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Commissioned by Jacob Blaustein

A nerd in the 1950’s drinks a potion to make him stronger but instead it gives him an alter ego; a wild red headed greaser chick who is out to cause chaos wherever she goes.


Clive swallowed nervously as he stepped into the diner, the tinkling bell above the door sounded loud as a foghorn in his mind; he half expected everybody in the room to turn and stare at him. Of course they didn’t; only the waitress glanced up before turning back to her magazine with a disinterested half smile in his direction. Some would find that sort of service, or lack thereof, annoying but not him. He just wanted to get some food and coffee as quickly as possible and then get back to the lab.

Clive had deliberately waited till after the usual dinner times to try and make sure the diner was as empty as possible. It was almost nine and he was starving. Most people had already knocked off hours ago but not him. He practically lived at the lab, working his ass off making boring pharmaceuticals. When he first joined the profession Clive had possessed great ambitions of curing cancers and other such diseases, turns out he would spend most of his time trying to make more effective over the counter medicine for headaches and creams for athlete’s foot.

Still, the laboratory had everything he needed for his experiments and that was the important thing. After so many late nights working his passion project was nearing completion. If he could pack food to last him the night he probably would have been finished by now. But after his boss caught him storing sandwiches in the medical fridges he’d been forced to start frequenting diners if he wanted to eat late at night.

Rosie's was a pretty chic place all things considered. The interior was a delightful assault on the senses, with checkerboard linoleum flooring, vinyl-covered booths in shades of teal and crimson, and walls adorned with vintage Coca-Cola memorabilia. The jukebox in the corner played the newest hits and the seats were all bright red faux leather.

The kitchen door swung open and out stepped Rosie herself; her apron, adorned with polka dots, swayed gently as she bustled about, taking orders and chatting amiably with customers. Her warm smile and easy laughter welcomed everyone who walked through the door, turning strangers into friends with each passing moment.

She was any guy's dream girl; with her full, curvaceous figure. Her warm brown hair done up in the latest do and her lips painted the same red as the seats her customers sat on.

Clive often envied her effortless charisma. She was the sort of person anybody could get on with, even him. If he wasn't too nervous to say more than his order to her. Once his project was complete though, he’d be able to do more than just talk to her, maybe he could even take her out on a date. He was midway through such a day dream when he slid into his seat and the door opened once more with a merry jingle.

Unfortunately, the people the bell announced made Clive feel anything but merry.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here, thought you weren't coming tonight four-eyes."

Thomas, or Tommy-O as his posses called him was grinning ear to ear. He and half a dozen mechanics from the local shop strolled up to him, all wearing their matching leather jackets and stinking of hair gel.

"It's the little brainiac, hiding out in his corner."

Clive felt a cold shiver run down his spine, his hands trembling as he struggled to maintain his composure. He knew better than to provoke the greasers, knew the consequences could be dire. Clive had naively thought his days of being picked on for being a nerd were behind him once high school was finished. Unfortunately, Tommy-O was the sort of guy who hadn't matured a day since high school.

Ignoring their taunts, he tried to shrink further into the shadows, praying they would lose interest and leave him be. Last time he'd tried to speak up against the group they'd dumped his milkshake all over his head and he'd spent the weekend trying to get strawberry stains out of his crisp white shirt.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue, mouse-man?" Tommy jeered and his group all laughed as if it were the wittiest thing they'd ever heard.

Screw this, food is overrated, he'd work hungry. Doing his best to remain calm Clive got up and tried to step past but Tommy blocked his path.

"Excuse me." He tried, God, Clive hated how nasally and weak his voice sounded.

Tommy looked like he was about to say something when Rosie came to the rescue.

"Now, you boys best be minding your manners," she scolded, her hands planted firmly on her hips. "What have I told you about bothering my customers Tommy?"

“Aw c’mon Rosie, we’re just playin’ ain’t we buddy?”

Tommy ruffled Clive’s hair and he felt his blood pressure spike.



“Aren’t we, not aint. Ain't isn’t a word.” Clive corrected, pushing his glasses up so the glare hid his eyes and Tommy wouldn't see how scared he was.

“The runt speaks.”

