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Hey everyone , i hope you had a great year and i will wish you in advance a happy new year, hopefully everyone will be safe and have a better year 2023.

what are my plans for 2023?

Ocarina of time project:

Fixing all those game breaking bugs and maybe renew all mechanics when it comes to climbing / interacting with the NPCs / enemies.

my plan is to renew Inside Deku tree aswell because i have found alot of tricks. Also i want to make it close to the beta dungeon.

also there is still alot of missing for the Dungeon for example mini map or compass.

im trying to make all the other maps playable too

Zelda castle, meeting zelda

also the Dialogue will be much much better interms of editing it offline aswell.
im kinda limited with my own setup and i want to make it so much better in the future!

hopefully i can make this all possible in the whole year. I want to make more stuff for the game but i have to learn and then trying to make it. It cost alot of time aswell....

What kind of plan do i have beside of Zelda project?

i want to travel around the world aswell and show you amazing pictures / videos.
your Support is a big help to finance the trips and i cant thank you enough....

in Mai 14Th i will go to Japan and if you want to have something from japan, then let me know <3

Love you all and stay safe



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