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Tier Reward for EB18

With her stress levels at an all time high Gabby loses her temper and transforms people, much to the delight of her mother.


Normally, Gabby loved a good horror movie. In fact, she enjoyed a bad horror movie even more and this film was definitely the latter. The fake blood came in unrealistic waves, the acting was corny and she was pretty sure the ‘monster’ was a rubber mask. At the very least it looked like one. Horror was a great way to work through a bit of tension and she certainly had plenty of that to spare only today, it didn't seem to work.

The air was thick and tense with anxiety that she just couldn’t shake. That was the effect her mother had of course, no matter how much she prepared herself the woman just knew how to get under her skin. She gripped the theatre seat and took a deep breath; she just wanted to enjoy the movie dammit. Regina seemed riveted, she hadn't moved since the first jump scare.

Gabby tried to relax back and enjoy the film but her mind kept wandering. What if her mom couldn’t fix Regina and Reggie and Gina stopped existing? What if she essentially ended her two best friends and replaced them with a third person? Yes Regina technically was both of them at the same time but she was also her own person.

A lump formed in Gabby’s throat; a person she liked…a lot. She would be lying if she said that deep down there wasn't a part of her that wanted Regina to stay. Not because she didn’t want to see Reggie or Gina again but because Regina was the best of both worlds. Her heart had fluttered for both her friends at one point or another, but it wasn't until they had combined that she felt real love start to form.

How fucked up was that? What sort of evil person couldn’t just choose between two people and ended up combining them instead? It was the sort of thing her mother would do so she could have her cake and eat it too. That was what bothered her more than anything; if there was one person on Earth she never wanted to be like, it was her mother.

The monster appeared, ripping Gabby from her thoughts, and it tore into its latest victim in a display so fake she almost laughed. Next to her Regina tensed and Gabby turned to study her friend’s face. The theatre was dark, but Regina’s terrified face was illuminated by the screen. Gabby felt her guilt increase, she had been so focused on herself again she didn't even realise Regina wasn't focused out of interest, but fear.

How she could be scared of a film as silly as this she didn't know but Gabby put that aside for now. She reached across and laid a hand over Regina’s where it was white knuckling the seat. They jumped and turned, looking relieved.

“Sorry.” She whispered.

“We can go if you want.” Gabby replied, “this movie is dumb anyway.”

“No, I made you pay, I’m fine.” Regina lied, unconvincingly.

Gabby’s guts twisted, she wanted to do something right. She’d done nothing but fail these last few days. She racked her brain for a moment, thinking back on her visits to this theatre when she was younger. An idea formed and she smiled; what Regina needed was a distraction.

“You know, there are more fun things we could do in the dark.” She whispered. “Things that could make you forget about the film.”

She watched as Regina finally turned away from the screen and swallowed nervously, it was too dark to tell but Gabby was sure they were blushing. She still felt slightly guilty about flirting with Regina given the circumstances but it just felt right and they seemed to appreciate the distraction right now anyway.

Slowly she leaned in and pressed their lips together, sighing happily as Regina parted theirs and deepened it almost instantly. It was like they were made for one another; all of Gina’s confidence to try new things and push forward paired with Reggie’s soft, understanding touch. Gabby ignored the twist in her guts and leaned in closer, placing one hand on Regina’s inner thigh and enjoying the shiver she felt run through the other’s body.

The movie disappeared and for a few beautiful minutes it was just the two of them, in the darkness together making out. It was like being a teenager again. Gabby even managed to forget about her mother for a few blissful moments until the whispering started. It was low at first, then snickers got added in and muttered words.

“They’re really going at it.”

“It’s two girls too!”

“Bloody dykes.”

Utter rage filled her at the uttering of that word but before she had a second to respond to the slur Gabby felt something hit the side of her head, not hard, but enough to make her flinch in shock. She turned just in time to see a piece of popcorn flying in her direction, landing in her hair. Then another hit Regina’s face, then whole handfuls started to fly every few seconds and the quiet snickers turned to taunting laughter.

“Sorry, are we disturbing you?” Called a guy from a few rows back.

“Sort of.” Gabby bit the inside of her cheek, even in the gloom she could see his shit eating grin; it matched all his friends.

If there was one thing all women hated it was men in groups like this. They egged one another on till they were all acting like raging assholes.

“Well that’s what you get for disturbing us!” Another dude taunted.

“We weren't bothering anybody.” Regina replied hotly as somebody else in the cinema tried to shush them all to no effect.

“You were being disgusting, girls making out with girls. Is it just cause you’ve never had a good dick?”

