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Welcome to our ’Extended Reviews’ collection.

In this video we will continue our review of Lettlopi yarn. Dan returns with his Riddari sweater to talk you through how he is finding the yarn to actually work with. 

Join him as he:

  • Talks you through how the yarn has been working up  
  • Discusses the differences between knitting colour work with this type of yarn and 'other' types of yarn 
  • Analyses some of the problems he has faced but counteracts those problems with the many benefits 
  • Dan mentioned his garment knitting show https://bakerybears.com/garments/ 

Watch the rest of the parts in this series:

1. Off the Shelf https://www.patreon.com/posts/42557235

2. In Progress https://www.patreon.com/posts/bakery-bear-on-42559334 

3. Finished Object https://www.patreon.com/posts/lettlopi-yarn-56109362

Access other review series in the collection :

Return to the main reviews menu here : https://bakerybears.com/reviews/

Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Dan & Kay


Bakery Bear Review 'Lettlopi' On the Needles

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Randi Anderson

Just a thought that might help... Rustic yarns pull the natural moisture and oils from the skin of your hands as you knit with them and can make your hands irritated, dry and itchy. I use pure lanolin (here in the U.S. you can find tubes (Lansinoh) of it in the baby department for nursing mothers). Warm it well in your hands and rub in thoroughly, it calms the yarn a bit and protects your hands.

Carla McDonald

I have the same sweater ready to go for my 23 year old son. I had best get cracking. Carla