurt, we’ll wait for you and hopefully the roof repairs weren’t too expensive


Take your time, your safety is what is important.