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The moments before we recorded episode 24 with Mikey. 




Evening Michael! Hey! Mikey! Go getem lady!

Tom schultz

Goodevening from cleveland tenn see ya in the morning

Marvin S Clay

Hello Mikey and Michael

Les Montgomery

Did she leave her car running?

E TX Rick

I was thinking the same thing....is her car still running? Hope y'all had a great evening, c'ya tmrw morning!!! ETxRick

Steven M,P

was this live ?

Steven M,P

Mikey is so cool ...

Kirk B.

Mikey! Yea! So looking forward to this.

Pete Faille

Been waiting for Mikey to come on. Already a great episode! Lol

Jack H. Grayson

wow that lump of dough with some type of filling looked interesting, of course my favorite is the hot dog wiener that has rolled around on the wormer so long that it has become mummified, if you are desperate and feel you must eat this particular delicacy use lots of relish it really helps... love you Mikey... love yall...

Steve Brandon

Alright Alright Mikey total sweetheart. Great to see you again. See you on the morrow

Grey Eagle

Love the before and outtakes shows. It's not all fun and games. Y'all rock the Green River. Thank you for all you do for Charity and those of us watching .


Hey Chill, I’m hooked on the Hooks my friend!😀👍


HOW COME we never see Danials face?