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Thank you to all my supporters! Your encouragement and belief in me mean the world. Your support has been instrumental in my success and has motivated me to keep pushing forward. Whether it's a kind word, a gesture of support, or simply being there for me, your presence has made a significant impact on my journey. I am grateful for each and every one of you. Your unwavering support has given me the strength and confidence to overcome challenges and reach for my goals. Thank you for being there for me and for believing in me. I couldn't have done it without you.

hard work, and dedication have led us to great accomplishments. It's incredible to look back and see how far we've come. From overcoming obstacles to reaching milestones, we have proven that we are capable of achieving greatness when working for your passions.

I am proud of what i have archieved in 8 years.

Lets go for more years and hopefully forever πŸ™

Thank you thank you thank you πŸ™ ❀️

Best regards




You are so kickass 🦡


We are all greatly thankful that you took the time to address all of us of how much you appreciate us and are thankful for us! Though just as you are for us, we are for you too. All the incredible work that you do on this project regardless of what life throws at you and the difficulties the project presents at times. You also listen to all of us and are willing to make changes based on our input. When we later see those changes in a showcase you present, it makes us feel like we're valued and heard. That is just the greatest feeling to be so impactful on a amazing project like this. Beyond all that, you also made changes to your tiers to better reward us for our money and interest placed on you. You made it to so you can provide some assets from the project to us for our own use. You take the time to talk to us, thank us and show your appreciation for us like right now. You help out with questions about how to play the game, about the game, troubleshooting the game, bugs and the direction your project is taking. You also talk to us like we are people, you chill with us, discuss interests, share some bits about yourself, take the time to get to know us and entertain us. So....THANK YOU for everything you have delivered throughout the lifespan of this project and for us! We are so proud of you and have so much respect for you! If you ever need anything, just let us know and we'll see what we can do to help. Anyways, keep up the amazing work, take care of yourself when you need to and thank you again for everything!


I think this is the greatest coment i have ever got in my entire career, thank you Fictus for your warm message, it means alot to me πŸ™β€οΈ


dude this was my childhood and cant wait to play it! downloading it now!