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Shadowheart stared on with an ever-increasing incredulous stare. The firearms used by the locals were beyond what she was passingly familiar with. They were obnoxious in their noise, swifter to be sure but overall, the speed and skill with them was what drew her eye as the children rushed forward to attack. The creature let out a roar, one of its tree-trunk arms slamming to the boy knight who went flying and mindful of her need to be on these childrens good side, Shadowheart whispered words of praise to her goddess as she cast a Healing Word miracle.

The girl, Ruby would cry out. "Nora! Pyrrha! The boulder!"

"On it!" Nora cried out, her weapon shifting into a hammer as she rushed forward and turned in a swing as the redhead used it to sling-shot herself forward. Shield in hand, smashing against the creature as Nora came close and with a grin, slammed her hammer into the boulder. The geist would be suddenly hobbling, as whoever the poor man was inside, he went flying off with a yelp as Ruby vanished and appeared on the rock, grabbing his wrist and yanking as they went flying off the opposite direction.

The boy in green appeared behind them, grabbing and bleeding off some of the force to enable them all to land safely as Shadowheart stared at the newcomer. A wizard, obviously so. Dressed in fine clothing, bearing a staff on his back and with an air of a fussy man as he took one look at the geist and spoke.

"Ah! A case of possession I see! Not to worry, allow me to assist!" He took his staff and immediately muttered an incantation. Streaks of blue power flew out, all evading the attempts to block as they slammed into the geist!

As the remaining material collapsed without the creature to hold them together, Jaune blinked and let out a sound of awe. "You just took it out with a single spell!"

Puffing up with pride, the wizard smiled. "A simple spell, for the right job my boy! Magic Missile contains the inherent mystery of 'accuracy' and as a result, unless blocked by a shield spell, will always hit its target! Consider it both a thanks as well as-urgh!"

He grabbed his head, Shadowheart doing the same as both immediately saw the same visions, were inlaid in the same thoughts. As it passed, she glanced up warily as the wizard did the same. "So, you're in the same boat I see."

"I am." Shadowheart replied as she added. "You too?"

"Excuse me." The boy in green asked politely as he looked at them. "What exactly do you mean? What was that just now?"

The wizard opened his mouth to explain, only for Ruby to speak up grimly. "Ceremorphosis." Both Shadowheart and the wizard turned, surprised as Ruby continued. "It's a really, icky way of reproduction for Illithids. They put something in the brain and eventually, it grows and binds them into a new Illithid."

"That is a concise, if somewhat alarming degree of knowledge." The wizard said cheerfully before adding. "I see you too, are a scholar of no small ability. Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Gale; a pleasure to meet you all and of course, you have my thanks in turn."

"So, you both have these things then?" Nora asked, curiously as she glanced back and forth before adding. "Ruby, you think your aunt can help them?"

"Is your aunt a healer or cleric of power?" Shadowheart asked and Ruby winced, her expression screwed up in thought before she finally spoke. ".... Maybe? It's a long story."

"We're going to have to call her anyway." Pointed out Jaune as he added. "She's likely the only one who has the experience to deal with this shipwreck and what it may contain. And if she can help these people, all the better."

Icarus screeched and Gale glanced towards it before doing a double take. Ruby finally nodded as she spoke.

"Yeah, give me a second."


When I had told Ruby she could call me at any point, I didn't expect this. I admit, there was a part of me that felt an intense pride as well for her actions. Rather than take it all up herself, she had opted to call for help and as I processed this, I spoke. "I'll send in a contingent of people immediately. In the meantime, stay right where you are. We'll follow your position via your scroll signal."

As I ended the message, I glanced up and spoke. "Now, where were we?"

Opposite me, Queen Bellinda frowned as she spoke. "A Nautiloid? Here, on Remnant?"

General Ironwood, fingers pressed together would immediately remark. "Atlas would like to make this a joint rescue operation. As allies of Vale and with our forces in the vicinity, its only proper we do so."

"But your people have no experience with Illithids or their abilities. We do." Bellinda fired back, every inch a queen in her bearing as she added. "My own forces will likewise come, we can care for any refugees that may require it."

I inwardly sighed. Politics. Atlas were eager for anything to further their foray into spelljammer arcane studies and of course, Taringarde weren't eager for my faction to gain anything new if they could help it. Or at the least, wanted to be in a position to observe. In turn, while I could very well just steamroll both and be done with it, I also couldn't. Atlas needed to trust me and Taringarde could very well, be an imposition in the future. So, I took the diplomatic high ground as I remarked aloud.

