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Welcome to our P.O.P. Collection 2024.

We are so unbelievably excited to welcome you to a brand new season of 'Patron Exclusive Shows'. Every month we join you for a show filmed live with lots of patron participation. This time we talk Valenvent, Sock Stash 2024, The Yarny Book Club AND Dan's fan boy interaction with Hallmark legend Brennan Elliot!  

Join us for:

  • Welcome - Dan & Kay welcome you to the show reflect on their start to 2024

  • Valenvent 2024- We take a close look at this years Valenvent design launching on the 1st of February https://www.patreon.com/posts/valenvent-2024-96089884

  • Sock Stash 2024 - We officially launch this years patron exclusive knit along

  • The Yarny Book Club - Kay answer any questions on ‘The Reading Corner Cowl’ and looks back on the first episode of the series https://www.patreon.com/posts/yarny-book-club-95841306

  • Whats ON your needles - We take a look at some of the wonderful projects we have seen on your needles this month

  • Whats OFF your needles - We take a look at some of the lovely projects you have completed this month

  • Whats on OUR bookshelf - We talk about our reading plans for 2024

  • Whats coming up this month - We share with you some of the wonderful things that are happening this month

  • If you are not receiving notifications from Patreon when we post new content, let them know here https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Keep up with our 2024 shows here:

Click here to catch up with our 2023 season of shows

Find something else to watch : https://bakerybears.com/watch/

Thank you so much for watching!

Kay & Dan x


P.O.P. January 2024

Welcome to our P.O.P. Collection 2024. Join us as we welcome you to a new year of shows and we launch this years Valenvent!! Join us for: * Welcome - Dan & Kay welcome you to the show reflect on their start to 2024 * Valenvent 2024 - We take a close look at this years Valenvent design launching on the 1st of February * The Yarny Book Club - Kay answer any questions on ‘The Reading Corner Cowl’ and looks back on the first episode of the series * Whats ON your needles - We take a look at some of the wonderful projects we have seen on your needles this month * Whats OFF your needles - We take a look at some of the lovely projects you have completed this month * Whats on OUR bookshelf - We talk about our reading plans for 2024 * Question Time - We answer any questions you may have * Sock Stash 2024 - We officially launch this years patron exclusive knit along * Whats coming up this month - We share with you some of the wonderful things that are happening this month Whats coming up this month - We share with you some of the wonderful things that are happening this month If you are not receiving notifications from Patreon when we post new content, let them know here https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Catch up with our 2023 season of shows : https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-exclusive-77906157 Find something else to watch : https://bakerybears.com/watch/ Thank you so much for watching! Kay & Dan x


Patti Taylor

I had to laugh at the end of the show because I met Autumn Reeser here in Atlanta and we had a lengthy chat about radio theatre. I was an executive producer for the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company and she was working with The Thrilling Adventure Hour, a audio drama group that performed live in Los Angeles.

Vickie Crabtree

I love Larkrise to Candleford. It is one of my very favorite British drama series. I have watched it multiple times.