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Welcome to our 'Valenvent 2024' special Patron Event!! 

Attached to this post is this years wonderful 'Valenvent' pattern! Combining fourteen of your favourite colours with a gorgeous contrasting shade, this sumptuous scarf celebrates everything that we love about knitting. 

Over the next fourteen days, as we knit through the scarf, we will publish some tutorials to accompany the event. In each video join Kay as she shares with you all her special tips for creating the most perfect finished scarf. 

The videos will be shared over the next two weeks :

  • 1st February 5pm GMT : Part 1 ’Knitting the Valenscarf’ 
  • 6th February 5pm GMT : Part 2 'Dealing with you Ends'
  • 8th February 5pm GMT : Part 3 'Kitchenering and Sewing your Ends' 
  • 13th February 5pm GMT : Part 4 'Adding the Fringe' 

If you knit through the scarf faster than we publish the videos, you can find each of the above tutorials listed at the back of the 'Valenscarf' pattern which is attached to the bottom of this post.

Happy Valenvent everyone! We cant wait to see all your gorgeous scarfs!! 

Dan & Kay



Randi Anderson

Thank you for this lovely pattern!

Mad Mary

Thank you very much, i managed to get the kit from Lay Family Yarn x