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Tier Reward for Jason

Saki returns home after a long month away to find that Honda has transformed herself into something very special for her birthday.

These characters were featured in the stories At Her Mercy and Puppy Mage. This can be read on its own but that story may give you more context.


To say Saki was tired would be an understatement. She’d been out on the road for over a month now, trekking from village to village across the entire province dealing with the outbreak of goblins in the area. How their population had managed to explode so much was a mystery to everybody but it was fair to say that thanks to the Guild, things were under control again.

Days and days on end of either fighting or travelling had thoroughly exhausted the rogue to the point that she could barely be bothered walking up the steps to her room. Honda had better have everything clean and ready for her, a hot drink and a good meal wouldn’t go amiss. For all her clumsiness and awful skills with magic she was actually a pretty good housekeeper and cook. Saki sometimes joked that she was wasted as a mage when it was obvious her true calling was being a maid.

It always made Honda blush; she knew Saki well by this point, it was about as close to a pure compliment as the woman got. The memory of that cute face brought a smile to Saki’s lips. It was nice having somebody to come home to; it made her rooms at the guild headquarters just that little more…homey.

As she approached the door no smell of warm stew or tea greeted her and Saki felt her mood sour somewhat. She’d used magic to send Honda a message so she would be ready for her when she returned; had she forgotten?

Saki pushed open the door and found the fire crackling and the room pleasantly warm, but no food or drinks laid out. More importantly, no sign of Honda. Had she perhaps headed down to the Guild kitchen to get something? She hoped so.

With a pout Saki flopped down in the chair by the fire and reluctantly pulled her boots off; it was normally Honda’s job. There was nothing more soothing after a long mission than the sight of Honda on her knees massaging her feet. After a few minutes of pouting she got up and decided she would get undressed; if Honda wasn't going to greet her then she would have to teach her a lesson.

She smiled, thinking of the shocked and scandalised look on Honda’s face when she returned to find Saki naked and waiting impatiently for a bath to be drawn for her. She’d be so apologetic and flustered; equal parts cute and hot at the same time.

More than a little annoyed that she had to do it alone, Saki began to unbuckle the leather straps that held her armour together letting the dirty pieces fall on the floor as she slowly made her way to their bedroom. Honda could pick them up later.

By the time she reached the bedroom she just had her underclothes left and she was about to peel off her shirt when something caught her eye. Saki froze, blinking in surprise as she tried to process what she was seeing. There was somebody laying in her bed; no, not somebody, something.

A constrict of sorts, made to resemble Honda but clearly not an actual living, breathing human. She was totally naked, made from a soft material with a wide red mouth and painted on features.

A sex doll.

A Honda shaped sex doll.

Placed on the dolls chest was a note, written in Honda’s hand;

Dear Saki,

I know how hard the last mission was and I wanted to surprise you for your birthday. I thought this might be something you would enjoy. We both know how much you love to dominate and how sexy I find you using my like an object is so here you go. Do with me what you will, knowing my magic, I could turn back any time so enjoy it while it lasts!




Saki blinked in surprise and realisation as she counted the days she had been on the road. It was her birthday, she’d been so busy and exhausted it had totally slipped her mind. A warm feeling spread throughout her chest as genuine affection and love bloomed there. Not that she would ever voice those mushy feelings to Honda, she’d get all emotional and weird. Steeling herself and adopting her cool as a cucumber smile, Saki placed the note down on the floor gently and stood over the Honda doll, examining it carefully.

“You could have done better.” She lied, running a hand over the slightly warm doll. “It’s not very detailed.”

She wondered how Honda was feeling, having Saki’s dexterous fingers stroking over her lightly. Could she feel in this sex doll form? She was sure she could.

“Of course, you should have put yourself in the main room, I wasted so much time sitting out there waiting for you, bad girl.” Saki smirked.

She let her hands move over Honda’s breasts, now rigid and firm. They had nipples though and Saki pinched one as much as the material would allow. It had some slight give.

“Hmmmm, I’ll have to be careful, I have no idea how rough I can be with this body.” She chuckled, “Did that hurt? Oh wait, you can't reply, that’s right.”

Honda’s face was frozen in a perfect O and Saki couldn't resist sticking her fingers inside a bit just to test if the doll had a gag reflex.

“Maybe I could get the strap on and fuck your mouth like this.” Saki giggled, “But I think I want to explore a little more first.”

She took her time, slowly undressing in front of the doll and taking a huge amount of pleasure knowing Honda was not only forced to sit by and do nothing but wasn’t even capable of looking away. Her painted eyes were forced to stay open and watch everything as Saki stripped for her, stretching out her body and sighing happily. She knew exactly how to get Honda going and knowing she couldn’t even moan to release the tension now was so delicious.

Once she was naked Saki stepped forward and continued to play and examine her new toy. It was very anatomical; complete with a little clit she could flick. She rubbed it a few times, feeling her own folds moisten as she imagined what it must be like to be laying there, helpless and horny.

Could Honda cum like this, or would she be stuck in a state of perpetual teasing? She hoped for the latter, she did so love denying her orgasm as long as possible, she made the most delicious sounds. That was the only downside to her being frozen in this sex doll form, she was silent. Saki could imagine though, she was very familiar with how Honda sounded when she was being pleasured.

