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Tier Reward for Eb18

Sequel to Creating Regina 

Gina and Reggie have been spending more and more time fused together lately. Perhaps a little too long, since all of a sudden changing back doesn’t seem as simple as it used to.


“Nice shirt, man!”

Reggie smiled as one of Gabby’s friends from class pointed to his chest; the shirt was new, a gift from Gina in fact. The design was a stylised star with some writing in graffiti which, if he was honest, he couldn’t read. The design was loud and neon, not his usual style but somehow it managed to work on him. Still, he’d appreciated it all the same and Gabby’s birthday was the perfect excuse to break it out.

“Thanks.” he smiled, “you too.”

The guy raised an eyebrow and snorted; he was wearing a plain black shirt and Reggie felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. This is why he’d wanted to just do something small for Gabby’s birthday rather than attending this massive club party; he was sure to put his foot in his mouth. The guy kept walking and he felt a heat at his side as Gina sidled up next to him.

“Not your best social interaction, hun.”

“Oh, shut up.”

His words had no venom in them and Gina met them with a grin.

“You’re doing a lot better, you actually spoke this time!” She was being sincere and Reggie winced.

“I wish Gabby had let us come as Regina. It’s been ages since we fused and frankly I miss the confidence.”

“Regina is a state of mind, man.” Gina giggled, putting on her best new age voice, “You gotta like, feel it in your bones.”

“I would if I were in her bones.”

“Our bones you mean.” Gina replied before taking a large swig of her drink. “I get what you mean though…”

A yell sounded above the music and they both looked up to see Gabby waving like mad, a huge grin on her face as she bolted toward them with almost no regard for the people in between.

“She’s drunk.” Reggie chuckled.


“Shall we tease her mercilessly about this tomorrow?”

“Oh absolutely.”

The drunk woman slammed into them both, wrapping one arm around each of them in a giant three way hug.

“There you guys are!” She beamed, “I’ve been looking for you!”

She pulled back and gave them both the biggest smile; Reggie felt his heart flutter. It had been several months since they first became Regina and since then Gabby had fused them a handful of times at their request. Most of those times, they had ended up in bed together; but never as Reggie or Gina separately. They never discussed what they were; a couple? A throuple? It always just seemed to happen and then they were all too awkward to bring it up.

Since they shared a mind, Reggie knew Gina’s feelings toward Gabby were as romantic as his. But they never discussed the elephant in the room so to speak; who would be with her permanently if things did move ahead?

“I have a present for you both.” Gabby said after a moment, fishing around in her purse.

“It’s your birthday, you’re not supposed to be the one giving out presents.”

“Shuuuuuush.” Gabby hushed, handing them both a small box. “Open it! Open it!”

She was bouncing on her toes like a kid on Christmas morning and Reggie rolled his eyes fondly, opening the box to find…a necklace? Sure, necklaces weren't exclusive to girls but it took a certain ‘aesthetic’ to pull off a necklace as a guy and while Reggie wasn’t sure what it was, he was sure he didn’t have it.

He lifted the small silver chain up into the air to get a better look at it; a small pendant dangled on the end, half of a silver heart. He was immediately reminded of all those ‘Best Friends Forever’ necklaces girls used to wear back in elementary school and he felt simultaneously flattered and embarrassed. If Gabby had the other half though…maybe that would be okay. It was the thought that counts, right?

“I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid.” Gina grinned, holding up a similar necklace.

It was then Reggie realised hers was a mirror to his own.

“Wait, you have the other half?” He blinked in surprise before turning back to Gabby, “You got us friendship necklaces?”

“Yeah!” Gabby grinned as she leaned in, pulling the three of them into a huddle with their heads together. “They’re magic.”

Reggie felt his heart begin to race for an entirely new reason.

“All you have to do is link them together while wearing them and poof! Instant Regina.”

Gina’s eyes met him; they mirrored his own mixture of excitement and trepidation. They could fuse whenever they wanted now? Gina immediately put hers on and looked at him expectantly, her eyes flicking to where Gabby was waiting with a look of hungry anticipation on her face. Reggie knew, on some level, he should probably have more reservations about turning into a woman again but if he was honest with himself, he couldn’t wait.

Quick as he could he slid the necklace around his neck and grabbed Gina, dragging her behind a convenient partition to link the necklaces together. In an instant; a familiar dizzy feeling overtook him and Reggie found himself back in the now familiar form of Regina; curvy, female and dressed to impress in one of Gina’s signature outfits.

“Yes!” They cried, punching the air in excitement; their minds instantly merging into the singular entity known as Regina. “Let’s go!”

Gabby squealed in excitement as soon as Regina stepped out, running and hugging her like an old friend before taking hold of her wrist and dragging her toward the dance floor.