That was four demeaning nicknames in as many minutes now.

“You want to take me on?” Tommy puffed up his chest with a grin and Clive cowered before he could stop himself.

Tommy and his cronies burst into laughter and Clive felt his pasty white skin turning lobster red. The chairs in the diner would be jealous.

“Quit it.” Rosie scolded and Clive took the opportunity to slip past and out the front door with his tail between his legs.

The lab was only a few blocks away and Clive practically ran the entire way, head down and face burning. This wasn't the first time Tommy and his cronies had given him a hard time, they were just the latest in a long line of assholes that had plagued his life.

If it wasn't for Rosie stepping in every now and then things would be a lot worse too. The first time she'd defended him he had imagined her coming to check on him, becoming enamoured with his soft spoken voice and personality and falling in love with him. Of course that didn't happen, the most she ever did was give him a smile, the same smile she gave everybody. He had to face the fact that Rosie was only defending her business, not him.

Clive unlocked the side door to the lab and stepped inside, locking it behind him with a sigh of relief; safe at last. The only light came from the moon filtering through the slightly dusty window, it made the whole place look cold and lonely. Well, more cold and lonely than usual. He returned to his lab, ignoring his rumbling stomach and donned his lab coat. As he did, he caught sight of himself in the reflective metal surface of the lab table.

His pale, pox marked, pale face stared back at him and Clive sneered and ran a hand through his equally pale blonde hair. He'd tried greasing it back like other men did these days and all it had done was make him look slimy. No, there was no hope for him in this body. Hence, his passion project.

The beaker was sitting right where he'd left it to marinate; clear pink liquid bubbled inside despite the fact that the burner was off. He had intended to tinker with it a bit more before testing but remembering what had just happened, knowing it was bound to occur again in less than twenty four hours spurred him on.

“Here we go.” he breathed, picking the beaker up with some trepidation.

His genetic morphology formula. It would turn him into a suave heartthrob, with muscles and perfect skin just like Tommy and his gang. Soon enough he'd stop being a hunched, pale nerd and become the man of Rosie's dreams. Of any girl's dreams. It was originally just going to be his body but he couldn't help but add a few extra hormone concoctions to help with his confidence.

“To a new life.” He toasted the moon in the window and chugged back the liquid in one giant swallow.

It went down smooth and silk without so much as a burn. He'd expected the flavour to be stronger, or more unpleasant but to his surprise it was actually quite mild and sweet. For a moment he waited, eyes closed with breath held and…


Clive let out the breath in disappointment.

“Maybe it just needs a little longer to take effect?” He whispered, beginning to pace.

Another minute. Then two.

Bitter disappointment filled his stomach and a sour flavour coated his tongue; he'd been working on that potion for months. He knew it might not be perfect but to have no effect at all…

“This is so unfa-aaaaagh!”

His body spasmed suddenly, spine straightening then curling in on itself over and over again. His body flopped and he stumbled over to the bench, knocking beakers and equipment to the floor where it smashed dramatically. His breath came in harsh gasps as the strange spasms continued.


His teeth ground together as yet another spasm passed through his body but this one bought change with it. He felt it in his ass first of all places, it felt like it was…swelling. He tried to turn around to see what exactly was happening but another spasm forced his head back as hair began to grow rapidly from his skull. Despite the discomfort Clive managed a grin, it was working!

Red flopped in front of his vision and confusion followed; he had been hoping for dark black hair like Tommy and his crew had, the kind he could slick back and make look good. Instead he seemed to be acquiring fiery red locks; quite a lot of them in fact. Far more than he wanted. The red tangle was slowly taking over his entire head.

Clive reached up with his hands to try and organise the wild hair but found it impossible, the fact that his hands kept shaking didn't help. He pulled them away and found thin fingers with polished nails; feminine hands. They were thinning and changing before his eyes, the nails becoming shiny half moons.

“Oh no!” He cried in horror, managing to turn to see the shape of a peachy ass behind him. “Oh no-agh! Nghhh!”

There was no stropping the change now, Clive could only look down at his own body in horror as breasts burst under his shirt and those spasms continued, warping every inch of his body into something womanly. He could only watch in shock as the breasts continued to grow, turning for yet bouncy against his chest. With every spasm they seemed to jiggle and grow further.

