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Welcome to the 'Bakery Bears Radio Show' Episode 52

This is a truly wonderful time of year, Christmas Day may have passed but many of us will be at 'home' enjoying time with the ones we love. But where is home? Is it the house you were born in? Or where your parents are or is it where you are now? In todays radio show we delve into this fascinating topic.  

Join Kay & Dan as they:

  • Talk about their Christmas so far! 
  • Discuss home and the lengths they have gone to over the years to get there at Christmas
  • Talk about what home really is
  • Discuss the town they have lived in for the last 16 years 
  • Talk through what makes a 'home' is it the house, the location or the people within it? 
  • Wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2022!

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Miriam Stevenson (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-26 23:10:26 Happy new year to you both x I moved around a great deal as a child and young adult so even now I always have a feeling of impermanence. My parents split up when I was 11 so I had two homes growing up. I have moved around quite a bit as an adult and even in the houses I owned (rather than rented) I never really felt like it was ‘home’. Home is where my children and husband are, regardless of the house. I do dream of my forever home though. Not quite sure where that will be yet…
2022-01-01 16:32:31 Happy new year to you both x I moved around a great deal as a child and young adult so even now I always have a feeling of impermanence. My parents split up when I was 11 so I had two homes growing up. I have moved around quite a bit as an adult and even in the houses I owned (rather than rented) I never really felt like it was ‘home’. Home is where my children and husband are, regardless of the house. I do dream of my forever home though. Not quite sure where that will be yet…

Happy new year to you both x I moved around a great deal as a child and young adult so even now I always have a feeling of impermanence. My parents split up when I was 11 so I had two homes growing up. I have moved around quite a bit as an adult and even in the houses I owned (rather than rented) I never really felt like it was ‘home’. Home is where my children and husband are, regardless of the house. I do dream of my forever home though. Not quite sure where that will be yet…

Cathy Newkirk

Home, to me, is as much the people who were in my life at the time as the physical location. I’ve lived in towns that I’ve really liked, but I don’t think I could live there again because so many of the people I connect with the places are gone. Home is definitely where I’m living at any given time!