“Come on, let’s get our groove on!”

“Then we’ll get our drink on, I think I'm a bit behind you hun.” They giggled, giving her a wink and Gabby threw back her head and laughed.

Regina’s whole body was tingling with excitement; the club that had seemed so loud and daunting as Reggie now seemed like a wonderland and they couldn’t wait to experience it all with Gabby at their side.


Six months later…

Regina groaned as the sound of a high pitched, artificial ringtone disturbed their sleep.

‘Reggie, I am begging you, please set a custom tone.’

“What’s the point?” He groaned, grabbing blindingly for the bedside table and looking at the caller idea.

His mother.

“We gotta unfuse.”

‘Awwwww but I’m so comfy…’

“I can’t answer my mom with a girl's voice.”


They sat up and Reggie took over,  sleepily fiddling with the locket around their neck, snapping it apart. A moment later, they were themselves again, rubbing sleep from their eyes while Reggie grabbed for the phone.

“Hi mom.”

“Reggie! How are you sweetheart, it’s been so long since we spoke! What’s new?”

Gina flopped backwards dramatically into bed and wrapped the sheets around herself with a huff. A huff that was just that bit too loud.

“Reggie…do you have somebody with you?” His mother asked, her voice barely containing her excitement, “is there somebody in your life at la-”

“No mom, I was just stretching.” He lied, “Nothing new, same old, same old.”

He muddled his way through the conversation but he could tell from the tone of his mother’s voice she was convinced he had a secret girlfriend now. That was going to make Christmas fun this year. Maybe he could skip out, pretend he had some big holiday assignment that needed working on. After what felt like an age, she finally said goodbye and hung up and Reggie flopped back into bed with Gina.

Without a word she turned to him, holding out the locket and they fused once more, Regina sighing happily as they drifted into a peaceful doze. They were just about to fall asleep again in the warm morning heat when a knock at the door disturbed their sleep.

“Fucking hell.”

Resigning themselves to the fact that they weren't going back to sleep they dragged themselves out of bed to the door.


Regina smiled.

“Hey Gabby.”

The witch had a strange expression cross her face; one that Regina would normally have been able to decipher if she wasn't so groggy. It seemed all at once guilty and confused but passed too quickly for them to study.

“I came to tell you to pack your bags.” Gabby announced, “We’re going on a road trip.”


“Well, I was going to invite both Gina and Reggie but since you’re both sort of here that saves us time. Midnight Haven is performing in Chicago on Sunday night. One show only, first in, first served.”

Regina was instantly awake; Midnight Haven was the latest underground punk band. All three of them had been eagerly waiting for each new song they released online and the chance to see them live was far too tempting to turn down.

“I’ll pack a bag.”

Regina was like a whirlwind, throwing clothes and the essentials into a backpack; it was Friday morning, if they skipped class they could get driving and be in Chicago by Sunday evening without having to rush. Well worth it.

“Let’s go!” Regina grinned, locking the door behind them.

“Don't we need to go by Reggie’s dorm?” Gabby asked, “To get his stuff.”

Honestly, it hadn't crossed their mind.

“Nah, it’ll be easier to go as Regina, more likely to get in with just two of us rather than three.” They rationalised, “and if we are going to the concert as Regina we may as well just…spend the weekend as them.”

Gabby pursed her lips.

“You two have been fusing an awful lot lately, I am pretty sure the only time I see you separated is for classes.” Gaby shifted uncomfortably, “you do spend time as yourselves, right?”

“Of course.” Regina lied.

The truth was they were more or less fused permanently now; it just…felt right. They took a break here and there but inevitably one of them came running back within twenty four hours and the other held out the necklace without needing any explanation.

“Good.” Gabby smiled, “then I guess there is no harm in us doing a ‘girls’ trip with you like this.”

She held up her hand and Regina hi-fived it; a girls trip! That could be fun! Were they a girl? They were physically of course but when their minds were together it always felt like a little of both. Like most things that made her uncomfortable, Regina decided not to think about it.


Gabby had to drive naturally, it wasn't as if Regina had a licence. Which was a shame, because Reggie loved driving cross country.

‘We could get a licence.’ Gina suggested, ‘as Regina I mean. We’d pass no problem’

‘Don't we need some other form of ID to take the test?’

‘Oh yeah…maybe Gabby could make us some with magic?’

‘Is that something her magic can do?’

‘I don’t know, I've only ever seen her use it to transform us.’

“Uh, earth to Regina?”

A finger snapped in front of their face and Regina started; her minds melding back into one.

“Sorry, what?”

“I was asking you if you wanted to stop for lunch.”

