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C'gorath burned with rage.

Talingarde had been an utter failure, the paladins and inquisitors of this place far more adept than he had imagined. His little spot for research had been discovered, his books and works plundered and he himself captured and brought in the most humiliating manner to this prison. The Illithid was bound to a table, shackled about the mouth and around his head to prevent his natural abilities from being used. Outside, in the various other cells would be other creatures and other, odd containers that even now excited the wizard's curiosity.

There was a metal coffin, sealed and locked up. An intricate design of a praying, weeping maiden sculpted like some macabre doll. Whoever had been inside it had screamed at first, terrified of the dark before devolving into sobs and oddly enough, hisses.

In another cell was a smaller box with air holes, made of metal and the size of a pet carrier. Frost had formed about it, the beast within snarling and whacking the door before growing quiet, when the guards had kicked it.

Opposite on the other side, was a giant troll, heavily chained and shackled but despite it, seemed to be unconcerned as he hung there, quite at ease and patient despite the brutish reputation of his lot. C'gorath had expected it to have tried to rip off its arm and escape that way, but then he realized he was like him... Just waiting for an opportunity.

Not that there was much he could currently do, not like this. And then suddenly, there was a creaking noise. The door to their block was opening and striding past, was a small, minded figure who thought himself so powerful, so brave.

Tomas Blackerly. A fat sergeant of the watch here, accompanied by six guards as he sneered his direction, unnerved by C'gorath and his glowing eyes, speeding slightly up. The troll's head followed their passing, quiet still as the sound of a door being unlocked and a cell likewise, opened as Tomas's voice spoke out in a manner that put C'gorath in mind of the squeal of a boar whose brain he had devoured, when he first made it to the surface.

"You there! That's the scum! Get 'em unshackled. If any of you makes trouble, they'll earn a thrashing! Today's your lucky day, scum. You've got a visitor. How you ever warranted such a fine lady is beyond me. Seems she wants to say good-bye. Now step lively. We wouldn't want to keep her waiting."

Curious. As they take the prisoner in question past, he noted the familiar dark skin and white hair unique to the Drow. Unless Talingarde had suddenly opened Underdark commerce, C'gorath had high doubts that this Drow female knew anyone here. More so, when he took a closer look at Tomas and his moves. For anyone else, his dull, cow like gaze and slow gait would be normal and undeserving of a second thought. For a wizard as skilled in the arcane as he was, these were signs of a Charm Monster spell. Did a Drow House foment a rescue attempt?

Without anything else to occupy him, C'gorath waited and watched again as they took the Drow back to her cell, her eyes meeting his before he flicked down to look at the object held tightly in her fist. Some kind of veil, though he was too far to know much beyond that. As he heard the rattle of chains, the creak and slam of the door showed that business concluded and the guards left the cell, one of them muttering.

"Sooner the mages college grab their subjects, the better. These things creep me out."

As they left and silence fell, there was a sudden clinking noise again. The sound of an oil pump briefly was heard, the troll looking up and suddenly quiet, tense before a brief squeak was heard and the Drow stepped out. She was naked, save for a loincloth. Her hair was filthy, her expression resolved as she held lockpicks in her hand and what C'gorath recognized as a Veil of Useful Items. The drow stared, then spoke aloud.

"... I need your help and I know you can understand me. I... Want... Out. Work with me and we'll get out of this alive. Agree and I'll set you free... Refuse? And you can enjoy being dissected by the surface dwellers scholars. You don't eat me and after... We'll see. What say you?"

C'gorath weighed his options and then curtly, nodded as he spoke aloud.

"Set me free. You have my word."

"And mine." The deep voice of the troll echoed, as he stared at them before speaking. "Asmodeous favors those who seize opportunity. My strength is yours if you free me."

"Lemme out, lemme out!" The metal box screeched, claws poking from the air holes as it continued.

"Fang kill! Fang kill everything in way!"

"Please don't leave me alone." Sobbed the coffins occupant.

Slowly, the Drow began to smile as she looked at the Mind Flayer, unlocking the manacles as she asked.

"So? What do I call you?"

C'gorath contemplated. Giving her his actual name would mean hearing the distortion inherent with a meat tongue. He was hungry, his patience was thin and he had no wish to be incited to break his word... But there was another name.

The one shade, the flutter of memory in his mind of another person, another figure. One who had screamed at his ascension, when the parasite squirmed through the eye socket...

And as the manacles came off, C'gorath ripped off the circlet, his psionic power returned as he floated and his voice whispered in her mind.

"I am Hannibal."

The Drow grinned, an unholy alliance formed as she turned to release the other prisoners. "I am Sharina. Do keep up, haszak."


I woke up in my chamber, disturbed as I sat up and breathed out.
My private room was a place I could let my tentacles down, so to speak. Even so, I preferred to sleep human and often did so, usually as Esme nowadays it seemed. The room itself was nothing special, aside from the bed. I liked to stretch out and the bed was incredibly comfortable, allowing me to do just that and my arcane skills was able to work up a temperature control as well.

There was a desk for working, a shelf for trinkets such as Ruby's bullet shell from her first sniper round, an ugly bowl made from clay (the result of Yang's attempt into pottery, as a calming technique), a few dust crystals, some mugs from Taiyang with stupid sayings like 'coffee or death' and another for books-as many as I could put there, a collection of stories and tales both from here and elsewhere. A walk-in closet for my clothing made up the rest and connected opposite, was a bathroom which was far more opulent.

I liked being able to soak and realizing I wasn't going to be sleeping, I got up and went to get dressed.

