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A young man finds himself transforming into an almost identical version of his crush.


Tim tried to pay attention to what his professor was talking about but it was nearly impossible; each time he focused his eyes on the board they began to wander down into the seats below. Who could blame him? Amber had decided it was finally warm enough to wear a tank top to class and well…it was hard not to stare.

Tim had picked his seat in the lecture hall purely on Amber. The room was slightly curved, so from his position in the upper right he had a perfect view of her sitting in the bottom left of the room. He knew that made him a bit of a creep but in his defence, he never approached her or did anything to make her uncomfortable. In fact, he was pretty sure she didn't know he existed.

She was utterly gorgeous, with long red hair and emerald green eyes. Not boring green eyes people would unoriginally call emerald, actual emerald green. Dark and beautiful, the colour of the stones themselves. She was utterly captivating and somehow, she was single.

Sometimes Tim liked to imagine himself going up and asking her out; she’d be so impressed by his bravery that she’d say yes and then they would fall madly in love and he would get to see the skin clothing hid…

People around him began to move, bags shuffling and he realised the lecture was over. He’d been so caught up in his day dreaming and stealing glances at Amber that he’d not written a single note. Flushing with embarrassment, even though he knew nobody could tell where his mind had been, he did the same and left.

Stepping outside he was immediately hit with a burst of cold wind; so much for nice summer weather. He started walking when he noticed Amber just ahead of him; her long red hair flowing in the wind as her hat blew back toward him. His heart hammered as the accessory swooped past him and over the hedges of the campus garden; this was it! This was a scene right out of a film!

“I’ll get it!” he called, speaking his first ever words to his crush before barrelling after the hat.

He found it easily enough, snagged on a branch. He grabbed the soft fabric of the sunhat and shivered; it was still warm from her skin. After quickly glancing around to make sure nobody saw him, Tim grabbed the hat and put it on his own head, just for a moment. Couples shared clothes right? That’s how it was in films, though granted it was usually a hoodie not a sun hat but still. For a brief moment he could pretend.

Just as quickly he removed it and ran back around the corner just in time for Amer to spot him. The smile that burst across her face left him feeling starstruck. Wordlessly he handed over the hat.

“Thank you…uh, thank you!”

She didn't know his name. He should introduce himself.


“Amber! Hurry, we're going to be late!”

“Coming!” She called, “Thanks again!”

And just like that she was gone. Tim blinked at the empty space where she had just been standing; his head was still warm from the hat.


His head stayed warm, curiously enough. At first he thought it was his love, or something mushy like that but by the time he’d crawled into bed and was trying to sleep it had started to irritate. He scratched at his skull, tossing and turning in his bed uselessly trying to sleep until he gave up.

It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but it was odd. Maybe he was allergic to her shampoo or something? With a sigh he got up to have a shower, he didn't want to wash away her scent but he needed to sleep sometime.

He flicked on the light to his bathroom and froze; all thoughts of sleep for the night fled in an instant as his eyes found his bathroom mirror. His short, messy brown hair was…red. Red and not short at all actually. It had grown at least an inch! He rushed forward and gaped at his reflection…what the hell?

Adrenaline rushing through his veins he watched as, right in front of his eyes, the hair began to slowly creep downwards, growing fast. At least for hair. Suddenly hyper aware of his own body he stripped off to find that his carpet now matched the drapes as well.

It was the same beautiful shade of red that Amber had, except on his pale, spotted face it didn't look nearly as good. Hang on…where were his spots? He’s always had blotchy skin but now it was blissfully clear and smooth. He ran a hand over his chin and found none of the telltale prickle of facial hair. Nor any oil.

“What the hell is happening?”

He gave up on the shower; instead spending the night sitting on his bathroom floor taking perfect stock of the changes slowly overtaking his body. As he sat on the cold tiles he could feel them getting subtly more comfortable, at first he thought his ass had gone numb but when he realised it had actually just become more padded.

It was more than his hair changing; his ass and thighs were thickening into a very unflattering shape; at least for a man. More than once he picked up his phone to call…somebody before realising he couldn’t. What would a doctor or 911 say if he called them up to say his hair was changing colour and his body shape?  They'd think he was a nut job.

Maybe he was a nut job.

The name seemed a little ironic considering his nuts started to shrink. It started as a faint tingle, which then progressed to a short of sucking feeling between his legs.

“Oh no…” He moaned.

There was nothing he could do though but watch as over the course of an agonising hour, his cock and balls began to shrink all while his butt began to balloon. His stomach churned, or maybe that was his insides rearranging. After an hour he felt the very last of his ballsack pressing against the inside of his legs before POP they sucked back inside him, leaving nothing but a hole behind.

That tingling didn't stop though and instead became something warm and almost sensual. He didn’t know what to focus on, that or the fact that his hair was now brushing his shoulders in gentle waves. His jaw clicked as it smoothed over and he felt that same swelling sensation moving across his lips. They were plump and pink within the hour and looked almost…

“Girly?” He whispered, brushing a surprisingly long, soft finger over the lips.

There was something else. His face was changing and yet it felt strangely familiar. Those lips, he was sure he’d seen them before, as well as the distinct and cute beauty spot that had appeared on his left cheekbone. They were almost identical to…Amber? But Amber’s beauty spot was on the other side.

As the realisation dawned he felt that warm feeling between his legs grow stronger and he watched as folds began to appear, distinct, female folds. A pussy; he was growing a pussy.

