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Tier reward for Jason

Honda, the clumsy mage, accidentally turns herself into a dog woman and her girlfriend, the dominant rogue Saki, takes full advantage of it.


These characters were featured in the story At Her Mercy, a longer multiple TF story.  This can be read on its own but that story may give you more context.

Bluestone Guild was the most prestigious of its kind on the continent. The heroes and mages that worked there were the first port of call for Kings and Queens in need of help with dragon slaying and monster hunting. Recruits had to go through extensive training before they were even given the most rudimentary of missions, not only for their safety but for the good of the guild’s name.

Even months later, it never ceased to amaze Saki just how Honda managed to gain membership. She was the worst mage in existence; yes her magic was powerful but she could barely control it. To the point that even the most simple of cantrips and spells sometimes failed when she failed to muster the correct amount of power. Other times she would try to light a candle and end up turning it into a butterfly or some other ridiculous unintended side effect.

It seemed transformation magic was her only real skill; the only kind of spell she could do with any sort of regularity but even that was still a fifty fifty shot at best. Still, Saki liked her. She was easily flustered, so much fun to tease and most important of all; hot.

She wasn't the sort of person Saki had ever expected to date but Honda just made it so easy. A few orders and the woman was putty in her hands. That and she was easy to manipulate into transforming things for her. Saki was a rogue and always in need of a new tool here and there and the power trip she got from ordering her girlfriend to become a lockpick, a cloak or some other item made her so hot.

Normally, one of the guild's highest ranking members dating somebody at the lowest level would cause gossip but nobody dared when it came to Saki. She was ruthless and all she needed to do to stop whispers was give people a hard stare; nobody would dare cross her. Not that it stopped people teasing Honda. More than once she had come back to Saki’s room upset about some comment or another. But Saki refused to step in, much. A look here and there would suffice.

“You need to grow a spine.” She sighed, “I can’t always save you.”

“I know.” Honda would fidget, “I really do try to get better at magic.”

“I know, but it’s not doing you much good is it?”

The mage would pout and spend hours practising, usually coming home red in the face after having accidentally turned herself into a fan or a pair of pants and been unable to change back for hours. It was a little funny, Saki had to admit. Her latest mistake though, this was hands down Saki’s favourite. She sort of hoped Honda never figured out how to fix it.


Saki smiled to herself as she approached her rooms; she’d been gone for days trekking after a manticore that had been terrorising a local village. Of course with her rogue skills, it had been quickly dispatched and a hefty reward collected. Still, manticores weren't a walk in the park, even for her and her body was dirty and ached. She was looking forward to getting home and having Honda lavish some attention on her.

“Honda? I’m ba-ah!”

She hadn't even finished speaking when a small body collided with her with such force she would have been knocked backwards, were she not a highly trained warrior.

“I missed you sooooo much.” Honda sighed, hugging her girlfriend tight, “even more than usual.”

Saki wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and smiled; Honda had always had a much shorter stature than her, but now she only just reached her waist.  Which was fortunate because it gave Saki a perfect view of the floppy, puppy dog style ears that Honda now possessed.

She had been attempting to transform herself into a wolf to better aid in battle, instead she’d ended up halfway there; half canine, half human. And not even a wolf, but a golden furred dog with floppy ears and a big tail that constantly wagged between her legs. The final detail being that, of course, she hadn't been able to reverse the change.

“Still a dog girl I see.” Saki teased, giving Honda a pat on the head.

The younger woman blushed deeply but couldn't hide her happiness at the gesture; her tail was wagging like mad.

“I’m trying but it’s so hard! For some reason the cure just won’t come!”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

“Couldn’t you ask one of the more experienced spell casters to help me?”

“If I keep doing that you’ll never learn to control your powers.” Saki replied harshly, but secretly, she was enjoying this new version of her girlfriend too much to expedite her turning back.

Honda was already eager to please, this new dog version of her took that to a whole new level. Saki walked through the through and sat herself down on the comfy arm chair by her fire, putting her feet up and sighing in relief.

“It’s been a long day.” She groaned, ”take my shoes off wont you?”

“Of course!” Honda practically skipped across the room to remove Saki’s shoes before leaning up against the chair with a happy smile.

