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Welcome to our brand new 'Design Diary' series!

Have you ever wondered how a design take's shape? From its inspiration through to its publication? In our new series you will join Kay as she takes you through every stage of the process.

In this third episode join Kay as she:

  • Discusses inspiration and how she deals with it when it strikes
  • Talks through how she puts a inspiration on hold and reignites it when the time is right
  • Discusses what notes she makes on projects that are on hold
  • Shows you her latest new design and talks you through the inspiration for it
  • Discusses design elements that are included in this new design

Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon with more from this series.

Find something else to watch here : https://bakerybears.com/watch/

Kay & Dan x x


Design Diary 'Episode 3 - Managing Inspiration

Follow the presenters on Ravelry - ObiwanKnitter & Bryonybear Follow the Bakery Bears on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bakerybears/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/bakerybears


Diana Lovatt

I really like this show and to find out how you work out your designs.