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Welcome to the 'Bakery Bears Radio Show' Episode 71

After the terrible news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II last week, in todays show we share our memories of her. Along the way we also share some of the wonderful tributes we have seen over the last few days. We also talk a little bit about the impact we think this event is having on the United Kingdom. 

Join Kay & Dan as they:

  • Discuss long johns and how they are manufactured
  • Talk through some of the events of the last few days
  • Share their thoughts and feelings on the death of Queen Elizabeth II
  • Talk about the Queens coronation and share a story about Coronation Chicken
  • Share some of the amazing tributes people have undertaken in UK and across the world
  • Discuss why the Queen meant so much to us personally
  • Talk about the legacy Queen Elizabeth II has left
  • Share Kays trip to see the Queen in 1977
  • Tell the story of when they accidentally came across the Queen on a trip to York in 2012
  • Discuss anti royal sentiments and why they love having a non elected head of state

We'll be back in two weeks with our next 'Radio Show'!

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Gleanne Marie

Many places here in the States have been flying their American flags at half staff in a show of respect for The Queen. I don't care to think about a world without the British monarchy. Its not a world I would want to live in, frankly. I, too, have to not watch the constant coverage because it is so devastatingly sad. Love to you all.

Annette Chaney

It broke my heart when they brought out the Queen's pony and corgis. The close up of King Charles when they brought the casket out of the hearse too. I lost my mom 4 years ago and it never doesn't hurt. I feel so badly for her family.