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There was a part of me that was already regretting the steps I had made to change this world. For the better, I told myself but really, just looking at my actions now spoke of a far greater struggle than any number of words. I liked power, a bit too much perhaps and nowhere was that more evident than in my current seat and who exactly, I surrounded myself with.

Because even as I dazzled with one hand and spoke the nice words with my mouth, I was preparing for the worse with the best of MY worse. Namely, the various exiles, warlords, criminals, adventurers and wild cards that sought a home and base of operations in exchange for coin and loyalty. From the Blackstone Clan of monster hunters to the Lightning Horde, to Albert and his Machine Clan of Gnomes, too crazy for even other gnomes to tolerate-I took them all in and I made them my own.

In the end, I would have my Mordor after all it seemed. And at the topmost level of my tower, where I could see and scry every inch of Patch to my satisfaction I would be currently standing before my stained-glass window, designed to represent a serpent coiled about the roots of a tree, as it gnawed on them and itself. A physical reminder of what I was doing and what I might be sacrificing, if I continued to funnel my excesses and my hungers into essentially world domination in secret.

But it was also the only thing I could think of that would enable me to break away from the others. I would not be subjected to one or the other, I would not be cowed, and I would not be made to fix their problems. If I was to do this, it would be on my own terms and no others.

I let out a harsh cackle, immediately realized what I was doing and shut up, glancing rapidly around to ensure no one else heard that. The moment you start cackling dressed as a witch is the day some plucky, group of adventurers come charging at your tower and giving you a bad day. And with my luck I thought gloomily, my girls would likely be among them.

Still, I wondered if Ozpin didn't have at least a small inkling of what I was considering, judging from Patch alone. The island was almost unrecognizable, one-part fey realm and the other part Tortuga. The town was growing, added on by the day and so was my new academy, forged from the bones of Signal as Clan Mountain Grinder worked their magic.

From where I stood, I could see a constant fog that enshrouded the island as a whole, murky and obscuring for most that sought to spy upon my realm. Our electronics infrastructure was all but narrowed down to the bare basics, that being a tower for the cross-continental transit system and our own, new tech that Albert was working on the side when he wasn't forging up new golems with the workers provided and his clan. Visitors who'd come would see our town first, the docks reinforced and encircled with a breaker wall, for storms as hidden reefs and patrols from the more sea-going races who I drew with the promise of amnesty and a new home helped with any conventional foe.

As for the Grimm, I actually had a plan for that, but it was the slowest going of all. Jarlaxle could only work so fast, kept busy between worlds as he organized negotiations and hunted for the ingredients I required. Rare, expensive ingredients that would make this a long-term plan but if it worked, I'd be able to create something no other kingdom had ever accomplished. Complete and total isolation from the Grimm.

I doubted I'd be able to finish in time for the Vytal Festival, but at the least I'd have enough to give most folks pause by then. I'd have to be satisfied with that, if nothing else.

Of course, up here and alone? My thoughts would be plaguing me more and I sighed out and cast a spell. An illusion appeared, two of them as they stood across from me and my desk. One of them, the visage of Dr. Hannibal Rincewind, a face I hadn't seen for so long now. The other was more menacing, as the visage of my Mind Flayer self floated in the air, arms crossed before the doctor pushed his glasses up his nose and spoke.

"A little worrying, don't you think? Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness they say."

"And who would you have her speak to? The children? The Immortal? Or perhaps the one she begins to consider more, distractions all of them." Came the raspy voice of C'gorath in our heads as I frowned and spoke harshly.

"Never you mind that. I didn't create this illusion to talk myself out of anything."

"Then really, what did you call us for?" Hannibal asked in confusion as he added. "As we're only magical constructs of your mind, you've essentially created an echo chamber. All we'll do is simply agree or disagree with whatever you ultimately choose and nothing will change."

"Or perhaps what she wanted most, was to be convinced NOT to change her course." C'gorath replied, tentacles waving as he added. "It's been so long since you felt our cravings. But world domination agrees with us so well, doesn't it? It's why you've opted for Esmerelda rather than Hannibal. It's not the Doctor you seek to present to the world, it's the Witch. And Taiyang Xiao Long makes such a convenient excuse for staying like this, doesn't it?"