Gabby felt her temper rising, she did not have the patience to deal with this today. She was already at the end of her emotional tether having to deal with her mother and the stress of maybe trapping her two best friends together for all eternity.

“Come on, let’s go.” She hissed, grabbing Regina’s hand and swallowing the bitter taste in her mouth. “The movie isn't worth these guys.”

“You weren't even watching! Boo hoo!” The first dude laughed, “Come on sweetheart, you’re pretty cute, I’ll show you a good time and you’ll never want to make out with another girl again.”

Gabby did her best to ignore them, tightening her grip around Regina’s wrist and practically dragging them out of their seat and out into the abandoned theatre. With only one showing a day it seemed the ticket and snack man decided to take a break. She was grateful for the quiet and took a deep breath, she just needed a second to calm her nerves-

“Hey, don’t be like that babe.”

Oh for fucks sake.

“Just leave us alone.” Regina growled, “We’re leaving, isn't that what you wanted?”

“Nah, look, I feel bad.” The man smiled, not looking remotely sorry at all. “Let me make it up to you girls, why don't we go get a drink and then we can show you a good time.”

“We’re not going anywhere with you.” Gabby hissed, balling her hands into fists.

The men’s faces twisted, going from the fake charm to angry in an instant.

“Bloody bitches, would rather waste their time with each other than give a real man a go.” He spat. “You’d be lucky to fuck me.”

Gabby grit her teeth, she was so sick of these assholes. She just wanted them to go away, no, she wanted them to be punished. She felt her magic bubbling under the surface, a spell she had sworn never to use again but after the shitty few days she’d had the temptation was far too great.

“You know what? Fuck you.”

The magic burst out of her and she felt it flow through the air toward them, Regina took a step back in shock as the men all instantly began to change. Their jeans and shirts wove themselves into tube tops and mini skirts, one of them even tumbled back as his sneakers became stiletto thin heels.

The main guy who had been taunting them screamed in shock, his voice going from deep to high as his Adam’s apple smoothed over and his short hair turned bleach blonde and cascaded down his shoulders, over his now ample bust. His hands went straight for his new chest naturally, pressing his palms into the ballooning breasts as if he could push them back inside himself. All he managed to do was emphasise his cleavage and Gabby felt a bubble of laughter escape her lips as some of that tension finally melted out of her.

“Ooooh…” one of the men was groaning, basically bent over double as his butt turned peachy. The booty shorts she’d created for him could barely contain them and the fabric slipped into his cleft.

All of the men were wearing faces of pure shock and Gabby couldn’t resist adding a little dazzle to their features. Smatterings of deep red and pink lipstick with a sheen of gloss over each of their lips. Big, fake lashes to make them look even more startled and thick makeup to cover their insecurities. She even gave a few of them rhinestones on their lashes like strippers wore just to add to their humiliation.

Gabby knew it was wrong but she smiled, watching all those tough as nails men turn into ditzy bimbos right before her eyes. All tits and ass with no brains and high sex drives, exactly the sort of women they wanted she’d wager.

“What the hell?”

“H-how is this, dude where is my dick?!”

“Like…why am I so…uh…ummm…”

Gabby laughed, watching them all stumble around like newborn deer in their new heels.

“There, now you get to be your own perfect woman for a day. Enjoy!” She gave them a little wave and turned back to Regina only to pause.

Regina’s hands were over her mouth in shock, her eyes wide and horrified. Suddenly, Gabby realised what she had just done, she’d used her magic in exactly the way she had promised never to. Guilt crashed down over her and she glanced back at the men, all arguing and trying to take stock of their new bodies.

“Let’s get out of here.” Gabby whispered, grabbing Regina by the wrist and practically running out of the theatre and into the mall.

What an idiot! In one fell swoop she had betrayed herself and probably lost three of the most important people in her life. Regina could never return her affections now and Reggie and Gina would be just as horrified with her. She was such a bitch! She wished she’d never been born with magic; she just wanted it to go away! She was just as bad as her mother now!

“Gabby? Gabby! Gabby, stop!”

It was only when they reached the edge of the old mall that Gabby realised Regina was talking to her. Her breath was coming in fast, short gasps and her mouth was too dry to reply. Regina grabbed her shoulders, the touch was hard and anchoring but for some reason Gabby struggled to focus on it, on anything but her racing heart and guilt.

“Deep breathes Gabby. Come on, copy me. In and out, okay?”

She did so, letting a blanket of calm slowly settled over her until she could breathe again. Gently, Regina guided her down to sit on a bench and Gabby put her head in her hands.

