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Hi all,

I know I don't do general updates as often as I feel like I should, to keep you updated with whats happening. I just havn't had the time or energy to do them recently, mainly because my other job is still pretty busy and takeing more of my time than I would like. I will try my best to post more updates in the future. 

So, I did have more Halloween related content in the works but just didn't have time to finish them for Halloween. I might be able to finish them at some point and post them later. 

Another thing is that I have a personal goal to be able to post more video/animation content, but I havn't had enough time to do it as it take a lot more time to produce video content than it does to make still renders and comic. However, I have made a push to try and create some video content to post here and I do have some videos to post soon. They are mainly just short simulation tests at the moment, but I hope they might be of interest to you all. 

I also just wanted to say thank you all for your amazing support for my art!



No need to feel any pressure to put things out, burnout is very real and I’d hate for that to happen to you! Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for the future!