Saki giggled, patting her girlfriend on the head again and watching as that fluffy, golden tail thumped on the floor in contentment. Saki’s smile turned to a grin as she continued to pat, running her fingers through Honda’s hair a little bit more firmly before taking one of those floppy ears between her thumb and forefinger and rubbing. The sound Honda made was delicious; a mix between a moan and a high pitched whine; desperate and embarrassed all at once.

“You like that.”

“They’re…sensitive.” Honda blushed.

“That’s not what I asked.”


Saki rubbed a little harder watching as a shiver moved down Honda’s spine. She wondered for a moment before speaking, in her huskiest, most authoritative tone;

“That’s a good girl.”

The effect was instant; Honda’s tail went insane, wagging so much it made her but wiggle back and forth in response and brought a blush to the smaller woman’s face and a grin to Saki’s. She could see the humiliation in Honda’s face and Saki cooed, moving her hand to scratch the kneeling woman under the chin.

“Aw, does that make you happy to hear?”

“Yes…” Honda shivered, tilting her head so that Saki’s shar nails could scratch at the hollow of her throat, “That feels s-so nice…”

“This brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘loyal dog’ doesn’t it.” Saki teased, “You’ve always been one, runt, but this is pretty intense.”

Honda shuddered, it had been a while since Saki called her a runt. She always meant it fondly, even if her tone was harsh. Honda really was a runt though, small in almost every way, except for her bust and ass. Now that she’d been shrunk the term was even more appropriate and even though Honda would never dare admit it out loud, Saki knew the name turned her on.

With a mischievous grin Saki picked Honda up, an easy feat with her strength made even more trivial by the fact that her girlfriend had shrunk to half her usual size. Honda gave an indignant squeak which turned into a dog like whine as Honda placed her on her lap.

“If you blush any more you’re likely to break a blood vessel.” Saki grinned and Honda buried her face in her hands in embarrassment while Skai laughed.

“Oh come on.” Saki cooed, “I think it’s cute, my own loyal lap dog.”

Honda whined again but said nothing, she seemed too distracted by Saki’s hands still patting her atop her head. Saki couldn’t help but wonder, just how far did these new dog-like habits go? Normally when Honda transformed, she was still herself in every way but physical but this change seemed to have brought on something new. The rogue decided to put it to the test.

“You know, I am feeling a little stiff.” She mused aloud, “Maybe I should go for a…walk?”

Honda’s ears pricked and her whole body stiffened despite her best efforts; Saki grinned, she was trying to hide just how excited the idea of a walk made her.

“Or perhaps it’s you who needs some exercise, you’ve been stuck here all by yourself for days.” Saki continued, “I imagine you haven’t been going out much.”

“Not really.” Honda demurred, still trying not to sound excited.

“Perhaps instead of a walk we could play a game to exercise you…fetch perhaps.”


Honda looked equal parts humiliated, scandalised and excited by the idea. Saki pulled one of the chopsticks from Honda’s hair free and waved it back and forth in the air, watching as her girlfriends eyes went wide with want and locked onto the item hungrily. Then, with a lazy arm, Saki threw the stick across the room.

“Fetch, runt.”

The effect was instant. Honda practically launched herself off Saki’s lap and dove across the room, even bounding on all fours for a moment before stumbling to her feet mid run. Saki cuckold to herself as Honda skidded to a halt before the stick and hesitated for a brief moment before snatching it up in her hand and freezing in place.

Her face was a mask of embarrassment and humiliation, clearly she was mortified at what she’d just done and Saki felt her skin grow warm in response. She couldn’t help it, Honda was just so hot when she was embarrassed; with her pink cheeks and the way she bit her lip. It was weaponized cuteness.

“Want to do it again?” Saki taunted and Honda turned to face her.

Yes, weaponized cuteness was the word; watching Honda there on her knees, legs apart with the stick in one hand pressed against her lips made Saki shiver with want. The dog ears and fluffy tail only added to the appeal. The fact that she was so clumsy only added to the appeal; she was a walking shrine to the concept of moe.

