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Welcome to our ’Reviews’ collection.

Kay is delighted to return with a special review on the 'Lykke Cypra Copper Interchangeable Needles'. These seem to be popping up everywhere at the moment, the question is, what are they like to work with? Join Kay as she finds out.

So join Kay as she:

  • Shows you the Lykke Cypra Copper Needles
  • Talks you through some of the colour choices available
  • Shares with you some of the features that she likes
  • Talks about a little trick for tightening interchangeables
  • Lets you know her thoughts and opinion on the needles and if she would recommend them
  • Compares the weight with of the needles with Chiagoo interchangeables

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Dan & Kay


'Lykke Cypra Copper Needle Review'

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Maria Shea

Update: yes ! They do make my hands smell like am using metal! But - they have not changed color. I don't smell any odor. The regular size, however, are heavier. It doesn't seem to bother my hands but I will be looking for this and report back if it happens. I would like if they had a sharper point.

Cathy Newkirk

I have been using the copper Lyyke needles for about a month and haven’t had any issues. I bought the shorties and I’ve found that they are darkening while I’m using them on a narrow neckerchief that I’m knitting. However, nothing is transferring to the yarn. On a larger project, the surface of the needles is covered by the fabric that I’m knitting and they’re not darkening. As far as polishing, there is simply a cloth that you use to rub the needles. Not time consuming, and I haven’t found a need to use it yet. I don’t notice the weight, maybe because they’re shorties? I can smell a metal odor when I hold them up to my nose, but not when they’re down at my lap while knitting. I did notice that they’re not as smooth as other metal needles that I own, but that isn’t interfering with my knitting, it’s just an observation. The swivel cord is great!