“Oh fuck! Ummm…”

The sun was rising, he'd been here, sitting naked in his bathroom for hours. His first class wasn't too far away but there was no way he could attend. Not as a half female freak! Not to mention his plump ass was getting sore and numb from the tiles. Tim got to his feet and stretched and felt his shoulders crack pleasantly only to notice them sitting differently when he relaxed once more. He ran a hand over the skin (silky smooth just like his face) and could feel the slope.

His boxy, masculine shape was being smoothed over like water eroding a stone. He was slowly being turned into a woman and there was nothing he could do about it. What was worse, it was taking its sweet time so he was achingly aware of every subtle change as it happened. The adrenaline ran out, it simply couldn’t maintain itself more than a few hours so now he was stuck, tired, confused and slowly transforming without a single clue what to do.

“I guess I’ll just make breakfast?” He suggested to himself in the mirror, he didn't have anything better to do.

Even something as mundane as eating cereal brought with it new problems though. He kept on getting distracted as his nails smoothed themselves into french tips, or his hands lost their calluses.

He could feel his new pussy getting moist as it settled in and his hair growing steadily till it reached his mid back. There was also a metaphorical cloud slowly forming over him; if he was turning into a woman there was one big change he kept waiting for. Well, two technically.

His hands kept going to his chest, smooth and flat still. Surely it was only a matter of time though? He tired to go about his day, hidden away in his dorm but his hands kept creeping up to press at his chest until-


The skin that had been hard before was now surprisingly tender.

“Oh god, here we go.”

Once the change started it seemed to speed up and for the first time since this all began he wasn't concerned with his ballooning ass or new pussy at all. His mind was fully focused on the pleasant stretch and burn forming on his chest as his pecs began to slowly swell over the course of an hour. It was almost like a sensual massage, the skin warping and filling in.

And it took hours.

His cup size steadily increased as his nipples darkened and became hard, pert little diamonds in the middle of his new tits. They formed into proper melons too, he had the curves of a real woman that was for sure. That paired with his new butt gave him a lovely figure; plenty of junk in the trunk without being chubby.

The sun was setting by the time his body finally seemed to settle and he realised that he hadn't looked at himself in the mirror since the morning. Taking a deep breath Tim stepped back into the bathroom and immediately felt all that air knocked out of him. In the mirror was a woman who looked so similar to Amber; red hair, beauty spot, gorgeous figure. He had subtle differences, a larger chest for example, lighter green eyes and fuller lips but still. He was a beautiful imitation; so much so that he couldn’t help but smile a little.

Tim had never been sexy before.


The next few days were surreal; reality seemed to have shifted. All his belongings, his social media and even his drivers licence had changed. He was no longer Tim, he was Jenny. A very popular and well liked woman on campus. Every time he was presented with a new person, his mind would fill with new memories and knowledge. It was exhilarating.

He waited with baited breath to run into Aomber only to feel…nothing. They were still strangers in this reality and his heart filled with bitter disappointment. At least for a moment. Because then their eyes met and Amber’s lit up with surprise.

“Oh my goddess! We could almost be twins!” She laughed, “I’m Amber.”

Tim’s heart soared.


“Who would have thought I’d meet a doppelganger in the middle of the semester? Want to sit together?”



Jenny couldn’t believe this was happening; she had only been ‘herself’ for two weeks when Amber had sheepishly asked her if she was open to lesbianism.

“I have this fantasy.” She admitted, drunk one night. “Two redheads and a blonde all together. I don’t know why I just…mmm.”

What kind of friend would she have been to say no to helping her new best friend live out her fantasy? It wasn't like hot, blonde lesbians were hard to come by on a California campus. And here they were, slowly stripping off together, mirroring one another's movements while their newest friend Candy laid back on the bed looking on hungrily.

It was easy to move in tandem with Amber, they were so similar now so mirroring her moves was a breeze. Jenny slowly crawled up the bed as soon as her clothes were shed and she and Amber sandwiched Candy between them, taking turns kneading soft flesh and kissing whatever skin was exposed.

Jenny felt herself soaking the sheets but she didn't care; this was more than she had ever dreamed she would get. Not only was she in bed with Amber, but another woman as well! Not to mention her new clit was so sensitive. She moaned and shivered as Amber's fingers slowly parted the folds and stroked. How many times had she day dreamed about being touched by her? Granted this wasn't what she had been imagining.

It was better.

Somehow, Jenny found herself between the other two women; Amber's fingers slipping in and out of her hole, while Candy's hands cupped her breasts. She was awash with sensations, so much so she couldn't keep them all straight. She could only close her eyes and enjoy the pleasure as it grew and grew.

Candy lowered her down onto the bed and Amber crawled down her body till her face was between her legs. Jenny was breathing heavily, chest heaving as she watched a wry smile form on Amber's face. How many times had she lusted after those lips and imagined what they would feel like on her own?

Her tongue brushed along her clit and dove into her hole and Jenny moaned, eyes rolling back. Suddenly, heat appeared over her face and she realised Candy was positioning herself. Without hesitation she began to lick and suck at the woman's pussy, moaning in delight feeling the pussy quiver around her.

She was right in the middle, pleasuring and being pleasured, it was too much. She came, squirting into Amber's mouth. A moment later she was rewarded as Candy did the same, coating her lips in juices. This was the hottest thing she'd ever done and judging by the moaning sounds Amber was making, it wouldn't be the last time either.



Thanks, this is great :D