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Welcome back to our 'Design Diary' series!

In this episode of the show, Kay shares with you her latest design project and she discusses the journey they went on from inspiration to the finished design.

Join Kay as she:

  • Shares with you her latest design project, the ‘Pink Fizz’ socks
  • These socks will be available to download free as part of our 2021 Platinum Collection
  • Talks through the inspiration behind the design and how it came to become a new sock design
  • Discusses her process of taking the inspiration and turning it into a finished design
  • Analyses what ’she’ feels makes an enjoyable repeat for a sock design
  • Talks you through the yarn choices and how all the finished elements led to the name of the pattern

Pattern Mentions:

Video Mentions:

Catch up with the series:

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Kay & Dan x x


'From Inspiration to Finished Design' Episode 15 'Design Diary

Follow the presenters on Ravelry - ObiwanKnitter & Bryonybear Follow the Bakery Bears on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerybears/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/bakerybears


Jantine Urban

"pink and yellow is my favourite combination" she says, wearing a pink and yellow sweater 😅

Elizabeth Scott

I really think that your "practice" sock idea is marvelous! I would never have even thought about making it one continuous tube.