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Hey everyone!! 

We'll be back next week with more exclusive 'Patron Only Content'. Whilst we published Knitability early yesterday, it doesn't feel right not to have something wonderful to enjoy EVERY Tuesday and Thursday. So for all of you looking to keep the 'Valenvent' vibe going, please see below 'The Cherish Cowl' which we published for 'Valenvent 2023'! 

Welcome everyone to the first day of Valenvent!! We are so excited to bring the Cherish Cowl to you for Valenvent 2023.

  • The complete Cherish Cowl pattern is attached to the bottom of this post

This relaxing cowl was designed to use 10 beautiful yarns from your stash, yarns that you love and cherish. As you knit each new yarn into your cowl, take a minute to appreciate the colours and think about when you bought it or maybe received it as a gift.

The cowl has 10 sections that you can work through at your own pace. If you knit a section each day then you’ll have a finished Cherish Cowl ready for Valentines Day.

We chose this design for Valenvent this year as it’s a gentle and relaxed project, the perfect thing after the madness of the festive season!

Happy Valenvent, we hope you all enjoy it!