His pants were getting tight too. His tidy belt struggled not to stretch as his hips started to widen to accommodate the new weight. He could feel the cheeks stretching the skin and his pants as they inflated. Turning round to match his new tits. He turned to try and see just how big his butt was getting but those red locks got in the way.

He spat the hair from his lips and felt them tingle in response. They felt different, fuller somehow and his longer lashes caught the thin strands of red as he tried to brush them away.

One spasm saw his cock shrivel between his legs and something warm from there in its place. He felt his face flush with humiliation as he felt the lower lips form between his legs. This wasn’t what he’d intended at all!

Clive moaned in terror as a wave of dizziness washed over him. Terror seized his heart; if he’d miscalculated the physical changes this much, what would the mental changes be like? He stumbled, tripping over his shoes which were far too big for him new feet barely managing to reach the table before he passed out entirely-

Cynthia caught herself before she could hit the floor. The dizziness abated and she blinked in confusion as she looked down at herself. Her hot to trot body was hidden underneath a frumpy lab coat and nerdy pants and shirt. This wouldn't do. In fact, her whole surroundings felt wrong; the night was still young and she was standing in a science lab like a dweeb.

Without any hesitation she shed the lab coat and clothes, stepping naked across the tiled floor with a wild grin. It was naughty to be walking around like this, the risk was exciting! She walked with purpose through the lab trying to find some better clothes but all she could find were more nerdy things, pocket protectors and long pants.


Guess that meant she had to go wandering outside. A shiver of excitement moved down her spine as she stepped out into the night air. Her wild, red hair cascaded down her shoulders and caught the moonlight. It was warm outside, but not quite so warm that her nipples didn't harden pleasantly in the open air.

“Time to have some fun.”

Walking the streets naked as a babe was certainly exciting, she was almost disappointed nobody caught her. The lock on the clothing shop door didn't stand a chance; one pin later she was inside and browsing the options at her pleasure. There were so many tempting offers; this was going to be her first real outfit…ever. She needed to make it perfect.

Several dresses with big, full skirts lined the walls. A big sign showed a smiling woman next to the words ‘The New Look’ in big red cursive. Cynthia pulled a face; no, that was far too mainstream for her. Running around in that sort of dress wasn't her, she could tell. She ended up with a pair of tight blue jeans and red top to match her hair. A pair of scissors from behind the counter helped cut the fabric into a tube top and she smiled; yes this was it.

One quick stop at the makeup counter gave her red lips and dark eyes and Cynthia felt ready to take on the town. Or at least, the diner.


Stepping into the diner made her excited, she strode confidently inside, watching heads turn as she moved past the booths. Her hips swayed, the tight jeans showing off her ass beautifully and she couldn't help but add a little extra wiggle. The attention made her feel tingly inside; it was…good.

The attention felt good, she wanted more. Her eyes found the jukebox sat in the corner and grinned; perfect. It was the coin operated kind and she didn't seem to have a wallet; must have been back in the nerds coat, oh well. She lifted an arm and brought a fist down on the machine which fizzed for a second before selecting a rock song from last season.

The music had her foot tapping in seconds, then her hips rocking and before she knew it, Cynthia was dancing as if the diner were a nightclub. She was the only one, a crazy, redhead dancing in the middle of the diner; all eyes on her and it felt good. She could hear a few people chuckling, they probably thought she was drunk, jokes on them, she was just getting started.

Walking to the beat she moved through the diner, mouthing the words to the songs and stopping at each table to give them their own private dance. At one she pushed herself low on the table till his breasts were squashed against the hard surface and cleavage was on full display. Only to move on before they could get their fill and shaking her ass for the next couple along.

Somebody cheered and Cynthia grinned, climbing up onto the bar of the main area and standing tall, dancing hard. She tossed her hair and thrust her chest, singing along to song after song until Rosie emerged from the kitchen to find out what the fuss was about.

“Woo, take it off!”

The voice made her pause; she knew that voice somehow. Tommy-O. She turned to see him and his gang grinning ear to ear as they looked up at her with hungry expressions. She sneered, time to show them a thing or two.

