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Welcome back to our 'Design Diary' series!

We have such an exciting show for you today! On the 5th of May 2022 Silver, Gold and Platinum Patrons will start to receive Kays newest sock tutorial series. In todays Design Diary Kay shares with you the story of how she created the socks which she designed specially for the series.

Join Kay as she:

  • Talks through the process of setting yourself a design brief
  • Introduces you to the ‘Moonstruck’ socks and explains why she structured the in the way she has
  • Shows you the 280 Japanese Lace Stitches by Nihon Vogue reference book
  • Explains the process she goes through enhancing the lace stitches she wants to use in any new pattern
  • Mentioned https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/287817.Charted_Knitting_Designs
  • Talks you through her workflow when dealing with complex charts
  • Shares with you the yarn she choose for the project and tells you why she picked it
  • Lets you know when the Moonstruck Socks Tutorial series debuts (5th May 2022)
  • Talks you through appropriate colourways to best suit the pattern

Techniques mentioned

Catch up with the series:

Find something else to watch here : https://bakerybears.com/watch/

Kay & Dan x


'Working to a brief' Episode 23 'Design Diary'

Follow the presenters on Ravelry - ObiwanKnitter & Bryonybear Follow the Bakery Bears on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerybears/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/bakerybears


Aimee Watts

Thank you for another great Design Diary. I see moons too, so I'm going to be looking through my stash to find something that suits.

Dairiona Lee

this is intriguing and I am looking forward to seeing how it is completed....