She was shifter her shoulders back and forth awkwardly, seemingly wrestling with her desire to give into the more doggy influences or to resist for the sake of her dignity. Saki held back a laugh; there wasn't much point int he latter at this stage.

“Come on, let’s play girl, bring it here…”

The dog impulses won out and Honda scampered over eagerly and dropped the stick back in Saki’s hand who threw it once more. This time though, she stopped Honda from running off straight away.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting the stick?” She replied, cocking her head in confusion.

Saki grinned and waggled her finger back and forth in admonishment.

“Oh no, doggies run on all fours.”

“Oh…ummm…well, I don’t know…”

Saki cupped Honda’s face and forced the other woman to look at her.

“You want to be a good girl, don't you?”

Honda’s eyes went wide and her pupils dilated. Why she constantly denied herself the pleasure of being a sub when that was so clearly what she was, Saki would never know. Honda swallowed and nodded.

“Then on all fours, off you go. And make sure to pick up the stick in your mouth.”

Off she went, skittering across the floor trying her best to hide her smile. It was sweet. Back and forth they went, Honda fetching the stick in her mouth in return for a pat or scratch behind the ears along with a word or two of praise. Saki watched with hungry eyes as that blush on Honda’s cheeks began to spread down her neck to her shoulders and undoubtedly her breasts. She could see the desire growing in the other woman’s eyes; being treated like a dog was turning her on.

“Who’s my sweet pup?” Saki cooed, taking Honda’s face in her hands and squeezing her cheeks a little as the other woman giggled.

“Me.” She sighed happily, stretching and leaning into the touch as Saki began to scratch the back of her neck.

“You could use a bath though.” Saki wrinkled her nose, “all that running has made you stink, I could use one myself actually after all my hard work.”

“Oh! I should have thought of that!” Honda pouted, “I’ll run us a bath!”

“Off you go then.”

Saki leaned back, enjoying the sight of Honda flitting back and forth hurried preparing their wooden tub and filling it with hot steaming water. She was still turned on and obviously hoping for more praise because she put extra effort in, adding bath salts and oils she knew Saki enjoyed.

“You go first.” Honda offered demurely but Saki shook her head.

Normally, she always went first but tonight she felt like teasing her little doggie a bit more.

“No, I want to wash you first.”

“W-wash me? I can do it myself!” Honda insisted, “Just because I’m a little smaller now doesn’t mean I’m helpless!”

Saki almost bit back that Honda was hopeless no matter what size she was but she held her tongue. Instead she scratched her behind the ears again and watched as Honda’s eyes rolled back slightly in pleasure.

“I want to take care of my good little doggie.” Saki insisted, “That means washing you.”

“O-Okay…” Honda replied dreamily.

“Good, so strip.”

A shiver went down Honda’s spine strong enough that she couldn’t hide it and obediently, she began to undress. Slowly removing all the complicated layers of her mages armour. Saki sat back, enjoying the show as Honda tried to appear as conservative as possible; it was simply impossible to undress with a bust that large though.

After a few minutes she was finally fully naked and Saki could appreciate the thin line of fur that was growing around her tail and along her back now. As well as the small pink nipples that dotted her stomach in two neat rows. Not full breasts, but definitely more teets than the usual human.

Honda stepped into the water and wrapped her arms around her legs self consciously, turning her back to Saki as she made her way over. The rogue got to work, gently combing her fingers through Honda’s hair, using a pitcher to pour water through it and undo all the knots and tangles before adding soap and lathering it between the strands.

Slowly, Honda began to relax a little, her grip on her knees relaxing as she leaned into the touch and Saki chuckled.

“I keep telling you not to hide your body from me. You have nothing to be ashamed of there, Honda.”

“I know…” She shrugged, “I’m just not as confident as you. You’re so cool and I’m so…not.”

“That’s why you have to listen to me.” Saki cooed, rubbing Honda’s ears as she rinsed the soap from her hair. “If you obey me and follow my example you’ll be respected in no time.”

“I’m trying…I…ummm.”

Saki smiled to herself, watching as one of Honda’s legs began to shake a little. She experimented, rubbing the floppy ear back and forth between her thumb and forefinger while scratching the back of Honda’s neck. Honda began to shift, but not out of discomfort; she was rubbing her legs together, her tail whipped between them, causing the water to ripple.