I frowned. It was a fear I had considered and saying it aloud helped a little. But it also gave it life, gave me cause to think that perhaps I had been trying to fool myself as well.

"I don't believe that." Hannibal remarked, frowning at our counterpart as he spoke. "First of all, this is reliant on the idea that Taiyang Xiao Long is nothing more than a caricature. An idea, words on a page or on a script incapable of his own thoughts and feelings. He befriended us when we needed it most, as much as he needed it. Such feelings and wishes to respond to it is perfectly natural. We're not an island, we're not meant to be alone as we are. Not even you."

He then turned to me, frowning as he pointed and added. "Way of the Wicked had us surrounded by terrible people. Good players, but terrible characters and those experiences are now our own. They encouraged our very worse and we responded to it, because there was no real consequence as well as no real support. Do you really think we'd try to rule the world, even in secret and not cave in the moment Ruby, Yang and Tai start giving us teary eyes? Do you think they'd let us be the worst we can be?"

I hesitated, before speaking. "But our allies. The people I've convinced to come here-."

"-They were like us." That line of thought came from C'gorath of all people, both of us turning to look as he spoke, his eyes glowing slightly as he continued. "Monsters. Exiles. Creatures that didn't belong where we were, hunted down by everyone. Sure, perhaps some of them are unique or even dangerous... But that's why I am here." His eyes flashed and power vibrated from his presence as he added.

"We will keep them in line. Not by fear, but by mutual gain. We once tried to be Sauron. Now, there is someone else we can be."

I slowly began to smile, feeling better and then there was someone else in the room.

Charles Dance was the base I took, but with dark hair. Clad in the sort of black that was less fashionable, and more the sort that wouldn't show stains and you wouldn't mind working in. In his left hand rested a cane, and overall, he resembled something akin to a predatory, black flamingo. As he smiled thinly at us, I slowly let out a sigh, straightening up as I nodded respectfully.

"Hello Patrician."

"Mistress." He said coolly, fading away with the other illusions as I was left alone and much clearer of mind.

Around that point, I got the mental alert that my lift was being used and I took a deep breath and went to my seat, taking out paperwork as I began to quietly fill it out. The door opened and in utter silence, carrying the cello case was Artemis Entreri. The assassin had taken to this world very well, especially fascinated by local weaponry but overall, he had been very professional.

Proven when I looked up and he opened the case, revealing a stuffed Neopolitan and Roman Torchwick, both unconscious as I smiled.

"As good as he said. Before you go however, I'd like to use your services a bit longer for this. It won't take long."

"It's your coin." He said uncaring and he moved to stand by my side, shades out as he slipped them on. I used a cantrip to wake them and as Roman and Neo woke up, they took in their surroundings, saw Artemis standing by my desk and the latter groaned.

"Ah, shit."

"Good morning Mr. Torchwick. Miss Neo." I said idly, not looking up from my work. I casually cast another illusion for the lift as I paused, looking up now as I leaned forward on my desk.

"I apologize for the way you were brought in, but I doubt any invitation would have been accepted. Thankfully, Mr. Entreri is a man incredibly precise in the science of his work and you were brought without much of a problem. That said, I've brought you both here for two things... A topic I find myself very interested in of late, and an offer." I smile as I lean back, utterly gentle and incredibly terrifying if the way Roman and Neo had frozen, and the latter had turned all but literally washed-out pale was any indication.

"You see, it is that sometimes, very rarely, at a point in a man's career where he has made such a foul and tangled mess of his life that death appears to be the only sensible option, an angel appears to him, or, I should say, unto him, and offers him a chance to go back to the moment when it all went wrong, and this time do it right. Roman Torchwick, Neopolitan, I should like you to think of me as . . . an angel."

The sheer looks of incredulity from them both was almost worth the price of Artemis's fee.

"And if at any point, either of you wishes to reject my offer I encourage you both to go through that door and that will be it." Roman stared, flexed his wrists as if to be sure that he wasn't tied up and made a 'one moment' motion as he turned and strode for the lift door, opening it up and paling.