“You wish, honey.” She replied, stepping one foot off the tabletop and pressing her new heel into Tommy's shoulder. He winced, but otherwise stayed still, trying to hide how much it hurt.

With a giggle Cynthia jumped off the bench, over Tommy and landed on the other side of him. She flipped her hair dramatically and gave him a sultry look.

“I only fuck real men.”

“Won't find anybody more man than me.” Tommy replied, stepping up close so that she could feel his body heat. “C'mon baby, a girl like you is bound to have a good time with me.”

“Oh? And what sort of girl am I?” Cynthia said, daring, “naughty?”

“Wild, I bet you're no virgin. I bet you know all sorts of tricks in the bedroom.”

Cynthia laughed as the older couple sitting nearby gasped in horror.

“Oh get with the times you old bags.” She snapped.

“Hey!” Rosie stepped in, Tommy, will you and the wild girl here get out? I've had enough disturbances for one night.”

“No problem.” Tommy threw an arm around Cynthia's shoulders, “We were just going, weren't we, babe?”

Cynthia planned on rejecting him outright but then a better idea formed; something far more humiliating. She leaned into Tommy with a smile.

“C'mon, let's get going. I wanna see just how ‘man’ you are.” She whispered with a dirty smile.

Just as expected Tommy's eyes sparkled and he made for the door, practically dragging her with his eagerness. She'd get him in the alleyway, strip him bare and then just as he thought he was going to get satisfaction, she'd leave him high and dry and steal that jacket of his as a trophy. The plan made her so excited she could barely contain herself as they walked outside.

As soon as they passed an alleyway she dragged Tommy inside, much to the delight of his posse.

“Have fun!”

“Give us all the details!”

“think she's up for sharing?”

That last one made heat bloom between Cynthia's legs; two guys at once, how…interesting. She shook her head, no time for that now, she had a man to humiliate. Though, she would be lying if she said she wasn't curious; contrary to Tommy's belief, she was a virgin and that fact bothered her more than she wanted to admit.

As soon as they were alone she pressed herself against the man, squashing him between her and the wall as she fumbled with his belt.

“Wow, can't wait, eh?” Tommy teased.

“I've been wanting this for a long time…” Cynthia muttered, thinking of her revenge and trying to ignore the burning between her legs.

“An admirer from afar huh? Can't say I blame you.”

Arrogant, sexy prick. Cynthia set about stripping him of his clothes, starting with his greaser jacket. She made sure to sit it on a dry patch of ground but gave his other clothes no such luxury. His hands were all over her, under her top and squeezing her tits; it felt exhilarating.

The tube top slid down to her middle and Tommy went to town, kissing and sucking till Cynthia saw stars. She had meant to get him naked but this felt too good to stop; besides, it was fun! She could feel Tommy's cock brushing against her jeans and a moment later his hands were cupping her ass. They slid inside her pants and lowered them down enough that Cynthia could kick them off and now they were both basically naked in the alleyway. God this was so savage; they were like a couple of animals in heat.

Cynthia felt her plan fly out the window; who cares if Tommy was a bastard? He was great with his hands and mouth; she could only imagine how good he'd be with his cock. Actually, she didn't need to imagine because he was lifting her up and pinning her against the wall ready to plunge inside.

Her pussy was wet and quivering, ready for him. Without hesitation she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled the greaser into her. The feeling of being penetrated was…exquisite. No, that was too fine a word for her; she wasn't one of those fancy pants girls. She was wild, untamed; it felt fucking hot.

This may have been her first time but she was no blushing virgin, at least not in spirit. She threw back her head and howled in pleasure as Tommy fucker her into the wall. She could feel the brick scraping her skin and the tiny tingles of pain somehow made the pleasure all the better.

“Oh yeah. Fuck! Fuck, yes!” She screamed, not caring who could hear.

Tommy wasn't nearly as loud, but his primal grunts made her wetter all the same. She could hear him sliding in and out of her.

“Oh yeah, harder! Uhhh! Uuuh!!” Cynthia's whole body was tightening as the pleasure increased.