“I’m so sorry!” She cried, “That was awful! Those guys were dicks but I…I shouldn't have done that.”

“Probably not.” Regina admitted, “But it's only temporary right?”

Gabby nodded miserably.

“There you go, they’ll be back to being assholes in no time. Maybe this will be a good lesson for them.”

“I promised not to do that sort of thing anymore.”

“And you messed up. It’s okay, just start again from now.”

Gabby swallowed, glancing over at Regina through her fingers.

“You don’t…hate me?”

Regina’s eyes softened and she reached an arm around Gabby’s shoulder.

“Never, none of us could.” She said soothingly. “I won’t pretend we liked what you just did…but we know you feel guilty and won’t be doing it again any time soon.”



Regina smiled and Gabby felt her heart flutter; that smile was so beautiful. Their eyes lit up the same way Gina’s did, and they had a little dimple on the left cheek that only showed up when they grinned. It was gorgeous. They were gorgeous. If only they weren't tied to her fuck up everything would be perfect right now.

Gabby tried not to focus on the mistake though, at this moment she just wanted to enjoy being held. So she settled into the hug, leaning her head on Regina's shoulder and enjoying the warmth of their skin against hers. The guilt was still there but at least she knew she hadn't lost the most important people in her life.


One of the great things about being two people in the same body was that you always had somebody to talk to. It also meant that those quiet moments that drove Gina insane never happened. They were still leaning against Gabby on the bench, letting her calm down and centre herself while Reggie and Gina chatted.

‘That was…’


‘It’s kinda freaky isn’t it? Knowing how powerful she really is.’ Gina admitted.

‘I know, it’s crazy to think what she could do if she wasn't such a moral person.’ Reggie mused.

‘Like her mother.’ Gina pointed out. ‘That’s what scares her the most I think, Becoming her mother.’

‘That’s…pretty astute actually.’

‘She basically spelled it out for us dufus.’

‘I’m sorry did you just call me ‘dufus’? What are you? Six?’

“What are you giggling about?”


Regina snapped back to reality.

“Sorry, I was just…Reggie and Gina were chatting.” Regina blushed. “When there are two people in your head even the quiet moments get chatty.”

“Especially when one of those people is Gina.” Gabby giggled. “She’s a chatterbox.”

“Hey I resent that!” Gina snapped playfully, asserting control for a split second.

Gabby’s smile faltered slightly.

“I miss you. Both of you but…”

“You also like me.” Regina finished, “It’s okay, I understand.”

Gabby shook her head in disbelief.

“How can you be so understanding? Seriously, you're perfect.”

Regina blushed, their ears turning bright pink. It felt nice to get such a compliment, especially from Gabby. What made it all the more heart-warming was that she could tell Gabby meant it; her face was so genuine. The two of them pulled apart awkwardly and Gabby cleared her throat. How was making out and having sex so easy yet whenever real romance started they both turned into flustered teenagers?

Regina grit their teeth; enough, they had been dancing around this issue long enough it was time to grow some figurative balls and actually face the issue head on.

“What are we, Gabby? Really, am I just a friend with benefits or do you feel something…more for me?”

Gabby had an unreadable expression cross her face, a mix of emotions that passed too quickly to peg down.

“I…really like you.” Gabby admitted looking away, “but I feel bad feeling that way because you’re not real.”

Regina felt like they had been punched in the gut.

“Not real?”

“I mean, of course you are real but for you to exist Reggie and Gina can’t. Isn't that a bit messed up?”

Regina thought for a moment; it hadn't really occurred to them.

“I guess but they spend so much time as me that I think they are used to it. We all like being this way. Maybe that’s wrong, I don't know.”

“Me either.”

They sat in silence for a moment longer before Regina couldn't stand it any longer,

“So…that main guy, did you give him a belly button piercing or did I imagine that?”

Gabby looked like she was trying very hard not to laugh.


Regina couldn’t help it, she snorted and the next thing she knew they were both in peels of laughter, leaning over one another and struggling to breathe.

“Oh my God their faces!”

“I thought you were horrified!”

“I was, a little but I was also trying not to laugh!”

“You bitch! You made me feel like such a monster!”

“Oh come off it!”

All the tension of the day finally melted away and they were just Regina and Gabby again. Eventually they managed to get their giggles under control and they took several deep breaths.

“I suppose we should go back to your place, it’s getting late.” Regina sighed.

