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'The Seven Wonders of Knitting' Viewer Poll

  • Twisted Stitches 27
  • Circular Needles 203
  • 2018-02-08
  • 230 votes
{'title': "'The Seven Wonders of Knitting' Viewer Poll", 'choices': [{'text': 'Twisted Stitches', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Circular Needles', 'votes': 203}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 8, 13, 54, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 230}


Welcome everybody!!

In Episode 93 we launched the start of our search for the 'The Seven Wonders of Knitting'. But to succeed in our quest we need YOUR help. 

Starting in Episode 93 and running for the next seven episodes, Kay and Dan will propose something to go onto the list of 'Seven Wonders of Knitting'. YOU though will decide which of the two proposals make the final list.

So how do you get involved? Well, head over and watch Episode 93 of the Bakery Bears if you haven't already, and once you've seen our 'Seven Wonders of Knitting' proposals go ahead and vote below for your favourite. Click either 'Twisted Stitches' of 'Circular Needles' to cast your vote.

On the 23rd of February in Episode 94, we'll announce which of the below proposals has made the list of knitting wonders and propose two new potential knitting wonders. 

Thank you all so much for taking part, its going to be so exciting to see what makes the list and becomes our definitive 'Seven Wonders of Knitting!' 

Kay & Dan x    


Susan Chambless

The two are not really comparable.

Nicola Nicholson

Funny,at first,I thought - no contest,circulars every time. Then,I looked at my knitting and realised that although I have projects on circular needles,not one of them needs to be. My mother knitted fair isle and lopis on long dpns,just like the shetlanders do. So,I could live without circulars( and I did,for forty five years) but not without twisted stitches,no,no. I am wearing socks I made with beautiful twisted rib down the front of them and those I could not live without! Oh Kay, recently I found an unfinished baby shawl my mum must have been knitting when she died. It was 2ply Shetland yarn and it was on ordinary,long needles,all 800 stitches of it! I wonder if she would have used circulars,even if she had seen them.