"A joint operation then. My spelljammer, with a combined force of Atlas troops and Taringarde medics. Does that satisfy?"

It did, though before we continued, I added. "I'd also like to send Qrow and Azreal to join them." Ironwood looked curious, as did Bellinda as I continued.

"I'd always meant for Qrow to shadow the children's first journey. And Azreal I feel would be suited for the Illithids-they can't affect the undead if there are any left. Beyond that?" I took a deep breath and added.

"Salem's forces will likewise be drawn to the wreck and I'd rather be safe than sorry."

Both immediately nodded, united in a common enemy. It had been a calculated risk to let Bellinda know of Salem, but in that regard I had been backed up by Ironwood. A soldier, he was all for an informed group as knowledge was our best weapon currently. But we couldn't go too far just yet.

The invasion of Vale had done much to weaken our position, even with three standing armies. But Atlas was already in the process of returning and Taringarde could not stay for long, though from what I understood, they were forming an embassy here. But if Salem wanted to interject any of her agents, she was going to have her work cut out for her.

At any rate, there was quite a few things more to do and so I continued to perform, perhaps the hardest task of all.

Staying there, conducting the business of my city-state as I tried to hold back from just barreling over to my kids immediately.


The tower of Salem; Queen of the Grimm had always been an imposing one. Outside, a wasteland full of dust crystals loomed between the pools of darkness, the Grimm that appeared from them fewer nowadays, but none the less savage for it. She still controlled them and so long as that power was hers, she would be just fine. Of course, there were more than Grimm nowadays in her place of power.

Here, the dead walked among them, skeletons and zombies mostly-experiments she had attempted with more ease than expected, as the whisper of her teacher told her the wisdom of the dead in her ear.

As she entered her main chamber where she conducted her meetings, she smiled. Finally, she would no longer be held to the standards of generations. Her agents here, were all the people she would take with her further into the centuries. Some perhaps, more willingly than others as her eye flicked towards the remains of what had once been poor Hazel, who had resisted.

His body had been converted into a flesh golem, patches of metal and dust growth interposed along his great form. His eyes had lost the spark of intelligence she had liked from him, but he made for a wonderfully, single-minded hunter when she needed it. Not that she did, not with her Death Knight by her side.

Tyrian Callows had taken to his new form with intense pleasure, her most loyal follower able to follow her through the centuries now. A fanatic to the core, he sat in place in his new armor, twitching now and then as he looked up and down the table. Opposite was the gaunt form of Dr. Watts, who was playing a game on his scroll as a few cybernetic augmentations decorated his new form. A scientist to the core, he had taken to the field of arcane magic relentlessly and Salem was pleased to note his studies into lichdom were taking root.

Finally, there was the disappointment.

Cinder Falls, made a reborn simply because she didn't have many options at this point. Dressed in her same red clothing, humbled in her presence because she had failed, and she knew it. But then again, Jorgen had his own agenda and while he had been stopped, they could begin again anew.

Looking at them all, Salem finally spoke.

"A setback, but not a true loss. Ozpin has died and soon, his mind will resurface. Unfortunately for him, I already know where he is. Hazel; your task will be to capture him and bring him here. Kill everything else."

Hazel, contrary to before when he'd protest her commands, would only grunt as he nodded once. She smiled absently, turning to Dr. Watts.

"Watts. I'll require you to visit Atlas. Our new ally will require some aid, before his faith truly begins to pervade those, we require it to."

Tyrian twitched, for a moment rage was displayed over his mad grin as he slammed a fist down on the table and spoke. "Blasphemy, heretics! There is only one, true goddess!"

"So there is." Salem said smugly before adding. "Tyrian, I have a task for you in particular. The Silver Eyes has left Vale and is currently near the wreckage of a ship from the stars. While I would have liked both, for now I shall simply take the Silver Eyes. Bring her corpse back to me."

"An eye for an eye." Tyrian said wickedly, gleeful as he began to laugh madly.

As Salem turned to her, Cinder hid her shudder. The burning gem that had replaced one of Salem's eyes, the book in her arms were starting to make her second guess her place here, but she ruthlessly suppressed it. She had already died once, powerless and alone.

She would not do so a second time, even if she had to shake hands with Salem to do it.


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