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I had told Taiyang once that if I put my mind to it, I could raze the four kingdoms in a day.

Now I was exerting this on a single, legion of Eladrin and what chance did they have?

Absolutely none.

Time stopped at my command; the arrows frozen in midair as I exerted my influence on it all. I hasted myself, followed with my bladesong as I allowed time to come back.

And for the first time, as arrows hit the place where I had been, Toril heard the sounds of electric guitars as my mind broadcasted and slammed the song of choice in my head, towards my targets. My sunblade carved through flesh and bone, lives that had measured life in centuries died in seconds as I headed to the next one, constantly moving as the elves, enraged attempted their best to kill me.

One in particular slamming their longsword against my blade as she screamed. "ABOMINATION! THIEF! HOW DARE YOU DESECRATE OUR TRADITION-!"

It was a bad idea, my tentacles shooting out to grip them and twist them around, the sound of a neck cracking as I dropped them and kept moving.

They had numbers. They had forces. Enough to deal with most any threats, warriors all of them of battles I had never heard of. They should had brought more.

Their wizard tried to curse me, something I dispelled with a counter and a sneer of my own before I detonated a fireball at ground zero.

As the flames spread, I burst through them, rushing the wizard as I took his head, turned like a hellish representation of myself as the elves began to move to retreat.

And THEN I used meteor. The skies rolled and fiery death rained like my retribution as they exploded, carpet bombing the place of impact as I floated higher and higher, watching and feeling the screams and echoes of their mind pass away.

Save one.

A wounded elf. I could feel his pain radiate as I floated towards him, to his current state. He was going to die with those wounds, just hanging on and only surviving I surmised in the part of me that could make calculations because he had already been running.

Not enough to escape my blast zone, but I paused and floated, the song in my head coming to a stop as I stared.

Shrapnel wounds, with a portion of his body looking scorched and smelling cooked, as he breathed raggedly and looked at me. Distilled hatred refined and honed pierced me, as he spent his last breath to curse me.

"We... We will not be so-"

I didn't care. I raised my weapon to strike him down and then suddenly, there was a stick blocking it as I swung and I snarled.


"Your vengeance has been taken. Justice has been done. This, however, will only return you to places long since left behind. Please."

I turned to see who it was and froze, fear and caution acting like a splash of cold water on my face.

Because before me, stopping me from cutting down the worthless elf before me, was an old man with a pointy hat. Gandalf the Red in appearance, though his hair was braided at the sides and there was gold trim on those worn, red robes.

Elminster, famous wizard and planeswalker kept my blade from killing him as he said softly again, no magic in them. Only words, as he looked at me.

"Please. Put away your weapon."

I stared and then slowly, I did so as Elminster took out a potion bottle, pouring it down the fallen elves throat. As he did so, gasping for breath, Elminster addressed him in his tongue.

"I want you to remember this. Your life has been spared because I intervened and because he listened. Things are not as they seem and your payment for your life, shall be to tell Queen Tiandra- things are not as they seem. Do you swear to tell her this? Say it!"

The eladrin hissed but nodded. "I swear, wizard."

"Then go." We watched him run, and as we did, Elminster looked around and sighed sadly. ".... Change back. To your real form." I eyed Elminster as he looked at me and I reverted back to Esmerelda.

The miasma of contempt and hate was gone, muted as humanity took its course and I choked and suddenly was overwhelmed. The land was blasted and scorched; fires still ongoing. Around me, there was hardly any sense of bodies, pulped and burned save for the occasional head or arm that escaped it all. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think and as everything began to overwhelm me, arms wrapped around me as I realized what else I did, why I felt so rejuvenated as I hadn't been for years.

Pipe smoke and arcane component scents engulfed me as Elminster said kindly.

"It's alright."

That more than anything, shattered me as I wept, sheer horror in my screams before blessed darkness took me and I knew no more.


The gate was activating and the clerks and guards were expecting routine inspections, only to be on guard and alarmed as a paladin of Cuthbert in armor appeared, alongside Elminster as the latter carried the wrapped form of Esmerelda, looking pale and like a gust of wind would put her down.

Elminster swiftly spoke. "Your leader is exhausted and has been through an ordeal! Is there a place of healing in this city?!"

