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Commissioned by Clancy

What did the other three get up to after Mary and Scott left with the Medusa Amulet?


An interlude piece for Good as Gold 

Michelle watched on in jealousy as Mary and Scott departed, she’d spotted the glint of gem in Mary’s pocket and knew she’d taken the Medusa Amulet. Something had been planning to do herself. Being a statue had been so relaxing and if she was honest, a little hot, she was hoping she could have played around with it a bit herself. Not that she had anybody to use it with really; aside from being turned into a statue she didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend who could touch her in all those fun ways she’d watched Scott and Mary do.

“Why the long face?” Asked Allison, snickering at some joke Michelle clearly didn’t get. “Miss being a statue?”

“Sort of.” Michelle sighed, “I think Mary nicked the necklace by the way.”

“Oh?” Allison checked the box and grinned, “little sneak, not that I can blame her, I’ll shoot her a text later.”

“You don’t mind that she took it?”

“You know Mary, she’d never take it forever, I am sure she and Scott just want to continue their little escapade somewhere private.” Allison waved it off, “besides, there are plenty of other fun transformation toys in this box we can use.”

Michelle felt her interest instantly peaked and her brother rushed forward eagerly, one hand on Allison’s hip; clearly ready to go. Together, the three of them picked up the box and carried it downstairs at Allison’s instruction, hefting it down onto the front lawn. Allison grinned as she threw open the top and invited them to have a look.

“A lot of these transformers need a bit more room.” She explained, “Now let’s pick something!”

“What’s this?” He asked, holding up what looked like a saddle engraved with silver feathers.

“Oh! That one will be perfect for us.” Allison squealed, “here, help me put it on.”

Michelle watched as her brother helped his girlfriend into the saddle, tightening it so that the seat was on her back. As so as the leather straps were secure, Allison dropped to all fours on the floor and Michelle felt awkwardness seep over her. It was one thing to watch two of her friends going at it but she really didn't want to see her brother participate in pony play or whatever it was called.

A second later though, those thoughts fled her mind as she watched in amazement as Allison’s limbs began to grow, becoming far longer than anything remotely humanoid. Her face stretched and a thin layer of white hair covered her entire body. Her dark hair turned white to match and two feathered wings that sprouted either side of the saddle. Just like the medusa transformation it took only a few seconds but when that time had passed her friend had been fully transformed into a beautiful, winged horse; a pegasus.

“Woah.” Daniel breathed, running a hand over Allison’s muscled side.

“Impressive isn’t it?” Allison replied, her human words sounding all the stranger coming from literal horses' mouths. “Now, wanna go for a ride, babe?”

Daniel carefully mounted Allison, settling into the saddle while Allison stamped her hooves eagerly. Michelle shuffled her legs awkwardly, so they were going for a ride, what about her?

“Why don’t you come with us?” Allison invited, “Try this.”

She leaned into the box and withdrew, holding a strip of leather in her mouth. A collar, patterned with metal spikes.

“This’ll make you a cerberus.” She explained awkwardly through the mouthful of collar, dropping it into Michelle’s open palms.

“The three headed dog?” Michelle blinked, that could be…interesting.

After discovering how good it felt being a statue she was up for anything; sure she wouldn't be able to fly like Allison but she could at least run pretty fast as a giant dog.

“Okay, here I go.”

Michelle took a deep breath and secured the leather collar around her neck. A surge of energy coursed through her veins, a prickling sensation spreading from the collar to every inch of her being. Michelle's vision blurred momentarily, splitting into two and the three different point of views. Panic flickered within her chest, but before she could react, an intense wave of heat engulfed her.

A strange tingling filled her body as bones elongated and muscles contorted. She fell to her knees, clutching at the floor as her skin rippled and fur sprouted in patches across her changing form. A chorus of wild howls tore from her throat, merging into a guttural symphony. First there was just one, then two voices, then finally a third joined as she grew two extra heads. Her mind spun, senses heightening and rearranging. Michelle's vision adjusted, a trio of snouts appeared, each bearing sharp, gleaming teeth framed by thick fur.

Awkwardly she shook her canine body back and forth, feeling the rippling muscles that were already burning with a need to run. It was odd, she had three heads, and could simultaneously see, smell and taste from each one of them, yet they were all…her.

“Hey, Michelle.” Daniel called, riding Allison over to a nearby tree and snapping off a branch. “Fetch!”

The word unlocked something primal inside her; Michelle watched the stick sail through the air and before she knew it she was off. Racing across the grass with her heavy paws digging at the ground; she felt powerful and wild, it was intoxicating! She snapped the branch in two between her jaws and growled in frustration.

Allison raced past, taking to the sky with Daniel on her back, a new branch held aloft in his hand. All three of her dog-like mouths managed a sort of grin; this was fun! She raced after them, chasing the sticks Daniel threw and playfully leaping into the air to nip at Allison's hooves.

The three of them whooped and laughed; giggling like maniacs as they enjoyed their new forms. Daniel marvelling at the wind in his hair and the feeling of his strong girlfriend beneath him, Allison enjoying the feeling of flight and Michelle the sheer power that came from being a hellhound.

Michelle lifted her muzzles to the sky and howled with excitement; she never wanted to be human again!


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