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Hey there again.

I have now changed the Patreon to monthly charge as planned. Check out the new reward tiers, and feel free to change your pledges accordingly, either upwards or downwards.

However it seems that I do not have access to the Charge Up Front feature, which I think is odd. I have sent a letter to Patreon asking for help, I guess we'll see what happens there soon. 

Regardless, I think a monthly model is a lot healthier for my purposes. With the per release model I felt a bit encouraged to focus on quantity over quality, although I still plan to make content at the same pace, there was just always a feeling at the back of my mind of "more is better", which I don't think is great when making art of any kind. Also, I felt very awkward considering commissions. After all, if I were to take commissions, would I still charge my Patrons for it? That just feels wrong, it's like they're paying for someone else's commission. Or do I not charge my Patrons? Well in that case the commissioner would have to pay more than the total patronage for it to be worth it for me, and they probably wouldn't do that. WIth the monthly model, I think taking commissions will feel a lot more fair. Now I don't feel like you're paying for each specific animation, but instead it's like I'm providing a subscription service which includes both commissioned and not commissioned animations. (Among other cool stuff)

Speaking of commissions, and speaking of Charge Up Front apparently not being available for me for some reason:

Depending on the reply I get from the Patreon team, IF I can NOT switch to Charge Up Front for whatever reason, I will indeed be focusing on commissions for this month, since they're a more guaranteed and reliable way to earn money. In my mind this would mean 66% or more animations would be commissions, and the rest decided by you guys via polls.

If however they can help me out and I can finally switch to Charge Up Front, while I still want to do commissions, I wouldn't need to rely on them as much, so perhaps only 33% or less of animations would be commissions, and you guys vote everything else.

Oh and commission info is coming Tomorrow, if you're interested in that! Please be patient!

Feel free to tell me what you think about all this. These past couple days were quite a bamboozlement for me. The whole "Let's hope everything keeps going according to plan" thing didn't work out at all! :D


Pain Senpai

It is so frustrating to see such great content be taken advantage of

VR AnimeTed

I think monthly up front is def. the way to go. Much more consistent for you and easier to track for patrons.