"The domicile of Saint Cuthbert." The paladin said as he added. "Some of my people have already made small strides. Its smaller than most, but we have healers aplenty."

"And what kind of story is it, that would have this happen?"

The paladin stiffened as shadows wavered and vanished, masked and thickly covered reborn stepping into place as weapons flashed into hand.

"Clan Blackstone. So, this is where you ended up." The paladin mused before he sheathed his weapon and offered it, to the surprise of the dead men and women.

"We're not here for a fight. Imprison us if you must but believe us when we say we only wish to help."

They glanced at each other, the spokesman finally growling. "...Get a transport. A discreet one! We don't want this blowing out of proportion. Clan head would go spare."

He then turned to Elminster, took a deep breath out of habit and spoke. "Sir, we will have to confiscate your staff and component pouch as well."

"Of course. I'm not even holding it, honestly."

Behind him in the designated role of pack mule, looking confused as to how he got mixed in all this was a human cleric of Cuthbert, a cloaked and ragged goblin on a worg and what looked like-the reborn blinked.

"Is that Deekin Scalesinger?!"

This was going to be a long story.


Ruby ran into the temple of Saint Cuthbert. The others would soon be coming, but with her semblance she had an edge and wasn't afraid to use it. She passed hooded clerics, ran through the main chapel and ignored the solitary worshipper looking at the symbol before barging into the room.

Laying on the bed, eyes closed and looking weaker than she'd ever seen was Aunty Em, and Ruby immediately fussed as she wrung her hands and grabbed her own. It felt cold and only the faint rise and fall of the blanket told her she was living.

"She'll be alright. There's mithral in her you know. Hard as a dragons scale, but light and protective to the touch." Ruby turned, seeing an old man in red as he smoked a pipe by an open window and blinked. "Oh sorry, are you one of the doctors-er, clerics?"

The old man blinked and then smiled. "Oh no. You might call me an interested party. Once, I'd daresay we'd had been enemies but I'm quite happy to say otherwise now. And who are you, little one?"

She blinked. Those were some odd words, but she spoke regardless. "I'm Ruby. Ruby Rose. Are you a wizard too?" For some reason, the old man laughed at that and Ruby pouted.

"Ah, forgive me my dear! It's been a long time, but yes. I've been known to dabble in the Art on occasion. So, who is she to you then?" He seemed deeply interested for some reason and Ruby saw no reason to say anything otherwise. With a shrug, she spoke.

"I grew up next to her tower. And as kids, me and my sister used to play in her yard. And then we just all grew close." The old man nodded, slowly as he leaned back and spoke.

"Very close, if she took you to Chult for a vacation." Ruby was surprised and the old man chuckled. "I was in the neighborhood at the time. When you were having fun, I decided it wasn't my place to say hello just yet. But tell me more."

And Ruby did. And the old man, upon hearing ordinary, everyday stories only looked more and more pleased before finally he knocked out his pipe ashes out the window and spoke. "You've given me much to think about Miss Rose. On that note, I wish to reward you." Ruby began to protest, the wizard raising up a hand. "I insist! It will be something good for you in turn." He leaned forward and despite herself, Ruby did too as the old man said in low tones.

"Out in that chapel, is a girl. A miracle, someone who is questioning her place in life. And she needs a friend. The bonds I see that could rise from this, has only ever been seen in few before... But I see the potential in you both." Ruby frowned and then spoke aloud, which made the wizard smile.

"She needs a friend?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Ah forgive me. Yes, she does. I'll watch over your aunt. None shall harm her, upon my honor." Ruby nodded, went back to the bed and pressed her lips briefly on Aunty Em's forehead. And then with a look of determination, she turned and left.

Elminster, refilling his pipe let out a quiet sigh, looking to the window as he mused aloud.

"Things are now in motion, which cannot be undone."

And in the chapel, Ruby called out to the worshipper at the altar. "Um, excuse me. I'm Ruby and I was told you needed a friend. Is everything alright?"

There was silence and suddenly, a sheer radiance from the joy on the face of the other girl. Her eyes lighting up at the small gesture extended, as Penny got up and spoke happily.

"Yes. Everything is just sensational!"


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