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Welcome to our 'Increases' series.

One of the key skills, certainly in garment knitting, is knowing what increase to do when. In this video we will show you how to 'Purl One Front Back' and explain when you might need to use this fun increase.

Join Kay as she:

  • Explains to you when you might need to use this increase
  • Talks you through the most recent time she used and why she chose this increase
  • Explains how you complete the increase
  • Demonstrates the technique in full 

See more increases tutorials : https://www.bakerybears.com/increases/

Return to the main tutorial menu here : https://www.bakerybears.com/tutorials/

Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more!

Dan & Kay


'Purl Front Back Increase' Bakery Bears Tutorial Special

Follow the presenters on Ravelry - ObiwanKnitter & Bryonybear Follow the Bakery Bears on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerybears/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/bakerybears


Jennifer Kingman

Well! I learned something new! Thank you

Gwen Murillo

This is one of the reasons I'm a Patreon member...to glean all your wonderful tutorials.