“You’re getting turned on.” Saki whispered and Honda whimpered.

“Want more pats?”


Saki moved one of her hands to Honda’s front and began to play with her tits. Tweaking the nipples a few times before moving down the curve of her breasts so where those extra nipples sat and began to run her flat hand over them. Slowly rubbing circles on Honda’s belly while the other woman stretched out to allow her better access.

“Ohhhh…Ooooohhhhhh Saki that’s s-soooo…”

She lost her words, they turned to high pitched whines in her throat and her tail began to wag even more furiously. Saki wondered if it were possible to make Honda cum with belly rubs alone; probably, she was so easy to get off. Especially after she’d been teased for a while. That wasn’t what she wanted though. Instead she stopped, giggling a little at the dissatisfied whine that escaped Honda’s throat.

Saki divested herself o her clothes and then quickly pulled her naked, tiny girlfriend from the bathtub and sat her on her lap, straddling her. For a moment Honda looked confused but then her eyes rolled back as Saki began to finger her. One hand between her folds, the other on her head, stroking her.

“That’s my good doggie.” Saki cooed, “You’re like a little bitch in heat aren’t you?


“Say it.” Saki ordered, “Admit you're a bitch in heat.”

“I-ah, I’m a bitch in heat.” Honda groaned, leaning forward against Saki’s naked chest and rocking her hips back and forth. “Please don't stop. Please.”

Normally, she would. Saki loved bringing Honda right to the edge several times before finally letting her cum but this time she didn’t. Something about the desperate look in her eyes made her continue. Her eyes were wide and cute, puppy dog eyes, she was so desperate even Saki couldn’t deny her.

Saki curled her fingers up into Honda’s tight hole, brushing against all the spots she knew drove the other woman wild and causing her to start to shake all over. She pump[ed in and out for less than a minute before a gush of juices coated her fingers and legs as Honda came.

The mage threw back her head and howled as she came. Saki filed the sound away for any late nights away on missions where Honda couldn’t service her. Watching her usually reserved and skittish girlfriend cum so boldly was such a turn on; she did that to her.

Honda collapsed against Saki's chest, breathing heavily and practically burning with heat.

“Look at the mess you made.” Saki chided, withdrawing her fingers and pushing Honda back slightly to see. “You’d better clean this up, bitch. I did just do something nice for you.”

Honda shivered again with heavily lidded eyes before leaning forward and licking at Saki's fingers. Lapping up her own juices obediently and without hesitation. Saki couldn't help but groan a little; it was so hot having her girlfriend sitting naked on her lap licking her fingers. Soon she had cleaned them entirely and Saki decided it was time she got some satisfaction as well.

“Don’t forget my thighs, you made a mess there too.”

Saki spread her legs and Honda eagerly dove between them, licking her way up Saki’s legs and inner thighs making the rogue shiver. It didn't take Honda long to reach her pussy, Saki could feel her slightly wet nose pressing against her clit and she groaned. Saki reached a hand out and gripped the back of Honda’s head, giving her a praising pat on the head; that was all the other woman needed.

She began to lick at Saki’s clit in the exact way she liked it. Saki had been very firm in teaching her exactly what she liked in bed and by now Honda was a natural. Being part canine now had only increased her dexterity with her tongue. She swirled it around Saki’s hole before plunging it in and out a few times and returning her attention to the clit.

It was almost too good, Saki tried to hold herself back, she didn't want the runt getting her off so easily but it was hard. She was just so damn turned on! She tried to focus on Honda, rubbing her ears and patting her head; she could feel the other woman shaking as the praise turned to pleasure for her. It was time to test if she really could cum from this sort of touch.

Just as she was about to fall over the edge, Saki reached down and tweaked at one of Honda’s dog nipples and the mage moaned, cumming again and she sucked on Saki’s sex. Saki’s back arched; she could feel the vibrations of Honda’s moan moving through her as she came and it was the hottest thing she’d ever experienced.

The two of them collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. Honda was panting, her tongue lolling out and Saki chuckled at the sight of her pillowed against her thigh. She hoped Honda never figured out how to fix this spell.


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