Slowly, Saki mounted her, resting her own moist clit against the hard nub of Honda’s. It was much more solid than a normal one, making it easier for her to press into her own. It felt lovely. She began to rock her hips gently, letting out a low, satisfied groan. All her tiredness faded away as she let the ecstasy slowly build inside her.

She rested her hands on Honda’s hard breasts, squeezing them and trapping the nipples between her fingers; they made perfect hand holds to balance herself. She rocked her hips back and forth greedily; she didn’t need to worry about anybody’s pleasure but her own while Honda was like this. She shuddered as her first, but certainly not last orgasm of the night washed over her and she pulled back.

The bottom of the doll was slick with her juices now and that gave her a wicked idea. Saki hopped to her feet and opened up the small, secret compartment she had installed in the floor. She stored all her most valuable weapons here just in case but alongside there were a number of toys she loved to use on Honda.

After a moment of careful rummaging she found what she was looking for; a special two sided strap on dildo designed to press into her clit while plunging into another female partner. She’d taken Honda with it many times but never while she was forced to stay stationary. Normally she writhed like a bitch in heat, it was time to test her limits.

The sex doll's hole was already slick from her first orgasm so it was easy to slide the dildo inside before wrapping the straps around her hips and positioning the other end against her clit. She thrust forward experimentally and gasped, momentarily taken off guard. The sex doll was more rigid than a human lover, which meant when she hit the end of Honda’s fake vagina she came to a sudden, hard stop that slammed the dildo against her clit with so much force it made her see stars.

It wasn’t often the rogue was taken by surprise and for a moment she was totally overwhelmed. After a moment she regained her composure and grinned down at her sex doll girlfriend.

“I bet that felt even harder to you.” She teased, “Let’s go again shall we?”

She began to thrust in earnest, groaning as the dildo slammed into her clit over and over again. Her hole ached to be filled but she kept both her hands firmly on Honda’s tits for balance. It was one big tease, having one part of her neglected so much. She came again after a few minutes regardless but Saki was far from done.

She slid the dildo out of Honda and stood back with it still strapped around her waist. Of course the Doll’s expression was the same as before, still and unexpressive. Perhaps it was just her imagination but Saki was sure she could feel sexual frustration wafting off her though. She wasn't sure how but she was sure now that Honda couldn’t cum, an oversight on her part no doubt. She was probably screaming with desperation and that gave Saki another idea. That pretty mouth was wide open and in need of servicing.

With a wicked grin she slowly crawled up Honda’s body, roughly kneading her hands into the still body to further tease her before turning around and bearing her ass to Honda’s face. She turned and wiggled it a little, giving the doll a teasing smile before positioning the dildo over the open red hole that was Honda’s mouth.

“No gag reflex, how fun.” Saki groaned before thrusting her hips down.

This hole was shallower than the one between the sex dolls legs, so she was able to slam her hips in rapid thrusts against it. Saki was already close to overstimulated from two previous orgasms but she couldn't bring herself to slow down.

This time though, she couldn’t ignore the burning hole between her legs. WHile her clit was getting overwhelmed it was still being ignored. The need to be filled was too strong and Saki reached around to stuff three fingers straight inside. She could only imagine the amazing view Honda was getting; forced to have a dildo shoved down her throat while watching her girlfriend finger herself.

“Ah…ahhhhh….ooooooh yes!”

Saki came a third time, even harder than before and found herself still thrusting while her body undulated and writhed. This was so hot, she couldn’t stop. She started to build toward a fourth orgasm when she felt the body beneath her begin to tremble. The stiffness slowly began to fade until all of a sudden there was an intense wave of magic.

All of a sudden, the hollow sound of the dildo slamming against a hard surface was replaced with muffled moaning and the fake pussy before Saki’s face became real as Honda changed back; the pleasure had become too much for her. Saki watched as her girlfriend squirted; cumming without her even having to lower her mouth down to those wet lips. Juices streamed across the bed and the sight sent her over the edge for a fourth and final time.

Finally sated, she stilled. Her lithe body still pinning Honda beneath her, the dildo stuffing her mouth until the rogue finally decided to show her some mercy and dismounted. Honda was breathing fast, gasping for breath and trembling; it might have been mistaken for fright if it weren't for the way her pupils were blown wide with arousal. Her face was beet red as well and the blush was swiftly spreading across her shoulders and breasts.

Saki chuckled, finally unstrapping herself and laying down at Honda’s side.

“That was quite the gift.”

“I…ah…I’m glad you liked it.” Honda breathed, “I didn’t realise…I didn’t…”

“You seem a bit overwhelmed, whelp.” Saki teased, slowly tracing a single finger around one of Honda’s nipples making her shiver.

“J-just a little.” Honda shivered.

“Well, I think I can do something about that…”

Saki let her fingers dip between Honda’s legs and she chuckled as the mage’s whole body jolted.

“O-Oh I’m a little…maybe we should wait…” She half protested as her whole body trembled.

“Wait? But after giving me such a good birthday gift you deserve a reward…” Saki grinned, “Don't you think?”

She pressed down on Honda’s clit before sliding a finger up to rub against her G-spot. The mage’s mouth opened and closed but no words came out. Only sounds. Desperate, erotic sounds that told Saki she wasn’t going to last long.

Saki placed her mouth over Honda’s to shush her, swallowing up the sounds; drinking them in. Her exhaustion was totally gone now, she could do this all night.


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