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Good morning everyone!!

Thank you all so much for your wonderful feedback after we published the first episode of 'The Bakery Bears Picnic'. Both Kay and I were so nervous launching something new! We are so happy that you all enjoyed it so much. 

As promised on the pilot which I've linked in again above. We'll put the show into full production after we hit 'Milestone 3' of our Patreon campaign. BUT! As a special thank you, when we hit 'Milestone 2', which we are SOOOO close to right now, we will film episode 2 and publish it as soon as possible after that! 

Episode 2 will be rather epic......it will feature the story of Captain James Cook who discovered Australia among many other wonderful places across the globe. To uncover this story Kay and I will undertake a walk around the village he grew up in and the surrounding hills which he explored as a child. One of those hills now feature a monument in his honour. This episode will also feature some surprises and it will be our BIGGEST production to date. To say we are excited is an understatement......As soon as we hit Milestone 2, production on this epic episode will commence.

Also as we discussed on 'The Bakery Bears Podcast' episode 50, the show will have a change of name. Episode 2 will be published under its new and permanent banner of 'Hidden Histories of Great Britain'.

Thank you all so much for watching and supporting us. We'll see you on Friday for Episode 51 of 'The Bakery Bears Podcast!'

Have a wonderful week,

D & K x


The Bakery Bears Picnic - Episode 1 - Danby Hall

Welcome to the very first episode of 'The Bakery Bears Picnic'! If you have followed us on any of our previous travels around Great Britain we hope you will love this brand new show.


Anne Howe

So enjoying this while I knit and watch, much learning

Kay Babylon-West

I love your podcast and the historical sections are some of my favs! Thank You for sharing. Looking forward to Milestone 2 and 3 and 4 and...... ;^)