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“Are you fucking serious, dude?”

Liam could not believe it, actually, seriously could not believe this was happening. It was bad enough that Jack had jumped the gun on their one and only genie wish but now Liam was the one facing the consequences; and considering the shit eating grin that magic fucker had on his face when he disappeared, eh wasn't coming back to fix it either.

“How was I supposed to know he’d turn you into my dream girl?”

“Firstly, it’s the oldest monkey paw trick in the book, asking a genie to have your perfect girlfriend materialise in front of you is just a plain stupid thing to wish for!”

“But how could I have known you’d end up as her.”

“Frankly dude, I think we have bigger problems.”

When Jack had made the wish, Liam had known instantly what was going to happen. So when his body had started to change he’d cringed internally but steeled himself; he swore not to give that damn genie one ounce of satisfaction. He had prepared himself to be turned into a sexy Latina, or a blonde bimbo perhaps what he hadn't been prepared for was becoming two dimensional.

It was odd, he still occupied 3D space, but he was totally flat on two sides. His brown hair had been replaced with long, unnatural blue hair that seemed to act with a mind of its own, falling in a way that no natural hair ever could. His body was busty of course, but still 2D and his eyes; oh God the eyes.

“I’m a fucking anime girl dude! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?”

“Stop blaming me! I can’t help what I like!”

“Well maybe if you got out more than once a month and touched grass instead of jacking off to hentai we wouldn't be in this situation!”

Liam ran a hand through his hair, a strange little huff escaping his lips as he crossed his arms awkwardly under his chest. At least if he had been turned into an actual, proper woman he could still function in society; he couldn't exactly get a job or walk around looking like a living body pillow.

His anger began to boil and he felt his cheeks getting redder and redder as he bit his lip. He had to stay calm, think this through; he had always been such a level headed guy but something about being stuck in this sexy anime body was making that impossible.

“You’re such an IDIOT!” He screamed, fist flying out before he could stop it and smashing right into Jack’s face.

Apparently, the anime logic that governed his new body spread to the things he touched because Jack went flying. Literally flying, right across the room of the old abandoned antique store they’d found the genie lamp in. He crashed into a pile of boxes and Liam was aghast. Surely he’d broken some bones, if not his neck falling like that, yet somehow he emerged unharmed but blushing furiously.

The second he realised Jack was still alive and okay, his anger came back and he stamped his foot, turning his back and breathing out heavily through his nose.

“W-well that’s what you deserve. Idiot.”

Man, he was using that word a lot all of a sudden, it felt weirdly right on his tongue. Jack groaned as he got up and a shiver went down Liam’s spine, the sound was almost…erotic. He turned and froze in horror.

“Are you hard right now!?”

Jack slammed his palm over his crotch and shrunk in on himself.

“Uh…well, that was sort of hot so…”

“Me punching you in the face was hot? What sort of sicko are you?”

Liam was seriously starting to regret this friendship.

“Well, you’re uh, this thing called a tsundere…” Liam shuffled awkwardly. “You’re all hot and acting like you don’t love me when deep down you really do, you just don’t want to admit it.”

Liam grit his teeth.

“No, I don’t.”

Jack looked surprised; God he was so stupid.

“You do realise that just because that genie made me look like your dream girl my brain hasn't actually changed, right?”


Liam sneered.

“So what, if that guy had magically made me fall in love with you you would have just gone alone with it!?”

“Well you would have been happy too so that would make it okay, right?”


Liam threw up his hands in frustration.

“Listen very carefully.” He hissed, stalking over to Jack who was still laying on the ground. “You are going to fix this. You will find the genie. You will bring me the lamp and I will make the wish that changes me back.”

He could still see the bulge in Jack’s pants; he was getting off on being ordered around. Gross, but something Liam could at least use to his advantage. It wasn’t like he had any choice. He reached down and cupped Jack’s chin hard enough to hurt.

“And since it looks like I wont get to go outside for a while you can pay for all my food and rent while I make your life a living hell until you do. Got it?”

Jack swallowed.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Liam gave a small huff of laughter; at least this stupid body had some perks. He’d better make the most of them.


So this dumb idea popped into my head literally an hour ago and I couldn't resist. 



Lol, this is brilliant! Very creative and such an innovative take on a classic.