“Yeah, my ma probably wants to put on a big dinner or something to impress us with her magic. Hopefully those tests she ran will be ready soon and we can get out of here, maybe even make the concert.”

Regina smiled and nodded though deep down she didn’t believe they would be making it any time soon.


When they returned Raquel basically bowled them over with excitement.

“There you are, Gabriella. I have been waiting forever. You come home for a visit and then you run out the first chance you get! Very rude really.”


“Anyway, I am preparing us a wonderful dinner. Come, come!”

She pushed the two of them gently towards the dining room which contained, among other things, a ridiculously long oak dining table, several portraits in gilded frames, all of Raquel and more vases and flowers than were ever necessary. The entire place was an assault on the eyes, even before Raquel clicked her fingers and cutlery and plates went flying.

“Ma, there is no need-”

“Exactly!” Raquel snapped her fingers, “There is no need but with magic, you can! That is the point I have been trying to make!”

The table sat itself and a handful of instruments lifted themselves from their stands in the corner and began to play themselves in a merry little jaunt that didn't suit quiet dinner discussion at all.

“See how much nicer life is when you use all the talents at your disposal? Gabriella?” Raquel smiled, once again Regina thought of a shark.

She wasn’t saying anything too overt and yet her words were pointed, especially her use of Gabby’s full name which Regina knew full well she hated. They suspected Raquel knew as well.

“It’s Gabby.” Gabby sighed, “and can't we just eat like normal people?”

“Ugh.” Raquel flopped down at the head of the table dramatically. “Normal, why are you so obsessed with being normal? Where is the fun in that?”

Dinner floated in on silver platters and just like everything else in this house, it was a mishmash; Italian pasta right next to sushi and dhal. Regina got the very distinct impression Raquel indulged her every whim and craving, no matter how small.

“This is delicious.” Regina said after a few bites, desperate to make peace. “You’re a great chef.”

“She didn't cook it, she just used magic to make the dishes cook themselves.” Gabby said sourly, stabbing her fork into the pasta with a bit too much force.

“Gabriella you wound me, I did no such thing.” Raquel smiled, “I am friends with a few chefs and they are more than happy to come over and prepare things for me. I had them whip this up.”

‘Friends’, more like enchanted against their will no doubt. Regina and Gabby looked at one another, clearly coming to the same conclusion but staying silent. As loathsome as this woman could be, she was their only hope of finding a cure.

“Now…why don’t you tell me what you’ve been up to, hm?” Raquel said, placing her chin over her folded hands.

“We went to the movies.” Gabby replied, not looking up from her dinner and Raquel clicked her tongue in disapproval.

“Now, Gabriella-”


“Gabriella.” She replied sternly, “you know I can smell magic a mile away and you positively reek of it dear, you cast a big spell today. I want to know what it was.”

Gabby’s shoulders folded in a little and Regina had to resist the urge to leap across the table and throttle the woman.

“It was nothing.”

Raquel’s face lit up like a kid at Christmas.

“It was something naughty wasn’t it?” She grinned, “Did you transform somebody?”

Gabby flinched and her mother practically whooped for joy.

“See, and I bet it solved your problem didn’t it! This is what I have been saying to you for years!”

“Will you shut up!” Gabby yelled, standing up so fast she tipped her chair backwards. “It was a mistake! You wonder why I never come home and it’s because you act like this!”

“Bold words for a young lady who needs my help.” Raquel said pointedly.

Gabby pressed her lips into a thin line and Regina felt her blood boil.

“You can't use that to blackmail and bully your own daughter!” She said furiously, slamming her hand down on the table. “I don’t care if I am stuck like this, if you’re going to be a bitch we’ll go.”

It may have just been their imagination but Regina swore the room cooled by a few degrees in an instant as Raquel narrowed her eyes.

“What did you call me?”

Regina got the impression they had royally fucked up.

“Okay, that was a bit much um…sorry.” they stammered. “I just…you’re being really mean to Gabby and I don’t stand for that.”

They wished their voice wasn't so shaky. Raquel narrowed her eyes further and Gabby looked genuinely worried for a moment before her mother tossed back a glass of wine and laughed.

“At least one of you has some spine, Gabriella could learn a thing or two from you.” She laughed. “You do have a point though. I should get back to the task at hand, I know why you can't change back.”

“What? Why didn't you start with that?!” Gabby cried and her mother simply smiled.

“Because I wanted to have a nice dinner with my daughter for the first time in years.”

Regina fought the urge to raise their eyebrow.

“So, why can't they unmerge?” Gabby asked.

“Simple.” Raquel shrugged. “They don’t want to.”


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