I left my tower, walked down the familiar road in the utter knowledge that there was nothing more dangerous than I currently in the night, unsure of where my feet were taking me. Up to the point I saw the cabin up ahead, the familiar silhouette of the Xiao-Long Rose residence clear in my sight as I paused before their gate, hesitating long enough that suddenly, a gravely voice spoke and quite startled me entirely.

"Y'know... Here I thought I saw everything. But seeing the wizard of Patch, mooning out my best mates gate like some stalker? Gotta say, that's new."

Qrow Branwen, in the flesh and a grin that indicated he'd been enjoying the new iteration of Patch, if the scent of liquor was any indication. I was silent, as he staggered closer, pulled out his flask and offered me a sip before shrugging when I did nothing as he drank it himself.

"Y'know what else is new? Besides magic an' all... It's how I don't even recognize the place. You really work fast, you know? Is your magic power connected to construction? I mean-I walk into town, everything is new. I see animal headed people outside my drunken benders. I see knee high folks, I see knights, I see orcs and Maiden knows what else. I was served by an elephant man tonight! Was great!"

He laughed, leaning on the fence next to me as he added. "But y'know what else I see? I see someone preparing for war."

I become very, very still as Qrow continues, idly swirling his drink in his flask. "I see a collection of battle-hardened mercenaries to rival Atlas and their little jackboot regime club. There was a Witch keeping the peace, with a sword I could have sworn was whispering to her. By the volcano, there's a factory churning out mech after mech and while Ozpin might be dazzled and the kids, unseasoned? I've seen it all. So now I gotta ask... What's this all about then?"

I finally speak, looking at Qrow. "... You're asking me directly if I have a nefarious plan, or if I plan on having one or if you think I'm considering a nefarious option to begin with?"

Qrow shrugged. "Worth a shot. Why complicate things?"

I heave a sigh out, thinking before I finally form my thoughts into something coherent enough as I speak. "Qrow Branwen... I met your sister once. She asked me a question, if I could kill Salem." Qrow shows no reaction to me knowing a name I shouldn't, as he simply listens and observes as I continued.

"At the time I told her no and intimidated her, showed her what kind of person I was when I had power. I was retired and more than that, I was tired. I had no plans, I just wanted to be a country doctor. Spend my life just working on runny noses, sore throats and broken legs."

"And now?" Asked Qrow, interested and I thought and spoke on. "And then I saw an opportunity and took it with both hands. Because more than I love my peace of mind, I love Ruby and I love Yang. I love my new home and the thought of what lies ahead of them is terrifying I realized."

"So why not do it yourself then?" Qrow asked and I smiled sadly. "Because if I did, then whoever won would emerge stronger and free of doubt. I don't trust myself with power... But at the same time, I'm not willing to let destiny go as it should, not when I can do something about it."

I extended my hand around to Patch as a whole. "This is my gift to them. They will want for nothing, not if I can help it. They will learn, they will earn every bit of what they need to survive and to win, to be better than we ever were. The future, it belongs to them. And in their hands, it needs to be won."

But at the same time, I would take a page from C'gorath's book and stack the deck. Roman and Neo were mine now and working on my behalf. The SDC would NOT be the sole purveyor of dust, Vale would not be ruined with heavy casualties and Beacon was not going to fall.

Ruby would not see her partner perish to ashes before her eyes and Yang would not see her arm sliced off, by Adam. Qrow let out a sudden noise of comprehension.

"Ah, so you're selfish then. Good." I looked confused and perhaps it showed as Qrow elaborated, waving his flask.

"It's not a bad thing. We all got selfish desires; things we want beyond anything else. Ozpin, me, Taiyang... It's when we take them to extremes that it becomes a problem."

"Constructive selfishness?" I said with a skeptical air in my voice. Qrow was serious, his voice quieter in comparison.

"Yeah... The selfishness of taking their problems on your own shoulders. Of doing the work of fifty, to ensure the three you love are happy."

I was stunned. Not just because of his words, but because of how much it paralleled something else I had missed. In my head, I thought of another witch, another word of wisdom from my guiding moral compass in this world.

Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine! I have a duty!

"You're a wise man, Qrow Branwen." I finally say and Qrow chuckles before he shrugged. Patting my shoulder, he says simply. "No takebacks. Now go and be a little selfish yourself. You never know when something is going to go wrong, and it all goes to shit."

And he turned and staggered down the road, letting out a quiet song that gets bawdier the more he sings, waving the flask he holds as if it was a conductor's baton. I feel better, my stress is lessened and something in me unknots.

I make my choice.

I open the gate, walk to the door and knock quietly.

The door opens, Taiyang looking surprised before without a word, he steps out of the way as I come inside.


Yang yawned, revealing teeth as she stretched out. Home was crowded nowadays with eight other people in the house, even discounting Ruby and her new obsession with magical technology that all but took up most of her space. She stepped over a furry pile that was Einzbern and Zwei curled up with Pyrrha's new dragon, striding down the hallway into the living room before she froze.

Aunty Em's pointed hat was hanging on the hook.

She turned, sleepiness gone as she ran to her father's room, threw open the door and stuffed a fist into her mouth.

Curled up together (clothed, boo) was her father and Aunty Em. The latter looking a lot better, arms wrapped around his chest and snuggled into his shoulder. A little drool was dripping from the corner of her mouth, her night gown old fashioned but comfortable and Yang, a wicked smile on her face slowly, reached for her father's scroll and took a picture with it.

Aunty Em's eyes opened, took in the scene and had a look akin to a deer in the headlights before Yang grinned and took another picture. Letting out an exaggerated gesture of silence, she turned off the alarm, tip toed back and closed the door, incredibly gently as she locked it.

Back in the bedroom, Esmerelda considered and finally opted to go back to sleep.

This was a problem for future Esmerelda.


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