It got stronger and stronger with every thrust until Tommy shifted his hips and hit something deep inside her hole that sent her over the edge. Words weren't enough, so she screamed, roared more like it. The ecstasy in her voice was obvious; everybody within a four block radius would know exactly what was happening.

A second later she felt something dripping from her hole as Tommy stilled and she realised he had cum as well. Shame, she would have liked to have left him high and dry; still, with a body as sexy as hers there wasn't much chance of that.

“Damn girl, you're loud.” he panted as she gathered her clothes and slipped them back on, not even bothering to wipe the juices and cum from her inner thighs.

“You loved it.” She grinned, grabbing his jacket before he could stop her and throwing it over her shoulders.

It was a stereotypical greaser jacket and it felt right on her form.


“See ya round.” She flipped him the bird and walked off.

He could have easily followed but something told Cynthia he was too stunned to do so.


Clive woke with a throbbing headache. His mouth tasted oddly sour and his skin felt grimy, as if he'd gone to bed without a shower. With a groan he rolled over to find that he was not, in fact, in his familiar bed, but the living room floor, sprawled out like a drunk. His back was covered in shallow, half healed scratches that ached.

“What happened last night?” He muttered.

Memories of last night came back to him in a haze; the diner, his concoction, drinking it…then things got fuzzy. Had it failed or been an intoxicant? That would explain his hangover-like symptoms. With a groan he pushed himself to his feet and immediately fell over. Cursing under his breath he looked down to his feet, praying he hadn't twisted an ankle and froze.

He was wearing heels? He looked over the rest of his body and saw the jeans, the tube top and he was suddenly aware of the smeared lipstick over his mouth and chin. Hazy memories returned to him; had he gone back to the diner? His confusion turned to horror as he pieced together the half memoires and his face went bright red.

He'd transformed into a woman, a wild, greaser woman who'd fucked Tommy-O. If it were possible to die of shame he would have, then and there. His potion could not have gone more wrong; the only silver lining was that nobody would ever know that feral red head was him.


Clive tried to go about his day but the embarrassment from last night followed him like a bad smell. It seemed like everywhere he looked there were reminders of his behaviour; music from passing cars, greaser jackets, a red scarf. The colour seemed to follow him. He'd gathered up the clothes with the full intention of dumping them in the nearest bin but for some reason every time he tried his fingers closed around them tight and he couldn't bring himself to do it.

For the first time in forever, Clive knocked off when his shift actually finished and filed out of the lab with everybody else. He could see people exchanging glances; he always worked late. Well, with his concoction a failure and his embarrassment proving too distracting he couldn't stay. Maybe he could fix it later.

The plan was the walk home but as he did his eyes moved up from his feet to the windows of the diner. There was Rosie, serving the dinner rush with her trademark smile. She was so beautiful. If only she'd been the one his wild self had gone with, maybe he wouldn't have been so embarrassed.

His cock twitched and he turned away; planning on dealing with it at home when suddenly his stomach lurched. Clive stumbled forward, hands around his middle and several passersby gave him a wide berth, clearly expecting him to be sick. Once again his body shuddered but this time Clive recognised what was happening; he was transforming again!

“oh no!” He whispered, running for the nearest alleyway to try and find some semblance of privacy. “No, no, no! Sto-aghhh!”

It was too late; his hair was growing, his figure swelling and his cock disappearing all together as Cynthia emerged once more with a wicked smile on her face. Her untamed hair flying around her face like a mane.

With zero shame she began to strip off, putting on her proper clothes with a feeling of excitement. Her pussy was burning and Rosie was the cause; time to play the seduction game again. Feeling perfectly at home in her new jacket she waltzed into the diner and came face to face with not only Rosie but her lover from last night.

Tommy-O looked comically small without his jacket; but he was taking the opportunity to show off his muscled forearms. They threatened to break through his slightly greasy white mechanics shirt and he wore that same shit eating grin he always did as he leaned against the counter.

“C'mon babe, you know you like me.”

Rosie made a face.

“No, Thomas. I really don't. I serve you coffee and that's it, honestly, the pittance you pay for that isn't worth all the trouble you bring in here.”

