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The giggling should have tipped her off. Unfortunately, she didn't realise the source until it was too late. Sasha burst out of her cupboard, brand new wand in tow pointed right at Tina's chest. She didn't even have time to gasp in shock before the spell hit her square in the chest; sending a hot burning sensation over her skin that then sunk deep into her core.

For a few seconds the sensation tingled in her chest, like heartburn only to settle a second later before the magic started to work.

“What did you do!?” She cried, more irritated than angry, when two witch's roomed together pranks could get out of hand quickly to put it mildly.

“Just testing out my new expansion spell.” Sasha said, tapping the wand to her lips with a wry smile.


Even as the words were leaving her lips Tina could feel it, a subtle pressure that was quickly becoming not so subtle at all. It was building in the centre of her chest at first but then split in two, centering under her breasts. It felt as though something was pushing them out and within seconds her B cups were growing.

She groaned, both in frustration and to hide her pleasure. A red blush swiftly coated her cheeks as well as her cleavage itself as it grew more prominent. She could feel the back of her bra stretching as the cups struggled to contain her and frantically she tried to reach behind to unclip the hooks before it was too late.

Only for them to snap immediately as her chest thrust out trying to get her arms behind her back. Sasha giggled like a kid on Christmas, clearly loving the bewildered expression on Tina’s face.

“Oh I will get you for this!” She hissed.

“Well I’m waiting…”

Tina hissed, tugging the broken bra out from under her shirt as her tits continued to balloon. They were proper D cups now and her shirt was stretched beyond repair. And yet, they kept on growing. She could feel the skin stretching, her nipples turning hard and long to match and she groaned.

“How big are you making them!?”

To her credit, even Sasha’s smile faltered a little. Clearly she’d over done the spell.

“Um, I’m sure it’ll stop soon?” She said sheepishly, even as Tina reached G cups.

Her back ached already with their weight, she could feel them sitting back on her chest, dragging her centre of gravity lower and they grew and grew. Her shirt couldn’t stretch anymore, it started coming apart at the seams until finally it tore itself to shreds.

She couldn’t take much more of this! Tina fell to the floor with a sigh, balancing on all fours to let her tits hang beneath her like udders until they finally, mercifully stopped growing. They were huge, round and weighed so much that getting to her feet was actually difficult. Sasha giggled madly.

“Oh man, your face!” She laughed. “Guess we know where the limit is now!”

Tina grit her teeth and grinned.

“You owe me a new bra.” She growled, holding out her hand.

She didn't have a wand on her, so she couldn’t do anything too fancy but she could teach her room mate a little lesson. Sasha had a split second to realise she’d fucked up before her body was changing as well. Not expanding, but fully transforming as skin became cloth and bone became wire. Painlessly (She wasn't a monster) Sasha transformed her fellow witch into a new bra for herself. She would have made a shirt as well but her new tits were so massive that Sasha could only make so much clothing.

The bra was soft, with a thick underwire for support and push up pads. The outside was a pretty white silk with a little diamond piece squashed between the cups nobody would ever see. With a smug smirk Tina picked the bra off the ground where it had fallen.

“My back hurts and it's your fault,” She mused, “So you can help me out until your spell wears off.”

‘I will get you back for this.’

“You started it.” Tina chuckled. “Besides, I’ve seen your search history, I know what sort of shit you’re into.”

Sasha didn't reply but Tina could feel her humiliation; not that she could blame the lady, having your transformation fetish outed was pretty embarrassing. Getting revenge had lightened her mood considerably, she even hummed to herself as she struggled her way into the new bra. It was a perfect fit and she sighed in relief as some of the strain was removed from her spine.

Despite all the hefty support her new tits still jiggled and shook as she walked; they were so large how could they not. She knew Sasha could feel every movement too as it stretched and rubbed against her bra form, arousal was pouring off her in waves and Tina grinned.

“That spell you cats was pretty potent, I might have to wear you all day, maybe even two.”

‘T-two days like this?’

“Yeah, I bet you’ll be a horny mess by the end of it.”

If Sasha could have whimpered Tina was sure she would have. Confidently the witch walked over to the mirror and admired her new bust and bra. She may not have chosen this but she was good at making the best of a bad situation.

“And if you are a very good bra, maybe I will take mercy on you when you change back.”


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