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Welcome to the 'Bakery Bears Radio Show' Episode 102

We are back with the latest episode of our Radio Show. This time we are talking about books. Gone are the days of experiencing a book in one format, in the modern world there are so many exciting ways to enjoy a book. In this episode we talk through how 'we' approach reading and we let you know which type of book format is our favourite. 

Join Kay & Dan as they:

  • Head out on an early spring walk
  • Talk through audio books and discuss if they like them or not
  • Analyse when it could be appropriate to listen to an audio book
  • Discuss when its good to listen to nature and if its ever good to zone out with a good book
  • Kay talks through how she finds the time to listen to a book
  • Dan discusses his approach to reading and talks through his enjoyment of that
  • Kay shares her thoughts on book narrators
  • Discuss digital and if they think they are useful
  • We mentioned Imogen Martin and her wonderful books
  • We mentioned Alexandria https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/123026740
  • We mentioned One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/41692854

We'll see you on the 21st March with our next Radio Show!

You can find past episodes of the Radio Show here:

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Kristin Nordin

I prefer a physical copy of a book. Once I've read a book and liked it, I will often get the audio version as well, but I have trouble listening to a book I don't already know because my mind wanders and then I've lost the thread of what I'm reading. I only read digital when that's the only copy available at the library and I don't want to buy the book. There's something about reading on a screen that makes it hard for me to follow the lines and I feel somehow more strained from reading when I read digital books.

Deborah Swift

About finding the time: My husband listens to audiobooks while doing the dishes. I listen while “recovering” from a chiropractic treatment when I can’t physically hold up a paper book.

Laura Ferguson

Physical books for me! I’ve set myself a challenge this year, to read 100 books. June 16th, (2024) today and I’m only at 35!! I need to find more time in the day!