She put her hands on her hips and Cynthia grinned; under her poodle skirt this lady had some moxie. She liked that. Tommy's eyes seemed to gleam as he caught Cynthia, or more likely her hair, out of the corner of his eye. She could not describe the utter joy his expression gave her; a mix between irritation, arousal and pure terror. Intimidating a man twice her size with her pure feral spirit was a turn on to put it mildly.

“Is this fella bothering you, doll?” She cooed, stepping between Tommy and the bench with her arms crossed.

People were starting to turn their heads but she didn't care, the more the merrier. Rosie blinked in surprise at being called ‘doll’ by another woman but Cynthia didn't get bashful, she wore the pants in any relationship regardless of the gender of her partner.

“You!” Tommy gasped.

“Me.” Cynthia smiled smugly, “Now, I think you should do as the nice lady says and fuck off.”

Tommy crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side with amusement.

“You're talking big game for a girl I had screaming last night.”

“What, you think cause you can get me off in an alley that I'll back down? You think that's impressive? Besides, you were howling just as bad when you finally came.”

She stalked forward and the crowd grew; galled at her crude attitude. Nobody talked like that, at least not in public. She wasn't about to let Tommy get a word in either.

“You think you're so tough just because you work on cars all day? Like those muscles make you a man?” She taunted. “I bet I could outrace you in one of those hot rods any day.”

“Please, no bird could dream of driving a proper hod rod, let alone winning a race.”

“Oh yeah?” Cynthia got right up in his face with a wild grin. “You're on. And my name's Cynthia, by the way. Remember it.”

Tommy huffed but kept his cocky attitude.

“Fine, meet you outside the garage with your ride in an hour.” He said, “you do have a car, don't you, big shot?”

“I will soon.” She replied smugly. “And let's make things more interesting, I win, you and your cronies can never come to this diner again.”

“Deal.” Tommy said without hesitation, “and if I win, you get to suck my cock.”

He grabbed the front of his jeans and laughed but Cynthia wasn't intimidated. She simply turned to Rosie with a grin and grabbed her hand.

“You'll come and watch, won't ya, doll?”

“I…yes.” She said in shock, “I will ask the chef to mind the diner…”

Cynthia grabbed both Rosie's hands in hers and whooped for joy.

“Come on then! Let's go!”

Rosie's skirt flew in the wind as they raced out onto the street and she gave a nervous laugh.

“So where is your car?”

“Not sure,” Cynthia shrugged, “Let's go find it!”

Cackling she dragged an increasingly bewildered Rosie through the streets as the sun began to set; she needed something cool but most importantly, fast.

“What do you mean find it?” Rosie asked breathlessly as they rounded a corner.

Cynthia's eyes lit up in delight as she spied it, a cherry red Chevrolet Bel Air. It was so shiny she wondered if it had just rolled off the factory line. It was the perfect hot rod to race in.

“I mean we just had to find the right car to borrow, this is it.”

“You're going to steal it?” Rosie gaped, looking nervous.

“Only temporarily.” Cynthia cackled before looping an arm around Rosie's waist and pulling her close. “C'mon doll, you can't tell me you've never wanted to break the rule?”

Rosie blushed.


“Just keep watch!”

Cynthia jumped into the car's front seat with ease, the roof wasn't even down; it was as if the car was begging to be used. Under the steering wheel were all the fancy bells and whistles of modern cars; hot wiring it only took a few seconds. The car roared to life and she grinned, motioning for Rosie to hop in the passenger side.

“You're insane.” She whispered, slipping into the leather seat next to Cynthia.

“And yet here you are.”

Cynthia giggled as Rosie's face turned a shade similar to the car's paint job. She could see her arousal, her attempts to hide it. No wonder poor Clive and Tommy had no luck catching her eye; this girl clearly batted for the other team. That was rare; not to mention a challenge. Cynthia liked it when they played hard to get.

She rode fast through the streets, barely obeying the lights and enjoying Rosie's shocked cries of delight; despite her best efforts not to show it,  the woman was clearly enjoying herself. When they arrived back at the garage for the race they were both pink in the face and Cynthia took the chance to plant a hard kiss on those soft lips.

“Y-you can't do that!” Rosie whispered, “S-somebody might see!”