“Oh! Sure! It’s fun finding out what tastes I get from each side.” Regina smiled, “Gina and Reggie were just wondering, besides transforming, what else can your magic do?”

Gabby stiffened and her grip on the wheel turned tight.

“Why?” She asked cooly, there was a sudden tension in the air that made Regina think asking her about making fake documents was not the best idea.

“Just curious that’s all, can you blame them? Blame me?”

“I guess not, I just…don't like to talk about it.” Gabby said after a moment, “some members of my family use magic to solve all their issues and it sort of makes them into assholes. I try not to use it too much, you know? I want other skills in life, ones I earn and work at, not just something I happened to be born with.”

Regina pressed her lips together, suddenly feeling guilty for asking.

“I can get that.”

“I want people to like me because of who I am, and get a job because of my skills. Not because I can do magic.”

Gabby’s knuckles were white against the steering wheel.

“Unlike some people in my family, who snap their fingers and punish people for the slightest of infractions, seriously the shit some of them have pulled…” Her eyes turned hard before she shook her head and suddenly, fun loving, friendly Gabby was back and smiling. “But that’s not important! What’s important is enjoying our trip!”

“Exactly.” Regina agreed, glad the tension was dissipating.

Still, she couldn’t resist reaching out and laying a hand on Gabby’s thigh.

“Just so you know, I like you for you Gabby, so do Gina and Reggie.” She said sincerely and Gabby’s lips quivered into a sad sort of smile.

She whispered something to herself that Regina couldn’t hear.


“Nothing!” Gabby deflected, “oh look! A diner! Let’s get some food and forget this whole conversation.”

Hurriedly they pulled into the parking lot of the highway diner; it looked like all the ones from the movies; so much so it actually made the two of them giggle. The inside was shabby, clearly this place had been built decades ago and not updated much in the meantime. It was clean enough; but the tiles were faded and the fake, shiny red leather of the seats had seen better days.

They settled into a booth and decided to order the most ‘diner like’; options available and ended up with milkshakes and burgers with a side of fries that was frankly irresponsibly big. Regina grinned, picking up a fry and swiping it through her milkshake before eating it only to freeze as her two personalities immediately went to war.

‘Ew! What did you just make us eat?” Gina groaned, ‘hot chips and ice cream? Together?’

‘Uh, yeah? You tasted that just as much as I did, didn't you? It’s great!’

‘This meal is fatty enough! We don’t have to ruin it too.’

“Are you two arguing?” Gabby asked, not looking remotely bothered.

“Just trying to convince Gina how good fries and milkshakes are together.” Reggie grinned, taking control and eating another chip, much to the chagrin of his mind mate.

“Sorry, I have to agree with her here, my friend.”

Feeling emboldened by his Regina form Reggie reached forward.

“That’s because you’ve never tried it! Reggie insisted, grabbing one of the fries and dipping it in her milkshake before she could protest and offering it to her. “Trust me.”

Gabby hesitated, pressing her lips together before reluctantly taking the chip and taking a bite. The effect was instant; confusion, followed by surprise and elation.

“Told you!”

‘Gabby no!’


“I told you!” Reggie beamed, “perfect mix of salty, sweet, hot and cold.”

Gabby smiled sweetly and repeated the process and Reggie felt his chest turn warm with affection.

“You know, it is nice just to hang out with you again, Reggie.” Gabby said quietly, eyes downcast.

Reggie immediately felt a stab of hurt from Gina and was going to say something but Gabby continued.

“Gina too I mean, I feel like I only ever see Regina lately. Not that I don’t love them, I just…miss you guys sometimes.”

She was saying it casually, but there was an undercurrent of emotion in her voice. She was trying to hide just how awkward it was to say this to them.

“We just like being this way.” Regina admitted, melting together once more. “It feels right.”

“I have to admit…I was a little worried when you guys kept coming to me asking to fuse.” Gabby said, “I thought maybe…you just wanted the magic.”

Regina reached across the table and grabbed hold of Gabby’s hand, forcing her to look right into their eyes.

“Gabby, you’re our friend, the magic is the last thing on our mind.” They said sincerely, “Never doubt that. The magic was just…a fun side effect, like having a friend with a sports car or something. I like the person behind the wheel, not the car.”

Gabby smiled sadly with a bitter laugh.

“That was a terrible metaphor.”

“Neither of my halves is a poet.” Regina squeezed her hand. “But they do both care for you. A lot….just like me.”

Regina’s cheeks began to get hot and she watched a blush creep across Gabby’s as she smiled; genuinely this time.

“That’s really nice to hear.” She replied, her voice thick with emotion. “Thank you.”

How long had Gabby been thinking like this? Regina felt awful for not noticing, what sort of friend was she?

