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I learned a new word today. 'Muntins’.  Say it with me...  m u n t i n s !  Gosh I love this word!!! Let me explain...

When I started this project I thought, “this will be easy... just some simple, straight forward recolours. I’ll be done in no time.” 


Things got a teensy bit more complicated when I decided I’d like to have the option of those criss-crossy things in the window, white or black. Yes, you guessed it, they’re called Muntins. Gah! Such a great word!

Anyway, this set is the first in a series of base game window recolours I plan on doing. This one in particular includes a total of 15 windows with the option of having white or black muntins (on both sides - I didn’t chince-out).

These of course, match my base game set: #NoMoreDingyDoors from yesterday.

Lastly, I decided to throw in one front door, so you can at least have one until I get around to doing the rest of the exterior base game doors.

Enjoy lovelies!


Downloads ⬇️

All Files (merged) | Pick & Choose Windows 

Bonus Front Door




Did I tell you that I just love your OCD? That you provide complete sets is just such a terrific treat <3 Thank you :D