“I'll do more than just kiss you when this race is finished, I think you'll enjoy it.” Cynthia winked. “This car has a lovely back seat.”

Rosie flushed once more and got out so that Cynthia could get the car in position. Tommy-O and his crew were waiting and seemed genuinely surprised she showed; a few of them were struggling to get their jaws off the floor as they laid eyes on the car.

“How did you afford that!?” One asked and Cynthia ignored him, tossing her flaming hair over her shoulder with a huff. Let them wonder.

The engines roared to life as Cynthia and Tommy revved their hot rods, the air was thick with gasoline, testosterone and adrenaline. Cynthia could feel herself getting drunk on it; it was exhilarating!

Cynthia flapped Tommy's leather jacket like a peacock, taunting him as she leaned up against the car she'd acquired.  leaned against her cherry red Chevy Bel Air, a smirk playing on her lips.

"You ready to eat my dust, grease monkey?" she taunted, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Tommy leaned against his own Ford Thunderbird, its metallic blue paint glinting under the streetlights as they sputtered to life.

"Dream on, Cynthia. You're gonna be eating my exhaust fumes all the way to the finish line," he shot back, his voice dripping with bravado. “And then you're going to be tasting my cum.”

Rose stood at the white line drawn in chalk across the ground that would act as start and finish. One of the greasers handed her a flag from God knows where. Looking nervous she raised it above her head and locked eyes with Cynthia one last time before striking it down.

The two cars roared off the starting line, tires screeching against the pavement. Cynthia and Tommy were neck and neck, their engines roaring like thunder as they tore down the empty street. Tommy edged close enough that their side mirrors were almost touching, clearly trying to make her swerve but Cynthia refused.

"Nice try, Tommy, but you'll need more than that to beat me!” She shouted over the roar of the engines, her laughter somehow audible above the din.

Tommy chuckled, his grip tight on the steering wheel.

"You haven't seen anything yet, you cocky bitch! I'm just getting warmed up!"

As they approached the first turn, Cynthia slammed on the gas, her tires squealing in protest as she skidded around the corner with reckless abandon. Tommy followed suit, his Thunderbird sliding dangerously close to Cynthia's Chevy.

"You call that driving, Tommy? I've seen old grandma's go-kart faster than that!" Cynthia jeered.

Tommy chuckled, his eyes narrowing with determination.

"Careful what you wish for, Cynthia. You might just get it!"

With a surge of speed, Tommy pulled ahead, his Thunderbird roaring past Cynthia's Chevy like a bolt of lightning. But Cynthia wasn't about to let him have the last laugh. Gritting her teeth, she pushed her foot down on the accelerator, her engine screaming in protest as she poured on the speed. Inch by inch, she gained ground on Tommy, her eyes fixed on the prize ahead.

She laughed wildly, enjoying the wind in her hair as she accelerated around corners. The smell of burning rubber reached her nostrils and she didn't let it deter her. She was close enough to see Tommy’s face in his rear view mirror; he was starting to look worried, maybe even a little intimidated. The lights ahead were about to turn red but neither of them were going to stop; they screamed through the intersection so fast they didn't even have time to hear people yelling in anger.

"You're not getting away that easy, Tommy! Time for you to eat your words!" she yelled, her voice filled with fierce determination.

As they approached the final stretch, Cynthia pushed her car to the limit, the wind whipping through her hair as she hurtled towards the finish line. Tommy was still in the lead, but Cynthia refused to give up without a fight. With one last burst of speed, Cynthia surged ahead, her Chevy rocketing past Tommy's Thunderbird in a blur of chrome and horsepower. The crowd erupted into cheers and cries of shock as Cynthia crossed the finish line, her victory assured.

Breathless and exhilarated, Cynthia grinned triumphantly as she climbed out of her car, her heart pounding with the thrill of victory. Tommy pulled up beside her, a sour look on his face. Triumphant, Cynthia threw her arm around Rosie and gave Tommy a cocky grin.

“Guess we won’t be seein’ you around again, thanks for the lay. It was a good warm up.”

She led Rosie back to the borrowed car and opened the door before deciding to twist the knife one more time. She shrugged off her leather jacket and placed it around the woman’s shoulders, tossing Tommy one final pointed look as she did so. He looked thunderous; clearly thinking she had taken his place. Well, she had actually. Time to claim a prize.

