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Welcome to our ’Intermediate Skills’ collection.

There are moments in your knitting life when it will be beneficial to sew down an edge. It may be the brim of a hat or the cuff of a sleeve or something completely different. The perfect way to do this is with the 'whip' stitch. In todays tutorial we show you exactly how to do it!

Join Kay as she:

  • Shows you how to mark your first stitch so you can keep your knitting in line
  • Demonstrates how she sews down that tricky first stitch
  • Talks you through and shows you how to make sure your whip stitch line stays straight
  • Gives you some tips on avoiding confusion if you have a long run of whip stitching to do

Watch more videos from this collection : https://bakerybears.com/intermediate-skills/

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Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Dan & Kay


'Whip Stitch Special - Bakery Bear Tutorial

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Diana Lovatt

Thank you Kay! This was really interesting because I was not too sure that I knew how to do this, but now I do.