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Welcome to our ’Sock Tutorials'

As you all are most probably aware, Kay is obsessed with creating perfect socks. In her quest to knit even sock decreases, she has recently found a technique which gives a near perfect finish on your SSK's. This tutorial was due for release in a week, but we've had so many requests, we're delighted to be able to publish it today for you!

Join Kay as she:

  • Shows you how her current approach to SSK's looks when finished 
  • Shows you what her new approach to SSK's look like when finished
  • Demonstrates the super simple technique in full 

Find more sock tutorials here : https://bakerybears.com/sock-tutorials/

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Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Dan & Kay


Tutorial Special 'Perfect SSK's

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Ruth Nischt

Brilliant!! What a difference!

Tracy K Nixon

Kay, would this work on the ssk toe decreases? x