“Aw, ain’t tha’ sweet.”

The voice of the middle aged waitress made them jump, hands snaking back to their own sides as she topped up their coffee.

“Oh no honey, don't you two go hidin’ we get all sorts out here.” The waitress said happily, oblivious to the tender moment she’d ruined. “Ladies loving ladies, I think it’s cute, y’know? You girlies get back on with it! I won’ disturb again!”

She gave them a wink and the soft blush on Regina’s cheeks turned to a burn. Being mistaken for a couple felt…odd somehow. Even if they had gone to bed together quite a few times. Now of course, her mind was wandering to the last time while she ate, her blood beginning to turn hot under his skin.

“Well, should we get going, don’t want to lose the daylight.” Gabby cleared her throat and Regina nodded.

They both walked into the bathroom to clean up and Regina could feel a tension in the air. Unlike in the car, this tension wasn't sad or awkward. Quite the opposite in fact, Regina could tell they weren’t the only one who had been thinking about their last little tryst all through the meal. They washed their hands and a second later, Regina felt her hips being pushed into the sink as Gabby leapt on her, pressing their bodies together; breasts crushing against one another while their mouths clashed.

It was frenzied; hands were petting and slipping under clothes while their legs wound together, using the bench as support. To their shock, Regina realised this was the first time they had done anything like this completely sober. Gabby’s fingers slipped under Regina’s skirt and danced along the inside of their thighs.

Inside their mind both Reggie and Gina were trembling with excitement; Gabby was…very good with her fingers to put it mildly. After a moment's teasing she began to rub at the front of Regina’s panties and she copied the motion in turn; deftly unzipping Gabby’s jeans and slipping a finger inside.

The two of them moaned, Gabby shuddering and Regina’s finger made its way inside her panties and began to rub at the smooth wetness spreading over her folds. It didn't take long for them both to pick up speed and boldness, kissing each other to swallow down any sounds that escaped.

None of them had ever done something like this; finger fucking in a public bathroom where they could be caught at any moment; right out in the open too! Not even in the stalls like some people would do. The thrill of discovery added an extra edge of taboo to their actions and Regina felt themselves getting closer even quicker than usual. The Reggie in them wanted to savour the moment a little longer and hold out as long as they could but Gina felt desperate for satisfaction.

With a shudder they came as Gabby continued to lick and kiss their neck, rubbing circles round their clit to make the orgasm last. Determined to finish her off as well Regina focused, still swimming in residual pleasure she pressed a finger up into Gabby’s passage and stroked at her G spot once, twice, then a third time was all she needed.

Gabby's mouth opened and a loud moan began to escape before Regina clamped her own mouth over it. Biting down softly on Gabby's lips and muffling the sound as much as possible. All while holding her tight as she shivered and came.

For a moment they stayed like that, still leaning against the sinks before quickly springing apart as the sound of heels on tile approached. The nosy waitress stuck her head in.

“You girlies okay?”

“Uh, fine.” Gabby cleared her throat, “Just a bit of a stomach ache that’s all.”

The woman’s mouth pressed into a tight line as her eyes darted between the two of them. Regina got the distinct impression she was trying to find some proof that something untoward was happening; the fingers she hid behind her back still slick with juice felt like a red hot poker.

“Alrighty then.” Said the waitress, with none of the cheer from before as she slowly closed the door.

Gabby and Regina both sighed in relief and rushed to clean their hands, faces still burning with a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment.

“That was…”


A sudden blaring sound made them both jump; that same artificial ringtone that they knew as Reggie’s phone. Awkwardly Regina fished out the phone and sighed, the caller ID read ‘Mom’.

“I’d better take this.” Regina sighed, “But uh, better not take it in the girls bathroom.”

Gabby snorted and waved her arm toward the door as Regina ducked out and into the hallways. After quickly checking the coast was clear they snapped the necklace and…


Panic surged through them as they tore both necklaces off and stared at them in their free hand. The phone in the other rang out; which would guarantee a barrage of calls soon to follow but that was the least of their worries.

‘Why didn’t we change back?!’ Gina cried.

‘I don’t know! The necklaces are apart! We’re not even wearing them!’

They stared down at the broken necklace in their hands with mounting panic.

“It’s…fine.” Reggie breathed, trying to stay cool for the both of them as he felt Gina’s panic getting stronger. “If the necklace is broken then Gabby can just turn us back herself. It’s fine.”

Just as the words left his mouth Gabby appeared; stepping out with a quizzical look on her face; clearly confused seeing Regina still here instead of her two separate personalities. Then her eyes fell on the broken necklace and her eyes grew wide. Reggie felt his heart sink into his stomach.

Something told him this wasn't going to be an easy fix.


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