The illusion produced of a pit leading to Avernus greeted him with a wash of heat, the glow of hellfire and the screams of battle and Infernal speech as he slammed the door, his back to it before he walked back to the chairs. Pulling his out, his shaking hands took out a cigar and went through the ritual of lighting it up as he seemed to calm from the ritual, and he asked.

"What... Exactly was this offer again?"

I grinned in reply.


"We're well and lost now." Ren said with a sigh. Pyrrha winced, her expression somewhat guilty as she spoke in a meek tone again, apologizing for the umpteenth time.

"I'm sorry! In my defense, I was incredibly surprised by those Grimm!"

"And with the fog and odd distortion, without a compass we're well and lost." Ren said, wishing he had brought an extra one. Or at least a needle, something they could use. He frowned, looking about as he added. "I don't recognize these parts at all." Nor did Pyrrha, though that was hardly a surprise.

The landscape seemed bigger by the day and she wasn't entirely sure that it was her eyes playing tricks on her or not. Magic on this scale was indeed, a game changer though she never really found anything that clicked with her. Ren had expressed mild interest in the monk orders but he'd been far too busy to really look further.

As for their surroundings, they found themselves in a canyon of sorts. Lots of rocks which Lie Ren made sure to treat respectfully, drawing on old anima rituals from his old village. You never knew if there was any sort of elemental in them and it seemed only polite. Pyrrha would be somewhat confused, sensing something out there that was reacting to her semblance.

Ren would be somewhat fascinated, his fingers drawing over a part of the wall as Pyrrha joined him and froze in disbelief.

Claw marks, torn into the stone like some cat with a sofa as Pyrrha spoke quietly. "What could have made this? A dragon? Do they exist?"

"We saw the symbols." Ren pointed out, regarding the blue dragon tattooed and marked folk. "Who's to say dragons aren't a thing?" Pyrrha nodded, sagely as if he had scored a great point as she added. "Yes, but is this a dragon on our side or something that just snuck through?"

There was a dead silence following her words and then the next, both students fled at a dead run for the exit of the canyon. Only to hear a beat of wings, a roar in the air and a crackle of static electricity as Pyrrha and Ren dodged to the sides as a blue beam of what looked and felt like solid lightning crackled and tore up the earth, leaving a new fissure as the roar continued.

"THIS WAY!" Ren called out, gesturing and Pyrrha ran for him, both fleeing down a cavern passage, the roars of the dragon echoing outward and in the air. Through the dark they continued and then when they were sure they were alone, Pyrrha spoke aloud in shock.

"Dragons DO exist! Amazing! Also, incredibly terrifying!" Her heart was still pounding, as she waved a hand at her face and Ren nodded, the light from his scroll giving them visibility as he frowned and added. "Pyrrha." The seriousness in his voice had her look, before her gaze hardened.

There had been traps here, all triggered and some of them lethal to behold. No bodies, but there wouldn't be. Both of them recognized the tracks of their eternal foe and armed, they began to hunt among the tunnels, soon following the sounds of battle and the following chamber.

It was a large one, well-lit by glowing crystals and torches. The atmosphere was slightly hazy, the smell of blood wafting and the air full of the cries of the creatures of Grimm and entirely new beasts outside of Pyrrha and Ren's experience. Screaming, tiny lizard folk that fought in droves and fell to the swarms of creeps, borbatusks and ursa as they sold their lives dearly, crossbow bolts firing as explosions of oil barrels rocked the chamber, a single phrase yelled from their tiny throats.

'Protect the nest! Protect the nest!'

Pyrrha had heard enough as had Ren, both flipping off into the horde itself as they began to attack. The creatures cheered, the battle beginning to switch as Ren noted from the corner of his eyes the measure of their new allies.

Stalactites fell from controlled explosives, skewering the grimm beneath. Oil barrels were splashed and impacted on the grimm at key points before being set aflame, creating new choke points for them to attack. With long polearms they kept their distance, and when forced to retreat, did so along small trenches the bigger creatures couldn't squeeze through.

Pyrrha raised her hand, swords and other metal objects rising as she created a new rain of blades, taking advantage of the choke points with a raised cheer as the creatures called out encouragement.