“Know any nice places to drive?” Cynthia asked.

“There is this one look out…” Rosie mumbled, her cheeks still pink. “It’s quite…private.”

“Sounds perfect.”

The two women tore through the streets, this time Rosie even joined in on the whooping as they raced along the shoreline and up the small cliffs at the edge of town.

“I’ve never done anything like this!” She laughed as they finally came to a stop.

“What about parking?” Cynthia asked daringly, “ever parked with a guy?”

“Not with…a guy.”

That was all Cynthia needed.

She grabbed the front of Rosie’s dress and pulled her into a passionate kiss; Cynthia’s red hair enveloped them like fire and soon the two women were necking like teenagers. Lesbian’s weren't exactly the most accepted group in the world; the fact that they were doing this at a popular make out spot where anybody could pull up and see them was so naughty.

Somehow Cynthia managed to pull them both into the back seat and her hands slid under the long skirt of her new lover. Rosie was less confident but no less bold; her fingers trembled as she unbuttoned Cynthia’s jeans and found their way inside. She groaned, feeling those uncertain digits part her lower lips; she could feel them shaking.

Feeling loud and in charge she dove two fingers into Rosie’s hole and began to pump, in and out. She knew exactly where to touch to make a woman moan now that she’d experienced sex herself. She rubbed that deep bumble of nerves that made her cum last night and Rosie wailed before slamming a hand over her mouth.

“Don’t hide those sounds, doll. Let them out.” Cynthia whispered.

Oh fuck, being in charge was hot. She was getting wetter and wetter as Rosie fumbled inside her. She could tell the other woman was getting close as her fingers began to spasm as she tried to copy the gestures Cynthia was using.


She came, her face a mask of ecstasy. Cynthia was determined to milk at least three ore orgasms out of her before cumming herself. It was hard, she was so damn horny; waiting all night to actually act on her initial arousal had been tortured. Still, she somehow managed it. By the end Rosie was a whimpering mess of pleasure as she came a fourth time and Cynthia tumbled on after her.

“Oh my…that was…wow. Y-you’re amazing…”

“Hells yeah I am.”

Rosie laughed.

“Humble too.”

“Humble is for bitches who are less amazing than me.”

Rosie looked like she was about to say something when suddenly the sound of a siren made them both startle.

“I guess the owner of this car noticed it was gone.” Cynthia shrugged, “Get out, doll. I’d better give the coppers a run for their money.”

Rosie stepped out and away as Cynthia made the car rumble to life.

“But when will I see you again?” She called.

“I’ll find you, stay cool, doll!”

Cynthia raced off, grinning with delight as the cops noticed and took off after her. The night was young and she wasn’t ready to go to jail just yet.


Clive woke up with a pounding headache once more but this time it didn't take long for him to realise what had happened. He shot up, finding himself half dressed in his home with no memory of how he’d managed to escape the police. Silently he prayed to himself and let out a sigh of relief when he checked outside; the car wasn’t in his drive at least.

Like last time his memories were sketchy at best but nothing could wipe the image of Rosie cumming at his hands from his mind. Well, that crazy woman’s hands but it sort of counted didn’t it?

He shivered; what was he going to do? Would he keep transforming? Did he want that? If he didn't, how would he ever talk to Rosie again? Even if she was into men as well, who would want to be with a pasty weakling like him after a night with that wild redheaded creature he turned into?

He paced back and forth, trying to keep himself calm but his mind kept going back to that face; that sexy, wonderful face she made when she came. He felt his skin getting hot and arousal built in his system until a familiar jolt ran down his spine.

“A-again? So soon?” He gasped, “Wait-no!”

He was changing again, but why-wait, the arousal? Was he going to turn into that red headed woman every time he got horny? But that happened all the time! How was he going to live a normal life constantly transforming?

He didn't have time to ponder it for long before Clive was once again a passenger in his own mind and wild, crazy Cynthia was pulling herself off the floor with a wide grin. She couldn’t care less about living a normal life or keeping Clive’s afloat.

It was time to cause more chaos.


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