And then came a sudden beating of drums, that somehow seemed to empower the hunter and huntress. On a massive kettle drum, a single of those strange creatures clad in bone and rags danced. Stomping on his impromptu dancing floor, creating a beat that seemed as deadly as it was oddly inspiring, as he jumped once, a wave of sonic energy exploding a horde of the Grimm as the creatures cheered and waved their weapons.

As the last Grimm was slain, the creatures began to gather their wounded and dead, nervous now that the Grimm were gone till they saw how both began to pull out medical supplies. The supposed leader leaped off his drum, heading their way as others rolled it off, before he spoke in a squeaking tongue.

"Sleethin of the College of Deekin, greets the noble heroes!"

Pyrrha blinked and slowly, cocked her head to the side before her natural politeness asserted itself and she smiled. "Pleased to meet you, Sleethin. Umm... But I've never heard of a college of Deekin before."

The small creature seemed to puff up at that. "The College of Deekin is new kobold tradition! For the great hero, the first kobold who was accepted in Waterdeep and beyond! All kobolds of college of Deekin learn from his ways, becoming better than we were before! Free! No more hunters who slay kobold nests, or kick kobold when down!"

Ren eyed the aftermath of the traps and added to that. "With how you all set this place up, I'm surprised there's any takers." Sleethin nodded as he spoke simply.

"Big, two-leggers very stupid."

Pyrrha held back a giggle and the urge to hug this small, strange creature before she added. "Your people mentioned a nest. Are your young ones alright?" Sleethin beamed in reply, staring up at them.

"Not ours! We kobolds protect the master's heirs!"

Lie Ren blinked and any reply he might have had was cut off, as a panicking kobold rushed in and cried out.


Sleethin squawked in terror, running after his companion and Pyrrha and Lie Ren followed after.

In a chamber filled with gold, gems and other treasures, had either of them thought about it, they might have had second thoughts. But tired, running on adrenaline their eyes were only open for the nest ahead, various eggs bigger than they had ever seen laying in it, five in total and none of them alike. Pyrrha gasped, stumbling slightly as her hand rushed to grip the side of her head, Ren sliding to a stop as he asked.

"Pyrrha? Is everything alright?"

Pyrrha's eyes were wide, shocked and alarmed as panic and terror not her own encroached upon her mind. Without answering, she fled towards the nest, past Ren and slid on her knees, pressing her fingers against an egg gently as she spoke quietly.

"Its ok... I can feel you."


"I'm not going anywhere." Pyrrha said, soothingly as her fingers rubbed the shell and a touch of curiosity pierced the negative emotions. It was powerful, whatever it was and immature. It wanted to be brave, it wanted to be strong but it was scared and terrified of the outside world.

"It's not so bad here." She whispered and she felt a touch of unease as she added. "Ren?" The boy looked up from his preparations as she looked at him and spoke.

"Help me?"

Ren nodded once, his hand joining as he added his aura, a soothing warmth in the cold chamber as Pyrrha did the same. The fear fading away to wonder, as Pyrrha found herself whispering the words.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

Ren began to sing quietly, in their native tongue. Ancient Mistralian, that in that chamber seemed to vibrate with power, warmth flooding his hands as the egg began to hatch.

Crack... Crack....

The shell fell away and Pyrrha gasped in amazement.

It was a dragon and a baby one at that. Red scales gleaming in the light, still shiny as it let out a cooing noise, wings flapping as Sleethin gasped quietly.

"It miracle... None of the eggs ever hatched before!" Pyrrha let out a little smile, as the creature looked at her and began stubbornly, making its way to her arms, curling up in her lap like a cat before yawning widely.

And then the ground shook. Pyrrha froze, as did Ren as a rumbling growl filled the chamber. Sleethin had fallen flat on his face, kow-towing as the sound of claws raking the floor filled the air, a discordant screech as both turned slowly, looking at the following.

A blue scaled dragon, scarred from battles of old. One eye blinded white, the other fixated on them as it noted the nest and then curled around to sniff, staring as the red dragon hatchling continued to sleep on Pyrrha's lap.

And then to their astonishment, it spoke. It was a voice imperious, old like starlight and fire was old and utterly, completely thoughtful.

"Well, well, well. Isn't THIS fascinating?"


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